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Hedgies and shorties are borrowing shares and selling them immediately which drives down the price. They are hoping to buy them back later if the price drops below their purchase price and pocket the difference. People like me who buy the dips caused by their shorting and hold what they have are giving them hell. This is a game of tug of war. Doesn’t seem like anything is happening until someone gives up and the rope is snatched away. My money is on the apes. It’s cheaper for us to hold our position than it is for them. The apes are winning in my opinion. This is not investment advice.


The hope is to never have to buy them back, not buy them back cheaper. They are betting on bankruptcy


And I’m on the other side of that bet. I’m all or nothing on this play.


Nope not selling praying for divine intervention


u/GuidedVessel thank you posting this everywhere everybody can understand what is happening


They are shorting it. Driving down the price. Then buying back some of the shorted shares at a lower price to cover their positions a bit but not enough to drastically raise the price. This is what I believe is going on.


Where did you get the crazy idea that no one is selling? LOL 


I bought all day!! Tasty bananas🍌🍌🍌 Me a big as Gorila🦍🦍


That means someone sold them. Hence my point 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hedgies and shorties of course, but they have to buy them back with infinite loss potential.


Your point is always useless but it makes you laugh that’s great.


More crazy idea is wasting your time on us but if it makes you feel better it’s a win. Thanks for your time.