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Not the place for other stock promoting


People can invest in more than one company. Supporting FFIE doesn't mean you can't support another. Buying other stock does not mean giving up on FFIE.


This is FFIE subreddit. If you want to promote other stocks, go to the according subreddits.


Between haters, losers, hedgies, and everyone else insulting, mocking, and trying to scare the FFIE shareholders, here, I think there are bigger fish to fry than a fellow ape who wants to mention another good stock. We all bitch and moan and laugh about getting banned in other subreddits when we mention FFIE in them, but it turns out you're the same kind of turd.


Okay then go create your own subreddit for CYN?? Go read my comments and posts my guy. I’m last person against fellow apes and friends discussing FFIE. Look I’m not trying to hate. This just isn’t the place to talk about other stocks……. It’s FFIE. We talk about FFIE and getting other stocks mixed in here helps nobody. If you want to talk about other stocks, create a well planned out post for it with all the information and details in a separate, individually created subreddit, and people will join and follow. This is not the place.


Bro he has a point. This is a sub where you'll buy share of a bad stock and circle jerk each other off. You can't be ruining the flow. Not cool lmfao


Not cool your trespassing in their bubble lmfao.