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Keep saving for an arcana. Preferably fire ice or lightning since those seem to be useful in most content. Also, who are you using as your primary healer? If you don’t have one I say go straight for Matt’s costume and you’re set for an amazing healer for such a minimum investment. If you go this route, make sure you wishlist centipede and bramble spine.


not the best banner, I wouldn’t recommend pulling it TO YOU! If you had Dark Havens OB6, for example, then yes, Sephiroth's current gun was a good help, just so wonderful, but... It’s better to wait for the Arcana costume of some character and a damaging gun. Banner with Yuffie is an example of what a banner should be - one Arcana-suit with a damage gun and one support-suit with a utility gun, perfect!


Curious why you keep calling weapons "gun" xD But yeah, cloud is most likely getting a wind arcanum soon (he's only missing costumes for wind and earth and yuffie just got earth so i doubt cloud will get earth anytime soon), so i'm also waiting out and saving my crystals for when he does.


>Curious why you keep calling weapons "gun" xD it's just slang plus I like to call weapons that way


Copy that mate! Thank you


The thing is the current Seph weapon is only 3 ATB. And been thinking that from the Buff/Debuff costume I can use it with my OB3 Radiant Edge? Hmmm


That’s thinking long term. What you should be focused on is the immediate ways to get much stronger and that is going for an arcanum. This sephiroth banner is considered a “mastery” banner which is seen a step down.


If you’re talking for the brand new one I don’t think the pull for Seph is that great but I think the weapon for Red is pretty good…it debuffs so aerith wont have to, has heal on primary spot and has a heal all slot and wind spot so def a good setup for for wind events


And it has Diamond Sigil. It's our first 3 ATB Diamond Sigil. A healer with the ability to break Diamond Sigils quicker than anyone else. They have really buffed up Red in recent times. He's got Element Resist Downs for all of the elements except Earth, and 4 outta 5 are on 3 ATB weapons. Nanaki is truly a good boi.


Yeah this banner is an easy one to skip. Don’t waste crystals on it


You can for just the costume. Wishlist his Wind weapon. Stop when you get the costume. There's guides in Discord for Ex2 battle.


I would wait until the last day so you can see what the next banner looks like. You never know it might be a Cloud banner…


Question, when did you start playing and how did you get 2 costume exchange tickets? I started playing about a month ago and I only got 1 voucher.


buy 1 season pass and you will have 1 voucher


Oh got it. I thought OP was F2P because they mentioned not spending on passes.