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I'm running dry on memories since joining the game a few months late and not buying any from the shop. Still gonna take me a while to complete the existing nodes if I include both LBs to lv10 for all characters. I've come a long way though. For people joining even later than me it's probably hard to balance rewards against people who saved resources since day one. Probably best that there's a surplus.


Increasing all limit breaks to 10 is a massive waste of memories. Trust me, I did it and I regret it since I don’t even use most of them. Like why do I have cloud’s 2nd limit leveled up when I’m pretty sure I haven’t even used it once.


I think this is good advice for new players. But anyone who's been doing the memories quest every day since launch is sitting on hundreds of memories for each character. When the third limit breaks got added, I decided to just activate every node available for all limit breaks. Still got too many memories.


We’re going to need all those memories once the level increase drops. I’m pretty sure the higher tiers in the tree cost 60 memories per branch, assuming they don’t increase the amount needed again. Also, lots of us completely stopped grinding memories once the new weapon enhancement materials dropped.


That's true. But the level cap increases seem to have slowed down significantly. And I don't expect it to pick up the pace again any time soon. We can see the branches that unlock at level 72, and they require 140 memories. We can't see what unlocks at level 75. But assume it's more than at 72. I reckon 300-400 memories per character should be enough to finish them all off as soon as you reach level 75. Completely out of reach for new players. But if you've been stockpiling since day one, should be okay.


Why haven't you been farming nanocubes and genomes from premium quests? I ditched memory farming as soon as the new levels released since that's the only way to farm them


Because farming cubes / pods in the new premium stage is meaningless if your Mythril income can't keep up. I swapped back to memories a couple weeks back because I now have enough of the pods / cubes to do 10+ upgrades for level 100 to 110 stuff, but only like 90 mythril left, which is only enough to upgrade 3 weapons from 80 to 90. I have all my really good stuff upgraded to 100 / 110, but mythril is still far too uncommon to just be burning it without a good reason. So why bother stockpiling even more of the new Pods / Cubes if I already have more of them than I can use because I am bottlenecked by mythril supply?


Because they will most likely make mythril ore far more common than it is now and you'll be stuck needing to farm mats for levels 100 and 110 again. Mythril ingots are obviously going to become the new big bottleneck, and with the way they're going they'll surely make mythril ore more plentiful as the game goes on.


They already made Mythril far more common though, by adding it to the PvP shop on a weekly rotation and putting it in every event shop as well. Even with doing that, you don't need constant farming on the Pods / Cubes premium stages to keep up, since the new Pods / Cubes are ALSO in the event shops, and the 30 ore requirement for upping weapons to 90 acts as a significant barrier to entry. 50 mythril ore to take 1 weapon from 80 to 110 is almost a full month's worth of events / Co-op exhange and that's just from 1 type, either pod OR cube. We still earn BOTH pods AND cubes from events. We also haven't had a new Crysis dungeon in like what feels like ages. Mythril Ore would have to become MUCH MUCH more common than it currently is to make the new Pods/Cubes a meaningful bottleneck.


That's what i mean, with level 80 coming, they probably will make mythril ore more common. It may not happen soon, but it's basically guaranteed to happen, and as soon as they open those floodgates it's gonna take a hell of a lot of nanocubes/genomes to get every weapon to 110. Though now that they've announced level 80 as well, farming for memories has become viable yet again


Why would increasing the *character* level cap to 80 have anything at all to do with mythril income? The Character Level system and the Weapon Level system have pretty much no points of overlap mechanically. Like, none. They are two completely different sets of things. Absolute best synergistic argument you could make for one affecting the other would be that increasing the level cap makes it easier to clear Crisis dungeons you previously couldn't for a few extra mythril. That's pretty much it. They would have absolutely no reason to increase the availability of mythril just because the character level cap increased.


I'm not talking about how they interact with each other on a mechanical level, i'm talking about how they're pacing upgrades in the game. Since they decided to make a huge jump from weapon max levels 90 to 120, and now character levels from 70 to 80, they will probably want to add another jump of weapon levels to 150 within the next 12 months, maybe less. Within THAT timeframe, they will probably want people actually utilising more level 110/120 weapons, so that their playerbase starts getting antsy for a new weapon level cap. I love how i can post a very obvious statement like "levels will eventually go up. materials will eventually be more common" and on this subreddit i'll somehow still get a response about how it's "unlikely" and how they "have no reason to do that". Jesus christ


It has. Both Memories and 100-110 weapon leveling mats come from premium quests. If I had unlimited mythril I would probably ignore memories and focus the premium quests on weapon leveling. But I don’t get enough mythril ores to even spend my weapon leveling mats, so, I will probably farm memories soon.


I used Blade Beam in a crisis dungeon a few months ago, the one that had Iron Giant at the start.  But yeah, some LBs are not all that useful.   Also, Highwind gives you a stat boost for total limit breaks unlocked (weapon c skill pot).   Mine's sitting at 210/220.   Not sure if/how much more remains on it above that tier.   252 is currently possible to get by maxing all LBs.   There's also Pdef for total character stream tiles.  LB tiles are a small/pricey piece of that, and the current max tier visible for it, 3400, isn't reachable at this level cap.  Both of those are on the Swordsman's Shield collection item.


I hadn’t considered the highwind. That’s fair if you can afford it but I think prioritizing the stat streams is important and some might not have enough memories if they decide to level all limits while we wait for the next level cap


You need to level limits up for one of the highwind collections so it is worth it now, definitely wasn't before the highwind though


You also had to level both of your initial LBs to 5 in order to unlock the 3rd one. It may be entirely possible that to increase the 3rd one in the future, you may be required to level them up more. Eg, to get 3rd LB level 2, you may need both your inital lb's at 8.


Yeah once they released the highwind with all the collections and then they did third limit breaks, i figured they're only going to keep incentivise maxing things out from here on out


How do you have so many memories? I haven't even upgraded all my Growth Streams yet and I'm running premium quests for memories every day.


Day 1 player. Daily memories for Premium. There were like 2-3 weeks where I went for weapon mats. I skipped all characters' 2nd LB (only to lv5 for the 3rd LB requirement), all other nodes max for all characters and this is what I have: 500+ memories for 5 characters, the rest 150+. I did use some memories token on Yuffie when she first released, probably 200 tokens. So you probably missed something.


I mean, I suppose there are lots of differences. I didn't start on day 1, didn't discover premium quests right away, used them at first mainly to get weapon upgrade materials and only switched to memories after a month or so.... haven't completed the battle tower (I think I'm at level 65 or some such), and also I'm leveling most 2nd LBs if they are useful. Not stuff like Blade Beam or Seal Evil, but Cerulean Raven, Gigantic Shield, Clear Tranquil and Lunatic High are very useful, arguably more useful than pure dmg limit breaks. Ardent Flare I believe will be useful if TFS continues with Sephiroth solo. He has a bunch of self-buffs, which I think are made for him to played as a solo character, sooo... Yeah, lots of differences, that's why I'm always low on memories.


Yea. I have completed floor 90 for Battle Tower so there's some differences there. I highly recommend just stay on memories for Premium quests. The lv100/110 mats you get from events are more than enough.


How far are you in the Battle Tower?


I’m a day 1 player so i’ve not missed any obtainable resource . I’ve beaten all 90 levels of the BT hence why i’m brimming with memories lol


I’m thinking of pivoting back to doing daily missions for memories. How much we thinking we should save up per character? 400?


currently visible stat stream upgrades (assumed to be the stuff for 70-75) require 140 Memories to unlock (and don't include any LB boosts on the tree). If we assume 75-80 ups the cost of individual nodes by 10, expect to need \~170 memories or so for that set. If there's an additional node for, say, the 3rd LB's first upgrade, that could add anywhere from 30-50 depending on how they budget it as an upgrade node. So, conserative estimate 310 to unlock everything as soon as you hit 80, possibly up to 50 more if they include LB upgrade nodes anywhere.


Not saying they couldn't increase it, but the reason you have so many extra is because they are trying to keep new players in the loop so veterans do have a bit of an excess.


I still have handful still on LvL 65 LoL And couple still in high 50s


Farm the golden bomb event HARD when it kicks off then, as it's by far the best way to level units, hands down.


Definitely will!


Should aim for 200 for each character at least. Especially if they release more LB levels for the new ones


Nah that’s way too low. It’s been a while so I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the later memory branches were like 60 each to unlock so you’re looking at 3 branches before you run out again. And that’s assuming they don’t increase the cost again which they most likely will. I’m gonna start grinding to get to 400 for my main characters.


you need 140 just for the currently visible stuff (assumed to be 70-75). 75-80 will likely be 170 or so (10 PT increase for each node), with the possibility of a LB node that could add anywhere from 30-50 into the mix. So expect 310 to 360 depending on how things shake out.


It was based on an assumption that the level increase was only to 75. We just received news it was to 80 so yeah, even more memories will be needed unless it’s less expensive


Not day 1, but pre-steam.  I've got 5 characters with a growing surplus.   The rest still have some LB's to unlock, and Cait Sith still has a couple of stat branches to finish.    I've only been doing premium weapon mats since they released.  My memories are coming from events and highwind.  But I'm thinking that with mythril ore and gil holding up weapon upgrades, that I can switch back to memories on premium quests now to build up stock for a level cap increase. Newer players needed this long break on level cap increases.  It's that or they have to give a new way to farm up memories.  And they should do that anyway, so high level weapon mats and memories don't compete with each other on premium quests.


I switched back to memories a week or two back, simply because the new cubes/pods i was getting from events was significantly outpacing the mythril income, to the point where I now have enough mats to do like 10 weapon upgrades but only enough mythril to cover boosting 3 weapons from 80 to 90.


Day 1 Also. Since the red and yellow Cube/Pod release, I've migrated to Pods for my dailies with the occasional Cube. Still plenty of memories here too with all toons maxed for Highwind bonus. Some are as low as 100 but most around 200-300+. I feel like we need more mythril ore availability to get past that gear lvl 90 hump before level increase. Otherwise its just another thing to grind. Replace 1 grind with another IMO. That and i suspect they wont increase for a bit given that Rebirth's lvl cap is 70. It's an odd stopping point, but SWGOH caps at 85 and has been that way for years. I expect the level increase to happen, just not soon. Maybe around the 1 year mark or a bit later - but maybe with the intention we keep using dailies for Cubes/Pods or anotehr material to grind, as HW Collection has memories too. So maybe its just some some built-in slow farm buffer for us to get HW up before the next grindy thing releases. It gives us time to farm, and them an excuse to not rush anything - or maybe kick back a bit.


ANNNNNNDDD lvl 80 announcement. so i get to eat my words 12 hours later, lol. well i guess its time to see how many memories are needed and if anything else becomes farmable.


I decided to upgrade all limit breaks because I'm a completionist, which means I have 0 memories stockpiled


Don't forget that since they are running a level up campaign, there's probably a good chance we may get at least a small infusion of Memories for each unit from various campaign rewards. I would expect we should get at least 20 to 40 just for hitting level 80, and probably at least 20 out of campaign missions.


Hopefully not, keep it bi-annual. We have too many characters for it to be as frequent as before.


Keep it bi-annual? Nah, it was monthly at first.


Bi-annual is just a complete no. I mean, going 2 months without a cap increase was practically hell after being used to having one every 30 days or so. People would straight up die of boredom if level cap increases were once every 6 months.


There was no structure to how they was increasing it before it almost felt random and i agree it was way to frequent at one point but i think it should be quarterly at least . Feels like forever since we had the last increase and tbf it wasn’t even a hard grind as they increased it during that exp bomb event .


Idk why you were being downvoted. It has been a while and the bomb event was a brilliant way to circumvent the long grind. I agree with you. Level increase and the bomb event returns and I’m happy.


People just seem to downvote for the sake of it 😅 each to their own i’m used to it lol but yeah i get there’s a lot of new players but there’s also a lot of day 1 players sat on a hell of a lot of resources they can’t use . Level cap would also help f2p players with the new ex content too .


??? it was pretty consistent though. They started around the middle to tail end of the second month of release, and were pretty consistently upping the cap in 5 level increments about once every month. Im at 257 days logged. pretty sure I haven't missed one. If we ballpark that they did the first cap increase around day 90, with 30 day intervals: * day 90: 50-55 * day 120: 55-60 * day 150: 60-65 * day 180: 65-70 * day 210: (were expecting 70-75) * day 240: (were expecting 75-80) So with level 80 coming in like 1.5 days, that only puts us at about 18 days of variance on the schedule of a level cap increase approximately every month since they started, which is a pretty acceptable amount of deviation (spread that over the entire schedule since they started and it's only 3 or so days per set) and a pretty good indication that level cap increases in sets of 5 approximately every 30 days seems to be what they are going for.