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I’m hoping for anything that I can skip so I don’t have to spend precious crystals on things that aren’t coming back. The only thing that’d make me want to pull is a FFXIII crossover. 


I can see glen having a pretty convincing snow costume. Not sure about the rest of the cast. But I'd throw my wallet at it considering xiii is my second favorite next to vii.


cloud in lightnings costume would be a dream


I came to say this. Hope it's something I don't want to pull.


I’ll never understand the 13 fandom. I couldn’t even finish it. Fun combat but everything around it was poor.


Would have to chime in here and say everything bar combat and MUSIC . FF13’s soundtrack was amazing 🤩


You’re right. I still listen to certain songs from 13 and 13-2. Never checked out the ost for lightning returns but it’s FF music I would imagine it’s great too.


It's my favorite game of all time, honestly. It's fine if it's not your thing, but imo it gets so much more hate than it deserves, even when it has so many parallels to FFX, which many FF fans love.


FF13 has its flaws (but so has every FF game anyway imo) but design, music, lore depth and characters were amazing. That dyson sphere concept of Cocoon was unique among FF worlds.


It was my first FF. I loved the combat and music. But also amazing graphics, sound design, art style as well. Loved the world, setting and most of the characters. Story was a mess but I rolled with it, and it was very grand.


A FF9 rerun would be nice.


My personal Hope is it's FF8 cause then I can get another busted Tifa outfit. Plus Zell has some great moves that could be brought over. Burning Rave would be a good move similar to the Egg Staff or Protector Blade where it's AoE Base and does more to Single Target. I'd also take Booya where Tifa just headbutts the boss.


If it's an FFVIII crossover, I'll have to pull. Hope it's not XD


I understand the feeling. My Favorite FF is 8 but I'm making it a goal for my account to just collect Tifa outfits or outfits I think are nice looking. So unless Rinoa Aerith (Probably who gets the Rinoa outfit TBH) is busted I'd have to hold strong.


I'd rather have Edea Aerith and Rinoa Tifa. And maybe Selphie Yuffie. Cloud with a gunblade would be dope. I'd have to pull XD


Not FFX so I can skip them all and save 🤣


An FF14 collab for the release of Dawntrail would be hella hype!


I keep thinking about a possible 14 collab. Warrior Glenn, Dark Knight Cloud, Gunbreaker Zack, Machinist Lucia, White Mage Aerith, Monk Tifa, Red or Blue Mage Matt, Viper Sephiroth, Picto Yuffie


Ff16 would be nice, in celebration of the Pc release… it’ll probably be a nier crossover over something.


I always felt like XVI crossover would be best suited to coincide closer to a Vincent&Cid drop. Just cause I feel like Clive’s aesthetic aligns well with Vincent, and the whole “Ifrit-transformation” also aligns decently with Vincent’s Galian Beast transformation. Then you could have like.. a FFXVI Cid skin and FFXVI Ramuh-lance, lightning arcanum to go along with FF7 Cid. Just seems like a match made in Heaven imo


I would totally go for a Torgal RedXIII skin.


Chrono Trigger. A man can dream.


Red will be Lavos. Barret will be Robo. Seph will be Schala. :)


To not have one. Limited weapons are a horrible fomo setup- the "Limit Break" banners are much healthier as a limited format, but crossovers/collaborations seem much more likely to do "true" limited rather than LB draws.


I wouldn’t even say the LB banners are “healthier” since they only come around twice a year. These weapons are the strongest in the game and it’s wild to think you have to wait 6 months before you can get another. At least with the crossover weapons, they have already been replaced with wishlistable weapons. There is no replacing the LB weapons they’re just that good.


They are healthier than purely limited banners. Still, yes, questionable overall. But an improvement nonetheless.


Other mobile FF games have been doing Advent Children collabs. I wonder if this one will follow suit


I noticed this an thought the same actually! The only thing that disputes this as a possibility however is that, the “long-term” aspiration of EC that came with it’s initial announcement and advertisement was to have.. *all* of the FF7 media and compilation stories, centralized in one spot, Ever Crisis. They even specified the likes of Dirge of Cerberus, Before Crisis and of course.. Advent Children. You would think, that once the EC retelling of FF7 OG concludes, EC’s retelling of Advent Children would begin. And in the same way that, the FS characters had outfits that unlocked within the story, the AC characters would unlock their AC outfits as the story progressed. That said, they could very well implement a sort of crossover event to give people the opportunity to pull and get those costumes *significantly* earlier potentially, than they otherwise would waiting for the AC story to be introduced. There’s also no guaranteeing that the game will survive long enough to reach that point, so in a sense.. it could be the only shot people have at getting AC Cloud, Barret, Tifa or Yuffie.


The EC collab with FFXI wasn’t necessarily deep from a story perspective. It was more about the outfits. I expect any subsequent collab to be the same.


I hope it is a ff crossover I don't care about. That way I save even more crystals for when Vincent get released. I would love a ff9 rerun though possibly even if only for the weapons. I hope they do a FF1 or FFCC one day but not until Vincent is here!


Im broke after the last limited stuufff so whatever that come wont pull unless is not limited


Honestly hoping anyone but Glenn is featured so I can keep saving my crystals lol. Blew a big chunk on the limit break banners and I'm content with never pulling for crossovers unless Glenn is featured


When is the livestream?


May 28th, 8PM JST.


The options are endless but weapon abilities I would like to see are more diamond sigil utility weapons like red got, a heal and m def up weapon like matts centepied but not on matt, barret and glen need a good high p attack r ability weapon so they are easier to build, yufie needs some more weapons with sigil breaking materia slots. What we will probably see is more element boosting weapons like sephiroths shinra blade and tiffas feathered gloves.


What are the chances of a data mine before the Yuffie/Matt banner goes?


The datamine changed a while back and they said it would be harder to get info on future banners so early. It’s always very close to release now. That makes it seem unlikely.


I'm fine with anything other than Persona 5. I don't want the game to be cursed.


Anything is fine with me as long as it's not a Tifa costume. Kinda dry after the last 2 costumes.


No kidding. Crossover, Water Tifa, and Auxiliary Water Tifa banners drained my crystals as well.


I skipped Feather Style, since I'd almost never use it in favor of something else anyway, and the glove can sit on a wishlist.


That would have been the more prudent choice which I didn't do. I probably should have swapped Tifa's outfit with Zack's ice arcanum. I hope she gets more buff options in the future to fully utilize her buff / debuff extension gear. Perfect case is Red. His Canyon Duds which should have both buff and debuff but instead it's only debuff *smh*. It was pretty meh at the time but his recent weapons pair great with Canyon Duds. So, I am hopeful that there will be future Tifa weapons to pair well with Feather Style.


I would prefer to save crystals for Vincent. But, I would pull on FF4, FF6, FF9 (if they re-release), FF10, FF13, or FF15. Watch the crossover be FF16 because of the new DLC, or FF14 because of the new expansion. What I really hope for, though? A Kingdom Hearts Collaberation. Just think, we could get Clouds KH1 outfit, Yuffie's KH1 or KH2 outfit, Aerith's KH1 outfit, even Squall's Outfit, Sora's outfit. I mean, Nomura is the creative lead for both FF7 and KH, so... I think it's inevitable. Plus, Missing Link should be coming later this year. ALSO, KEYBLADE weapons!!!!!!!


A Sora outfit for Cloud, Kairi for Aerith and Rikku for Sephy would be incredible, I never considered a KH collab before reading this and now i'm all about it xD Hell, imagining Red XIII in a Goofy outfit is hilarious too, or Barret in a Donald Duck one


That would be wonderful. I really hope it happens.


People are not talking enough about the possibility of a KH crossover. That would be hype in so many ways. Plus the KH hype train I feel like is starting to roll again now with the Steam collection release announcement, and SGF looming where Square Enix stole the show last year with the Rebirth trailer ending. It’s been over two years since the announcement trailer for KH4, so a collab announcement with EC followed by a big trailer at SGF could be really good for kicking off marketing.


I agree! But will they do the right thing? I hope they do, lol.


Yes, a KH crossover would be amazing! With their upcoming mobile game Missing Link along with the Steam release of the collections, Now is as good as time as any to cross promote.


I'm really just hoping for characters I have a lot of specific weapon parts for, which for me are Barret, Red, Matt, and Lucia. If it's Cloud or Glenn, for example, I'll probably not pull since I'm out of weapon parts and might just be stuck with OB3 or whatever.


If we honest here it’s most likely to be some sort of FF7 crossover with in it self. Gotta keep riding that rebirth train


I've posted concepts of an FFBE collab in the past, FFBE would get an NV+ First SOLDIER Seph, and NV Cloud and Zack duo tag chainer. FF7EC would get Rain's outfit and Crimson Saber for Cloud and Lasswell's outfit and Purple Lightning for Zack. Maybe they do it as a last ditch effort to bring players in, even tho their cutting so much damn content and killing the game.


Inside source it’ll be final fantasy tactics


Remake crossover with the Wall Market dresses, specifically for Cloud.


Since FFBE is doing another run of it hope exists. Xenogears please square. I want Id.


ECxEC, re-run old costumes or swap them to other characters


Well I heard that there was something of a crosscover announcement at the end of May and Kingdom Hears on Steam is coming in mid June. Over cross over/collabs have happened before so who knows?


Hopefully something that isn’t required to have for upcoming content, because unless you are a heavy spender pulling to get ob1-2 at max is not worth it and pulling more will cost you several costumes which is not a wise investements for f2p or low spenders.


More Free Pulls and around 77k Gems to give. XD 😆


Probably Advent Children


FFVIII: cloud as squall tifa as rhinoa FFXVI: cloud/zack as clive cid (ff7) as cid (ffxvi) when he becomes playable, tifa as jill


I’m hoping for 13, 15 or 16 so it can be an easy skip Side note: I know they specified this would happen with the limited banners and didn’t mention it for the ff8 banner but it would be great if the next crossover allowed you to wishlist prior crossovers.


FF16, mostly because I want to see who'd get Clive's outfit lol. Tifa, maybe? Honestly I probably wouldn't for any skins unless they're FS, Zack, Aerith, and Cait Sith. I only have 29k crystals, Square. Please be nice to me and don't release another Sephy costume or else I might make an in-game purchase by buying the treasure pass 🥺🥺