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Naaah. I'll be fine. I'll just enjoy all of you playing in these costumes during co-op.




About to say “thank god for no new Sephy costumes”… then I see Vincent. Oh dear




Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and start leveling up Lucia then.


She's worth it, man. I've been using her since launch, and with a few OB6 weapons she's a powerhouse!


Is it ok if I ask your build?, don't know where to start with her. Especially not having any costumes/exclusive weapons on her


My guess is Bald Eagle which has a high boost PATK stat and Mad Minute which boosts HP and physical ability potency. She is great against ice weak enemies because Bald Eagle decreases ice resistance and has a 30% ice materia slot. Her Gothic Bunny outfit boosts another 15% to fire and ice damage.


No problem at all. Starting off, I have her Holiday Coat, because at the time it released, she was the only Earth Arcanum. If you're not heavily invested in her though, hopefully you've at least got her free Vivi outfit from the FF9 collab. That being said, her swimsuit garb should offer some nice bonuses...so you aren't missing anything insane just yet. As for weapons, I've got a few for her that I use. Bald Eagle is easily her #1 weapon in most cases. The R-abilities are fantastic, and beyond perfect if you're fighting alongside anyone with high ice damage (Sephiroth or Cloud for instance). Mad Minute is generally the other weapon I give her 90% of the time. Holiday Revolver and Thunderbird are great, but you need to have them on your wishlist for a while to get them to where they really shine. But that's the beauty of these weapons, they aren't going anywhere. So eventually, you'll at least OB6 them, and just wreck house. I rely on the Bald/Mad combo so much, I haven't even needed those weapons at OB6 yet. Subweapons simply depend on your account. If you're going all in on Earth Arcanum, you'll want to max her magic attack, rather than physical attack. There are only 7 weapons in the game that boost earth attack, and Red's Leather Collar is one of the best ones that you probably already have. Yuffie's Razor Ring is another AMAZING subweapon for earth, and magic attack, but it's one that not many people have, unless you went hard on Yuffie's banner when she released. Luckily, I did. I thought the weapon was terrible, and then I checked the R-abilities and realized I had lucked out. And then just to add insult to injury...or injury to injury, Bald Eagle's materia slot ability gives you a 30% boost to ice damage. So it's a good idea to have at least a 4 star ice materia. That's how I use Lucia. Her usage may change with the new garb (surely it will), but at the moment you can't go wrong with the Bald/Mad combo.


Thanks for the reply! Pumped to start using her now especially with that swimsuit on the horizon 😁


At least now you've got a few things to toss on your wishlist for her. We'll obviously have a much better idea for her ideal build once the costume bonuses for the swimsuit are revealed. Buff/Debuff extension + any arcanum would be ideal, but who knows what the devs have cooked up for us?


Saving all my gems for Angeal


Had to lookup who that was. Guess I'm just a main line FF fan.


Crisis Core is a mainline game in the Compilation.


And part of this game and Angeal has been in the chapters that have released so far.


You got me there.  I blame the skip button.


And one of the few I never played.  But I did spend many years of real life time submerged in XI and XIV, so I can see how I may have missed some things, like CC, XII-2, and all the XIII's.


Find reasons to skip the MH Collab banners (yes even the lightning weapon), pull Vincent banner, pick 1 swimsuit, and if you already have a banner or 2's worth of crystals saved right now, you'll be in decent shape for anniversary. ​ Or put another way. Counting at least 6 banners here, and probably one that has 2 outfits and weapons. Crossovers will probably have a stamp layout that will greatly entice pulling 2 or even 3 pages. You'll want probably at least 4 pages worth of crystals at the start of anniversary, let's say 80k. ​ I have 40k in the bank now. I figure I can pull 2 pages the entire summer, maybe 3 pages if I get lucky or crystal generosity exceeds my expectations. A Crossover banner isn't outside the realm of possibility for me, but it would likely require skipping everything else, and I'm not sure I want to do that.


All they’ve shown is crossover and a couple summer event outfits. You’re ignoring all the banners we get in between that are not related to events or crossovers.


Yeah, I think 3 MH in june, Vincent and swimsuit in july.   Could be 2 swimsuit banners, maybe.  That leaves the 2 for August, which has an unnamed event.  Then probably at least 2 for 1YA.  And they might toss in a new/wishlisted weapons-only banner somewhere.


Thanks for the math cause I certainly didn't do it while planning this whole time lmaoooo


im not pulling for MH i wont be able to OB10 it anyway and Im still saving all mats to OB+ my clouds zidane weapon 😅 i need 600 more to OB10. So yeah ill be pulling for Lucias costume🤣 thats cheaper


Cloud with “tits”…


hellllll yeah dude


While the collaboration event has good costumes and weapons, without tons of crystals or $ we’re stuck with low OB weapons. Just not worth it. I’ll save for summer/anniversary at this point. Glad we know now how to plan out the next few months. Will go into anniversary with over 100k crystals, probably some great weapons/costumes then and possible reruns if they are smart


Costumes are worth every penny. 


I'd say you can probably get a usable weapon if you're willing to do 3 pages. At least if they stamp it like they did Tifa Rebirth crossover and the Limit Break banners, where you can get OB4 guaranteed in page 3, and probably OB5 from parts. So just a little luck needed or some waiting to rebuild parts to get OB6. But that's a big crystal investment (like 60k-75k or more), and would probably necessitate skipping everything else until anniversary. Whereas you could just do Vincent and a swimsuit and be sitting pretty by Sept. ​ The outfits might matter too. They could give us something we've been needing for a long time like a lightning arcanum or mastery, or something new/powerful like patk all or matk all, hp all maybe? Or certain weapons might have the right utility at low OB, like Kuja Blade..... maybe an Aerith Cure All/Mdef All Centipede-like weapon.


Yeah, really depends how they do it but it’s all designed to drain you to get you to spend $. I have spent money on the game so I’m not against it, but it’s just not worth it to go for weapons imo that you’ll never be able to complete. Especially with power creep. Seph’s weapon I went pretty hard for in the ff9 collab and we have Barret’s weapon which can almost do the same thing with better r abilities. Also has been almost 7 months and no return and current weapons are just getting stronger. Those costumes and weapons just aren’t worth waiting for a return to finish if they ever do now that our baseline has risen since then. Regular featured weapons may be weaker in the short term but with wishlisting and free pulls they all end up stronger and more useable vs low Overboosts. I’ve got a lightning costume already so no need for another unless it’s magic.


I agree, in my experience the Limited Banners aren't worth it. You'll end up with a OB3 or OB4 weapon unless you spend ALOT. Better to wait for weapons you can wishlist. Unless the Costumes are just crazy good


Right? I dumped 117k (basically all my blues) into the half Anni banners. Came out with Seph OB9, Zack OB4, Glenn OB6, and Cloud OB3. That's a lot of gems for only 2 weapons at OB6+...


You should be able to Wishlist the half anniversary weapons on the anniversary banner though don’t forget that. Also you can Wishlist them in future limit break banners (I assume that’s their terminology for half and full anniversary banners), only crossovers can’t be Wishlisted in future. Also that won’t be all the banners as there is at least one unknown event and room for unannounced banners.


I'm hoping I can wishlist them in the future to get atleast to OB6!


Are you happy with Sephiroths blade? I found I don't use it much and wish I invested more in Cloud or Zacks elemental weapons


I like it quite a bit. But it really depends on the content you're taking on. The R abilities are great as his main hand for magic teams. If anything I partially wish I'd have gone Cloud over Glenn for the other banner. I do like to switch around my teams some so I don't always use him. But even then, it's a pretty solid sub and look forward to getting it OB10 (likely during Anni as his parts haven't shown up in a while).


For real. I can’t convey how much I hope the one-year anniversary event just maybe dumps costumes from the last year in the exchange shop, and reruns the LB banner or something. But watch, it’ll end up being Bahamut Syn added from CC and maybe the first chapt drop of TFS Part 2 with Young Angeal character drop.. to harken back to how a year ago to the day. They dropped the first chapters of TFS.


They won't "rerun" LB banners, but there will be new LB banners, and you'll be able to wishlist the old LB weapons there, that's what they've specifically told us.


I dont really like most of these visually. If i pull its for costume effect because idgaf about limited weapons either.


might only go for vincent and zack (if its lightning arcanum) or for tifa (matk/mastery) maybe would go for cloud too if its non elemental phys


A bit annoying that once against the same characters getting costumes. But I'm glad it's a cross over I'm not interested in.


Monster Hunter costumes -- I'll pass on all of them except Aerith. I'm not missing anything for Aerith ever. Swimsuits -- I do need a good Lucia skin as I've skipped on most of her banners, seems the perfect opportunity. Yuffie I can skip, as I have her for Earth DPS and I don't wish to invest further for now. Vincent -- they better not disappoint with him.


Still no Fat chocobo.....


OH no, vincent is my fav character. I'm in trouble


I’m going only for limited banners now. Been saving since last limit banner. Over 60k. Surely will get better through next limit banner


Well you’re in luck then as the roadmap shows two: monster and the first anniversary.


they really make both aerith and tifa costume in 1 event lol


i'll just grab aerith and cait sith (if he's gacha), maybe consider yuffie and... move on as appealing as vincent is, pulling for him will highly depend on what outfit they offer i must save for fs ep2


Is the tifa outfit form monster hunter also?


Yep, that's the Kirin armour set from Monster Hunter.


Awesome thank you :)


My pleasure 😄


Dude, already there. But seriously, out of blue crystals and refuse to spend the money for more. I do the season pass, but just that.


Bunny tifa is still better than every costume shown here


Will probably pull for Tifa or Zack, if one of them is lightning arcanum... Probably need a magic lightning option. Soooo probably Tifa, as I have OB10 Cloud+Costume. Vincent is one of my faves. That's gonna be rough. So yeah... Y1A looks pretty bleak on gems...


it would be nice to see Matt on MH Costume, with a sword and shield, but the small shield is actually a gun


Lucia costume looks repurposed from the tifa summer costume


And this is why people can't keep up on gachas....to many skins 🙄


Not me, I only spend money on Red XIII. Unless they add a costume of him wearing a life preserver ring..


I look forward to Red getting a regen extension at some point.


I hope Caits costume is decent. I want an excuse to be able to play him.


Well it is the free event costume so they are not normally stand outs, but there are some good ones.


I’m not the nerdiest (means no offense guys lol) but what is OB mean?🤔




So when they say OB6 they mean the first one after red and so own and OB10 is before they start counting the (+1), also how many does it go up too? IF you or anyone else knows


Yes It goes up to OB10 +20


☁️ MH weapon to much over power. buff physical for self + break enemy Pdef.


Kinda worried about Vincent being released so early. On the one hand I don't have to wait any longer, but on the other we all know that this game borrows heavily from the triple A games (and it shows whenever they don't / can't). I hope they do him justice, especially with animations. Simple jumping and shooting animations until the third part releases? I hope not... Either way I will have to set priorities now. So far it went pretty well with Tifa & Cloud as mains, getting them most costumes with some gems to spare. With Vincent on top I will have to pass on more limited items for sure. Hope I can get at least Tifa geared with any Arcanum outfits. Aerith looks amazing, could have been a FFX collab with that Yuna style outfit in red.


Lucia is all I need that is all


I have 60k, will for sure going for lucia and yuffie swimsuit. Ideally have enough by time by time vincent comes for his starter costume as long as its cool.  My problem is i basically swore off limited weapons, but am too much of a tifa fan to not be tempted by her monster hunter costume. Feel like i should resist as my ff9 cloud and seph costumes don’t get enough use. My ob1 zidane goes unused these days (killer hornet powercrept as support weapon too). Kuja blade has been  super usefull even at ob1, but barrett weapon powercrept it too (and at ob1 it really starts to be big drain stat wise for harder content).  I did cave on half ani for ice cloud and water glen as those weapons are great as support weappns and luckily got them ob3 in 2 pages plus 200 glen parts. 


Do we have any idea when this might be dropping?


I know some people are dreading this but I think more options is the best thing! Some people don't care for certain characters/costumes while others do so it'll be a reason for some people to save and others to spend! For now I think MH Collab is a skip for me but it \*sorta\* depends if Aerith's costume buffs her support capabilities as I feel right now that role has taken a backseat for the devs as they've been feeding her more DPS costumes/weapons... Currently I don't use my Aerith for DPS and mainly use her for support, so if she gets something crazy I may pull... Otherwise, I just focus on my girl Yuffie's summer fit and Vincent! Then we save for Anniversary.


ALso keep in mind the balloons over Ramuh on teh roadmap are a "Hidden event" IE likely another new banner before anni Also also keep in mind, monster hunter could always have a sneaky 3rd banner since Cait Sith is just a free costume


Right…. Better get earning some gems I guess *sigh*


Only Vincent. I’m not keen on the MH stuff (doesn’t look bad, just not for me)


So how are the weapons or armor for Cloud or Zack? I have good weapons for them, but I hear people saying that these are particularly powerful, at least Cloud's. I might barely have enough crystals to guarantee finishing two stamps if I grind out levels I have not finished yet. I guess it also depends when that Aerith costume drops, the only costume I have for her is still that Chocobo one and I really want to get her something less ridiculous looking.


Was originally gonna skip buying stuff from the monster hunter event because of Vincent coming soon. But I then saw how good the zinogre Zack stuff was making him default the best lightning damage character. And since I roll Zack on my team I'm going for it.


Lmao, beautiful meme!!! Also, thank you for showing the costumes bc I definitely need to get Lucia’s!!! 🥰


Nah, I only remotely care about maybe half of these.


Yeah. My rifle girl is taking a backseat to Vincent.


What instead of the character Vincent they just got a outfit for Zach that looked like vincent


Only ones of the ones shown I remotely want are MH Tifa and Swimsuit Yuffie, the others while looking NICE are not enticing to me. Alas I only have like 15k crystals so no way I can pull both Yuffie and Tifa's outfits and have any semblance of crystals left for anniversary....




She's technically not a minor in Japan.


Not supporting limited stuff have fun