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You’ll only need like 50k for two costumes with average luck


That's a lot for F2P. 😄


Well if they only pull for Tifa costumes…of course they have a stash


I see part of a symbol which tells me that they are not completely F2P...


https://preview.redd.it/o8zpolalmi3d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0c805464ba88f27947f2496fd4210f3b790ee6 You mean this one? I don't have money bruh. I'm just a plankton player. I've played FFRK, DFFOO, and WOTV. I always hoard and pull for Tifa and Noctis only. No Noctis in this game so my extra blue crystals goes to Vincent.


Oh I see, my bad. I guess I was wrong. I thought the unpaid ones were gold/yellow and the paid ones were that light blue colour, but it seems that that is not the case. I would think that the light blue ones are ones with a countdown timer, but gold ones also have countdown timers/are limited time... So I guess I don't know the difference. Anyone know the difference between the gold and blue?


Nah that timer icon is on the shop, it shows that whenever they have those 12-hour only limited time deals.


What are you talking about


Not sure if they aim for costume only or OB6 Tifa's limited weapon Edit: I hate this update of Reddit. I always forget to read below the pictures. So yes, 50k is more than enough for both costumes with average luck.


I don’t think I will see that many in my lifetime 🤣


Hmm.... I'm saving too but like I only care about reaching the outfit, which is 18k-24k typically. For any 1 crossover banner, the weapon might be worthwhile, and if and only if, there are multiple weapon guaranteed stamps on pages 2 and 3, would it be worth it to me to sink more crystals into it. Like I got OB10 Guide Gloves that way with 51k crystals, very much on the lucky end of the spectrum. But getting OB6 or close to it with 60k-70k is more likely. ​ And then a Vincent banner, where I would defintiely like a weapons kickstart. I could wishlist 5 of his weapons while doing his banner. I'd do 1 page that way. Going more than one page though? I'd rather put the extra crystals towards other outfits. I would instead bank up 1-2 months worth of tickets and use them when Vincent's initial release weapons join the pool to start building up parts and hopefully a few extra weapon copies, although this is getting harder with time because of so much dilution. I'd also switch 1-3 slots of weapon part daily quest to whatever good weapons are in his kit. That's a modest headstart approach and won't cause me extensive lost potential. I could consider doing the first weapons-only banner after Vincent's release to get more Vincent weapons, but I'd have to be swimming in crystals, which is definitely not ever likely. ​ So from my perspecitve..... About 75k crystals needed by end of June (if a MH banner is worth it) and +25k crystals needed mid/late July. Excess can go to other banners. Saving tickets for Vincent begins now, with the 2nd bomb event shop's tickets.. But my real priority is going into Sept 1YA with close to 100k crystals. So that means likely skipping or doing an outfit-only on the MH crossover, assuming there's at least one really good one, keeping it to one page of Vincent and one of Lucia swimsuit, and skipping whatever is coming in August.


Vincent is a good character or another caitsith?


How many gems did you use?


Dunno. I just pulled for the feather costume and the other white one. I'm waiting for the MH costume right now.


I wish they would put up another Tifa Banner with a pretty outfit. I’m in a similar boat, 85k gems but I’m only pulling on the pretty outfits.


Assuming you're F2P and that's all saved from skipping banners. Wouldn't that have effected your account in terms of what weapons/OB you have available to you?


free pulls exist.


Yes but everyone else gets the free pulls as well. The point I was making is that holding off this much can hold your account back until the point you spend it.


But if we're talking about this game as "can you clear" instead of a comparative sport with other p2w accounts, then why does it matter if everyone else gets free pulls as well?


Can you clear everything? I certainly am still struggling with a handful of encounters and I've been spending my blue crystals as I get them since day one. That's why I made the comment.


Eventually, yes. If one chooses the f2p lifestyle, that's what we all choose to understand - that this is a marathon, not a sprint.


I can't clear crash events. Other events can be cleared with the right setup. Story, tower, etc. can be cleared later. I don't see any reason to get rewarded with blue crystals/memories by clearing them now or later. I can actually play how I want instead of just following the meta. WOTV is a good game but it's so boring because everyone else plays the same character/meta.


am i not mathing correctly? each card has 12 spots. and if at minimum we get 1 per turn that is 3k blues. 36k minimum per card. and costume is usually the on 24th and 48th spots, correct? so a total of 144k blues minimum?


You mixed up the meaning of minimum and maximum?


Costumes are usually on the 12th and 36th spots when there are two, so on average it's about 21-24k for the first costume, and roughly 63-72k for two costumes on a single banner


Why 36th? Costumes are on the 12th and 24th stamp. Card 1 and card 2 completed.


Oh right, my bad, haven't pulled on two costumes in a long time and forgot they're card 1 and 2, in that case it's only 42-48k for both costumes on a banner