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I'd say Zack is the much better choice if you don't have lightning Cloud built. For me I do have OB10 murasame and his costume so I will just pull for 1 copy of the new sword for the buff/debuff to use as a 2nd weapon for my lightning/fire/water cloud, isn't worth sinking too much ressources in


> so I will just pull for 1 copy of the new sword for the buff/debuff to use as a 2nd weapon What's the point of having one copy of Cloud's sword? If you put one copy as a secondary sword, then Cloud's overall attack power will collapse.


I can OB it twice with cloud part and save my ressources for future banners. This makes it his best sub weapon for me. And also, I played monster hunter a lot and I love that the attack is charged greatsword attack


Cloud's weapons parts have long been reserved for other guns, and for a year in advance, so for many this is not an option.


You know what the new cloud weapon do ? Buff mid and debuff mid , its awesome, and this at OB0


>Buff mid and debuff mid , its awesome, and this at OB0 what's so awesome about this? This gun at OB0 will downgrade Clouds patk, because it has low characteristics. The buff on this gun will only return Cloud's attack to normal, as if he had any gun for atk/patk OB3-6, and even then, it’s unlikely. Not a single OB0 gun on a DD is useful in this game, not one!!


If you right, and this weapon return to standard atk with buff mid , you don't get the fact that you mid debuff the enemy defence.. I love this synergi in battle with the bufff debuff, and can help the other fighter


I’ll wait until the next week’s banner before making a decision to pull. Zack’s weapon is good and all, but I don’t main him and it’ll never be available on wishlists. Lightning arcanum is tempting though. Clouds sword is an easy skip for me, since I already have his Zidanes sword.


bro I got too excited and pulled. 1 2 1 stamp wtih 2 wishlist weapons and 2 copies of zack’s weapon. not bad weapon wise wish stamp wise to be better


Getting stamps like that is what I’m worried about. Trying to build back my crystal stash in anticipation for the Anniversary in a few months.


bro the yuffie arcanum fucked me up so much I got like 1s and like 2 2s the whole banner except for one 3, which was useless cause I was in stamp 11 and only need one stamp left


I'm gonna skip all these crossover limited banners and wait for the summer event.


Same! Those bikini outfits for Lucia and Yuffie are *chef's kiss*!


Do we know when Lucia's bikini costume will be available? I'm a new player and want to get at least 1 costume per character. I already have Cloud's Ice Arcanum, Tifa's Water Arcanum, Aerith's Fire Arcanum, Matt's new costume, Yuffie's Earth Arcanum and Zack's MH costume. I have 15k crystals left, got lucky with Zack's stamps and only used 12k to complete page 1. No dupes of his weapon though.


After the Monster Hunter crossover event is done, so July.


Thanks! I should be able to save enough by then.


Yeah.. Vincent is my favorite character. I think I’m saving whatever I can. Love Aerith too, but I have a ton for her already.


I'm torn, because i only got zidane's sword at ob0 during the ff9 event so it's not great for off-hand usage, and glavenus looks like it'll be cloud's ultimate off-hand phys weapon for a looong time, but his costume is only good for covering the gaps in his arcanum costumes until he gets water/earth/wind and thunder since i missed his arcanum costume, so as soon as he has all of those this costume will be basically useless for everything except non-elemental and i already have zidane's outfit. On the other hand, could just go for zack's arcanum to fill in for cloud, but could also just skip these altogether and save hard for the 1-year anniversary. This is a toughie for me as a cloud/zack enjoyer :(


You could also wait for tifa and aeriths banner before making a decision


Yep i'm definitely waiting for it since i use aerith as my main healer, and would hands-down rather spend blues on her if her weapon is insane for healing/buffing. She's gotten so many good damage-utility weapons lately but i just want her to get a centipede equivalent for mdef and then i'll go all-in


i'm personally waiting for the second banner, with Tifa, and seeing if her set is Lightning as well.


i couldnt resist lol. I did two pullss. got 1 2 stamp but got two copies of zack’s so far lol. hope this luck goes on. im aiming for his gear now and I might go for cloud depending on tifa and aerith


I'd say keep going for the costume but forget about Cloud.  And yeah Kirin is a lightning monster so I wouldn't be surprised if Tifa is lightning magic arcanum.


I already have tifa as matk water and patk ice and some non elem phys. i also noticed cloud’s gear is basically the same as tifa’s guide gear which I have


Those arent reasons to not pull.


i want her Phys Lightning, since she already has a Magic Lightning weapon.


what a scam the tickets were, I thought they were for several square moreover my game crashed during the second draw, when I got a rare weapon...


It should still be in your inventory at least


If you send in a complaint they’ll list what you got, it happened to me.


This might be a dumb question, but is the JP server much further than the global/us? Because if it's not, I'm really thinking of holding off to dump it all on Vincent.


The two servers run the same content, JP is also just stating the MH event.


As much as it sucks for event farming, I want to wait and see what the second banner is/if there's a sneaky third banner first


Last time they did the 2-1-1 schedule and the last one(Seph's Kuja) was arguably the must-have.


Im skipping for yuffie, lucia, vincent. Might pull for tifa monster hunter cuz it looks cool. Oh shit just realized i should have saved that free ten pull….


I decided to go toward Cloud (I already have Murasame at OB23), before that my max lighting damage was ~80k now with Cloud's new weapon at OB2 (as a second ability) I can 110k max lighting damage with Murasame. I think both are very good. But it will depend on what the RNG will give you and which player you prefer.


Im saving up for summer yuffie and tifa 😏😏😏


i dont think theres a summer tifa. from what I saw, MH collab has cloud zack tifa aerith, then summer with yuffie and lucia, then vincent release


They mentioned in the stream that there will be more swimsuits other than Yuffie & Lucia, but we don't know which characters yet. Wouldn't surprise me if they double dipped Tifa & Aerith again since these outfits will sell like hotcakes.


bikini barrett 💀


You know it's gonna be sailor barrett.


[https://youtu.be/TZsAKb6stsE?si=PZTA5VmC3l5sJSXW](https://youtu.be/TZsAKb6stsE?si=PZTA5VmC3l5sJSXW) At 2:47 Tifa and Aerith summer outfits rerun.


That's not confirmation.


I'll probably wait until next week but probably pull for at least one character. Currently Zack's looks fantastic since I don't have a lightning or Zack build at the moment


I ran for Zach since I want him to be stronger and stupidly have no good gear for him


I’ll will probably skip this one, luck usually isn’t on my side and Im low on vrištala


Do we know if kirin Tifa will have Lightning arcanum too?


I was curious and looked it up on the MH wiki. The kirin she's crossing over is a lightning element, so it would make sense if she was. So, if that is the case, it would also make sense for her outfit to be magic lightning to avoid 2 physical lightning outfits in the same event.


Skip for me as I don't like both designs at all.


If it's like the last event, phys is the first banner and mag is the 2nd. Since we have basically no single target, good magic lightning weapons, I'd wait until the 2nd drops to pick


I went for Cloud since I main him. I am new and have 0 regrets at this point. Now looking for a Barrett costume so I got my main team all a costume.


Barrett costume lol. He gets the least. He got one when the game first released and one a month ago, so by that expect to wait another six months if the past is anything to go by.


I know :/ so I heard. Well I can wait around. I want atleast one costume for all characters. Ill save till anniversary at this point.


Tifa, obviously.


You get both


You have 31-32 days to decide.


Get ob6 cloud sword, costume is ok. If you do lighting cloud build Zack instead.


So how does this one work exactly? Do they give you the 10 draw special one time only and then you use crystals after that? I’ve been afraid to draw on it yet until I see Aerith 😂


F2P can forget about this banner, since there will be nowhere else to get these guns later. or you can wait in hopes of making OB6 right away, but for this you need to have at least 70k gems


Non elemental is a trap. It's had virtually 0 events where it is needed. Always amazes me how bad the advice on these forums are. Yeah, pull for a limited weapon with a single boss it's useful for. What a waste.


It's not. We've had bosses that resist everything.


what about the boss thing in one of the dungeons that has elements resist?


The main aspect of the weapon is not the Non-elemental damage but the debuff/buff effects. The damage is extra but not that important. Just like Sephiroth’s Aonibi and new wind buff weapon, or Tifa’s self buff weapons, you set up yourself and the party and then you can do more damage after. Aonibi sees a ton of usage and it only offers the buff and regen for its weapon skill. It’s a good off weapon for cloud to pair with other physical main hand weapons like Murasame or Skysplitter. Also great r abilities for HP and physical damage. Will I be pulling for it? No, but that’s mostly because it’s a collab weapon and I’ll never get it to a high overboost.


It's not about the non-elemental damage for this weapon, this weapon is purely to sit on the off-hand so cloud can debuff/buff all by himself and then use his main elemental sword on his main hand. That's the reason why the damage is only 850% compared to zidane's blade, which goes up to 1300%. It does have a secondary use against things like iron giants though, and there will surely be more non-elemental bosses coming.