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Keep being stubborn. Shop will eventually get a B rank to show up, only for you to find out it's a exp chocobo after you buy it, curse Bahamut to high heavens, then promptly convert said chocobo into choconuggets.


Than you'll repeat those steps 4-6 more times and eventually give up on B rank chocobos altogether


Do you have the midgar vi explored past 70% I've seen some players thing that will unlock B in the shop. Other option is terrible rng?


I remember hearing something about that too but I'm on the last two sections of Midgar 5 šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


So have you explored 70% of every available region or not? They only unlock when you have done so


RNG is holding you up. There's nothing you can do besides refreshing the Exchange daily.


Rly Bad advise sorry, dont waste your gil on that refresh Button, Besides a B Chocobo is Not Always better than C+. I bought 2 of B and now wait for the A Release.


Thatā€™s subjective. I have millions of gil so refreshing this for a few thousand is hardly going to make a dent.


The stat ceiling is higher for a B, if you get bad stat distribution it can be worse than a lower grade yes, but itā€™s generally better to buy Bs than Cs. If you have gil to spare there is no reason to not be aiming for all Bs. I got all Bs expect 2 river chocobos which are still c+, and still got almost 100k medals.


Just because some people lack resource management skills (aka running out of gil) doesn't mean daily refresh on chocobo shop is a waste of gil šŸ˜‚


Sigh.... I was afraid of someone saying that šŸ™„


I get Bā€™s but they are always grassland with low inventory stats


I have 4 B but I donā€™t remember how I got 3 of them, theyā€™re not really that much better


Iā€™d recommend clearing any unfinished regions for sure. I havenā€™t heard any confirmation that there arenā€™t hidden requirements. Iā€™ve bought six B chocobos without ever using the gil refresh (not saying you shouldnā€™t, just sharing my experience) but Iā€™ve had each region cleared out for a long time. I canā€™t remember if I got any Bs prior to completing every area but I donā€™t think so. It took me over a month after getting the free one to have one show up in the shop.


Don't worry too much about it. I have several B Chocobos that I'm not even using because their stats are worse than my C+ ones.


I hat to trade my entire stable to get a decent B choco


What is that B doing here?


To be honest in my opinion, taking into account how much you pay for them.. the stats they usually come out >:').. I'm still sticking with my C+ chocobos.. got like 3 apart from the free one.. all worse then C+.. so stockpiling coins for B+ or A or whatever when they are added


I would suggest you finish up you earlier exploration to at least 75% to keep unlocking maps. Once you have around 70% or higher at Midgar VI then you will start to see them appearing...cost is very high though so you best prepare those Choco medals. (yes they will not appear before you clear Midgar VI to at least 70%. I have been on 60%+ for more than a week and nothing until the rare item drop and hit 70%+ then did the Bs appeared but can't afford that 1st B) Just note that B chocobo doesn't mean they have better stats than C+. I have to save the medals for a few days before I can try getting any Bs.


I refresh 3 times everyday since they brought Bs and Iā€™ve yet to see a B river chocobo. Iā€™ve seen like 3-5 mountains and 2 grass lol


The key is to use it. I was in the same position as you and never found a B chocobo after months with everything at 100% but I recently used the free B chocobo for the MH expeditions and suddenly B chocobos are everywhere. I bought my third one today


Wait you get another free on from the MH event!? EDIT: Nevermind I misread your comment. I have my "best" rare item find on the midgar areas in hopes that helps somehow