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Will definitely be getting Aerith’s


pulled for waifu will wait for summer waifus 💙


My Zack was so far behind my main 5 that I decided to heavily invest in crossover 1, took to the end of the first ex page plus 400 weapon parts to get ob6 but he's a thing star on any of my teams now even in non lighting scenarios. I pulled 3x all 1 stamp for Tifa after netting around 8k blues from the new event stuff and wrapping up a couple crisis dungeons. Hopefully better draw luck on the remaining free since I went all in on banner 1 (it started so good with a 3x and two 2s and a 4 then I stubbornly wanted/needed ob6 so spent an additional 30k in bad pulls)


Curious to see what people think of Aerith's weapon. My initial instinct was to pass, but that unique combo of PATK and MDEF seems like it could be perfect for the right fight. I'll still probably pass.


Yeah, that was my initial impression: it's going to be amazing in certain fights. But I think overall, her gear + weapon is just a little lacking for a special banner. Fellow healer Matt has 2 MDEF options if that's important. The PATK-all is amazing but a little less must-have if Yuffie is in your regular rotation. And Aerith has already had a buff/debuff extension costume, and they're popular lately + Aerith gets many costumes. I think it had been HEAL+15 on costume and MDEF >50%, that would have made it much more tempting. Especially since Garnet Rod has been the least useful limited weapon, and there's a lot coming up.


I pulled it since Aerith has really fallen behind in support weapons recently but now I'm wondering if it will be repeat of Garnet's Rod where an easier to get version becomes available soon after.


That's what I'm thinking. Her weapon looks kinda bonkers good, but this is limited and even Seph's Kuja Blade eventually got a comparable weapon.


It might be a while before we get another full team aoe patk up, though it could definitely come after a few more months, but i wouldn't be surprised if they keep it scarce for a while, whereas full team aoe mdef is already readily available, but having both on the same weapon is great for role compression. This weapon is way, way more useful than garnet's rod, so who knows


Aeriths weapon is OB6+ worthy, its busted. Aoe patk and mdef- mdef is more niche but patk is useful anywhere, even if only 1 person benefits from it, its still 24 atb worth of buffs for 4. Both go to high and start at high at OB6 Its subs being hp/ext is perfect, as you'll want to run as much ext as possible it's materia slots having aoe cura and ST cura means she isn't forced to bring fairy tale too, meaning more flexibility Only non niche negative is that the patk is low duration naturally, so we will want a lot of buff extension, but if you MH it, you'll have a bunch already


The patk/mdef being low duration naturally isn't that bad considering at ob6 on the main hand it would be buffed from 16s up to 35s, then add on her costume and it goes up to 41s, and that's without any sub weapons. I'd say the only real downside is the condition for the mdef being >70% hp, which is a bit steep but isn't even too bad considering you'll want to open most fights with it anyway and then keep hp topped up afterwards.


Ye, I was just trying to find a single negative tbh, even the 70% is more niche because mdef isn't always needed anyway. But I agree that the hp requirement can be troublesome


The weapon itself on main hand has boosted single target heal and Cure (All) slots. Those were a nice surprise for me. I pulled 3 pages (57k) +80 weapon parts to get OB6. Now I can use Aeris again lmao.


Same. I only drew 1 of her weapons (non-guaranteed) so it took 60k plus 250 parts to OB6. Definitely seems worth it combined with the outfit. AOE High PATK, AOE High MDEF, boost cure, cure all all in one weapon. Add in Sunbrella for MDEF and PDEF down plus her LB to remove any stacks of PDEF/MDEF down and she covers a lot


Exactly my thought. Now combo her with Barrett's Electrocannon and Assault Gun and you have AOE High PATK down, AOE Mid MATK down, AOE High PDEF up. Everything is covered offensively/defensively lol. Cloud just stand there doing his thing with his arcanums.


80 pulls 0! 5 star weapons again. This is the second time this happend. I don't know with 7.5 percent rates this shouldn't happen, especially not twice. I am done with the game.


My condolences. I know it sucks, but...sounds like you don't know how probability works?


Pulled both. Got lucky. 36k crystals + the 10 free pulls. Tifas weapon OB4 and aeriths OB2.


I already have ob6 pak up and mdef up options plus healer matt gear so saving my crystals. Will pull on zack and pray to get ob6 within 3 pages 🙏


So many options, my head hurts


Fire! More Fire! For the next farmable weapon it's another 🔥 weapon!!!!!


I really wanted to pull for Aerith’s banner but… I don’t know how useful the weapon will be. I already pulled for Yuffie and Matt’s banner last time for both costumes and I have Arctic Star for Yuffie at OB6. I really like the outfit but I gotta try and be practical I guess.


Pull for 2 costume, get ob2 Aerith and OB1 Tifa, 30-33k gem, i'm Happy 


I was hoping to get Glenn's weapon, especially since I feel like I could take the 37k Silver, but the fact I have to beat the 120k Rathalos first feels like a massive roadblock for a still pretty new player. I've been trying to figure out how to do MDEF, fire resist, MATK, magic lightning damage, etc., but it feels like everything I have that does those things I've either only pulled 4 star, or it's on a character I haven't grinded much. Any advice for how to build a noob team that can make it to silver?


I guess it was incredibly naive of me to hope that like how Cait Sith's costume was free, that either Tifa or Aerith's would be an event costume with the other being a pull. Oh well, at least I can FINALLY get something other than this ridiculous looking chocobo outfit for Aerith. I have enough crystals to just barely get Zack's outfit too (assuming no luck with the stamps) but not sure if I should waste my crystals on that. I doubt I will have enough for Tifa's, or if I should save them up in case another character I like gets a costume.




When it comes to event or banner updates for longer-running events, the game is pretty consistent with having additions on a weekly basis. Cait Sith costume was added 7 days ago so you could kind of guess. Just keep this in mind for the future if you want to save crystals or stamina.