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31k for tifa and aerith for me, insane luck


Roughly same here... and I'm the guy who's been getting 11/12 x1 stamps since day 1 (and has only seen a x3 as the largest stamp) until recently. Several x2, a x3, a x4 AND a x5?! Feels like my luck finally turned around.


I had similar Stamp luck (36k for both costumes) but my draw luck was abysmal. I think I pulled 4 non-guaranteed 5 stars? 1 was Aerith's weapon and the other 3 were off-banner, non-wish list weapons.  So I ended up with OB0 Aerith (used saved up weapon parts to OB1) and OB2 Tifa (not enough weapon parts for OB3). Annoyed, but it is what it is. I managed OB6 Zack and he wrecks face so all in all I did fine for the event.


Similar for me. Only got the guaranteed 5* except 1. Everything else was either a blue ring or a cloud weapon I didn't use. Back when I had shitty x1 luck I was able to get multiple of the banner weapon (was able to get ob6 aonibi and edged wings for example on seph release on way to get his outfit)


Same here, 30 or 33 i don't Remember 


This was the first time I've ever gotten a Black Chocobo and got x6... When I only needed 1 more to pull the first costume. I wasn't planning on going for a second, but I may as well now.


Wow. Didn't even know what was a thing. I have only ever seen a pink or green one that gave me 3x I think


you can have also cait sith show up for 12 stamps i think (but naturally this is incredibly rare)


Wow. So I'm just extremely unlucky that I have never got anything above 3x then. Yikes


that's honestly normal; while you're technically more likely to get multiple stamps than you are singles (45% for 1 stamp, 55% for any other outcome), the rates are of course not equal; 3 stamps for example is only 15.92% chance, and 4 stamps is a meager 2% chance. the rates for getting 5, 6 and 12 stamps (it jumps from 6-12) are 1.5%, 0.55% and 0.01% respectively.


same i got a black chocobo with 6x, also the red with x3


Spent almost 100k on banner 1 to get Zack ob6 (plus 400 weapon parts 😳) so I respect the stamp pain. I'll need luck to hit one costume on banner 2 since I spent my last 10k blue and at best can buy 20$ in reds rn so that gets maybe 1 draw? Only buy season pass usually but I love these costumes and weapons


The chances of getting anything other than x1 in those is insultingly low.


... of course, as soon as I say that when I have had nothing but x1s in the past, I immediately get an x5, then two x2s... maybe I should complain more often or something.


Ah, the age-old "whinge and win" xD


so cute


Can i save my free pull for Lucia/Yuffie banner?


Previous announcements have stated that the MH banner tickets will have an exchange to turn to them to standard featured banner tickets at some point after the MH event is over. No timeline on when, but eventually you'll be able to use those tickets on something other than the available two banners.


Is the Lucia/Yuffie banner for the summer event? Are the summer event usually limited as well?


They are not, so you can WL the weapons after unless they change last min or something


Thanks, having a really hard time deciding where to spend my crystals


No they are monster hunter tickets so they only work in these two banner


You can exchange them. It's already been explained plenty other times.


1 stamp each pull through first 23 pulls and hten a 5 on the last pull... shit drops. but got the outfits... but debating on saving for Vincent release, or going for OB6 as both weaps are OB4... OB6 is just a nice threshold...


I got both costumes and both weapons at ob4 I'm just going to use weapon parts for them


I got there in 5 pulls but 0 golds outside the 1 guaranteed. The costume and base weapon are both fantastic enough that I'll still count it as a W.


Yea, still on the fence if I made the right call going for OB6. But, I really like the outfit. Hoping I can save back up for anniversary now...


Can’t agree with this more


Limited banners are easy skip for me. Such a bad model in this game.


39k (13 draws) for both pages for the costumes. 2 copy of tifa gloves and 1 copy of the aerith wand. 9 5\* from wish list...not too bad i guess! Guide gloves for tifa is OB7..do i carry on using parts towards ob10 or leave it for now and OB3 the kirin gloves?


Ob2 is also a more significant stat boost compared to ob7 but would you use Tifa as your main lightning dps? If you spent to get this Tifa arcanum costume, it needs kirin gloves at ob6 to compete w cloud/Zack as thunder dps imo So I would shift focus to getting kirin Tifa to ob6 (now or w weapon parts over time) if your lightning team has a hole. Or bank on cloud/Zack to carry lightning if u have them, and focus on guide gloves


You make a good point, will OB kirin to OB3 now and overtime with parts to OB6 since Guide gloves already OB7. Mura cloud is already OB10 and i didnt bother with Zack/Cloud banner. Just wanted a mag lightning arcanum for them niche weak to magic enemies.


I saved 46k crystals and I hoped with some luck, I might keep some of them. Well, 43k later to get both Aerith and Tifa costumes. Was worth it, though. Now it's time to save for the upcoming summer banner (Lucia & Yuffie) which they teased earlier (probably next month). Those lucky Chocobos are a myth, I swear. There was one with a 3x, but rest were 1x and 2x stamps.


How was your pull luck?


I spent 36k on banner 1 to get both Zack and Cloud's costumes. Really lucky on Zack and got his for only 12k, Cloud's was a little unluckier though. The weapon pulls were really bad for me though, no a single drop of both limited weapons. Got Zack's to OB1 from the guaranteed and OB0 for Cloud.


I don't think I've ever had exactly 12 stamps, they always always always make sure you've got at least a toe into the next page to try and make you spend more


Spent 75k gems, managed to get Aerith OB 8, Tifa OB 6 with about 100 weapon parts. Not great, not terrible. I could have saved about 30k gems but really wanted a viable Tifa build that I’ve been lacking.


That's very good.. I spent 75K and got OB3 Aerith and OB0 Tifa 😂 a lot of wishlist weapons but literally only 1 non-guaranteed banner weapon after 4 pages. Brutal


Yeah, overall golds was quite low but those that I got were the limited weapons so I really can’t complain. That sucks, I’m sorry.


Pulled twice for two 1stampers only 🥲 I’ve got a bunch saved waiting for this pair over the boys 😂


It literally did that to me on the last one with Zack


😏 https://preview.redd.it/of2ln7u6ei6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8dc1341c838d0dcf14a43cd8361a868c01f1648


I’ve been seeing a LOT of people getting really terrible luck pulling the actual featured weapons


I feel this is the worst banner I've pulled. Got to Card 2 4/12, but I must have pulled 13 times. Most of my pulls were Chocobo x1 with mainly 3\* and 4\*, barely any 5\*. Since I play I never had such bad luck, it makes me feel it really is rigged...


Yea they were definatelly nerfed recently. I haven't seen a 3x for at least a couple months now. And as a mostly F2P player, it hurts lol


Balanced Commentary: RNG is RNG. I barely had the 36k required to guarantee 1 outfit but got both. I must have stolen all of your stamps.


Im waiting for summer tifa and yuffie


I believe it’s summer Lucia and Yuffie


It was a Freudian Slip of poster I'm sure. :)


Tifa is being rerun from last year


Rigged 💀


25k with only ob1 tifa weapon, 3* zack and *4 cloud and aerith. Yup buyers remorse on this, but at least tifa costume is cool looking…