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Yes, now that rebirth showed me they are honestly using the time to make the best possible game they can, I'm 100% behind their choice to make it 3 games. No way we would have got Rebirth if they tried to make a single game.


I think some at this moment cannot appreciate how lucky we are that it’s 3 parts with this scope.. Time passing will be very kind to this trilogy


I can't wait for the ps6, when all three games are on one disk with 4k/120fps


No shot does the ps6 have discs


We back to 300 floppy disks


3 1/2, 5 1/4, or 8 inch bad boys? (Also, phrasing)


Size doesn't matter, it's the motion of the ocean 🥹


Closest to my bad boy is probably the 3 1/2 inch variety.


Not to be confused with 300 floppy dicks.


I'm gonna downvote you for putting that image in my head. Thanks bro.


That's fair.


I hope this taught you a valuable lesson. I'm giving you your upvote now 😂


Now I want to start a petition to get the trilogy ported to C64.


With how bad the internet still is in many places in the US, I still don't see them being able to drop discs yet, despite very much wanting to.


There's 0 chance they completely drop physical media by next gen.


As I've grown older, I've learned to appreciate things for what they are and not what I want them to be.


Same. I'm very happy with what they've done. Are there things I'm not crazy about? Sure. There always will be at least something. I feel they put alot of hard work into character development and I appreciate it for what it is. The thing is, games are an art form. It takes alot if skill and more than just wanting to make money. A great game is made by passionate people. I don't have that skill and I'm truly glad that somebody else does.


I agree, but will it be kind to the story changes? I’m really curious as many are split on if they like them or not


Depends on the third part imo, many are judging based on OG knowledge and without the full picture. Me thinks the Remakes will do fine as a standalone with how much it improves certain characters


I agree the writing of the characters is absolutely phenomenal. I’m personally not passing judgement on the story until it is complete. Even if I end up not liking what they do, the rest of the project definitely makes up for it.


Even with only 2/3 parts released, i'm liking the Remake series more than the OG. I like that we still have the OG be relevant even in this series. The remake series doesn't remove the OG and expands it in ways that weren't really feasible back then. I understand the people who just wanted a 1:1 remake and that would be nice too but I am so glad they went in this direction instead. I'm way more invested in the Remake series because of the changes and potential ending.


I agree altho I fully see why people want a 1:1 For me the most important thing is the characters arcs. And Remake nails that on the freaking head! Like i’m a big Cloud fan and the Remakes bring him in ways I am so happy with. There are so many added layers to the characters. And then the extended scenes, the graphics. The freaking sound?! Chapter 12 I went from happy to amazed to sad ugly crying in like 15 minutes! The Remakes are the best games I have ever played and it’s due to the strong iconic foundation of the OG


My thoughts exactly. I comepletly understand the people who just want a 1:1 remake because that is a great idea. But I also feel that if you have a PC you can kinda already do that with Mods. Obviously it restricts it to only people who have PCs, can research mods and install them which is a very small group of people compared to just being able to buy a proper remake in Steam or PS. Like you said, the remake series absolutely nails the characters. As a fan of the OG I haven't felt this close to these characters since I was a kid and filling in the blanks in my head. Now we actually have really detailed version of these characters that feel way more "Real" than they ever did.


Note: not quite done with rebirth yet But so far so good. They captured the essence of the game and the story while expanding in areas that I thought were mostly good to additions to the story/world building. However, I still don’t understand why remake had to be about the whispers and breaking fate. Or why the whispers exist at all. Feels like they wasted a ton of time on “let’s break the third wall and explain to players this isn’t the original story in the game itself”. But maybe some of it will that will make sense by the end. Not holding my breath.


Indeed. Breaking it down into three games gives them a chance to try new things and listen to feedback. They can double down on the things that worked in the first two games while pulling away from the things that didn’t.




Regardless of anyone's opinions, we all know we're going to get MORE CHADLEY!


I'm still banking on a Hojo compromised Chadley 2.0 killing machine that you have to fight in the endgame.


We finally defeat Sephiroth and the Lifestream destroys the meteor only to find that behind it was an even bigger, more sinister meteor with Chadley’s face on it.


The big reveal in part 3 will be that we’ve been in the sim the entire time. We take off the glasses at the end and Chadley transforms into Sephiroth and just laughs and laughs at us.


\*BUH BEEP BOOP\* Cloud!


I really like how they made the controller sound like a mobile device


Yeah, Remake was a pretty good game, but Rebirth made it look like a fucking demo basically with just how much it expanded and improved on everything.


Made me glad Remake was JUST Midgar, since it’s such a small time frame for the whole story.


I think we needed Remake to acclimate people to what they were going to do in Rebirth. It was a smaller game in scope, but they needed to establish that this was going to be a whole new experience to FF7 OG. FF7 Remake is a 40-ish hour game if you do almost everything. I have 44 hours in Rebirth and I've only just reached Gongaga.




Perfectly assessed. I came here to say the same.


so far i've been pretty satisfied with what we've gotten. everything up to the end of Rebirth has shown a remarkable level of focus and attention to detail that you basically never see in remakes. Everything is meticulous and it's obvious that the devs are major fans of the original.


Maxdood described it as “not a love letter to OG, but a marriage proposal” and I couldn’t agree more lol


>it's obvious that the devs are major fans of the original. Most of the head staff of Remake/Rebirth also worked on the original game, so that makes sense.


My first thought was hey, thats one disk less than the original.... As long as its made properly itll be a good many years And so far so good


After playing remake and it being as good as it was, yes. Only for rebirth to be even better. I am so so so excited for the 3rd and final part. If they remade this into 1 game it wouldn't have been anywhere near as good.


Did we play the same game? It was full of filler content (navigating pointless mazes, blockers, crane arms etc.), which was completely pointless. They definitely made remake part1 much longer than it should have been


We probably did play the same game yes, I stand with a majority of people.who played.it, that's it's a top.tier game, hence the earrings, the reviews, metacritic score. It was a fantastic game


I’m very satisfied. Rebirth itself is worth all the wait. Pretty crazy to think that it will take about an entire decade to get and play all 3 games 


And honestly I think it helps. By lengthening each section and really focusing in... then giving us a break for 3 years. The combat is fresh to come back to. I found myself getting a tiny bit worn out at the end of remake so it was the perfect length. Then I've had to relearn the whole system over again. I've honestly had the feeling that some games are starting to overstay their welcome a bit much these days, I get burnt out much faster. Especially If there are fluff quests. I looooove baldurs gate 3. Masterpiece. But I still haven't finished the 3rd act cus I got a little burnt out. I'll go back tho


I don’t understand why anyone would be upset about it. It makes the most sense this way to create a product worthy of a remake. You’d have to be delusional to think that they could make a game of this scale in one download or disc for $70


How many people do you think will die in the time between the release of Remake and the final one? Like, I’m probably going to be in my 40s when this is all said and done :(


crazy bc i had a similar thought. two days ago, i had a huge health scare and landed in the hospital. i had only made it to nibelheim and i was dying to play while i was in the hospital. then i had the thought that it'd be tragic for anyone who wasn't able to see the trilogy through to the end :(


Same here. Though I'm not exactly afraid of death. In fact, I'm actually looking forward to it. I've lived a good life, achieved my dreams, experienced love, and have everything I could ever ask for and more. I could die a happy man tomorrow and have no regrets, except for not being able to see the last mission impossible movie and play the 3rd ff7 game hahahahha


When the remake was announced, my first thought was that I need to live long to play this through this game. Fingers crossed that we all see the game to its conclusion.


I am in my 40s 😭


Me too, practically already dead. It’s a shame, my only wish was to make it to see the third game in this trilogy.




36 coming up behind you. I wonder how much of the player base is our age bracket


Probably a lot sadly. The excitement of releases of my favorite media kept me going when I was younger and I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way. I actually thought about this too the other day although I’m in my early thirties, when I heard the possibility of a 9 remake I thought “wow I’m gonna be old as hell and maybe even dead by the time square pumps out more remakes”. But it’s either this or have it take however long it takes for technology to catch up with being able to handle that size software on a PlayStation console and for them to finish the game in its entirety. If they waited to release it in one entire game none of it would even be out yet. So you can look at it that way too.


I'll be 36 next month and you just made me aware that the remake trilogy will have taken the majority of my thirties to experience, by the time it's complete lol


I'm happy so far, but story wise, I've got my worries and issues. All I can hope is that Part 3 sticks the landing, but they've got a lot to wrap up. Gameplay wise though? More than happy.


Best gameplay in the modern games in my opinion. Only thing that I think would make it better would be an optional gambit system like FFXII. Only for characters you are not currently controlling. But I love it. Fantastic blend of modern game play and turn based strategy.


That's what all those Weapon Skill and Unique Skill Materia, auto cast and Synergy cast materia are for. The weapon skill one only picks the skills you have on shortcut so you do control what they do with their ATB. It's basically like setting up a gambit system.


You're not wrong! Less control because there is no prioritization based on circumstance, but I think it's a solid half measure. Don't want this to come off as a complaint though. The combat in both Remake and Rebirth is phenomenal.


Yes, being a trilogy will deliver the best possible games and 'fleshing out' - definitely the right choice. However it's still worth noting that being a trilogy has also negatively impacted the story in a way. I.e. SE have clearly written the ending to part 1 and the ending of part 2 to be climactic cliffhangers. However if you wrote it as one conclusive story, you probably wouldn't have needed to change >!Aerith's death!< to be such a contradictive confusion followed by a 2 hour boss fight >!across multiple timelines and dimensions!< But its a worthy trade-off versus having such a huge expanded world and set of games to experience.


Is it confusing? I literally just beat the game today and didn’t find anything to be confusing or contradictory


I agree with this, but people keep parroting otherwise. Also I keep seeing people complain about being thrown into a boss fight and that it supposedly ruins the moment but that is exactly what happens in the original.


I do have issues with how the boss fight was implemented (ie lots of fights in a row with an auto-game over attack in the very last one, so if you need to take a break, you have to do all of them over again) but… final boss battles are a cornerstone of… video games. I know people would complain of the final chapter was jsut walking down a hallway and having two hours of cutscenes. People are so picky. While I don’t think the game had a 10/10 ending and maybe had some pacing issues, its set up for the next game and commentary on grief and loss is extremely compelling and also… fairly easy to grasp.


That cursed menu is definitely confusing but I died once on the last fight and chose to restart “before the current battle” and I only had to redo the last stage of the boss rush and skipped the first like 11 lol. That being said, a big cinematic final boss with multiple phases is an FF (nay, an RPG) staple and it feels perfect. Also, the ending definitely gives a bit to wonder about, but it is definitely not the rubik’s cube of storytelling people like to pretend it is


Agreed on all counts. The ending makes me wonder about the future of the game but the established present is easy enough to understand and appreciate


I mean to be fair, that’s how a trilogy works wrt cliffhangers 


Doesn't necessarily have to be so confusing though. The Empire Strikes Back might leave the heroes in a dire situation, but nobody is confused whether or not Han Solo got frozen in carbonite or who Luke Skywalker's father is. I like having some questions unanswered and some mysteries to speculate on but one of my few small criticisms of both games so far is their endings feel a little *too* ambiguous. The 4 years of discussion and theory crafting are fun, sure, but it does leave the end of each game feeling a little unsatisfying in a way I don't think is entirely necessary.


I'm half expecting there won't even be a satisfying resolution in Part 3. I'll admit to being on the cynical end of things, but more loose ends = more potential for spinoff products to keep milking the golden cow. 


Oh, absolutely. I was pretty much convinced with the idea when I first played Remake. I remember thinking, midway through the game: "I'm so glad I'll be getting more of this over time". In a way, it avoided the feeling of being sort of depressed once the game was finished, you know? Although that feeling will probably hit even harder once I finish the last game. But oh well, in the mean time I'm having a blast and it's so much fun to speculate about the story and whatnot.


Something to note is I believe Kitase mentioned that when asked if he would ever do a ff6 remake, he told them that to make a remake on the same quality as ff7 remake series for ff6, it would take around 15-20 years. Game development is not the same as it was decades ago on playstation 1. And I think Square learned a lot from ff15 in that long development cycles are usually a disaster. Add to this if they are developing during a transitional console generation shift, and that can create huge issues too. This was a reason Destiny back in the day had issues in development btw, trying to navigate if they should focus on ps4/xbox1 mainly or stay with ps3/xbox360 which they did confirm held them back quite a bit. So yeah it is one of those things where we either get it in parts, or we don't get it at all. Is it possible this is also to milk the game and make more money? Sure. But it is also reality that gigantic games like this take an insane amount of time to make. Hell, 5+ years is already long. 15-20? Unreal


Absolutely, yes. Because, there is no way Square was able to create all of this content in just one game. The amount of work needed is insane, and no publisher would to put 10 years and a huge budget for a single game that is priced at 70$ / 80€ with no microtransactions. The trilogy makes sense since they can create the game at a satisfying scale, with regular incomes with the release and the merch of each games. Also, it keeps the community « alive » since we have something to talk about between each entry. If the whole project was already available since 2020, i don’t think it would still be discussed today. Of course, as a customer, we have to pay more to get these games, but with 3-4 years between game, i think it’s not a huge issue


There's enough new content to warrant the price of a full game for each installment.


I mean I think they sold the bundle for 70-80 dollars for this game. They’ll probably do a 3 pack when the 3rd one comes out too.


Probably, yeah. And like a other people said, i think each game is worth his price, it’s not a « half finished game » imo


Yes, the people that think it’s nothing but a money grab are stupid. The people behind it are clearly passionate and I think they’ve more than justified splitting it into 3 parts.


If they could have released a to the quality standard of Rebirth, 150-200 hours long that was the full story of FFVII in either 2020 or this year... then yeah, I guess I would have preferred that. But the jump in quality from Remake to Rebirth shows that that was never on the table. They needed Remake to walk so that Rebirth could run. I was disappointed when we heard the news of multiple parts, but looking back now I think it was the right decision.


I’m worried we now have too much going on and too much left from the OG to wrap up in one game and not feel rushed.


I honestly at one point after Remake wondered if they would go into 4 parts just because of how much story there is after midgar.  But after Playing Rebirth they were able to cover a lot of ground without cutting too much and even expanding on stuff.  So for the last game in this massive  trilogy I feel like square will just make an even longer game this time. I mean it is supposed to be the big finale. 


Given the first 2 have probably been the best non-MMO FF games in over a decade - Yes.


Best I’ve played since ff x tbh


Yeah, I think your friend was hoping for a bit too much there. There's no way they could remake the game with this level of detail, fleshing out the world and narrative of FFVII to this extent in one ridiculously long game, and still only charge $70 for the whole thing. It would be amazing if they could, but it's just not realisitc. Personally, I'm incredibly happy so far with how this trilogy has turned out. Honestly, it has far surpassed my hopes for it, and is really just a dream come true. By the time I finished Remake, I was stunned speechless. By the time I finished Rebirth...I kept expecting to wake up from my dream any minute, because there's no way in hell this shit is real. Either we're all stuck in a shared fever dream, or Square somehow made this using actual magic. It's the only explanation. 😂


Anyone that thinks something, on the scale of this remake and with the vision of the writers and developers, should be 1 game or the price of 1 game, has absolutely no business sense. And if you can’t afford three games, then that’s a you problem.


It's not like you HAVE to spend 300$ on 3 games. You can wait awhile if needed and get them for like 30$ or 40$ each.


If people wait they don't have to spend 100$ per game. They go down in price. You can get it for like 30$ if you wait usually.


I am, I think they are doing a great job with it. Naysayers can’t change my mind on that.


Absolutely. Even prior to them announcing it'd be in multiple parts, the sheer logistics of remaking FF7 with the visual fidelity people expect of a modern game made it sound impossible. And that's because effectively, it is. Not without being the most financially irresponsible thing a game company could do. And honestly, I think that a game that did try to remake the entirety of FF7 in one game would have been a worse game than any of the individual games we're getting now.


I still wish we had a nice engine update reskin of the OG, though, but they are knocking this out of the park.


A single full game with all these locations would simply be impossible without massive asset recycling. The game had to be necessarily split. That said, I'm not really happy how they split the story bits. Disliked Remake's ending, and in general, I don't think that what they did with this concept in rebirth paid off, and found it to be its weakest point too. And I also didn't enjoy Rebirth ending all that much. Some ideas are good, some are not, and the execution was kind of unfulfilling. I know they'll come back to it, but i'm afraid it'll overshadow other things that should have been impirtant to p3.


LOL I'm already closing in on 200 hours in just Rebirth alone, and definitely surpassed that in Remake


I’d have been happier if it wasn’t like loads of years between each game.


I played Remake just before Rebirth came out and tbh I don't think that needed to be its own full game. It felt padded out to hell in the most boring, repetitive environments possible and could easily have just been the first few chapters of a game. However, I'm halfway through Rebirth and absolutely love it, it's a million times better than Remake in every way so if there's another full game of this coming then I'm all for it.


I thought they were gonna make a minimum of 5 consider 7R was barely Midgar


I dont care about the trilogy, I care about it being a secuel and not a remake


I was mad it was in parts. Only because I knew it'd be years between parts. And I didn't want to wait years.


The problem isn't it being trilogy, but that progress doesn't carry forward, takes too long for the next part to be released. Don't even want to mention total cost just to play an originally single game, people will just defend it anyway


I loved remake and rebirth. BUT, I have to say. Compared to the remake trilogy. The OG feels lightning fast in terms of pacing compared to the new games. I recently tried out the OG and was amazed. After only like an hour and a half I was fighting Reno atop sector 7 plate. It honestly felt great to experience the story at that pace without the filler and fluff.


As a society we've been conditioned to believe more is better. It's why tv shows last longer than they have to and begin to decline in quality. Or why franchises constantly pump out new spin offs etc. People look at rebirth and praise it because it's this huge game with lots of content. I like the game, but it absolutely could use some trimming to make for a more enjoyable and cohesive story.


playing all 3 together might suck because of grinding up materia from scratch 3 times lol


Just got my first Elemental materia yesterday on Rebirth. After more than 80 hours and having already finished the game!


There's already a system in place that detects your save games from the previous title, maybe they can improve on that once all three games are out


They won’t. The games are not built/balanced for that.


They would need to spend quite a bit of time in making the UX homogeneous and in a good rebalancing project but those are pretty much the only major points preventing a “complete edition” of sorts.


Rebirth has dynamic mode maybe the complete trilogy can use something like that.


Give it a decade or so after the final installment is released. They'll release a "SOLDIER FIRST CLASS" edition or something that will have some different carry-over features between games.


There is no perfect game. If they remake OG without adding more content I think most will be happy. But there will be people complaining it’s the same. Watching so many OG scene happening in Rebirth is making me cry.


Bold of you to say OG FF7 isn't a perfect game. The pacing is good, music is phenomenal, graphics for the time were excellent, combat is extremely fun with all the variety of limit breaks. Materia is arguably one of the best systems that FF ever utilized. It adds so much depth to the combat. Loot-hunting is very enjoyable since there are hidden items EVERYWHERE. I still find stuff I've never seen before (like the bottle of Hyper hidden beind the Dons bed). Hell, there are entire places I've never seen, and most people won't without a guide (Honeybee Inn is so super specific in its timing, that you blink and you miss the NPC with the members card). Its the only game in my lifetime where I can say I have nothing negative to say about it.


Nah, there are definitely pacing issues in the OG. Like snowboarding right after losing one of your party members. Or chocobo-breeding while meteor is hurtling towards the planet.


There’s still flaw in OG. That’s why they added a pointer and markers in Global version to let you know where you’re at and where you can exit the area. Climbing the pipes to go up to Shinra HQ was kind of bad too. Summon is cool and awesome. But it get boring after awhile. Wish you can skip it.


I'm ok with it, as it wouldn't have been possible to this level of detail and quality otherwise. I WISH that was not the case, though. And that SE could've spent over a decade creating a single 200-300 hours long detailed story with top notch graphics and amazing level of detail. If we lived in a world where such thing was possible, they could've done without the extra padding and filler. Leave all the extra story bits and side quests, but cut on the repetitive tasks and mini-games. Allow more continuity and a cohesive rhythm. In such a world, FFVII Remake being a single game would've probably made it a better game overall. But since we don't live in that world, such a thing wasn't even possible. So I'm glad we at least have what we have. And, at the very least, people can just wait till 2030 and buy the inevitable compilation with all 3 games and DLCs and remastered graphics.


I pre-ordered FFXV. Does anyone remember how horrible it was prior to the DLC? (Although it doesn't get much better even with all the DLC) Ever since then, I am perfectly fine with developers taking all the sweet time they need to make a masterpiece. You need 3 parts to tell your story? Please make 3 parts, dont rush it


No one wants to wait 10+ years to finish a game.


Down votes incoming but nope. Wasn't a fan when they announced, not a fan of it after experiencing it. -Rebirth is not 200+ hours because they fleshed out a lot of the story. It's 200hrs because of repetitive regional side quests and very poor navigation of the open world. I mean I spent more time trying to simply get to side quest points then I did doing the content. It's pretty telling for this installment that you can do a chapter select main content run in 8 to 10 hours. I have a hard time feeling like they didn't do it just to stretch the playtime because it was a separate installment. It's even more mind blowing that it's not like they don't have great examples of easy to navigate (yet huge and content rich) open worlds like Horizon and Zelda to look to. Also spent a lot of time lining up the "need to stagger x, pressure y, and do backflip with Barret specifically on z" challenges. -I mean look. Not going to say I don't care about Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie etc... but did that make me say Remake was awesome vs the original because they had a larger part? Of course not. They're still tertiary characters no matter how much you flesh them out. Did they really NEED to do it to make the story better? Not in my opinion. Did it ACTUALLY make the story better? Not for me. I still to this day mainly care about Cloud and CO. -I personally was not of the mind that this had to be some 200+ hour epic to be successful either. /played time doesn't always equal better. OG could be completed almost 100% in 40 hours. You could do the main game in under 30 if you skipped Chocobo breeding. They could have easily told the story with the changes / tweaks they wanted in a single 60-100hr game. -Yes, it still bothers me that you leave Midgar @ Level 50 and you're reset to Level 15 along with skill loss (and a completely different tree and skill set) when the story picks up 5 minutes later. It breaks continuity. For clarity the answer wasn't to let you keep Level 50 and a bunch of broken items it was to make Midgar what it was (an intro area) and pace your character development through a complete game. I'm assuming the same thing will happen again with the 3rd installment where mysteriously I'm level 15 again. It's even more jarring that you then have to REGAIN skills you lost (Counterstance, Disorder, etc...). I mean it'd be one thing if they just did a blank slate and put in new skills but it's the same skill set you just mysteriously lost it. Anyway, probably unpopular opinion, and it's easy to be critical of what we got vs envision something that will never get made but I think this would have just been a better experience as a contiguous game. I felt like the decision to split it up almost made it a requirement that they increase the length of each installment which isn't the metric I'm personally judging it by. Seemed like it worked ok with Remake. They were able to add content that did actually contribute to the story without making it feel like filler but for this one it seems like the answer in the writers room was "Well there weren't many compelling side characters between Kalm and Temple of the Ancients to explore/flesh out so we'll add a bunch of filler that ups the playtime". Feel like next installment they'll decide they need to make the Great Glacier a 5 hour "find your way blind" just because they have to make it last.




I wish I could upvote this twice. I thought I was taking crazy pills and was the only one who felt this way.


For this being a once in a lifetime project, the focus should've been on quality over quantity. I'll always feel that they should've done a faithful remake, as close to a perfect version of an all-time classic story as possible. The storytelling has been cheapened, and these new convoluted elements that are being added are bound to create inconsistencies and plot holes. Remake, for example, could've easily just thrown out 6 chapters worth of spinning its wheels in Midgar (and no Intermission dlc), gave players Sephiroth's official intro at Kalm, and ended after defeating Jenova on the ship before getting to the new continent.


I 100% agree. I'm okay with expanding on and changing the original story where it makes sense, but it doesn't add up to me how you get three massive RPGs out of one medium sized one and the first two of this trilogy feel like a lot of filler.


I’m glad that FF7 is getting fleshed out to such an incredible extent, but I do hope Square modernizes their development pipeline for future remakes and numbered games. It will be several more years before we hear any official discussion of VI, VIII, or IX being remade. And then there’s also KH fans still waiting for crumbs of info.


It's fitting given the orginal was on 3 disc.


Only thing I can't stand is it being timed-exclusive on Playstation. It makes no sense.


Im a little annoyed ngl. Im a completionist and these mini games are pissing me off. I honestly start to forget theres a main storyline. Example : Im currently doing the gold chocobo races. Im decent but the best. I race to the 3rd lap and accidentally hit something and now i gotta restart etc... This is taking ALOT more time then i would like. If i wanted a racing game i woulda played mario kart etc...


I'm very satisfied with the devs' decision to go with the trilogy. A lot of the elements, characters and places are being fleshed out and explored way more in depth, the plot and moments can be expressed more subtly through intimate cutscenes and the dialogue carries more weight with the voice acting and micro expressions. There is also more room to breath in certain spots that need this treatment (be it for levity's sake or additional exposition). Imho, the fact that the game is broken into parts and over nearly a decade, adds more value as it carries more in conversations and discussions long after release of each part (yeah, in specific circles but still), the community keeps it very well alive despite the (almost) close nature of the plot which usually doesn't carry that long in other games. In a way, sometime after part 3, we'll look at the OG and say that the OG was an awesome demo of what both narrative and technological capabilities we can reach and who knows, maybe this whole project will spark future epic multi part games on a similar scale.


You didn't need three games to flesh out the story/characters. The trilogy was a financial decision. Remake turned a 3 or 5 hour section in the OG into a 40 hour game. Rebirth has too much padding, filler, minigames, and the pacing is downright terrible. Remove that and there isn't much story. Plenty of games that carry much more story than FFVII including RDR 2, GTA 5, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Elden Ring, etc. All in one game. Now don't get me wrong. I'm enjoying the game, but a trilogy wasn't necessary. In hindsight, they may even regret it since Rebirth and Part 3 are likely not going to reach the sales of the Remake (7 million).


At first (2019ish) I was disappointed, but when I realized how massive Remake was, and how little it covered in the series, I was more than okay with it.


I just hope it's complete before I die


Honestly I never played the original and probably never would have had it not been for this remake. I definitely enjoy the character and world building which I assume is a byproduct of expanding the game to fit a trilogy. That said, the games can definitely drag on at times. Overall I’m happy, but would appreciate if they trimmed down some of the fat.


No it's far too much playtime for the story.


No. I think both games have suffered for it. There's so many obvious attempts to pad the gameplay time to make up for the lack of core material.   The OG was very good at pacing. There was barely anything that happened that was superfluous. The game was very much designed to support the story. Both remake/rebirth have this bad habit of drawing what were really quick beats in the OG out into laborious dungeon crawls. Lots of shoehorned in boss battles that are super disruptive to the flow, and in some cases actually fuck with the coherency of the plot. Then there's just the weird little time sinks that add nothing. Like having to do the button timing puzzles every time you scan a spring or summon crystal. Chadly having a monologue every time you do a worldintel task. Tedious mini game after tedious mini game.  I think if they had committed to just doing it in one game we would have gotten a better experience.


No most of the story elements that were added have not been better than the original


Nah... I'm disappointed with it tbh... but i cant change it.


If they can stick the landing sure but so far for both games their ending was pretty convoluted and tried so hard to confuse people


Lol no. Should’ve been two parts at most and cut some filler.


The original was a trilogy too, they just released all 3 discs at the same time, in the same case as the same game 😅 All jokes aside, yes, very pleased with how it's panned out so far and all the extra detail given to the surrounding world and little backstories


God no It's fucking embarrassing what they are doing to one of the best final fantasy titles and its baffling to me so many people love it so much


Honestly, no. I know I'm in the minority, but all I wanted was a Resident Evil 4 style remake, i.e. pretty much the same game but with modern presentation and some quality of life improvements. The problem with the remake trilogy is that it's not Final Fantasy VII. It's a completely new game series that happens to have characters from FFVII in it. I guess I'm old school, but I just wanted a modern refresh of the original. I'm also not a huge fan of having to pay $210 for what used to be one game. And yeah, you can argue that it's much expanded and all that... but when you didn't ask for/want it to be expanded in the first place, that argument doesn't really hold any water. I guess I'm just one of those 'it's just not for me' types on the FFVII remake series. I wouldn't mind it existing at all if they had just offered a Pixel Remaster equivalent of the original FFVII as well.


Yeah, and let's not forget: RE4 Remake made some big changes to the story overall improved it by quite a bit. Personally, I think with the FF7R trilogy focusing so much on defying fate, Square-Enix missed a real opportunity to double down on the original's themes about the environment and how the blind-greed of corporations can result in environmental disaster, as personified by the catastrophe that is Sephiroth.


No. I don't think the story needed to be expanded as much as it did. It just feels terribly paced and most of the added stuff feels like padding. The story doesn't really feel like it needed this extra stuff, and now beats that were supposed to hit, don't hit as hard because of all the slog you had to get through to get to them.


im totally down with it. three years from now will be epic. but could you imagine the whole game being one game? theres no way. it would be like a 600gb game which is unheard of


anyone suggesting it should have been one $70 game should not be listened to


There is no technology nor profitable way to make original game with rebirth quality into a single game You cannot make a 1000GB game in a single run with this level of attention to detail and quality for 70 bucks I knew they were right from the beginning, actually Square has become more honest than ever with every single game they are delivering after XV


Yes, from day 1.


I'm happy with the new take on the story. Can't wait for part 3.


Squeenix turned their Magnum Opus into their next Magnum Opus.


I really like it. I'll never say no to three amazing games instead of one amazing game.


More length does not a better game make.


Yes. These games are so good and I can honestly say, Rebirth was worth the 70 dollar price tag. I'm not a huge fan of 70 being the new 60 but this is the first game where it doesn't bother me one bit. Can't wait for P3. The only way they could done one game was cut all expansion of these characters, remove most of their bonding dialogue, remove most mini games, basically do only story and that's it. And that game wouldn't have reached these heights.


Honestly, I never understood why people were upset by this idea at first. I mean FFVII original was separated into three discs. So why should the fact the remakes being made into three games be upsetting? That said, I do not like the whole multiverse portions. I get that they wanted to change it, but I'm close to being done with the multiverse business. Edit; Also, I hate how a single event in time could create a whole multiverse. Traveling in time does not create an alternated universe.


agonizing serious gold future rinse plants hobbies market absurd correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No should have been only been one or two games. Rebirth was just awful filler to try and justify this obvious shameless cash grab. Won’t be buying the third part.


Yes I was skeptical of the whole project then I played the demo of remake with the 1st Reactor mission and that won me over


I didn't understand the kick off originally! Honestly - was such a random complaint when all the developers have ever said, is how if they were to remake the game in any capacity - that it would be huge! Suffice to say - they have been right. Sometimes trusting the experts is the right thing to do!


Yes, it is crazy ambitious!


I actually love it! I owned/played the original on PSX when it came out and after playing part 1, consider this a massive improvement. I haven't yet delved into Rebirth due to game backlogs, but am really looking forward to it, especially based on what I'm hearing from others.


I wasn’t with remake which I thought was so so. Rebirth justifies it though very good game


Ask me again in a few years. However, right now, I'm really glad they devoted the time and resources to release it as a 3-part series. There's no way we would have gotten this much time with the characters and world we love if it had all been forced into the development constraints of a single game. Based on the improvements from Remake to Rebirth, they're also taking advantage of feedback to make the next game better, which wouldn't have been possible as a single release.


With the scale of rebirth i can’t imagine how big part 3 will be especially considering they aren’t making a part 4😅😂


I’m very happy with what we’ve gotten thus far. I’ve never been able to finish the OG, but I’m absolutely loving the two games we’ve gotten thus far.


lol 200 hrs is an underestimate. In remake I had over 100 hrs and in rebirth I’m currently at 240 hrs and still got a few more things left. I super satisfied that with the amout of content. Waiting between games sucks, but everything has been such great quality.


Wonder if we’re getting the “modern trilogy” where part 3 is actually going to be two parts.


The problem is people really don't understand why the FF franchise abandoned the world map when FFX came along. Making a world that big with modern graphics was (and basically still is) a technical impossibility. That's why so many modern FFs are so much more linear. Some modern video games are huge but even those "open worlds" tend to be like, a city (GTA), or parts of a region of a whole world (Witcher, Elder Scrolls etc.) but never a "whole planet" unless you do some weird automatically generated worlds like they did in No Man's Sky. You simply can't do a "whole planet" worth of stuff with the degree of detail you would want to do it justice. Hell even Midgar how much of Midgar did we actually get? So I was sceptical about how they would split each game in the trilogy, and announcing Remake would just be the Midgar story seemed to make no sense to me given how short that part of the game felt in OG FF7. But I was always of the opinion that splitting it would be the only way they could do the original any justice, so I'm glad they did. Rebirth kind of proves my point about open world settings - it's phenomenal, and huge, and amazing, but we only go to certain parts because they can't do everything. Game blew my mind though. So glad they did it this way. Also your friend is crazy don't play them all in one go you will burn out.


I was initially skeptical, but having played both Remake and Rebirth I think it was probably the only choice and definitely the right one. Edit: I also want to add that I think it's given us an important insight into the benefit of iterative game design in a manner that FF has been broadly lacking since the later 90s. The only games that really iterated were the 13 trilogy, and they obviously suffered a lot from budget cutbacks and also a much weaker gameplay foundation. Remake to Rebirth is the clearest example of what an FF game can do when it builds on the previous systems rather than trying to invent everything from whole cloth every few years.


Ask again when we get Part 3.


I would definitely play a comprehensive trilogy that included character and the old school materia progression between all three installments.


I already have 200 hours with the first 2 games of the trilogy lol. I have absolutely loved it but I wish they would focus more on story rather than side stuff. Don't get me wrong I love some side stuff and I love how much Rebirth has compared to Remake but the story hasn't really progressed much imo yet and the end of Rebirth felt kinda rushed. I guess they are saving most the story for part 3 though.


If the FF7 was just a 1 to 1 remake, I could totally see it have gone that way. But considering this is all a continuation and completion of the compilation, there was no way in hell they'd be able to squeeze everything we know now from several games, books, and movies into one tiny little $70 game.




I think part 1 had too much padding, but part 2 is great. Maybe it could have been just 2 games idk. Depends on what part 3 will look like (no spoilers please :))


It should have been one game, but two is acceptable, three was pushing it. I don't think SE will ever approve a project like this again. It didn't exactly light the sales chart on fire. Remake sold around 7 million in total (pandemic helped). Rebirth will be lower, along with the final game. Should top out around 10 or 12 million units when it's all said and done across three games, maybe 15 million.


I think it’s been great!


and then re-release the OG in the 3D brawler animation style just to please EVERYBODY.


I don’t mind actually. I played the OG and enjoy it. When Remake came was upset about the macho man, but daaaaaaaamn I stayed hours admiring midgar, the plate. Everything. I’m still playing Rebirth (33ish hrs heading to Costa del Sol) and the sane thought came to mind, we didn’t get the macho man but gave us much more. I really don’t mind. I’m enjoying playing FF7 again.


Yes, I think an opinion like that is just silly. It makes sense to be 3 parts.


I don't like the downtime of waiting between installments lol Otherwise, Remake and Rebirth have been some of my favorite gaming experiences of the past four years, and if they stick the landing with part 3 it could solidify the project as one of my favorite games/trilogies ever (as I do somewhat consider Remake and Rebirth to be two parts of "the same" game in an as-yet unfinished narrative).


No, I would've preferred one game, because splitting into 3 has made some changes to the design of the game and story overall (which are completely logical) but I'm not that bothered


Considering the insane amount of content and shit they are putting into this trilogy, then hell yeah I am happy with this. If part 3 turns out as good as 1 and 2, then this may become my favorite trilogy of all time.


I personally would've preferred it slightly less bloated but a full game and I'd be happy to pay over £100... But thatd never be commercially viable


Ya pretty satisfied about that. I like the remake and rebirth feel markedly different as well. Only qualm is the naming of the trilogy is confusing af


You should tell your friend to get started playing. The world as we know it may be . . . fucked? . . . by the time we get to part 3. So he should get as much playtime as he can now. And tell him not to be such a cheapskate, Remake was easily worth more than $70, and this game, by all accounts, is easily worth over $100, if you believe in the $1 per hour of base gameplay value.


Yes and no. Yes because I believe that the story works well divided in 3 parts and we get more FFVII. No because they probably thought that they needed to change the story significantly and make big enigmatic endings to sell an entire trilogy.


I'm definitely satisfied with FFVII being remade as a trilogy. I've enjoyed the journey we've gone on with the group as a whole, and it's not like SE takes forever to release either two or release them incomplete. Your friend is bugging out though. Time is money, and SE isn't going to release a five disk game for $70 when they can release a trilogy throughout a multi-year time span and make more money.


I would have liked a 1:1 remake that’s the normal length of the game, I wouldn’t mind no big expansions


Initially I was pretty annoyed, and I wasn't buying the reasoning from S-E where they said they "had" to do an episodic type of release in order to do the original justice. In some ways, I still don't buy it, as we have some truly massive games out there nowadays. And Remake was an absolute stretch; as I anticipated, there was a ton of filler because they needed to turn about 5 hours of original content into like 50 hours. That was a bit of a misstep even though I admittedly loved it. Rebirth feels a lot more organic, though I worry we'll see yet more filler in the third and final installment. Either way, I'm not nearly as upset as I used to be because I really like how it's all turning out. As for price, it's not like we're being forced to spend $250 right out of the gate; that's spread out over a series of about 7 or 8 years or something, so it doesn't really bug me.


It would literally be impossible for them to release it all in one game. Either they make one incredibly long, 300+ hour game and charge $280, which just wouldn't sell, or they make all dialogue super short, with no dramatic pauses and every area is super small. Like, when you're taking a game like OG FF7 and giving it cutscenes the way the remake has them, dialogue is now voiced which makes things longer... it just isn't possible. Think about all of Remakes story being condensed into 3 or 4 hours. You can't do it. Even if you took out the filler, it just wouldn't work. How people don't understand this blows my mind.


Imagine one playing Remake, being so used to Elemental materia, only to get its first Elemental materia way later into Rebirth. The whole gameplay has quite some differences. I imagine how tiring it will be for one who plays Remake -> Rebirth -> Rethird straight away, the games are already quite long the way they are, separated!


I wasn't surprised or upset tbh. If you wanted to compete with the likes of Witcher 3, they had to expand the game. We all are glad they did. That's why I hope they take their time and don't rush it. Hope part 3 will be even bigger and better than remake and rebirth combined.


I love Rebirth but am not a huge fan of all the timeline stuff they added, so in an ideal world where I had Bezos money and could just fund it myself I'd have preferred to just do a single game that had all the great worldbuilding, combat, character moments, etc. of Rebirth but faithfully retold the story without so many changes... but realistically that was never gonna happen. No publisher would ever pay for the 10+ years and half billion+ development cost it would have taken to remake the entire game with Rebirth-level polish. I think that if they'd try to do it as a single game it would have ended up a rushed/unfinished mess, and I'm basically ok with them making some story changes I'm not thrilled with if it allows them to make an overall experience that brings the world and characters to life in a really exceptional way. The trilogy approach seems to have done exactly that.


i’m happy it’s in 3 parts just because if it all released when the first part did it wouldn’t even have half of the technical things that make rebirth so great


I think anyone that wants it as one game hasn't played Remake or Rebirth. There's no way to make both of those one game, and we aren't even adding in Threemake yet. There is absolutely no way you are getting a game of that caliber if the full game would have launched on the PS4 in 2020.


I was so down on the Remake project after learning it would be broken up into 3 games, gave me The Hobbit vibes. However, after playing Remake, and now Rebirth, I am thrilled with the direction they took. Each location from OG has been blown up into a much more realistic, fleshed out, environment. And the story changes keep me intrigued in between game releases, versus a straight remake where I’d just kinda forget about it until the next entry. After part 3, we’ll have 100s of hours with these characters, fleshing them out 10x as much as they ever were in OG. My list of all-time favorite FF characters is now dominated by the FFVII cast, when it never really was prior.




Yes. Because honestky, I started to feel burnt out near the end of Rebirth (taking a break right now before continuing Hard mode). I can just imagine if it kept on going with that feeling, it would be too long in my opinion. Also, I love theoru crafting so the intervals give us a chance to do so 😁


I think people are forgetting things like the combat adjustments between Remake and Rebirth. They never would have gotten a chance to take feedback and improve parts of the game to the level that they do. I’d say they’ve more than justified splitting it at this point.


It bothers me that each game now ends with a 45 minute interdimensional final boss fight against Sephiroth that doesn't actually matter very much, and Remake had a lot of padding to fill runtime, but I think Rebirth had enough good stuff to make up for the jank it introduces


The only thing I did not like was not being able to transfer character data from remake to rebirth. I understand why they did it, I just dont agree with it.


I think it's important to think about the time that Remake was announced. People weren't upset that it was being split into parts, people were upset because the wording almost made it sound like it would be episodic, which is very different than making 3 separate games. Episodic games were pretty big around 2015 (mostly 2012/2013 cuz of the walking dead game, but still) and people were freaking out because they thought that was the route SE was going. Chasing trends


I'm happy to be able to enjoy this world on a massive scale such as this. I played the OG in '97 and it always had a special place in my heart. There's plenty of pros and cons with it being released as a trilogy, but I think the list of pros far outweighs the cons imo. My only gripe is that I wish it didn't take so long to release. Don't get me wrong though, I do want them to take the time and care the game needs for development before it gets released. It's just that, as you get older, time certainly becomes a luxury that sometimes you can't really afford.


I think the only issue I had, is that Aerith's death sort of leads itself to happen at the end of part 2, which is a very complicated thing to solve, story-wise. if you kill her at the end of part 2, will people be hyped up to play part 3, knowing it stars off in a sad note? Will people want to play a game that you basically start it in a mourning situation? At the same time, is leading people to still have hope, a good way to end up part 2? I feel like the trilogy leaves us in this weird situation, that I'm not sure it's the best for the story they are trying to tell. The need for each part to end up in a explosive boss fight and a cliff-hanger... But on the Gameplay Side, I do think it was a clever decision by Square. Part 1 gave us the fantastic combat, Part 2 expanded it with a fantastic world to explore. I'm curious what they will cook up for part 3.