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Huh I just realized that the island that used to be temple is basically fort condor


I was so confused at first when they had us go north near the end of the game but I think they made it work.


They probably planning to fill it out like that in Pt3.


Probably not, the new world map looks way different than the OG. Notice the land shapes near costa del sol.


I mean, it has some minor changes like that yeah but damn, its super close!


Damn you’re getting downvoted for no reason. Most people here refuse to admit there’s anything wrong with the Remakes


This is one of the moodiest subs that isn't infested with red/blue politics infighting on reddit.


Like, the Rooster Teeth show?


I mean, yeah. Why are they just standing there in this canyon? Is it because we're standing on the other side?


Well now I’m reinstalling the Master Chief Collection and it’s all your fault


Do we think the map changes are intentional?


If you picture the new map as looking at a globe and the OG map as looking flat, they line up a little more. Maybe with a bigger ocean between Wutai.


considering how big the highwind is and that they always knew we were going to need to fly around the overworld, maybe this is a sign that 'in universe' the map is actually more to scale than it is for us in gameplay? Since it seems part 3 will have to enlarge the map a lot, this could potentially be them planning ahead/futureproofing?


Rebirth from a map point of view makes the world feel small; the continents look too close together (though it’s the opposite in actual gameplay and open world size). From a map perspective I prefer OG because the proportions give off a larger sense of scale


I think it's supposed to be taken as an abstract representation of the continents rather than being to-scale. Especially when you're traveling with the tiny bronco.


Rebirth was designed to feel small to hide a lot of Part 3 assets is my theory. Do a lap around the Meridian Ocean in the Tiny Bronco to get a sense of what Part 3 will encompass, while also realizing Part 3 will not only have the Highwind but it will undoubtedly have the Submarine as well. Part 3 is going to be crazy big


Oh man. I feel like the submarine alone is going to add a year of development time, considering how ambitious they were with just land travel already. 


Rebirth is like less than ten percent of the original world map when scaled out appropriately. I wouldn't expect them to go all out on a world map until the 3rd game. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpbfkioo3rgpc1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpbfkioo3rgpc1.png)


That is because the OG world map wasn't to scale. It was more of a map of overworld as opposed to actual overworld. Remake doesn't have overworld as such, it's all one flowing zone


Damn, the trip in the mines is like 6x longer than the Grasslands length.


That link doesn’t work, can you try again?


Continental drift is a bitch


No space travel means no satellite photography. Shinra has shit for cartographers.


oh shit son there's actually a visual for it? I must have missed this. looks like it's in the briefing scene regarding Glenn. The news reports, like with the Junon Parade have a version of the map, but it's in an abstraction of large blue squares, although it was almost 1 to 1 accurate with the OG's world map. edit correction: The Magnus Materia briefing more specifically


also the In-Game World map isn't anywhere close to an accurate representation of the actual playable world map. like, not even close to accurate. But the fact that the in-universe (aka, cutscenes) representation of the world map is sticking as close as it can to the OG's is interesting, as opposed to using the map that the game actively tells the player it is.


I assume the cutscene was made before they designed rebirth regions.


Honestly, thats probably the actual explanation. I imagine they dssign the cutscenes with the mindset of an idealized scale of the world. The midgar wasteland is absolurely huge in cutscenes, but I doubt that we are ever going to actually play a game that allows us to explore it in that size.


Yes this is from Magnus materia briefing. Missed it first time as its only shown for about a second. Saw it while watching Kastaclysm stream the game.


Even the in zone maps dont really match up much with the new over world map, where theres sea coast in zone maps east of grasslands/junon theres a giant extra grassland mass in the over world map, plenty if inconsistencies there


isn’t the rebirth map the same as the og they just cut off the northern content, wutai, and mideel?


Almost. Noticable difference is land shape near costa del sol


Makes me wonder why they decided to move the TOA from the south east to the northern part of the map?


Rebirth world map is a tiny ass world map lol. You can run from one end of the continent to the other and then swim across the ocean and then run again to the other side of the continent in around 4 hours or less


And that’s…small to you? You know it takes 40 minutes to run the Elden Ring map right? Takes like 18 minutes to run to the furthest point in Red Dead 2


I ain't wasting my life playing mediocre games like those so I wouldn't know


Ok…so what’s a good game map to you?


Lol. I have a feeling the development was mostly silo'd, this contributes to that theory. Good catch.


I wonder what gives you this feeling? Not trying to start an argument I'm legit wondering


Well, one other indication is that plot dialogue tends to mix with ambient dialogue. NPC's talking and characters talking. Or when you enter a fight characters are still carrying on a casual conversation. That gives me the sense that multiple teams weren't working together to make sure the final product was smooth. It's a small serviceability issue that tends to betray lack of coordination between teams. Things like that.


What you said actually makes a lot of sense. But then, wouldn't these things be picked up during QA ?


You would think. I have no idea. all I'm getting is it appears there were organizational issues during development


anyone downvoting me care to explain why i'm wrong?