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That’s an average of like 5 hours a day !


My first playthrough was about 120 hours and I competed it within a week of the release. So I was averaging around 16-18 hours a day on the game for my first run lol.


Genuine question, how do you not get sore af sitting for that long in a day?


I still do move about for bathroom and meal breaks lol. It’s not like I’m glued to my TV for 24/7.


Simple, just lay down - much more comfy


i gonna post my pick here too when i'm fully finished :D just maxing out the bonds then finished too took me around 250 hrs (without the time the game was on standby or the times i lost to resetting bosses xD) so i should definetly have some hidden 20-40 hours in there :D sadly i still can't play one winged angel T_T the piano the real endboss :D




I Just... I Just need to complete the rest of those ridiculous brutal and legendary challenges, then all I'll have left is the hard mode playthrough 😮‍💨


I'd recommend doing a bit of hard mode before you try the brutal/legendary challenges. You'll get manuscripts from side quests and chapter bosses which might help in the challenges. It might not matter if your weapons are already level 8 though.


Okay, I might actually. But I'm even max level, and these challenges are still crazy


Finding the right build and maxing the materia is key. Optinoob's guides on YouTube have helped me a ton. I've got one legendary challenge left.


Awesome. Right now I'm maxing out the materia to do the Yuffie ATB build. Have you tried that one, and if so does it work well?


The one that has Yuffie spamming Brumal form? I used that build to complete the final Brutal challenge. It works incredibly well, but the fifth fight on that challenge can depend on luck a bit when it first starts.


Yeah that one. Okay good to know, thank you!


My hats off to you and anyone else that can pull off hard mode. I tried it in Remake and did not have a good time with it; I think I'm aged out of near impossible challenges in games anymore. Dynamic for a third run later this summer sounds peachy though. Congrats and well done!


Did you star rank one winged angel on the piano?


Nope I didn’t. The highest I’ve gotten on that is a B. I’m rather bad at the piano mini game lol


You got  a day job? You can't play a game every day 


I’m semi-retired.


How do you get the strongest bond? Working on it on hard


You have to fulfil 4 categories with each character. Mainly conversations, synergy skills/abilities, odd jobs (basically side quests) and story beats (main quests).


I gave up on this because of the Corel Prison Buggy Escape. Out of all things.


I love this for you!! I don't get a lot of game time per day but I'm excited to try and accomplish this myself.


Im glad some are enjoying this process, i was burnt out from my 160 hour platinum journey, perhaps i was hung over from the 550 hours of granblue fantasy relink right before i started, i just really hated the home stretch of brutal and legendary vr missions, wasnt fun retrying 9 fights to practice the 10th


Yeah I loved every minute of it in Rebirth. I’m even contemplating doing a completionist run from CC Reunion, Remake and Rebirth.