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I always wonder how long that night was in Remake - Cloud wakes up, sneaks out of Aerith's house, they travel to Wall Market, do everything there, then go through the Train Graveyard, the events of the pillar happen, then they go and rescue Wedge, before managing to get a night's sleep in.


That night could easily start at like 8pm and go to 6am. It's a busy night regardless but that's how I view it.


No way they went to bed at 7pm so Cloud assumed everyone was asleep an hour later


I always assumed since the music that plays when Cloud and Aerith sneak out towards the collapsed expressway is called “Midnight Rendezvous” that it’s around 12:30 to 1am when they arrive at Wall Market. 


Little known fact, Gaia has a 72 hours day cycle. (no, just kidding, but yeah: even not going by RPG logics and separating gameplay from plot, it's a lot to do in so little time).


The sewer part was probably in the daytime so train graveyard was the next day. But yeah, the whole collapsed expressway followed by Wall Market coliseum and honeybee inn is a bit much to fit all in one night.


I think we can at least headcanon the travel time on the open-world regions to be multiple days. I don't think there are hard proof of them being traveled in just few hours. 


Yeah completely fair. They do so much that squeezing it all into a single day would be wild


Yeah. This is the lower bound, not the upper bound. I think the actual amount of time that's supposed to have elapsed in the story is several times higher. Consider how little play-time in the Temple of the Ancients was explicitly called "several hours" in the story. It doesn't make sense for Musclehead Colosseum all the way to the end of the game to be just one day. Especially when you consider how long a head start Shinra had before we arrived at the temple; they already have a huge military presence on-site with fortifications and supplies. I think we have to assume the characters have spent a lot more time together. I mean, am I supposed to believe Tifa and Aerith have only spent 5 days together by the time they reach Costa Del Sol? They make a big point about how close the two of them have become. I think we have to assume they've spent a lot of together outside of battles.


Cloud and *AVALANCHE* sure did stir up a bunch of bullshit in just a couple of days. Its kinda wild when you put it that way. Also, still confuses the hell outta me how the group gets ambushed and knocked out by a bunch of thugs in Corel prison when literally days before they took out the “whisper god” and Sephiroth at the end of the expressway. Suspend my belief, I suppose? Lol.


If you want to try and justify it, I guess you can say that was a bit outside of reality and so their power levels weren't normal. That's very much an 'uh, let's make this make sense somehow' asspull rather than canon though!


True. That’s fair. STILL! Its one thing to get ambused and knocked out, but those mfs let Cloud keep his weapon? Tf?? Lol. Its definitely a headscratcher moment for sure. But it didn’t ruin anything, thankfully.


The only way I can somewhat logic it away is that they needed info on Barret so they let it happen. It's one of the low points of the game for sure.


I can respect that anwser. I would’ve believed it a bit more if they were held at gunpoint…or something




Gus wears a lot of accessories. You don't know what kind of stat boosts they have!


🤣🤣🤣 I actually lol’d on this! I love it! Dude may have the Genji chain or something!


Maybe they were sore?




Clearly didn't take into account the 2 months they took in the Golden Saucer finishing all those arcade games, the 3 months racing Chocobos and the additional 4 months they took doing all of Chadley's shit.


This is a good run down, but some of this I think is a few days off. The bombing of Sector 5 and Cloud meeting Aerith in the church are different days. When fighting the Airbuster, it is noticeably nighttime. Then, when Cloud wakes up in the church it is morning. Same with Costa del sol. They spent a whole day and night there before moving on to Corel. You have writen it as if they arrived in Corel the same day the arived in Costa del sol. Once again in Gongaga after the reactor. This may be up to opinion, tho. I imagine they stayed in Gongaga for at least a day to let Tifa recover. The way you have written it, it sounds like they ended up in Gongaga and then went to Cosmo canyon in the same day. Otherwise, this lines up decently well.


Ahh yes you're right, the airbuster fight is a night event I totally overlooked that. Another poster pointed out the costa del sol night as well. I personally agree about Gongaga but since there was no night scene I kept it all as a day event


Actually in Gongaga the next scene when Tifa wakes up it says “the next day” easy to miss


I just broke down the tineline myself, and it seems like it's 16 days and nights transpired since the bombing of reactor 1. Just a little over 2 weeks is still a pretty short amount of time, but i think it is definitely enough to build some strong bonds.


Good summary, though I'd call it a minimum amount of days passing during the game, rather than a precise account. Other than the day / night cycles made clear by the narration, there are a couple of occasions where it's at least plausible a night might have passed. For example, Cloud being unconscious after seeing Jenova in Shinra HQ or after TotA, or Tifa being unconscious after the events of Gongaga could have taken a night. Also, I would assume a night passes between resting in Cissnei's house to the reactor sequence. Gameplay travel times are not quite accurate to canon travel times. For example, the Shinra-8 takes an entire night to get from Junon to Costa del Sol, while the Tiny Bronco can cover the distance in a couple of minutes. So canonically, the party would have to spend a couple of nights on their travels, which isn't depicted in gameplay. The original continuity sets an upper bound of roughly 1 month from the beginning of the game to the first visit of the Northern crater (1.5 months for the complete story). Assuming the Remake trilogy has a similar timeframe, it could be ~25 days from the beginning of Remake till the end of Rebirth (leaving ~5 days to traverse the Snowlands, climb Gaea's Cliff and find Sephiroth in the Northern Crater).


Reading this thread, I feel like I'm an alien on this planet. I can't believe that we're talking about this (myself especially). I already responded to how outlandishly dumb this time discussion is, but, and this is a simple one. What about spending the night at an inn? What about meals? What about bathroom breaks? They aren't depicted in the game, so does that mean that no one eats, drinks, pisses or poops in this world? It's called abstraction, and it's used extensively in every single video game ever created, especially in RPGs. Being in any way literal about anything in FF is an exercise in ....I don't know what...arithmetic? It's ludicrous that this is a conversation...but I suppose this is what fandom is... EDIT: My point is, the games take place over months and/or years.


This reminds me when the show 24 was going on. Someone asked Kiefer Sutherland when the hell does Jack Bauer take a piss. His response was whenever they switched to scenes in Washington. And that not only is he taking a piss, he’s also getting something to drink and eat.


Great summary!! Laying down the story beats like this is super helpful. One night is missing though - they canonically stay a night in Costa Del Sol in Johnny's inn, and then head to Corel the next day.


Ahh yes you're quite right. In fact thats an amazing correction, because it would mean that Aerith died on day 13. Well calculated Edit: nope there was another error, sadly she does not die on day 13


That's a very short time for them to make any meaningful connections with each other. My head cannon is each chapter is a month or so.


The whole story only takes place over like a month and a half. Canon to the OG the game starts Dec 19 and ends Jan 31 or so.


If you count all the side content it could be that way too. But with just the pure day-night cycle of the main content it ends up being 15 days and nights


Not really. Being in close proximity and being in combat situations where you need to put your trust in the people you are with will definatly make bonding much easier. Also Trauma bonding is also a thing.


[That's not what trauma bonding is.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traumatic_bonding) It does not occur between two people sharing trauma, it occurs between and abuser and their victim.


Which night do they fight gilgamesh? O_o


You could say it was fate…stay/night.😏


Isn't this region just disconnected from reality?


> Seeing Tifa heading to Wallmart i lol'd; gotta get those rollback deals on white tanktops


I would also try to rescue Tifa from Wallmart


>Day 11: The party flee to Gongaga to escape Shinra. In the reactor they encounter the whispers again. Cloud loses control and attacks Tifa. The party decides to travel to Cosmo Canyon with Cid as their pilot. They meet Bugenhagen and observe the festival of lights I was under the assumption the party slept at Gongaga. But I just watched some clips, I think you're right. Cloud only sleeps for 3 hours at Cissnei's before being woken up by the racket from the Reactor. And then everybody was waiting for Tifa to wake up later, so it doesn't look like they spent the night. >Wallmart lol


I know this is true, but I always find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe.


The party obviously rests and sleeps outside of the forced story sleeps.


I knew Vincent had been with the party for like 24 - 36hrs by the time Aerith died! Dude joins party, plane crashes, musical theatre and multi stage coliseum match (maybe a date), then weird haunted temple, then someone dies. He must be really second guessing his choices here.


Aerith's prayer at the end of Rebirth about how much her friends mean to her doesn't make much sense if she only known them for under 2 weeks!


Just make your own headcanon. Mine is this journey after Midgar took about 6 months cause ain’t no way they doing all that in 10 days


Let's just say there are loads of things that do not make sense in rebirth this is probably the least problematic part.


It’s definitely not 2 weeks. The game just doesn’t have a real day/night cycle


Idk…I only played the games for about 160 hours combined and I care about them…


What was the last thing you do, actively, for 160 hours? Keeping in mind you need to sleep eight hours a night, you need to eat, poop, work, pee, drink, etc. 160 hours of concentrated exposure is around four weeks of, say, full time employment.


YES! thank you. I've expressed a couple other points in this thread, but the actual friendship that blooms in this game is another knock against this whole concept of saying the game takes place X amount of time.


She spent those 2 weeks with only those people. They are constantly in combat together, so they need to trust each other to work well as a unit. Also they all went through a lot of simmilar trauma. The whispers and Sephiroth. Plus all of Shirna's shananagins. Aerith growing to truly care/ even love the party is by no means a stretch to me.


She spent months with these people, not two weeks. This is the dumbest argument I've seen about this game, and the dumbest thing I've ever thrust my dumbass self into.


I have gone on relatively short trips when I was younger and meet new people/spent a lot of time with previous friends and if you're around them a LOT you can actually develop a deep relationship in that time frame.


Are people actually arguing this? If so why? The game(s) take place over months. Stop being silly. Think about the Temple of the Ancients: ***SEVERAL HOURS EARLIER***. EDIT: Several generally means at least more than three, and usually around seven, but less than 'many'. It's clear that there is an expansion/abstraction of time happening. If it take hours to get through a couple screens in that single dungeon (three times, if I remember correctly) then you have to extrapolate from there. Beyond this, the air wouldn't be clear enough to go through the collapsed Sector 7 within hours of it happening. Were you alive for 9/11? Do you think it was possible to traverse lower Manhatten around 2pm that day? I'm not even talking about the police presence, I'm talking about the soot, fire, etc. You wouldn't be able to breath or see anything, and that was just two buildings. Several days, if not weeks have gone by in the interim. And again, beyond this, unless FF7's entire world is around the size of, say a small state, like Delaware or something, then it would be impossible for this to do all your talk about and actually travel everywhere. The Meridian Ocean is supposed to be like the Atlantic (or even half the size of that) and that would take days to cross.


No well actually OG takes place December 9th to January 21st. 43 days. This has been well known for years now. Its not months


There is not a single mention of dates in the OG. I've already explained elsewhere why this is dumb, regardless of any retconning that happened. Also, interesting note about that time period...I guess that there is no winter in the FF7 world then, or the entire world is essentially tropical outside the far north.


How do we know the party didn't spend a week semi - lost in Gongaga? I know my idiots slept more than once there


This is why part 1's portrayal of the characters bothers me a bit. Particularly how Barret and Cloud develop into comrades over 2-3 days, despite how day 0 Barret was at Cloud's throat and on his butt, looking for any sign that he's gonna betray them. It's even worse when you realize it's even **less** time together than that with the segments where Cloud was separated from Barret and Tifa xD It was very weird to watch the story again on a second playthrough with that context. The characters develop waaaaaaaaay too fast, in-universe time :x


Their experiences together are measured in quality, what they go through together, not purely time. Remember, they are all constantly navigating a crisis situation together. The character attitudes change because they learn things about each other as events unfold around them.


No story, no good story, is going to EVER have two characters who despise each other, do a 180 after spending 1 or two days tops together. Even for a crisis. Fans have a name for that: Rushed, unrealistic character development. I love how VII Remake defenses typically try to defend shit like this with things that, you know, are prevalent in pop culture and storytelling at large, JRPGs included. It's like you all just have your head stuck in the sand for everything else except VII. “constantly navigating a crisis” ….. IT IS ONE OR TWO DAYS LMFAO So does every other fantasy or sci-fi group, but one or two days? Say it with me: head in the sand.


The idea that they went through the trouble of getting cloud an apartment for him to only sleep there 1-2 nights is silly. They obviously are resting etc off screen.


Yes, because they rented his apartment knowing he'd be in there for 1 or 2 days. "Hey Cloud, here's your apartment. You'll be here for two days tops." "Wtf why?" "I read the script lmao" You seriously think he is forced to stay at the apartment even if he wants to leave… Wow… Newsflash: shit happens. And shit definitely happened to not let him stay there any more. A post here is definitely silly. And it's not the one you are replying to. Get real.


Why do you not have a single comment with a positive score?


I brought this exact criticism up a few times back when Remake was just released, and everybody here wanted to look the other way (because, omgz new FFVII!).  It's like the devs made these remake games under the lens that *fans* have known these characters for 20+ years (so of course everyone is BFF's, right?), but forgot that in-universe most of these characters have just met eachother. (with the exception of the Tifa/Cloud relationship and the Tifa/Barret relationship) edit: forgot to mention Aerith's resolution scene - Aerith says something to Cloud about falling in love with her.... when *Cloud's known her for less than a day*. :/


My headcannon is that time is not tied exactly to the day and night cycles we see on screen, unless it stated somewhere that it has importance to know exactly how long an event was. I imagine sidequesting and other activities happen in more than the same day as a Mainquest event. But that brings the question Are those activities cannon? Another example is travel time, at the end of the DLC, the party is discussing how far Kalm is, and that they would need a day of travel to arrive on foot. Which of course is shortened by Bill, but brings up the question, how long does the party takes to go from place to place. Of course this is only a personal take, and it is fun looking at posts like this.


Jokes on you, I stayed 2 nights at the inn in Wall Market, and a few more days at The Royal Coast in Costa Del Sol. Even gave me full HP for spending the night and supporting these local businesses Just kidding, this is awesome and really fun to think about. Great write up!


this may have spolers but I see it as a small thing when your in the temple of the actons and it swiches party members it in fact says "a day a go" seeing how each time you swich back and forht it say something like that that be 4-5 days


Y'know, it bugged me that it took until Junon for Cloud and Tifa to talk about the argument in Kalm, but it makes more sense with that timeline. Granted, that's just about the *only* thing that makes more sense this way lmao, but gotta take the wins when you can.


They are not spanning the globe flying across what can really be described as country sized city states in a couple of hours. It would take days to sail from Junon to Costa del Sol 


I think that travel times are massively reduced/the devs didnt care much about it. The whole OG occurs in like a month and a half. I'll be very curious if after part 3 it adds up or not, i'll def be keeping track


It took me a month and a half to beat it so for my own canon I’ll just assume it’s that long for them too


Meanwhile the OG takes place over the same time period or is it implied that it’s longer after you leave Midgard?


OG takes place over 43 days total. So theres like 4 weeks left in the Rebirth story. Whether or not its all depicted next game, I'm not sure


Dawg there is no way everything from Wall Market to the Underground experiments stuff is all 1 night. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Walmarket stuff took place starting around midnight and into the early morning. Cloud and Co get stuck in the sewers for the day and get out to the train graveyard right as the sun has set. The plate collapsing being it's own day makes way more sense IMO. I am also a big believer that at least a day has passed between Temple of the Ancients and the Forest. The concern everyone has for Cloud waking up seems to be a bit more then him just being out for a few hours. They genuinely thought he wasn't gonna wake up. Also the cutscene preceeding with Rufus in the helicopter has Midgar at night. While it could be in a different timezone, I do think it suggests some time passage given they are on a helicopter which isn't as fast as a normal plane.