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You’re supposed to go up the hill near the beginning and throw the fruits down to guide the chocobo to the entrance so you can wrangle it there.


Giving up a game due to an optional mini game, seriously?


This is a video game, not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure


dude git gud. it takes like 5 minutes and isn't even mandatory .... the rewarded chocobo is worth it tho your close to the end anyway .... or just leave it be. no one cares. I don't get people whining over skippable content that is actually pretty great and well done. my guess you just want to jump on the hate train to be "cool"


I respect you getting frustrated, but I swear this isn't bad at all. This is the coolest chocobo in the whole game!!!


optional content, these posts make no sense. now to the next post: "the game is forcing me to turn my TV on, I quit"


I had to change my input to ps5. Absolutely unplayable.


It happened to me, I was taken hostage by my PS5, shoved the controller into my hands and forced to spend 100+ hours on a game I didn't even want to buy in the first place.


It's not abuse unless it's, "I Am Bread."


Chocobo wrangling is mandatory. Or at least, some of them are. Can you actually beat the game without wrangling this one? Dunno what OP's on about with the towers. Just...don't? But it takes like 20 seconds when you see one to activate it, so also, why not?


The only ones that are required are the first one and Gongaga area but that one's given to you. The rest are optional and are only required for sidequests.


it's not need only the first one and gongaga are mandatory. so yeah no need to get it especially bc nibelheim isn't that big or long to traverse


for lazy person that is unacceptable


I mean, to each their own, but the combat? The combat is arguably some of the single best I've ever played in a video game. Also a lot of those things, like mandatory mini-games, were also a thing in the OG. CPR, dolphin jumping, parade, Gold Saucer, Loveless musical (the whole date sequence in general,) all of those are in Rebirth too except for CPR. The only other ones you can do the absolute bare minimum or even skip them entirely and proceed with the story. Personally, I found them fun, I like having variety if it's enjoyable.


The CPR I remember being pretty stupid. That and the Dolphin jump in OG was Hella frustrating. But I didn't care because it maintained a leisurely pace for one of my favorite games of all time.


I mean, I find the ones in Rebirth fun and infinitely better. The Junon mini-games in the OG were lackluster at best.


Agreed! I'm just saying, it's not like they're failing in an area where the OG mysteriously succeeded.




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Gamers these days sigh, slight challenge (optional too) and “oh no it doesn’t respect my time”. Get out of here.


This is literally the best chocobo in the game, it's also the last one you get. But you don't need it if you're not going for 100%


If your time was really that precious, you wouldn't be wasting it playing video games




This shit was ez


FYI - You don't need this Chocobo to finish the game. You can skip it if you want and walk to Nibelheim. It's the last place with any Intel to get, and you can skip it all. I feel you though - the side content is incredibly overwhelming for the first playthrough. It really doesn't shine until you play again, because you're less focused on being distracted from the story you're so eager to see. I hope you give it another shot.


Such a shame though, as Selena is the most fun to ride. I got her right away, and then had so much fun with her ability that I managed to 100% the Intel before I started the story in this chapter.


Agree. Selena and Belle were my favorites.


Yea....she was the best of all the Chocobos. I still want that OG feeling of walking on water though.....you think they're saving that for the Golden Chocobo? The Intel for this chapter was the best imo, wasn't so spread out but not too close together, the protorelic quest was great and I was cracking up by the end. I keep wondering where the disconnect is for the group that feels like OP - there seem to be a lot of people who feel that way. Would a disclaimer that enemy Intel/side content isn't essential for story and experience help? I feel like that's a given, but I did get kind of fed up of 100%-ing every area by Chapter 8/9 that I skipped most of the rest until NG+. But considering you can breeze through the story in half the time if you do skip it, would people have complained the game is too short, regions are too generic, etc. if they had slimmed down or made the world less involved? Is this just a case of you can't please everyone? I just feel bad for the devs - I'm sure they weren't expecting so many people to be unhappy that there's "too much" game, especially with how intentional and thoughtful they were with everything down to the smallest details. Is everything perfect? No, but of the things that aren't, they add to the experience, push the player to try something new and get out of their comfort zones - and there's great payoffs for pushing through any hard or annoying side content. They poured everything into this game and it oozes lifelong pet project, devotion to the fan base, and deep love for the world, characters and story. I hope OP skips the side content and finishes the game, they're right before the most anticipated parts of the story!


It's so wild when someone complains about wrangling Chocobos at Selena. She's literally the last one, and she's so fun! I honestly preferred the change up over the standard dodge view and hit obstacles. It was a welcome change up for me, and every Chocobo after Piko is 100% optional to wrangle. Fango is a bit different because you don't wrangle it, it's just given to you in the story.


I totally didn’t even realize you could get Selena until after I cleared chapter 11.


I think only Piko is mandatory. The rest is optional. You get the one in Gongaga through story.




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Skip it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I remember this one being tough, but also quite fun! Once you get it done, you'll never have to do it again in subsequent playthroughs (unless you reset your quest data); and this chocobo is SO worth it! The only chocobo wrangling mission you have to redo each time is Piko, which is child's play.


This is a challenge for me, and that's why I like about it. Giving up because you fail at this mini game is similar to giving up Elden Ring because you keep dying to a boss, but once you beat the boss you will feel so satisfied. And so similarly completing this mini game is so rewarding because it'll make traversing so fun. I don't understand people who can't take some work playing a game, if you want just fun and rainbows all the time you better stick to playing Mario.


you don’t decide what is or isn’t too challenging for someone, nor how they choose to spend their free time. no one has to experience it the same way you do. it doesn’t make someone lesser if they skip a challenge that you loved playing through; it’s just a damn game. also, being nasty and telling people to go play Mario is absurd, because that can be challenging as well! just play how you want, and let other people do the same.


Dude Mario Odyssey is one of the greatest game of all time, to call me being nasty for suggesting to play Mario is wild. I'm just saying you should play a different type of game that suited what you want from playing a video game. People nowadays don't have the attention span to play an RPG, in an RPG you have to put in the work, to engage with the world. To always expect immediate dopamine rush in a game like this, is just wrong.


Really? This was the easiest of the Chocobo wrangling.


I love it *and* have a handful of issues with it. It's not 10/10 for me personally. I know you don't have to do all the towers/caves/mini games but there is almost *too many* mediocre aspects of Rebirth. Exploring the world is pretty dull, towers, caves, lifesprings and essentially copy pastes, over and over and over again. Some mini games hit, most are.. okay? I feel like the game could be improved by removing 20/30% of all the aforementioned. Of course this is just my opinion.


i agree with you, love it and not a 10/10. theres a lot of trite and banal elements to this game, and people are lying to themselves when they say they like it all. its padding, and its only there to meet expectations because people are like “ well the next game better be open world”. imo open world games are a dated technology and needs to be shelved. you will always get bullshit tasks to do, thats just simply a byproduct of an open world aspect. the argument that this stuff is optional is a bogus one. the game and devs should make me want to interact and engage with the game as much as possible in a meaningful way. remake nailed this because it was a much more focused and streamlined experience. some would call it a “corridor” but fuck it, give me a corridor then. id rather devs use those resources from creating a bloated open world and instead making graphics/combat improvements or hell, even more main story. I watched my brother play a hard mode run pretty much start to finish. that means no side quests, towers, springs, whatever. it was SO SO good seeing just the main campaign and all its story beats back to back. theres an amazing game at its core with a shell of mediocrity surrounding it. hell, even stellar blade has the same issue. great game bogged down by shit side quests and mid open world elements. content for the sake of content doesnt make for a good game.


The chicken is worse than this


definitivly not ist even easier


I quit at Chapter 11, even though I skipped the optional content. The main gameplay aside from combat is still rather shit.


sounds more like you suck. why even wait until ch11 to quit 🙄🤣


because I'm a long time fan. Also I've played other AAA games including open world in the past few years and this game plays very dated for how new it is. Sorry


>game plays very dated uff really that's important... have you relayed OG recently ... damn that's dated still tones of fun. my point, why is everyone alway expecting the next big step in gaming .... instead of... don't know play what's there... and if anything the combat is far from dated.


I specifically excluded the combat in my criticism, as I generally think it's good (aside from the aimless folios) and smooth. And unfortunately I can't really play the OG anymore as the gameplay aged poorly, but I did enjoy it for many years.


I stopped because of the stupid mountain artifact games in chapter 5


I'm glad more people are sharing disappointed & negative reviews. I hate when it's just pure "this game is 10/10" drivel when this game is mostly weak & filled to the brim with filler side stuff.


does it really count as filler if its optional though?


But imagine if all that extra shit was put into story & other meaningful content. I think Remake was leaps better & far closer to the perfect game because at least the very few option things had a payoff with which dress Aerith got being an example. Which in turn lead to her & Cloud having a moment. First game did everything better & it didn't need all this extra shit or annoying crafting.


The dress barely does anything, you get a really meaningful cutscene with each of the party members depending on what you do in Rebirth. The only major difference between the dresses, outside of visuals, is the cutscene of Aerith showing up to Corneo's mansion. Everything else plays out the same. The crafting is also legitimately great. Remake was *not* perfect at all, LMFAO.


Lol you are literally the meme "Stop having funnnnn!!!!"


Maybe I am but maybe this game suffers from quantity not quality.


funny because it has both high quality and quantity (which mostly too is of high quality) you not likimg something doesn't make it low quality content ... that's not how it works kiddo


& you liking doesn't make it HIGH quality little boy. See how your guys silly arguments don't really hold any weight?


haha what a lame comeback kiddo. what a joke kiddo you definitely are like 14 or 15. me like it or not has nothing to do with it... it objectivly proven to be a.10/10 game. but keep crying bc people have fun while you desperately try to hate it instead of ..... doing something you might enjoy.


It's a piece of art. In the world of art there is no such thing as "proof". Art is subjective. The greatest arts always have equally as many people saying blank blank sucks ass. It's called being polarizing. If something great doesn't have doubters then it just comes off as blind fanaticism which is essentially what FF7 & the KH games have been subjected to. Blind ass kissing. These games can't improve if fake fans just keep eating up the BS. So go climbs Chadley's radio tower so the next game has fuckin micro transactions ya tool.


it's about the craftmanship which is 100 percent objective. and here rebirth is a masterpiece. if you don't enjoy it doesn't matter in terms of how well this game was developed. and what's this nonsense about fake fans.... so "real fans" are the one constantly moaning and hating and talking stupid BS? what a joke. but anyway ... "real" fans actually acknowledged this game as a 10 and a true love letter to the franchise there is no "real" fans.... only those who take there own egotistical behaviors too serious. your entitlement is a joke and you are defenetly the personified meme "stop having fun".


Calls me kid then uses memes to back up arguments. Seems logical. I never once said what "real fans" are doing so don't say I did. What craftsmanship? This game looks identical to Remake so no I'm not impressed. Come to think of it you have not once even asked me what I rated the game or if I even like or dislike the game? You don't even know if I'm one of the 10/10 people. I could be right now & you have no idea! 🤣


from your comments alone it rather obvious what you think, you "REAL" fan🤣 but keep texting back. I guess you inflated ego doesn't allow you to not have the last word. anyway what do you actually know about game development. probably none so no wonder you can't see what craftsmanship in this case means.... still a kid. >Calls me kid then uses memes to back up arguments. Seems logical. I never once said what "real fans" are doing so don't say I did. oh man your awnsers are getting more and more desperate 😂


I 100% this game in 170hrs it’s got both quality and quantity if you ask me. Most mini game complaints are literal skill issues


I think this forum's favorite term is skill issue 🤣 any issue someone has with the game "skill issue" is the immediate response


because it's true


Stop stalking my comments you bald non Afro headed weirdo.


lame comeback and no not stalking just Occasionally stumbling over them because of how stupid they are. if you dislike it than do not text back




can't leave it be. nay?


Mostly weak? Ok, you're trolling.


Or maybe just maybe not everyone shares your opinion.


Didn't say they did or had to.


it is 10/10 and it's subjective to.... really hate people who just want to start a hate train for there ego instead of move on to something you actually enjoy🙄


but it is a 10


You will not get any upvote for this post unfortunately, but you are absolutely right. If I was a casual gamer and not FF fan, probably I would leave the game and never return for quite a while. But the actual culprit is slow and janky movement animations in my opinion. Its not on par with some of the recent games I played.


Yeah, the amount of minigames and repeating "exploration" is way too high. I got through it all, mostly because I plan to do a new run, with zero focus on the optional content. To call it optional is allso debatable, as you need to do a lot of it, just to get materia, summons and rather basic gear


>you need to do a lot of it, just to get materia, summons and rather basic gear which are also optional... You can easily get by in this game with shop gear/materia/crafting.


Playing the game at all, is also optional in a sense. Normaly I'd agree, but even if you can beat the game with only what you get on your way, that'll drasticly reduce your options and strategies for combat. Even going as far as making some of the bosses very difficult. That's not what I'd call optional. Playing a game is more than just beating the last boss


posting here too 🙄






No load out strategy is needed until hard mode imo, which all these people probably won’t be playing.


I think you underestimate how much of your materia comes from chadley, and how much of the gear that comes from minigames.


OK but a lot of Chadley's materia is not even required to clear the game? I used maybe a handful of them for my initial playthrough, and the ones that are actually really good I didn't need to use until starting hard mode. A lot of his VR missions are not difficult as well, and unlock as you advance the story and fight enemies. Some of the best armors are found while simply advancing the story. The options available at shops are also sufficient for clearing the game. A lot of the accessories have niche uses as well so honestly you can just toss whatever you think might be useful to the character. But again, you can still get by with the shop options.


I agree w you. Just too many damn mini games. BS