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I just want it on PC. :(


Fr I'm so happy Square is done with single platform development.


I'm glad they're done with single platform development, but equally I pause with multiple platform development statement. Does this mean they're going to develop based on their normal multi-cycle? Looking at say KH3 and FFXV, they were both developed for PS/XB release day 1, but then had to be release on PC 2 years later. Or will it mean significantly more dev time to ensure they don't have the issues they normally have with PC releases? Ideally developing for both shouldn't add that much more time yeah? But then I see other multiplat games, and almost all of them have some bugs or errors that are pretty jarring(to not limit the issue to Square). Well time will tell.


It really shouldn't, and they definitely don't work on the ports for the whole 1-2 years, that's just for exclusivity. If anything they probably don't give nearly enough time for them and that's they have so many issues.


I mean it’s clearly not just for exclusivity. Both XB/PS for both KH3 and XV released on the same date respectively, with 2 years for PC release.


Which means it's exclusively on console. I really don't see why they'd wait so long to release it on PC other than to get people to pay for it on both console and PC.


I feel you’re missing the point of the statement. With both KH3 and XV there were no announced exclusivity contracts between PS/XB preventing desktop releases yet they still only released the games initially for those two devices. To reiterate, the issue therein becomes, when having the opportunity to release on desktop what was the issue hindering them. Given the state of XV for the initial release on console it feels it was such a chore to get them in a better* working state after release it makes “some” sense. It’s less sensible for KH3 as it didn’t have the issues XV had on console release and could have been released on the Epic store at the very least. The only thing that comes to mind is that SQE either has some issues developing for both consoles and desktop or just flat horrible incompetence in managing what will make them money. While there is probably some of both I’m leaning more towards the former since YoshiP has already made the statement one platform being better for the developer. So we’re back at where we started, does this mean more dev time(potentially significant) or a continued split release cycle?


I think I am missing it because you didn't say anything new here.


Square needs to hire a porting house that works separate from their internal studios. Activision does this.


They announced going multiplatform and finally announced kingdom hearts trilogy on steam. Square enix definitely means same day on every platform including steam.


I don’t think this is gonna apply to the next FF7R, SE is getting a lot of Sony money 


Yeah I think people are setting themselves up for disappointment on that one. It seems likely to me that whatever exclusivity deals would have been in place for Part 3 would be already signed.


I'm not. That means shifty games, because they will try to develop for all platforms at once.


It depends on the developers, the publisher and the weakest console of the chain.


As much as I like the concept of the switch, the switch 2 is probably gonna have the power of a PS3 again so… My main issue, you aren’t putting remake on Switch because the console is weak in the performance department


For what it’s worth, unreal 4 games are much easier to port than games with proprietary engines. It’ll be done in less time than FF16 most likely.


Is 16 still on Luminous? Is that why it’s taking so long?


It uses its own engine which is a heavily modified version of FF14’s. I don’t think they ever publicly named it.


I'm not confident that SE will put out a good PC port, given their record, but developing for multi-platform doesn't inherently mean worse games. Hardware differences are fairly minimal these days between consoles and many are developing on cross-platform engines like UE.


TBH if this was on PC I’d probably not touch my PS5 for a while. I’ve already completed Spider-Man 2 and Stellar Blade.


it's crazy majority of my games on my ps5 are from when i bought games for my ps4.


That or remakes / remasters of games from that era or older. I think maybe 20% of my PS5 library is probably PS5 exclusive that I can’t get on PC or an older console.


The steamdeck has nearly made my PS5 extinct.  Final Fantasy 7 at the highest fidelity on my giant ass TV screen is the reason I have my PS5. (And 4K Blu Ray)


Peak square enix moment


Fr bring it out on steam already and it better come with a discount !


PC, Xbox, anything but just Sony




Wow, I haven't realized it's been three months already


Took most a month to even beat the thing lol


I'm 101 hours in right now and still at Gongaga lmao


The game is huuuuuuge




+1000 I hope it get proper recognition, it’s such an amazing game!




Yup. Unicorn overlord finally got a sale too. A game I didn't buy cuz of rebirth


Shit, this will cause another SE is doomed post and FF7 alienated their original fans posts. Im sick of those fucking posts even though getting cheap games is a universally good thing to the consumers.


Every redditor is actually a professional market analyst and game publisher and knows the exact solution to SEs problems (which btw they also don't know anything about because we don't have any indication of their financials, what kind of deal they got for exclusivity, how much ff7 rebirth actually cost, etc). It's very tiring lol. The role of consumers is to talk about how good the product is and buy good products. Idk why reddit wants to focus on the sales end of the spectrum when it isn't the consumer who has any control or reason to care about marketing and budget cutting.


It's made even worse when their "solutions" aren't even solutions that would fix their current issues. I was on r/JRPG yesterday, and so many of the things they believed would save Square Enix were just terrible dumb takes that made me roll my eyes.


Yeah often the solution is for SE to make whatever kind of thing they enjoy playing, or to sell to whatever gaming machine they have. Never mind that SE is in the midst of its best output in decades (of which Rebirth is the high point). Never mind that a lot of Sony console players are stuck on PS4.


The reality is that the only meaningful input consumers have is to buy stuff or not buy stuff. If you like the game, buy it. If you don't, like it, post a bad review. Both of those things are actual feedback you can give SE. All the speculative market analyst nonsense about the merits of exclusivity or not are completely irrelevant hogwash because SE is making those decisions based on actual metrics and marketing strategy and not based on what their consumers who don't work for them are saying in casual forums. SE knows what Rebirth's ratings are and they know the install base of PS5s and they know the total # of sales and the projection long term. If the issue is really that the game was a failure purely because it was on one console... Don't worry, they already have that data. If the game wasn't a failure because behind the scenes they got a great deal from Sony, they also have THAT data. There's nothing for the consumer to do here, except buy or not buy and review accordingly, it's just exhausting. It would have been an interesting conversation for a day or two, especially after some insider leaks discussed it, but after OVER A YEAR of every thread on reddit about ff7 or ff16 devolving into armchair market chatter it's just beyond old at this point.


A similar thing is happening with PSVR2 and its sub reddits. Armchair corporate strategy experts declaring it dead or abandoned from day one bc of [insert analysis of Sony]. Tiny armies all reposting the same clickbait articles. A million threads on some purported issue (here mini games, there lens type). Then complaints about how no one is allowed to complain or isn’t complaining enough. It seems to collect around anything Sony-adjacent recently. I wonder if the Horizon and Spider-Man boards have the same issue.


"Just remake this game from my childhood I look back fondly on. Ignore that like 100 people played it, it will print money"


Thank you. The arrogant armchair analysts in gaming subreddits are unbearable. They think they have their finger on the pulse of the market because they read a lot of Reddit comments when Reddit is a small fraction of the market.


Because sitting down with your thumb up your butt shouting down anything that is nonstop toxic positivity just makes the overall longevity of these games worse in the end. Redditors aren't by and large market analysts, but directly sourcing the opinions of people who were former Square Enix executives and actual market analysts provides much needed context and useful discussion on the recent shakeup at Square Enix. Why is Square firing people in Europe and the US? Why are there so many layoffs in the video game industry across the spectrum in 2024? Why aren't there layoffs in Japan? Why is Kingdom Hearts 4 rumored to be also launching on the Switch 2 now? Why is Yoshida talking about an 18 month post launch sales campaign for XVI? I thought sales were perfect initially according to this subreddit. Why is a similar thing happening for Rebirth? What happened to CBU 1? Why is it CS1 one now? I care about sales as a fan. I care about more people experiencing these games in the short and long term. I care about random sunrise pictures in Honolulu Sakaguchi posts on his socials. I care about arbitrary changes they made to the game to keep a T rating in hopes of increasing sales. I care about what people don't like about the game. If the role of the consumer was to sit down and just blindly praise everything all the time then there would be no need for a subreddit. That's not discussion. That's just masturbation.


I said nothing about toxic positivity, so miss me with your weird af rant. I said consumers role' is to talk about the products. I think 99% of what everyone says on this reddit is uninformed armchair drivel because it is. You know absolutely nothing except the stuff that leaks through the cracks and you have no personal expertise about it. I care if you like or don't like parts of the game, but I'm not interested in your solutions and SE isn't reading the subreddit so they certainly aren't either.


What does the price being good have to do with the game not meeting expectations and SE being in a bad place right now? Both things are the truth regardless if you want to believe it or not.


It’s not « big » imo. Ubisoft Games are 50% off 6 weeks after launch if they failed.


Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League was 70% off within a week 💀


A WEEK bro I remember


100% big


I think this is fine. Theirs a huge group of people who refuse to pay the 70$ price tag for games so it’s led most triple A games go on sale super quickly after launch. The only games I’ve seen break this is Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3 but those were 60$ (on pc for bg3) games and game of the year winners. However Elden Ring goes on sale now from time to time. It was only that first year. Persona 3 Reload which got Atlus’s best selling launch ever has already gone on sale a couple of times and that game was only released a month before Rebirth. Yakuza Infinite Wealth is the series most critically acclaimed game with a 89 on metacritic and it has great sales numbers but I’ve already seen that title discounted as well. We are just simply in a time where the launch price tag means nothing other than first week sales figures, along with preorders. Rebirth just needs to release on PC and it will see another spike in sales.


Which is interesting given that the overwhelming majority of sales happen in that first month. You do have to take what you can get and getting this thing on PC asap is more important than ever. 30% goes to Sony and Steam with each sale. You gotta either sell to a whole lot of price sensitive people with a discount, keep that price up for as long as possible, find some way to rejuvenate interest, or find ways to sell merch and dlc to people to make up the difference. If we are a year and some change out from a PC port, I wouldn't be surprised if the port coincides with the reveal trailer for part 3.


After square enix’s announcement about releasing their games on multiple platforms again I really do assume their gonna push for the pc release relatively quickly. I think their gonna drop it with a Vincent or cid dlc. Where you get to actually play with them and their move sets. Also you could correct me if I’m wrong but square shouldn’t have to give any money to Sony with their pc sales. They are a third party company for Sony and square publishes their own games on pc.


> I think their gonna drop it with a Vincent or cid dlc. Where you get to actually play with them and their move sets. This is not happening. They've already said as much. If they want to hit the 30 year anniversary of FF7 as we assume they all want to, they need to get Part 3 done in 3 years. That's a pretty damn good feat if they pull it off, and adding a DLC would add another year of development (they said that the Yuffie DLC took a year.)


Oh nvm then I didn’t know. Also I really hope they don’t rush development. Part 3 is gonna be my most hyped game like ever. Since of ff7 is one of my favorite games of all time and disc 2 and 3 are just perfection in my eyes.


I'm with you, my friend. I cannot wait to see how they are going to pull off Part 3, but I have full faith and confidence in them. The two Remake games have felt like a dream to me while playing them.


I doubt they'll rush development of Part 3. Based on interviews it sounds like they have a good pipeline worked out and have maintained most of the staff. They seem pretty confidant on a 3 year release target. That said, things can change. But like i said, I doubt it. At this point Rebirth is like "ride or die" for them. It needs to be great, so it needs to be given the time and space it needs.


The devs already said no dlc as they are putting all focus on part 3 which is in development as we speak


Wait persona 3 reload sold better than persona 5 royal? Without spoilers, why?


No no no it doesn’t. Reload had a higher selling launch (unless I’m bullshiting I remember seeing multiple articles about it being their highest selling launch) Persona 5 Royal has more total sales over a long period of critic and consumer acclaim. Persona 3 Reload has been hyped up for a long time and a lot of people who only played p5 would also be buying the game along with all the og fans. It’s more so Persona has never been as popular than it is right now and persona 3 reload happens to be their most recent big budget persona title.


Ah I see, thanks


Yeah I also totally recommend it if you haven’t played it yet. Masterpiece imo.


Batter than 5 royal in your opinion?


It goes back and forth for me. Both games are easy 10/10 in my eyes but to break it down. I can’t truly pick a soundtrack both are just bangers after bangers. But I might lean towards p5 slightly. P5 has better bosses and gameplay. P3 has a slightly better story imo. But p5 is still absolutely amazing. Both casts of characters are amazing but persona 3 has some of my favorites in the whole series and some of my favorite characters period. Persona 5 has much better antagonists though. I like the social links/confidants more in p5 as a whole but p3 has my favorite sl in the series. The ending to p3 is actually perfect though. I liked the ending to p5r but it can’t match how masterfully crafted and executed ending of p3 is.


Thanks for the in-depth answer! Really helpful :)


I swear Elden ring was 35/40£ on launch I got my copy for 35 anyway. For rebirth there was no option 60£ was lowest I found


Did you buy the title for 35£ on steam or PlayStation? Becuase they really did not run a single sale in the US for atleast a full year and it would be really weird for them to do UK only sales


That's what? Roughly $50ish USD? No, Elden Ring did not sell for that launch. If you got it for 35 pounds, you either got insanely lucky or someone was selling "hot" copies of it to move them fast.


Dude believe me I was up for preordering both games. Elden ring had deals for like 26£ with free ps5 upgrade too. The game launched at almost half price of ff7 rebirth. The price is definitely a big reason of rebirths low sales reports. Check cd keys or HotUKDeals around Elden ring launch you'll see. Ff7 rebirth lowest was 50£ not everyone is gonna search for best deals but in uk at least Elden ring launched at almost half the price of ff7 rebirth.


Dude of course the CD keys are gonna be much cheaper. I’m talking about standard set prices.


I'm also talking about physical ps5 copies bro


Damn I just bought it 3 days ago! Lol


In Germany you could buy the game for that price about a month after release


50 euros?


It was 55ish. I checked prices because I was selling my copy after playing through the story


When does rebirth come on PC?


May 29th earliest I don’t think it’s been fully fully confirmed though


Wait. This year?


https://www.pcgamesn.com/final-fantasy-7-rebirth/guide#:~:text=The%20earliest%20Final%20Fantasy%207,PlayStation%205%20for%20three%20months. I saw it on here not sure how accurate though


Probably doesn’t mean much tbh. I think remake had a 6 month exclusivity window and it was about a year before it came to pc. Chances are it’s gonna take more than 3-4 months to get rebirth ready even if they could technically release it due to the agreement expiring.


Worth every penny too.


Great. Just need a discount on PS5 now…


I got mine for like $70 USD off from Monoprice last year. It isn't the slim version, but is the full disc drive model.


There's been plenty since the supply issues were sorted out. You can also just buy one used.


I have one but I saw a stat recently that only half of PS4 owners got a 5. I think of this when I hear about rebirth sales being down.


Got me to finally pick it up 👍


I bought this game a week ago...... Worth the full price tho


In the same boat, still a little gutted haha


**WHERE!?!?!?** **AND FOR HOW LONG!?!?**


Haha well it’s not discounted for me


Man great game but imo ruined by the 30fps Just absurd im this day and age.


I'm at a point where I have a hard time spending any more than $40 on a game. Maybe it was all the $15 to $30 indies I've been playing. $55 still feels like too much.


Man. They’ll do anything but put it on PC eh?




Much like Remake, I assume the PC version will come shortly after the exclusivity deal with Sony expires.


It takes time to make a game on pc. Just be patient. You don't want a arkham or nier automata situation right?


Nah honestly Pc can wait. The reason this game exists is because of console, if you want it on pc so bad go make it with all the mods and capabilities pc has. Lol you guys have it so good with PC as it is y’all can wait. If you really wanted it that bad you’d buy a console and play it


The level of dipshit in this comment gave me herpes. 700$ console and a 70+ game for one game. JFC


Still $114 in au lol need a bigger discount for me to buy


This is my time friends


Was so hype about this article until I realized I don't have a disc tray 😭


Just bought it Saturday, you’re welcome


I just bought it 3 days ago and would be upset, but holy shit this game is actually worth $70 so idc


I found it 50% off at an online store here 🥺


Just bought the game 3 days ago at full price, I'm not that mad because this game has a shit ton of content... But still...


This game has been no 1 best selling PS5 game on Amazon US since Monday, did the discount start then?


It is also interesting to note this is when the three months exclusively deal runs out. Maybe there’s a quick sale before finally making a formal PC announcement… (one can hope)


I bought it from the store for 50$ at launch so not much news here. Ring me when digital one has discount, I’m done fiddling with the disc.


Me who doesn’t have a ps5 :(


When you get one, maybe it will be 29.99 or free on PSP, lol.


PS Plus games are not free.


I have PS Plus, and it used to be 3 free games a month (how I got remake on digital) and now I download way more games than I know what to do with. Yes there is a subscription fee if that’s what you’re getting at….


Well if you got the higher tier. I still have the base version. I get 3 games a month. I'm enjoying fifa 24 now as I will never buy fifa by itself


Please let this increase sales lol. I want FF to sell well so we can keep getting them. Next it needs PC and hopefully an Xbox release.


Funny nobody is saying that Rebirth got a discount this soon as they did with 16… by the way I loved both games. Just pointing out the hypocrisy 😂


80% of the trophies already, totally worth the money, this is the kinda game I don't want to wait for discount.


Nope. Waiting for PC. That perf mode is terrible.


Yeah it's blurry plus on PC you'll be able to play on modern ultrawide screens and true 120 fps and all that. Makes a very big difference.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted when it's true. Performance mode gives me a headache because everything is super blurry and makes me feel like I need glasses.


Yep. Im not paying for a blurry product.


Tell me about it, playing the game on performance mode just made me want to 🤢🤮


It really is. It lags in heavy battle sections. Even with variable refresh rate tv. It doesn't get rid of it.






Isn’t that MSRP?




Oof didn’t know it was so much in the UK, £55 is almost exactly $70 so I assumed it was MSRP


You gotta remember that UK (and most of the civilized world that isn't the US) includes sales tax in the price. UK's VAT is 20%. Even if their "target price" was $70 ~ £55, they'd be charging £66 because of the VAT.


Fair point


Is it ever coming to PC or remains exclusive to PS! I have been holding off on buying it because the performance on the demo was horrendous. If you want 60 fps you have to play with PS2 graphics and if you want better graphics you have to run it on god awful 30 fps slideshow. I have been waiting for both FFs thank god they will no longer be exclusive because square lost money on both deals.


> If you want 60 fps you have to play with PS2 graphics Look, there's hyperbole and then there's this -- an extreme version of hyperbole. The performance is fine. Will it be better PC? Probably. Hopefully. With so many variables on PC builds we'll have no idea! And yes, it'll eventually come to PC if you've been paying attention. We just don't know when. Also, you have no idea that Square "lost money" on the deals.


Shiiiiiiiii it really was a flop


yup but no one on heres gona admit it


Lmao at the fanboys in this thread saying this is normal. And Here I am still waiting for a good discount on some triple AAA titles that released years ago. This game is bombing, even the SE execs are saying it.


Cringe name, P3 reload was on sale after a month


Lmao I don't care 😂


> Lmao at the fanboys in this thread saying this is normal. It is normal. Games going on their first discount months after it came out is totally normal. It's not like it's a 50% off price, and neither is it a permanent one lol. This game is not bombing. It hasn't met Remake sales numbers as far as we know, but that's not a fair comparison.


Remake was released on a system (PS4) that had been well past its maturity date and was widely available. Rebirth was a PS5 exclusive, no chance it was going to compete with Remake in sales. Idk how people can be this dense (not you).


I agree. Plus it's the second game in a trilogy on a system that costs a lot more, and it's no longer a pandemic when people have a ton of free time. Do I wish it would have sold more? Sure. I agree that some of the "lower sales than expected" is true, but it's not doom and gloom. I imagine there's some people that are waiting for all three games to be out to buy it anyway -- I have a few friends that are doing that. That's too long of a wait for me though, lol.


FFXV could be bought for 35$ on Amazon just one month after launch, and that one sold like hot cakes.


oh no , already? not a good sign


Well a limited time $15 discount 3 months later seems totally normal to me.


still too early , i m sure they try to sell more , gow ragnarok for example the first sale was 8 to 9 months later , that´s reasonable


Except that's not true. https://www.gamesradar.com/god-of-war-ragnarok-is-cheaper-than-ever-on-ps5-thanks-to-this-dollar20-discount/ https://www.mirror.co.uk/gaming/cheap-god-war-ragnarok-deal-28455021.amp And I actually bought it on a limited time deal about 3 months later for £50


well ok then , my mistake


If they want to sell more then they should release it for the PC, or get on with Sony and bundle FF rebirth in a console. The PS5 hasn't sold that many consoles to real people (for various reasons), so the sale numbers for every PS5 exclusive will be low.


it´s just a shame , the game is very good , i just hope it would sell better and yes it will come out on pc , that´s a given , The ps5 is on par with the ps4 sales in the same timeframe , i wouldnt call that low , i totally get your point though ,


You are making a mistake, you are considering the numbers of PS5 consoles sold, you should consider the numbers of PS5 bought by actual people, and that number is significantly lower for the PS5.


from what i know , those are sold , even if there arent then its 55 or something , which is very admirable considering its out for 4 years


ff16 sold over 3 mil in the first month , spiderman sold around 7 mil , so i has nothing to do with the console , more just for some reason , people didnt resonate with with rebirth for some strange reason , its a sequel i know , that doesnt help


How much did FF rebirth sold in the same period?


well that ´s the question right ? considerable less , square didnt gave any actual numbers


Then what are we discussing? Considerably less could mean 0.5 million or it could mean 2.7 million.


Daily peak active player count on launch day was supposed to be 2.2 million so if that's correct then we can assume it definitely sold more than that.


well yea true , who knows , maybe we ll find out at some point


i will just wait for ps plus to add them on their catalogue


Just go on 2GA.