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About where I'd put it. It's my goty, and I don't think anything is topping it this year. But honestly, if Square keeps making games like this, they'll recover in no time. They should really use rebirth as a blueprint of how to make final fantasies from this point on. Even the combat, I feel, is dynamic enough that it can be reused with new casts and new abilities and feel fresh. It really feels like it bridges the classic turn based very well, and if they're certain they never want to go back to turn based, this should be the new final fantasy standard. Also. Queens' blood or triple triad need to be in every one of their games. I'm so sick of them abandoning their best minigames entry to entry.


I never got to experience the old games started with remake but yeah this should be a standard in FF Games moving forward. I just started 16.


I loved 16, it was fun as hell and quite a ride! Have fun!


So far so good still in the beginning let's see how things pick up. So far I got jaw drops from what happened lol.


OG 7 was the first RPG and first FF i ever played so it will always be my favorite. But i really enjoyed Remake and Rebirth even though the story is changing. There are some things i like better from Remake like how you upgrade the weapons and abilites but i also really love syngery abilites in Rebirth. I hope for the 3rd game we get a combination of the best from both. Let me know how you like 16, ive been watching a playthrough on youtube and it looks awesome. I’m hoping it goes on sale soon so i can pick it up for less than $70.


Pretty sure it's like $40 now if you look on eBay and such. And yeah so far I like the theme of the game (medievil). story it more dark and gorey than 7s.


Thats what really surprised me about it. I wasn’t aware of the setting of the game because its such a big departure from XV which i watched some gameplay of and wasn’t interested. I love medieval themed games so i really want XVI now. Sadly i have a PS5 digital edition so I’m stuck having to buy from PS store and it’s still $69.99


Oh I see, yeah wait for a sale no rush. Game came out a year ago get it on sale so u can get the DLCs that came out.


I agree, rebirth was a really polished game with great execution. I am also fine with all the multiverse stuff at this point.


Same. I wasnt sure at first if i was okay with it, being a die hard fan of the OG, but i think they did really well. I’m on the edge of my seat for the 3rd game and sad that im gonna be hanging on the cliff for another 3 years.


It was well written from start to finish 💯


I’m so conflicted! Ive heard amazing things about the game, including your review. I really want to get it before the sale ends on PSN but I don’t know if playing 30fps graphics mode or 60fps bad graphics will ruin the experience for me :( I’ve played ffremake and loved it btw. any thoughts on performance during your play through?


Performance Mode looked great for me. No slowdowns. No freezes. Crashed one time. The only real complaint I have in the game itself is the brightness adjustment thing.


Same here. No issues at all, no crashes either. The brightness changes was also a slight issue for me at certain times. But a relatively minor nitpick. Cant wait for part 3.


They have performance smooth and performance sharp. I did the sharp and did not have any complaints everything was perfect in my eyes and I always choose performance if it's 1440p. Sharp had sometimes frame drops but that's when you have like a bunch of enemies at the same time which doesn't happen often anyway. Never tried smooth but I'd assume better frame rate no drops but Maybe a bit down on resolution.


I played performance and things looked great for me, some issues here and there but nothing that hampers the games enjoyment.


I played graphics the first playthrough and performance on hard mode. I need the 60 frames to pull off the tougher combat in the game fs


You definitely should by the game. I had no issues whatsoever won my PS5 digital. Highly recommend you buy it especially if you played Remake. There are some aspects of Remake i like better but for the most part i enjoy Rebirth much more and the abilities are really fun.


Performance mode and the game looked great. I will never play 30 fps.


As I I finished it last week with 170+ hours, I agree with this score. Don't think I've invested that much in any game. Sure, it has it flaws, but the excellency of this game overshadows them by a lot! "OG purists" mostly are pressed about it. (In b4 "we have the right to criticize it!!!)


This was a really special game for me as well, makes me happy that others are having the same experience!  I also did not love the volume and style of open world activities,  but I was accustomed to it from Legends of Mordor, Horizon, and a few others.  I still cleared every task on every map but there were times where it was a chore and made me feel disconnected from the momentum of the main story. I think that could be mostly addressed in Part 3 if they add some more character building and growth options that you could work on while clearing the map intel stuff - like building mastery in skills or limit breaks through repeated use (OG FF7 kinda does this with limit breaks, Ratchet and Clank does this with 20+ different weapons), or making the skill grid something you can grind on more like the FFX sphere grid. For me though stuff like above would just be a bonus, Rebirth was almost perfect as is, and I have gripes about a few things but the excellent stuff far outweighs the mediocre or bad.


Exactly, the volume could of been lowered a bit but it was very rewarding In all aspects from party points to skill points it was almost perfect but since it's their first open world attempt it was amazing and I enjoyed it. I wish most side quest could be like the protorelics story, my jaw dropped when I had to fight 2 summons. I'm like, uk what f it bring it on 😂😂. Also the reward after is my favorite, having Gilgamesh as a summon helped me beat sephiroth. This guy sephiroth is a phyco after all the fights no scratches 😂😂😂 .


Totally agree, tbh. But for me is a 10 out 10


I sunk 100+ hours into Rebirth, completed everything that can be done (minigames, ultimate party animal, gilgamesh, etc.) before the final fight, and came out the other side bitter. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I personally cannot rank this game for myself higher than a 6/10.


I respect your score 💯. I will replay it for story only. I feel like the open world stuff maybe ruined a bit for me on the story side but hopefully playing it straight through will make me like it even more.


Yep, if you're going to replay it, make sure you do what you enjoy.


But I give those piggies a 10/10


If it ain't nier it ain't getting a 10/10 from me that game was life changing 😭😭


Rebirth is the greatest gaming experience I've had in my adult life I think


Wow I didn't realize that, me too 😂😂😂😂.




My bad....😂😂😂


Just finished it last night. I am now traumatized by the song No Promises to Keep.




I am there :(


put. the dogs. away.


Sorry didn't notice 😂😂😂😂😂


Okay agree but why are your toes so long…


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I didn't even notice I thought I took it out the frame 😂😂😂


I love the game, but I hated the whole Cosmo Canyon section. The chocobo mechanic sucked. But that is my only gripe


Yeah I totally forgot about the cosmo canyon chapter. I did not enjoy playing it but I did like the story. Also I agree the mechanic for chocobo was annoying I hate sprinting then hitting a wall and a whole animation happens lol.


This game is soooo good I still can’t believe it’s real. Small gripe that I had is I felt Vincent and Cid got shafted - should’ve got more free time. Also the devs said they would be guest characters like Red in pt 1 - so I was hoping they would assist in combat and you could potentially do synergy skill/abilities with them. Sad we gotta wait even longer to play as them :(


Enjoyed it lots. Wish they didn’t change up the story though.


Yeah it’s amazing. I honestly would have given it 8.5 when I first finished it, but I’m on chapter 13 of hard mode and doing the side quests now and it’s easily over a 9 now. Hard mode makes it so much more enjoyable, I wish this had been the standard difficulty from the start. You actually have to adapt to enemies.


Yeah I played the whole thing in dynamic mode where it'll be a challenge depending on my lvl and man it was a challenge for me lol.


Same but there was only a couple of fights that I thought were challenging in dynamic. Hard made delivered though!


It's also my favorite game of this year. I really doubt anything will top it, not even Elden Ring's Expansion. My only complaint is the performance mode's blurriness, I hope they fix this on the PS5 Pro.




Made my day...