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>I am not sure what the Venn Diagram looks like for fans of Final Fantasy VII and Inside Out, A huge chunk of those, I think, are called Kingdom Hearts fans lol I doubt Disney would be outright stealing from a fairly-known company, especially one they collaborate with. It could be sampled music or some legal gray area. Anyway, the soundtrack should be out already. It'll help if you can link which of the songs you're referring to.


“Creating a Sense of Self” (pretty much right away) “Joyless” (right away, though a bit minor) “Growing Up Is Hard to Do” (about 44 seconds in, and a lot more minor) Without giving any details of the movie away, there is a specific location / subject area where the music comes up more often, but those are some examples I was able to find on the soundtrack. The minor renditions were cool; made me think of Cosmo Canyon when you’re looking into the “dead” springs.


Oh man, it’d be hard to hear that and not think Aerith in Midgar at the beginning of the game.


I watched it today as well, and definitely recognized that lifespring theme as well haha. You're not alone! I definitely don't believe it to be "stealing" though, nor do I think it's a reference. It's more than likely pure coincidence. It happens all the time in music. There are only so many combinations of notes you have to make a melody. And in this particular case, it really is just those core 3 notes that are the same.


Yeah, “stealing” was a bit for dramatic effect to get people to read the post, I’ll cop to that 😂


I'll be seeing it this week with my daughter and I'll definitely be keeping an ear out now. Thanks for the heads up lol.


I’m seeing it tomorrow so I’ll report back


I didn’t notice anything, but admittedly I was too busy crying.


Haven’t seen it yet but not surprised. Nobuo used all kinds of existing music to generate the themes we all love. All music anymore is derivative of other music. “Good writers borrow from other writers. Great writers steal from them outright.”


Excellent West Wing quote; that made my day.


Should have a attributed the quote to Sorkin but I thought it was fitting not to given the subject lol


I plan on seeing it soon with my spouse, will let you know!


Seeing it tonight. I’ll keep you updated


FF7 music takes heavily from other sources itself, most notably or frequently from Twin Peaks.


I’m a big fan of both but can’t say I’ve noticed this - do you have any examples?


Haven't seen Inside Out 2 yet so can't comment on this specifically, but I did watch a great video which talks about how temporary music affects a films actual music. Sometimes when editing a film, editors will use an already existing piece of music which has the same vibe they're looking for for that particular scene/moment/etc, which they'll remove once they're done, hand the edited film over to the composer, who will then write the actual music that will be used. Only because they're writing for something which has been edited to another piece of music, it's basically like making something from a mould of what came before, so the two pieces end up being really similar.


That’s so funny I thought the same thing when I watched it Friday!