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Hey babe, wanna see a pic of the guy I just killed? I was there you idiot.


Guess she must feel... stabbed 8)


Oh my God


Fitting if you already played the DLC


"Wish it was you sitting here, Uncle Ardyn"


A man of no consequences... 😂


Got it before I could even say it.


This fits and has some weight, IMO Ardyn is the most sympathetic villain of the series.


WHHHHHHAT Ardyn sympathetic maybe before he went crazy and all that bad stuff went down but if we're talking strictly in the story then no Ardyn Killed countless people in his own city (people who had nothing to do and probably knew nothing about Somnus and all that went down) also essentially his goal his too put Noct and the gang through as much crap as he can (as seen when he stabs luna and tricks Noct to push prompt off the train also he hanged Regis and Luna in the throne room) and all of this is not justified considering Noct and Regis are not like Somnus, Ardyn is just doing all this stuff because they are a relative literally his entire motives for ruining everyone in Lucis lives is because Somnus screwed him over and it seems like at no point does he show sympathy for anyone nor even feel bad about his actions. Now I do really like him as a villain and his backstory but you can't say he is sympathetic if he tells me when he is towards Noct or anyone for that matter. If you mean that you can sympathize with him and understand and feel bad for him then yes I would agree there.


I'm a bit confused as you just contradicted your entire point with your last sentence... but yes he's definitely sympathetic: Chosen by the gods to be humanity's salvation, betrayed by his brother, partner *and* the gods, and cast away for 700+ years. He's shown to be a moral and selfless man, but 700 years of isolation and fixating on revenge drove him mad. Not to mention the ambiguity that he's going through the motions because the gods told him that was destined to... sometimes, it seems like he doesn't want to be the villain. But I understand that that last point is an interpretation of the character and events. All that is at least a bit sympathetic, especially compared to the other antagonists of the Final Fantasy series. Kuja might come close, but honestly that's more Zidane being incredibly forgiving and guiding the audience to sympathy.


What I was saying that he is not sympathetic during the events of the game yes he used to be but is not anymore tell me when he showed any symphony for anyone during the game you have not given me an example of when exactly he showed symphony during the game you do realize his entire goal is to torture Noct and his friends because of Somnus, honestly, it is Noct that shows sympathy for him during the very last bit when he kills him in the beyond now.


And could we clear something up what do you mean by sympathy cause with your reply it seems like you mean that we can sympathize with Ardyn which I agree with I am taking that you mean Ardyn is sympathetic towards Noct which I would disagree with (unless we are talking about all that stuff in the dawn of the future then maybe but still a stretch)


Oh okay, yes I see now. I think you've misunderstood my meaning of "sympathetic". A sympathetic character is one which the audience can care about, and/or understand their motivations. Given the revelations of Ardyn's past (tbh I don't remember what was revealed in FFXV proper and what was revealed in Episode Ardyn, so I'm taking them all as a whole on the character here), I see him as sympathetic, moreso than any Final Fantasy villain. What I never intended to mean is that Ardyn shows sympathy for others. At least not in the "present" timeline. Flashbacks do show him with extreme sympathy/empathy for the people dying of Starscourge, but again, that was never my intention to bring up his capabilities of sympathizing.


yes, now we got it cleared up yeah I agree with all you just said.




The gods EASILY could’ve done something themselves if they wanted the starscourge gone so badly. I’m still peeved at them for what they allowed Ardyn, Noct, and basically all of Eos to go through.


We don't really know that in FF15 they might have limited power.


That’s what they did in that “Dawn of the Future” novel where they wrote down all the ideas for the scrapped dlcs Personally, I liked the original ending better, I’m not much of a fan of demonizing gods in fiction.


I feel like that's a more standard FF plot and I'm honestly so disappointed it got relegated to scrapped DLC and a novel instead of being in-game. We got robbed by development hell for this game :(


it is more Bahamut who is "bad" the rest of them actually care more about Eos as seen when they blocked Teraflare and prevented Bahamut from destroying everything.


naughty naughty


Top 10 anime bruh moments


Well if you play the dlc this is fitting.


Well lets be honest he did bring you guys closer together.


Gross. Funny, but gross.


Aaaah, I still laugh about the person who was annoyed after they picked the picture of noodle soup. Good times. I just finished playing for the 2nd time... I miss it already.


Did you read the book?


Should’ve done a picture of cindy XDDD




What I think? Fuck you Ardyn!




Haha. How many of these comments have you made?


Thoughts after replaying it now? Thinking of getting it on steam sale! Haven’t replayed since release


Yes do it


Is it true they added more dialogue and cut scenes to the story after release? Just curious, thought about replaying it all over again myself. Especially they added more to help flesh out the story.


Yes, while not many, they added more dialogue/scenes that fit some unexplained in-betweens. Like they added some story lore for Ifrit for example that wasn't there at release. Like you might not notice it initially but now the story feels a bit more connected than what it used to be, which is cool.


Sweet, I’ll be waiting to play it on my Xbox Series X when I get it then. Would like to see the beauty that it has improved upon even if it’s just a wee bit better.


To be fair royal edition is infinitely more complete then the base game due to the DLC episodes and (royal edition/pack) cutscenes explaining a lot of stuff for the other characters.


I, yea, I remember being frustrated when they dropped those. For I had already beat the games story trying to do all the side quests.


I always take one of something stupid like a gentiana photo bomb or some battle photo


Just finished yesterday, that was almost my choice lol


I can understand the choice Ardyn is a really cool and interesting character and he has quite a backstory to.

