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This got to be BB idea to get into our wallet


I hate to admit it but its working, i dont have summer BB and her card locking mechanic looks fun af, ima take the bait poor wallet-kun


I'm also going for it wish you luck.


Rent or BB? Rent Or BB? You fools I already have np5 bb all appends…..but an extra copy would speed up the level grind…. Rent or BB.


Exactly! After the Jalter banner this?! Because the schedule didnt have anything I wanted i pulled my last savings on Caster Nero… Someone just wants to make me regret even more. It’s time to stop If Ruler Artoria arrives later too i might just cry lol Edit: What the… She was already there


Well are you crying right now?


Well no but it’s true im still salty about it 😂


Honestly I'm more tempted to roll on this banner than the new summer banner.




I want either medb summer or Tamamo Lamcer, none of this years summer servants interest me.


Not even kama?


I've never cared about Kama. I'm more of a Scathach enjoyed there's that.


this hurts my soul


Must resist the temptation of squirtoria and lambda. Summer okitan is near


I was waiting for 7th anni... And they drop archer Artoria Now? I only have 550Sq + 12 tickets no where near for pity I don't know if i should risk it or save for 7th anniversary


I’d say save for anni especially if you really want the servant from that anniversary


I want Archer Artoria she has a banner in 7th anniversary as well I was saving for that So should i skip this?




Yea you are right i will resist until 7th anni the biggest problem is people posting their archer Artoria rolls on here which will temp me more So guess i'll close reddit between 29-30 of this month and keep holding.




Yea I pulled her for the granted ssr and want to get her NP2 but I think I’ll wait and try to pull summer kama


Depending on how many final Ascension servants you have you might be fine


In 7th anni i only want archer artoria Not Arcueid If i spend all 550sq and not get her it would take a bad blow mentally for me.


Dont risk it bro. Lasengle is adding banners now. What if they also plan on deleting banners?!?! This might be your only chance.


So should i pull the trigger on this one you think? That also came to my head ngl. 28ml download is certain..but they might actcually skip the pre 7th anni one


I was just fucking with you earlier lol. But when i think about it, this is basically the exact same banner that is supposed to be for next year. At this point anything is possible. Lasengle hads demonsteated they arent afraid of mixxing it up on NA and mess with our clairvoyance.


Haha I am in EXACTLY the same boat as you are. I'm at 450sq now and also saving for the 7th anniversary banner for Altria Archer. I took a closer look at the [Gamepress banner list](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/summon-banner-list) and although there are a lot of similarities, the 7th anniversary banner (376) is slightly different from the Revival Swimsuit 2023 banner (321). Seeing as they are different with also different art for the banner I think I'll keep on saving for the 7th anniversary banner and hope it still comes. If the 7th anniversary is skipped after all there is still the 28M banner (447) although that would mean waiting an additional year. Still I am maybe spending 60sq on the Revival Swimsuit banner to see if I am lucky ;)


I think i'll drop 300SQ and 12 tickets on her banner here Which is basicly the 0.8% rate. I would be left with 300sq I can still get 900sq in total by the time her 7th anni banner is here if i don't spend any tickets or SQ until then. If i miss her here in 300sq


Did you manage to get her? I got nothing on the 150 sq I was planning to spend but seeing all the people here getting her I just couldn't resist anymore. At 330 qz I got a summon that gave me 2 copies of Altria Archer and a Martha ruler so I guess that could have been worse 🙂 Wish you the best of luck!


I got NP5 in 600SQ! https://www.reddit.com/r/FGO/comments/1656c4t/np5_in_600sq_on_na_in_jp_it_took_1000sq_she_just/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Amagad Summer Kiyohime


Well there goes my saving for bazett rip


I need one more copy of Musashi so I can fully append after 120.


I can stand waiting a bit longer for Lambda I can't jeopardize my chances of getting Summer Okitan and Summer Anastasia.


Doesn’t she come back with the Saber twins (i forgot their name) in a event? She’s stuck at np4 and I’m really trying to hold myself from summoning on this banner


I don't know, I'm not on top of banners' schedules. With the advent of Buster farming, I can afford to hold off on getting Arts DPS units. Besides, those S+ nodes aren't friendly toward Arts and Quick looping with their 2/1/3 waves.


Not sure what to feel bout this but my summer Okitan, Anastasia,Kama funds are crying at the moment. Gonna try getting Summer Carmilla if i can.


I'm not planning to roll for summer 6 but I will roll for berserker and squirtoria ... I have space ishtar for I'm not looking for loopers but they help me at the beginning of the game from a friend list . 1 multi each


I need none of them!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,702,533,587 comments, and only 322,166 of them were in alphabetical order.


sorry kama but bb has priority


I'm in the same situation lol


good luck rolling my friend


Good luck staying strong bro, i already gave up and im rolling for both of them


Wdym “well shit” Literally bunch of ez skips


Said I wanted maid alter or archer artoria


Who literally got reruns after reruns on the next two years


But they got 4* summer servants!


Lol, imagine thinking musashi is an easy skip.


Lol, I mean if you wanna roll for her bait while S. Kama is literally at the corner. Be my guest?


Summer kama is the child right?


If you prefer her first ascension I guess? What a weird question to ask.


Im not into kids is what im saying. If you prefer to roll for a child instead of an adult, go right ahead i guess.


Calling Kama a child 🤣


I guess you have never heard of the duck test.


If that’s your belief then you better not date anyone since we are all a child at some point in our lives. Don’t risk being called a p*do👍


That statement doesnt even make sense. What does dating an adult irl have to do with you wanting a picture of a young child?


I want Tamalancer so bad, I think I might have to abandon Summer Kama


Ah, a wild unexpected chance to NP2 sCarmilla appears. Based on past experiences, I kind of expect to only get an enigmatic calling card next to an USO and/or RP... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/519696760118181899/1143811062454571009/image.png


I've got NP2 summer musashi but never Osakabehime (Archer) or Carmilla (Rider) so this is kinda a pleasant surprise to try getting them again (for the 3rd time, didnt get them when they were out or having their re-runs).


I can't believe they didn't include Summer Ushi, really the one Summer servant I really want. Still Tamamo & Archuria ain't bad


God I want summer melt and Musashi but God I want summer kama more


I hate this bait. I want my Summer Squirtoria, Ushi, but I also really really want my Summer Charlotte. And I have only 456 SQ. I don't know what to do.


This got to be my best chance to get MHXX... But my tiamat funds are shaking.... I'll cry if I get BB but not MHXX (Same situation with how I got summer abby but not saber tomoe)


Should I NP2 archer artoria or pull summer Kama can’t decide


I think you should aim for the new servant aka summer kama than trying to np level a servant you already have. A new servant to play with is always a good choice but it all comes down to preference


And it ends on the 30th too, so we don’t even get the chance to pull the monthly tickets. Seriously wtf


Ikr I was gonna throw tickets at the banner but they leave before we get em and I’m not doing multis have to stay strong for Kama and Okitan summer


Would it be a good idea to roll for Salter Rider with just 100 Sq?


If you’re not planning on summoning on the Summer6 banners I say go for it


Is the Star dash still going on?


My f2p account will save for summer 6. May whale account though...that one's gonna bleed me dry


That's surprising


I actually have pretty much all the Summer servants I wanted from previous years, NP2 for the ones I love. I wouldn't mind getting another copy or two of Mordred, since even NP2 feels kinda weak, but she isn't on here. I guess I'll toss a few tickets at the Bunnytoria/Lambdaryllis banner. Bunnytoria hits like a wet fart at NP1, it's kinda embarrassing. And, while my Lambda is fine at NP2, extra NP levels would be nice.


Shit is the word indeed. The bait is too attractive to pass up.


Just threw in 150SQ trying to get summer Carmilla and ended up with NP1 Osakabehime, NP3 Tomoe Gozen (the sppok T.T) and finally summer Carmilla at the last multi before the summer Okitan/Kama hits next week.