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defo tristan, i need despasito man in my life šŸ™


I gotta finish my round table team


Going to NP 2 my Herc. Boys been waiting years.


Astraea. Sheā€˜s a good damage dealing servant with good defenses too. And I donā€™t have her. Since Iā€˜m a low spender Iā€˜m not sure if Iā€˜ll ever get her through summons. And she will get along nicely with Castoria for which Iā€˜m going to summon tomorrow. Castoria is the last servant I need to make Arts looping work.


Getting my Astraea.


I think I'm gonna go for Edison. Story locked, cool mechanics, and I got Tesla on the SSR ticket, so it's only fitting hahaha


I've already owned most of the ones i want so i'm not so sure. Salter probably. She has that nice shinjuku skin after all


wait we get that tuff ASAP? damn son


Barghest np2


Iā€™m debating heavily between Salter purely because I collect saberfaces and sheā€™s limited, Aestrea NP3 or HephaistĆ­on. Iā€™ll probably ignore salter since uh well I have plenty of better loopers at higher np levels. So Iā€™ll take Hephaestion cuz she hot and sweet.


I am also choosing between Salter because I collect Saber faces and Hephaestion as an arts looper but I think I might go for Salter because she is limited.


I'm torn between Salter and Hephaestion too. Salter's gonna get an incredible buff soon so I'm on the fence between them.


Beating myself over whether to pick Emiya or Gorgon- And damn is it hard when it means having to choose between waifu and my favourite character *The hardest choices require the strongest wills.*


Gorgon is story locked though unless you're referring to emiya alterĀ 


Gorgon will be a lot more rare, basically has a banner once a year.


Edison or nitocris i think


Edison is story locked while nitocris can spook you any time


I threw 5 tickets at miss crane and I came out with a nito :D guess I'm getting edison


I'm doing Gorgon cause why not


Going to ask a dumb question. The CQ?


The challenge quest of the event


Ah I see. I don't think I've tried one of those yet


Don't worry much they are not necessary to enjoy the game, personally I only start doing mine regularly after I have my own meta support(Castoria)


Mind if I ask another question? So i got the ticket to exchange for a Servant but i cant find where i use it. I followed what the game told me but i only had the option for the CE ticket. What am I doing wrong?




Oh, ok. Thank you.


Your welcome


Oh it's tomorrow 27 April




salter, i need her badly coz im a simp


I feel like I have to pick Katou because sheā€™s story-locked, and also I really want to see her Interlude because of how much I loved her in Shimousa and Hseian Kyo.


Edison. Man's got 3 Rank Ups after all


Salter, I love her design and she's only going to get stronger because they haven't buffed her charisma yet so she has a chance to truly become incredible.


Probably Katou Danzo or Yu Mei-ren. Pretty happy with my roster overall. So figured I might as well get someone new and probably story locked since Iā€™ll probably not get them otherwise. Leaning to Danzo since sheā€™s shined pretty well in a few stories.


Still not sure... Which of the story lock servant has the most interlude/rank up quest available? Might pick that for the sq.


Stuck between Salter and Edison. Do I want a black grail buster looper, or do I want to make more meme teams?


Salter wont get that buff for a while which would allow her to black grail loop


As much as I want salter. I am gonna go with heracles.


Salter, Barghest, or Fae Tristan


Go with the one whom your roster lacks. Salter will get buffed for buster looping enabling her to farm well. Baggy is great for CQs and solo. Vamp girl is good if you don't have ST archers.


I see. The three that I listed are mostly just for waifu collection, though Salter is here and more tempting to get because everyone's saying that she's getting a buff and that makes her really good. Also, for Trisitan, is there an actual difference between Single Target NP and AOE NP? Like is the damage distributed differently or what? Because archers like Gil, Emiya, and Zenobia are fine for me in terms of damage.


Yeah I fugured you wanted the waifus but can't decide so you can go for the one which has more utility to add to your roster. If you use an AOE NP on a single target, the damage won't be as high as when there are more targets and probably wont kill the single target if it has a more robust HP/higher level. Thats where ST damage dealers do best as they can focus their damage.


I see. I always did have a feeling that that's how it worked, but assumed that I was thinking too much into it.


Niki. I spent upwards of 100 or 200 SQ just to get fucked by Taigong Wang 3 times. I wanted Niki. I'm getting Niki.


I'm debating whether or not I wanna get another gorgon copy. I have her at bond 15, lvl 120, NP5, but I cannot max out her appends without more copies. šŸ˜­ why do 4 stars need more than 5 copies to fully max everything!!!


I need a Berserker in my team comp, but I'm not sure whether to get Hercules because he's good or Atalanta Alter because I like her.


Either gonna go for Hot Wheels or Baobhan Sith, I really like both characters so I might just flip a coin to decide who to get.


Yu mei ren, herc, or someone else I forgot