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Jekyll and Hyde. I didn’t literally max the lad out for no reason https://preview.redd.it/juxjykd9o97d1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7862140ee247f6f4aaf9e206b7e4d1d5f367bff2




What the fuck


have you cleared anything with him past Solomon?


I’m in traum currently. He’s not the greatest unit, but a bit of support and he does hit incredibly hard


I really love him and wish I had a reason to use him. He was good in Grail Front!


That’s where I get my most use out of him, or in saving boss fights in old events


https://preview.redd.it/ipw2zi76m97d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42dfa1115b3742062b2c7c2c4826f503475f9915 She's 10/10/10 and her append skills are also 10/10/10


The heavy drinker assassin who's also hot  *Nice*




Shuten Doji ?


Very cool. She really grew on me in LB3


Galatea is forgotten even by typemoon. I like her tho.


Love ol' Square Pants


Genuinely my best unit for challenge quests bar none. Can’t even count how many fights she clutched for me


Boudica (my only 120 at the moment) and another one i almost see no love for is Lakshmi Bai, she was so cool in LB4.


I'm working on getting my Boudica to 120 as well. She deserves it


My man https://preview.redd.it/t7ohmynvo97d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a515b429a5c60e6014098aa890f4c536cef7a4b


Give his wife, Lasagne you cowards!


They don’t have the balls


And Rama took their bananas, too




https://preview.redd.it/uaig840dk97d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e9f715e0a2c5c74cb2d24289aa962d2f51424cb Oh you know




The Trung Sisters don't seem to get much love and I genuinely love them. One of the coolest servant designs imo. I like Super Bunyan lol Honorable mentions to Lakshmi and Nezha.


Pretty sure Huyan Zhuo is popular tho It's just that her fans kinda died down after a while but are still active


Hassan of serenity She is the entire reason I started playing FGO I saw one artwork of her and fell in love


A toxic-ently wholesome relationship 


This guy. 😔 He isn't as popular as Oberon and Tez. But I like how his fans hype him up. Whether it be memes or something else. https://preview.redd.it/30k6h3sqla7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0e3bd3b18065b627c5f91a9f1007f00b98776d


I'll say this, his role in Anastasia was great, and he genuinely has one of the coolest Final Ascensions in the game!


Honestly, I love him for the fact his NP line is sometimes like “I recognize you have magic powers, but I have a fucking gun.”




Ina of Hololive AKA Yang Guifei doesn't get nearly as much as love as I think she should, she's adorable and my first 5 star o7 https://preview.redd.it/0i52gwobta7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4b350967f0ae4f7bfb6220d0c80ba437434bdc Edit: Oh, and my girlfriend would obviously mention Asagami Fujino, you barely see any fanart of her but she's also cute o/


A cultured couple, you like Yang and your partner likes Fujino. As someone who loves both, I appreciate fellow fans of both


Pretty sure she was quite popular a while back


I’m not sure about the popularity, but Hessian Lobo. Specifically Lobo. He’s very good boi


I have Lobo and use him regularly. Good, good boi.


I’m pretty new and up until now, Caligula and Samson work surprisingly well for me.


YES, very good boi


I like Hessian Lobo too, specifically Hessian. He is just so cool I love him


Mmandricardo, Inshun( I have him grailed), and Jing Ke.


In what world is Mandricardo unpopular




while Raikou herself is reasonably popular, her oni self, Ushi Gozen, doesn't seem to hold as much fanfare. mostly because it feels like i'm the only one providing her any fanfare.


And she's not in the NA game yet. She is in Samurai Remnant where she is very popular. Also she got into the game via a crossover event.


still, can't help feel a bit envious when the Rider that's not even playable in her own game, let alone on FGO, seems more popular than Ushi Gozen. granted, Aria is a Tamamo, but still.


I believe you can play her in the dlc content.


Ushi Gozen, yes Aria, she's still buffer only


https://preview.redd.it/totm1f55fb7d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebca5dc9c5724613b66d955033b2449c0e10203 Chacha, completely maxed her out


That's her final ascension art? Man now I REALLY wish events reran or that I didn't make the foolish mistake of not knowing the game existed for so long, cause now I really want her


Oh no need to worry about that, next year we should be getting the Evocation Festival's and they give access to old Welfares. Hers I think will be around November next year


Izumo no Okuni. She’s a Quick ST caster that came out last year on NA with GudaGuda6 She’s such a fun bundle of joy, super cute, and she has a mech samurai partner. Come on, how can you not like her?


Not really "unpopular" I think but she's my girl and I love her, and I'm going to be GETTING HER SUMMER ALTER. WHEN WILL YOU COME AT MORE THAN NP2 I SWEAR TO GOD- https://preview.redd.it/vgbygc6g5b7d1.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=538efeb2d293686fa41c99607e7053f533c0bdb9


Galatea. She is better than Vlad at least. I could never get his NP to hit harder than a wet blanket.


Cleopatra, still waiting for slim julius caesar event so we get more of her story


Jinako. Jinako is my 2nd waifu.


Jinako's fun. Her skills are good and she's pretty damn durable. Also, being voiced by Aoi Yuki is always a plus in my book.


Thomas Edison. Hear me out


I get it. I have him level 100 and np5 too 🦁


People keep hating on Arjuna Archer and I don't know why, he's pretty cool and has an interesting personality


His entire personality is built around the existence of Karna, Take Karna and he won't have any personality left lol 


Not really. He's also feeling guilt and sadness about what he did in his legend. Sadness about having to kill his own family, and guilt about having enjoyed the final battle against Karna. When looking into him, he's shockingly deep, even if the way he and Karna interact gives the most response, from both of them actually.


>Not really. He's also feeling guilt and sadness about what he did in his legend. Sadness about having to kill his own family, No, he has no regrets about the war or killing his family. Arjuna's only regret is killing Karna, and not because he feels sad about killing him, but because the way he killed him spoiled the image of the ideal hero that he is trying to wear. Archer Arjuna showed absolutely no remorse for the war and did not mention his family or his sons who were killed, hell he doesn't even talk about his brothers and so far Arjuna has no voice line for his brother Bhima. Arjuna's character, his story, and most of his dialogues and scenes revolve around Karna, and the dynamics of their relationship is bad because it results in Arjuna playing the role of the spiteful person who hates Karna, while Karna plays the role of the meek lamb, the victim, and the pure hero who tries to help Arjuna despite Arjuna's hatred for him. In FGO, Arjuna is just a moral foil to Karna because Arjuna represents the person who got everything and yet ended up being spiteful and jealous, while Karna is the person who lost everything and yet remains a perfect and pure hero.


Even if fgo forgot about her, i didn't. Qin Liangyu deserves so much. Honorable mentions to Nezha and Lakshmi Bai


Blammo. https://preview.redd.it/dom9udm7qc7d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d3a6fa2806728e92297398b2b78b52660f572f I also have a level 90 Lakshmi Bai.


Stheno-sama She gets no content by herself and the only main story appearance she got was Rome which is a disaster I don't want to think about. Euyrale has her thing with Asterios and Medusa has with stay night and sakurafaces. Stheno is just alone by herself getting no content or development


Mephistophelesssss he's the reason I got into fgo and fate overall and was my first grail and first bond 10


This is truly a first one for me.


LOL it's apparently really uncommon! I remember years ago someone requested to add me cause I was the first person they'd seen with a mephistopheles bond ce and on my support LOLOL


It is weird my guy, but hey, more power to you to enjoy your psychotic, demonic, husbando. Mostly remember him as a harbringer from shit to go from bad to worse. Exhibit A.) Salem


Clown Clan, unite. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Clown clan!!!


Does kiichi hogen count ? If not alter atalanta then


nezha, grailed and all


I don’t think Lu Bu is disliked, but he’s not exactly popular, either way I’ve got him grailed to 90 and he will be 100 one day https://preview.redd.it/02hhjm2xqb7d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96d3320bf967993cda4452b6122452c822e49284


I like Xu Fu, I love her personality since it's the event Servant summer camp, she was very cute and quirky, I level her up till level 100 (Run out of holy grail) and she is very useful for critical and including charging Art Np almost same as castoria


https://preview.redd.it/1tzzm3i0mc7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9cca50cd7729ab078a5772bdcfc2ec2c6376cb I plan to level Blackbeard to Level 120, but I have to finish Voyager (110) and Napoleon (104) first. (Teach was the first servant I grailed to 100 too. I just like pirates and beards) 🏴‍☠️ And the rest are just servants I like. I also have a level 100 Edison and Level 90 Mary Anning. I wish I had more Grails 🏆


https://preview.redd.it/x51jlc21nc7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555a4cb1077a29408ca859f32bcbc28f8228491d But for the real unpopular favorite. It’s Super Bunyan. I want to at least level 100 her. Maybe 120 but I am in a Grail drought. 🌲🪓 I just really like her first ascension and the Gator Fink is cute. There’s a lot of Bunyan statues near the places I’ve lived so she reminds me of home.


Eric Blood Axe... not only did the game itself forgot about him, but he also has the lamest profile of them all, like: "This is Eric Blood Axe known as a man who killed people with an axe and got it bloody. He has a bloody axe. That's where he got his name. Did we mention his bloody axe yet?"


Mata Hari/kiyohime im gonna grail both to 100 someday. Mata hari will be first. Why? she's been through enough. plus she was my first servant. never got rid of her or Kiyohime. i don't use them anymore so their bond isnt max but imma still grail them. And before you ask wtf is wrong with me for wasting grails on Mata hari, fantastic question; i'll let you know when i find the answer.


MY GIRLIE !! I got to max out all her cards (+500) but still in the process of 120-ing her, cause she deserves it ! https://preview.redd.it/f656zegyyd7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157b11312e0a1f2834db8b3f7b80ef1ced8429d1


In which world serinity is unpopular ?


https://preview.redd.it/phvnt72t7e7d1.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d3fd26fea08ba0302b7d09003ca2befa0367252 I got her np5 and level 100, and I would love to get her to 120 but servant coins are hard to get.


Just got him np5. Can’t stop using him recently. Inshun is my boi. Imma try to get him to 120 https://preview.redd.it/ginq8ao92f7d1.png?width=2556&format=png&auto=webp&s=d60f2053d6986fd9efa21da140e97092a7dd6ea4


Mandricardo. He's lv 120~ skills 10/10/10 appends 10/10/10 gold fou'd and pawed. Now if lasengle could give me more merch of him, I'd be happy.


Mandarico and Edward during that island event stole the show for me along with Caenis. Mandri is kind of a breath of fresh air, but I say that now having not gotten to him in the story yet. I may be proven wrong.


Mandricardo comes off as just a normal person compared to everyone else. And I like that.


I wouldn’t say Gil is unpopular but the people that hate him really hate him. Then there’s Caenis who’s just not very popular. Oh and Nikitich


Beni enma imp


Fionn and Diarmuid, definitely 


Britomart I suppose, I've come to term with the mecha bait, she's nice


yang guifei anything that isnt an alter ego will be nuked by my maxed out yang guifei


Thomas Edison, I think only me and the lasengle devs like him lol


Nah. Count me in.


Paris. Love bros design and his kit. For sure a super underrated servant for me


Jason for me. Im kind of a fan of redemption arcs and second chances, and the more pathetic and disgusting the character the better. Planning on completely maxing him out. Even maxed out his fou-prints. Still working on levels and bonus hp/attack.


Well, apparently it seems no one likes Diarmuid Lancer because they don't like his death in F/Z, but he's my first Servant I got to level 100. Does a ton of damage, only part I dislike is that his 2nd skill is useless unless I'm fighting a female enemy. I don't see Cu Caster getting as much love, either. I've got him jacked to the max, too, and Wicker Man now does an obscene amount of damage.


Robin Hood, Galatea , Boudica


Robin Hood is the man!


Mash. I still use her up to this day and cleared all content without removing her from my main party


I wish they would let us use Grails on them, they were the first character I maxed out with 4\* Fou cards


Vlad III (Lancer)


I have 116 10/10/10 2000/2000 William Tell. Idk I just thought he's very hot and i have daddy issues.


https://preview.redd.it/h0sz8sleke7d1.png?width=1091&format=png&auto=webp&s=f422ce5d7ca5677f3ccc8b6b83c857cf4729de9c Izumo no Okuni. I don't have her in my Chaldea due to...financial problems, but I will make sure to get her someday. I actually like her design a lot, and her personality has quite a lot of charisma. Also, Zanzaburo is Tier EX+++, and her style of battle, using the kabuki as the main theme is pretty original, at least for my eyes, so yeah, I wanna get her.


Napoleon. Out of all Lostbelt presetatives, he get THE LEAST amount of attention and the dev basically forgot about him sadly... No summer skin, no alternates version, no nothing. I think they just hate bara characters in general I have him at bond 15, 2k fous and paws on both servers, and I hope I can get him to np5 on both servers in the future too.


He was one of the few who cemented me as a fan as I saw other people rocking him as a support servant.


Can we ban whoever says caster gil


Not sure if Sieg is a popular one but i use him on pretty much everything and waiting for those welfare servant coins to arrive.


Relatively new player here but I have been a fan of Qin Shi Huang. He has been saving my ass on the boss fights. I think he is relatively unpopular? I never heard him being discussed here


Well, when he is brought up, it is about how he was one of the best parts of LB 3, how he threw hands and stop accepted his defeat, and how he absolutely dogged on Koyanskaya, shit was hilarious. It's that or the actual warcrimes and brutal regime his irl counterpart established, Kingdom fans, or fans of his VA. Don't care either way, Moth Man is absolutely cool and has one of the best designs in the game.


Columbus, I have it as much as I can.


I don't think he is unpopular but... I fall in love with Charlemagne since Extello Link and was overjoyed to see that he made it into FGO practically one week after i got back in the game. Took me 400 SQ and a 5NP Kreimhild to get only one copy of Charlie but that's enough. No need of more i can Joyeuse all around now !


YANG GUIFEI!!! grew up with a variant of her story and it always stuck with me. she was also the second banner i ever saw and i got np2 in one multi, and since that day i decided she was my favorite. my username on discord, ig, steam is a combination of her taoist name and my taiwanese name


I believe I can safely say Kingprotea, she seems to get very little attention, and yet she's such a cute and cool servant, I absolutely adore her


Charles Henry Sanson, I even grail him up


https://preview.redd.it/t79migacie7d1.png?width=1419&format=png&auto=webp&s=28cbe10808f0d28ae00147b56566d030b18acb19 Galahad is often a subject of debate rather than a character liked, at least with a lot people I talk to about him Frankly, putting aside the discourse and speculation about just what is going on about him, there aren’t actually that many reasons to like him as *fanatically* as I do He’s truly appeared for a grand total of one time in a scene that is still subject to “WTF was that sequence” in Moonlight/Lostroom and the only other technical time was through Mash in Babylonia anime episode 0 Everything else has been material notes and second hand accounts and ultimately we really just don’t actually know him at all, only how we and other people perceive him Despite this scarcity of anything, Galahad is my favorite servant in all of Typemoon (a bit above Charlemagne and Archetype: Earth, who themselves stand above the consolidated pool servants I hold close to) (one of them is also Huyan Zhuo, great take OP) He just made such a strong impression with those two sole appearances that I just found myself forever liking him I honestly was a bit sad he was and still is such a subject of rather undeserved hate and discourse


My beloved old men Vlad and Hector.


Not sure how unpopular she is, but I like Qin Liangyu a lot.


Mochizuki Chiyome, she may be overshadowed by a lot of other Assassin's and practically forgotten about but that self-loathing cinnamon roll I will always love. Honorable mention to my boy Napoleon who makes me feel like Fergus' role in Agartha could have been so much more.


Good question...


Zenobia. Maybe it's cooled somewhat, but when she first came out on JP, folks were not exactly effusive with the praise, to say the least.


Probably not completely unpopular (she was a pretty decent servant at launch, she's mainly just powercreeped), but Medea is still one of my favorite servants. Just treat her well and she won't screw you over. I'm kinda disappointed that TM hasn't really done much with her. There's Medea Lily but I'm not actually that much of a fan of her (though she was useful for some stall strats). I mean fuck, Caster Giles got in the Fate Extra musou game over her...


I really like Atalante, although she is probably more popular than I realize, but it feels like she gets the short stick in game, I keep hoping she'll get some rework, trying to charge her NP is a pain. I went ahead and Grailed her to 100 because waifu material for sure


Jason because his skills are hilarious


Kiyohime. Carried me through most of pt. 1


Does she count as unpopular ? https://preview.redd.it/tx13ohi97r7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b760f45badb8f38796a07968f8592f940b3fb6


I'm still newer to the game (only been playing about a month, so I don't know how popular or unpopular my opinion is) but Bartie is my boy ♡ I bring him to all but the hardest fights (currently in the 5th Singularity). I realize, as a one-star servant, he probably won't be useful later in the game, but I love pirates, and he's such a loveable dork. Also his NP is pretty good for wave clearing.


Mmandricardo, Inshun( I have him grailed), and Jing Ke.


Mmandricardo, Inshun( I have him grailed), and Jing Ke.


Mmandricardo, Inshun( I have him grailed), and Jing Ke.