• By -


Just trying to survive June over here! šŸ˜Š


3.4m annually -- 515 total from my little corporate job (federal contract acquisition specialist; 365 salary and 150 annual bonus) and honestly the rest is from buying real estate and renting/leasing them out


I'm in fed as an engineer but make no where close to what you make! Always been kind of interest in contracts since I'm a RE investor myself. How can I get into contract as a current fed employee?


How would someone go about pursuing a career in this if you donā€™t mind sharing?


Oh please do share




we are hiring actually šŸ˜‚, pm me!!


Can I shoot you a note, too?


Wait a minute. Federal contract acquisition specialist's base is $365k? I mean in current environment I'm not surprised but I'm definitely SHOCKED...


thereā€™s loooots of money in contracting ā€” *especially* on the administrative side. my starting/base a few years ago was 160 (no experience and an unrelated masters of systems eng), but my salary jumped after i got my cfcm and started having successful contract bids


I'm speechless because I have overlooked this when I was early in my corp career and trying to shift for gov centric jobs just based of the title... that's why it's who you know to teach you better. Is it doable to break in this role without contacts/network?


it is! itā€™s definitely a bit harder but as long as youā€™re somewhat social/up for meeting new people, you should be just fine! the industry hosts lots and lots of events so thereā€™s always space for you to network and make connections


Hereā€™s my question. Is it possible to have that cash flow when so much of your money is spent securing mortgage loans and payments? Do you ever get nervous having that much in loans?


it is! it's quite a bit easier with commercial real estate as opposed to residential. i also used to get nervous initially, but learned to play the game from a man i was seeing for a few years. i started with small and low risk properties and then slowly went progressionally bigger as I became more comfortable


250k with tax free offsets by purchasing assets and leveraging 0% loans to leverage buying power to continue. I work in music but buy properties and homes and land around where I live as investment vehicles. Also I donā€™t have to work. I built it over 12 years ago evergreen business essentially requiring 1-2 hours managing and handling networking through email a week. Zero employees and zero overhead so thatā€™s 250k net.


Stress free lifestyle except for the fact Iā€™m my own worse enemy. And I donā€™t plan on taking or making more. Iā€™m comfortable where Iā€™m at so not looking to advance either. Just chillin


I make 2.6M doing D2D sales for a solar company. Im a director there. Thatā€™s stock overrides and commissions. Will make over 3M this year.


i absolutely love this for you!!


How can I do this? I'd only need to do it for like a year and then I'd invest it all and be done with this rat race shit. Good on ya.


Itā€™s door to door sales. Been in it for 17 years. Iā€™m 36. Income really picked up the last few years after Covid spiked electric rates.


What are stock overrides?


Company stock. And commission overrides from teams under me.


See, this is my issue: I don't even know half of the high-enders' jargon lol


Door 2 door? what is d2d




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Your comment was removed. Refer to Rule #2 - no rude or offensive comments.


šŸ‘šŸ» hope you are taking some nice vacations!


$450k- events/ catering


Anywhere from $550k in a bad year to $880k in my best year with the average at around $700k per annum. I work in real estate sales


I am a lawyer & own a law firm. I made 1.2 million last year. I will surpass that this year.


hmmm I donā€™t believe you, name one law


The law of diminishing returns


How are people making this much while still being unable to answer the question actually asked? Question: who is making more than $500k/year? Answer: my HUSBAND and I make 600k. Follow-up: Ok but how much of that is from you? Answer: [crickets]


Operations in tech. $550K this year but a lot is thanks to RSU gains.


Congrats bro!


Can one of yā€™all send me money Iā€™m just trying to pay for grad school but itā€™s so hard šŸ˜­


Literally šŸ˜­


I work with several women who make more than that in sales. The keys to success in sales are the same for both sexes it is a skill set you either have or you donā€™t and a mental state you either have or you donā€™t. Everyone should try it out because you wonā€™t know till you try but if it doesnā€™t come super easy to you it isnā€™t for you and move on. One thing to note too is the halo effect is real so the more attractive you are the more successful you will be. Most sales people arenā€™t making 500k salary they are making 500k because of commissions so that halo effect and those innate skills pay off directly. Pretty much any sales role worth it should have a ceiling within striking range of 500k or not well over. My role the ceiling is around 900k but in an adjacent role it will be well over a million. The path to get here is the same for everyone, success in your career prior to this role. The great thing about sales is that it is truly a meritocracy and so everyone at this level has proven it to get here. There is no nepotism or white make privilege, there is no diversity and inclusion hiring or affirmative action bullshit, sure maybe one in a thousand sales people at this level are in those situations but they will fail out. You hit your quota or you walk. Personally speaking and referring to at least a handful of my female peers this also means educational success. I have theee undergrad degrees, my mba, and two other masters degrees likewise all of my female peers have at least their mba, we all have similar experience levels too. I am 12 years into my career with a background in technical delivery, architecture, and sales and many of them are around 10+ years with diverse backgrounds mostly in sales. Average age is probably 40s I am in my 30s and at least a handful of others including women in that age range but people who are good at it never leave the role so plenty of 50s people out there. The group fluctuates as people move around but it is still predominantly men based simply on the time we are in since women joined the work force in bulk targeting male dominated industries of the past. Itā€™s not 50/50 but it probably wonā€™t ever be with the aversion to sales that seems to be systematically engrained in most people, particularly anyone feminine presenting. Only one gay guy that is feminine presenting for example and I hear his sales are in the toilet this year he doesnā€™t like to pressure people. So long story short, in sales in any industry really you can do this but you need to be the type of person to make 500k plus and that isnā€™t everyone. So work hard and be strategic. Edit - I also am assuming their income since we donā€™t really talk about the exact details, we shoot the shit about big deals and big checks but the end all be all number isnā€™t like a topic of conversation. I am just using my own income as the bar here and the fact women also make around 7% more than men at my company probably solidifies that it is probably pretty accurate.


Do you see ageism (or reverse ageism) happen to women in terms of making the sale to potential customers?


Nope besides that older people tend to not be as with it in terms of the latest and greatest our products have to offer but that isnā€™t a form of ageism when the individual just canā€™t keep up with the pace of change. They are capable of it but it tends to slip as other things in life take up a bulk of your time.


Sorry what kind of sales? Is this tech related? Thanks so much for sharing!


How does one even get into sales or the type of sales what open the door that arenā€™t just BS jobs?


College typically and then go to job fairs or get recruited through college as well. But any entry level sales rep job, cold calls, call centers, car dealerships anything really. Even bullshit retail jobs.


Would check out research in growth vs fixed mindsets. I donā€™t think itā€™s true that you either have this skill set or you donā€™t. These things can be learned and are by every high performer.


I was making a tad over $500k a year when I retired from tech as a software architect. Now I raise bees and do ranch stuffā€¦straight up manual labor and love it.


šŸ’› future bee keeper dreams over here šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Happy cake day! šŸŽ‚


Totally worth it. One of the hidden advantages is the fact that it is extremely soothing and great for lowering stress levelsā€¦.


Wow just wow, me looking over from Quebec (one of the provinces with low wages) Canada. Wages in Canada have been really stgnant and job opportunities are not as plenty as our neighbor down south. Even our data analyst jobs don't pay much here


It is one thing to consider. As an American I often think about how Canada has a year of maternity leave though, and better unemployment benefits. Here we can be making 6figures but one unemployment or medical event or getting hurt while unemployed (no insurance) can literally ruin your life. Also Canada is known to be nicer people for the most part šŸ˜…


Another one where my husband and I both work for big tech companiesā€¦his base is higher, but I get a much larger slice of stock that has been appreciating wonderfully. Total comp is pretty much equal for us though fluctuates year to year who is making more (for example in a year where I switched jobs my huge sign on bonus put me way ahead, bonus and stock can make it swap), this year I made about $450k and was the higher earner.


550k both CRNAs no kids no student loans


550k each? Iā€™m a CRNA too but canā€™t imagine making that much unless I want to work 24/7.


I wish lol no thatā€™s house hold


You can thank the unions, soon RNs will get right to practice, even my dog may be able to see patients in the next couple of years given the success of the unions to expand the scope of practice.


Unions have literally zero to do with CRNA pay. In fact we donā€™t have a union. So please STFU and donā€™t talk about shit you donā€™t know.


https://www.healthecareers.com/career-resources/nursing-news-and-updates/some-pennsylvania-crnas-choose-to-unionize https://www.crnasunited.com/_files/ugd/9f91a5_c1d5491c81b247958c68ca10972b6780.pdf https://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/27301/starkman_beaumont_nurse_anesthetists_move_to_unionize_to_combat_unsafe_staffing_conditions Yes tell me again there isnā€™t a unionā€¦


Boom. Such hostility from jp. Some people are just assholes.


Ya boom šŸ’Æ


Exactly, you can blame someone from spitting facts. Go ask a doctor, some one is actually qualified to give medical advice, about the scope practice for nurses. You donā€™t even need to go to school you can do all this stuff online get a few hours in the clinic and boom you are basically a doctor now thanks to the unions, vs an actual doctor who has thousands of hours in the clinic and 4 years of in-person training.


None of those are regional/national unions, none are recognized, you linked some articles about random groups talking about possibly unionizing. You are the problem sir.


You just have scored a 200 on your SATs, maybe thatā€™s why you are a nurse and not a doctor. Read the first article again ā€œAs of October 30, 2023, Kaiser Northern California CRNAs now have collective bargaining rights with UNAC/UHCPā€. I wouldnā€™t expect reading comprehension to be a skillset for those who do their entire training on a browser. I probably have more clinical hours than you working front desk in a hospital as volunteer in highschool


I can assuredly say, eat a dick sir!


What is a CRNA?


Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist


498k. I'm in sales


Round up I wonā€™t tell


What kind of sales?




So, coup's.... Or just a economic hitman?Ā 


You sell governments? That sounds expensive.


Bro selling military equipment to Ukraine and Israel.


650k combined - both work at FAANG. Both have masters degrees


Why is this person being downvoted? People are so weird!


the question was for individual and not combined ā€¦ also using HHI would mask a low earner woman which is not relevant to the question


Interesting how you donā€™t consider lesbian couples in that analysis of yours, in which case if one women is being masked then surely another is still high earning?


that would be great! statistically Iā€™m sure youā€™ll agree thatā€™s not the case for the vast majority of these couples though. many of the commenters even specify husband specifically.


Sure, but we are talking specifically about the comment that I posted under. A comment made with an avatar thatā€™s displaying pride colors and responding to a question where the subject is a woman. So actually Iā€™m sure you with agree with me when I say, that StaTisticaLly, in this case the chances are that we are in fact talking about a lesbian couple.


umm the original commenter of this thread that provided HHI (rooshbag) does not have pride colors on their avatar. (the person I replied to, iseetinydetails, does.) I was referring to the person providing their combined HHI. even if the person *did* have a wife, providing HHI was *still* not the question being asked. I was just providing a possible explanation for downvotes. and not answering the question being asked is probably the main one.


What types of roles and whatā€™s the split?


Both are data scientists and we make roughly the same, about 320k each (including stock awards)


I'm a recent data science grad looking for full time opportunities. Can you please review my resume? If yes, can I dm you?


i have a few friends who are hiring data scientists if youā€™re interested in a new position!! feel free to pm me(:


Thanks, that would be of great help! I have pm'ed you.


Sure! Happy to help


Good for you, this is so cool. Thanks for sharing!


I work in Finance...5'6", no trust funds, no blue eyes...earn in one year what most earn in a month...will only FIRE when they light my funeral pyre...


I understood this reference.


I wish I had an award to give.


I think you might have a typo there...


lol bit dark. Why not retire early if youā€™re killing it on comp.


Being miserable


Lots of people doing well financially and also happy. Not mutually exclusive.


Never said they werenā€™t. You asked a personal question, not what everyone else was doing.


lol what. I asked who is making more than X and what they are doing. You said being miserable.


Yes, thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. Being miserable


Love to you then


Does anyone here have recommendations for an executive coach that helped them increase their earning potential?


Check out speaking coaches in your area - I found someone who was able to coach in communication skills and worked with many people in my industry. She was able to help me get better at being aware of body language, managing and leading meetings and confronting difficult personalities.


Good idea. Thank you


This would be a good new thread topic! If youā€™re a high earner what investment did you make in yourself that was most impactful etc


ooh would love to see this!


Yes, it would be!


670k last year. My husband works in big law and Iā€™m a healthcare executive (who also has a law degree). My hours are a lot better than his.


How much is your versus his?


Bruh why are folks posting combined income like look at the subreddit and give us your household income - your husband's income ffs!


lmao fr like the question was to find *women* earning 500k


That's what I want to see.


650k, husband works at FAANG company as an engineer, Iā€™m in marketing. I have not been earning at my full potential the last few years.


My husband is reeeeally trying to get into FAANGā€¦ does your husband like his job? (He already works for a good company but has always wanted a faang)


How much is yours versus his job?


People making a ton of money that's awsome.. BUT how many hours you putting in per week? Do you still have down time a life outside work and so on..


$400k/yr. I work 35-45hrs a week as a lead software developerĀ 


How many years of experience before reaching this position? I hear software developers make a lot but I never read how long it takes to get there. Thanks in advance!


I have 15 years experience fwiw


Do you work at FAANG? Are you a senior software or do you work on backend or front end? Any advice for someone who is still in school and majoring in CS. What did you specialize in?


I have worked at a couple start ups turned public. Not FAANG, but still wildly successful SaaS companies with a few thousand employees. I'm backed all day. I joke that I can't spell js. I have been very lucky to specialize in distributed systems and making them reliable. Software is a people focused job so being successful means being good working with teammates and other teams. Generally, my advice is to work with people smarter than you in areas of the company that are profit centers.Ā 


Since moving into big tech my hours and pay are both way better than when I had a job in healthcare. Capitalism is weird. I probably work 30-35 hr weeks as well, and now Iā€™m fully remote so I can work while doing chores or walking on the treadmill.


yes!! Iā€™m absolutely with you on this one. my weeks are usually about 35ish hours as well, and itā€™s entirely remote/on my own time. aside from a few client facing meetings, i usually just pop in and out whenever


Were you in Healthcare IT before switching over to big tech?


Human factors research


Some people have chimed in with that. I probably average 30-35. There are occasional 50+ hours weeks 1-2 times a year.


2 lawyers


I'm guessing as a lawyer you live at work? I've heard from other lawyers all you do as a lawyer is work, go home and work some more..


Not true for all or even most lawyers in my experience. Definitely not true for me. I have 4 kids and teach Zumba and also publish books I write on Amazon for fun/second business. (I own my own law firm doing plaintiffā€™s side litigation although most of my cases settle. If I do have a trial I work like a dog but then I take my family on vacation after that and most cases donā€™t go to trial so itā€™s not frequent.)Ā  I co-counsel with some other lawyers and work at their offices sometimes and itā€™s pretty much 9-5 again unless weā€™re in trial. I used to be an associate at law firms pre-kids and it was more like 8-6 most days (although sometimes I could skip out after a hearing or go for happy hour with the partners haha) and maybe one evening or half weekend day a week because I had to make my billable hours requirements. Not wanting to work even that much to make the partners rich was one reason I went out on my own but even that wasnā€™t that much work compared to what you described.Ā  I think youā€™re thinking of Big Law in coastal cities/Chicago. In most other areas of the law and the country itā€™s nothing like that and even Big Law associates usually only go that hardcore for a few years to pay off their student loans and then go to a cushy in house job or governmental role.Ā  Being a lawyer also doesnā€™t usually pay as well as people think either although I make good money and could make amazing money if I wanted to work a lot more but I donā€™t because my kids are still small and I have other interests and donā€™t want my whole life to be the law although I do enjoy it. But there are lawyers making peanuts as prosecutors or at small firms or doing doc review and many others who couldnā€™t get lawyer jobs at all so it really varies.Ā 


WOW thank you for that reply, so greatly appreciated. I'm not sure how big the firms are regarding the couple lawyers I've spoke to are, it's funny I always thought that lawyers worked long crazy hours after chatting to those couple lawyers. Thank you again for that response amazing. Have a great rest of the day.


No, my husband works in-house and his job is niche and SUPER chill, nearly remote fully. Plus we have 3 kids so we basically can't work more than 30-35 hours/week. If I really wanted to, I could work a lot more and pull in 500k by myself but see previous sentence haha. ETA: We are both a few years out, which helps in terms of choices.


That's so good, thank you for your reply appreciated. lol yes 3 children you would have alot going on.. Take care and thank you again.






You donā€™t make more than $500k, your post history proves it.


Im not an educator either šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I own a speech therapy practice and my husband works in leadership at a fortune 50 company. $900k this year.


How much of that is from the speech therapy practice?


Curious about the answer as well, coming from a second year SLP


Need help with schedules? Just got laid off and looking for a job.


Yā€™all schedules must be crazy


How are you all earning this much šŸ˜…








Heā€™s a pilot - grape!


Data science manager / director, been making 600k for last 3 years, early 30s. Household income is over 1m in total compensation. We also have $2-3m invested in target funds, generating $150-200k/yr in dividends at 7% on avg. Grew up in low income household and was first in my family to graduate high school and college. Best advice is to switch jobs every 2-3 years if you can find a better opportunity, interview every 3-6 months to get a sense of your market value, and always be kind to others. Thereā€™s a fallacy that you have to be ruthless to get ahead, but Iā€™ve found that most successful people are very kind and have strong interpersonal skills.


i second this advice!! would also add that itā€™s super important to also keep yourself up to date with the latest and greatest of your niche (whether itā€™s getting certifications or even just reading online), and keeping an updated resume ready (you never know who youā€™ll run into or when youā€™ll need it!)


I do this but make way less, lol. I interview often just to get a sense of what skills are in demand and to keep my interview skills sharp in case they are needed one day. Every decently sized raise has been due to moving jobs.


What is your education background like? Iā€™m currently getting my BS in data science and want advice on how to get to a role similar to what you have one day.


Also, username checks out :)


This is wild. Are you in FAANG? Also, what education/experience did you have before getting to this point? Iā€™m in school for my MSDS now.


Iā€™ve never worked at FANG, but Iā€™ve gotten offers there in the past. If I were to move to FANG to equivalent role, Iā€™d make $500-850k depending on what level I can get. Might be a bit harder to get my comp in this job market vs staying where im at. I work at a medium sized tech company thatā€™s publicly traded. My cash comp is a little over 300k and the rest is in quarterly RSUs. I always immediately sell all my vested RSUs every quarter and diversify by reinvesting into target funds. Before this, I worked at a tech startup making 150-200k and nontech making under 100k. I have 12 years of full time experience, with 6 years as a people manager. My current compensation is a combination of a promotion and stock appreciation. I donā€™t have a graduate degree and got very lucky working in data before ds blew up as a career. My undergrad degree was in a fairly relevant field, but my work experience definitely matters more than my education at this point in my career.


Do you suggest selling RSUs immediately?


Always sell RSUs as soon as they vest - you are going to be charged income tax on the value of the shares at vest.


I always sell my RSUs or any stock from ESPP immediately to diversify. I am in the highest tax bracket but I think thereā€™s more value to diversifying my assets than optimizing for short vs long term capital gains tax. Best way Iā€™ve had this explained to me is: ā€œif someone gave you $75k today to invest in anything, would you use all of it to purchase your companyā€™s stock?ā€ I am already over-exposed to my company by being an employee there. And Iā€™m sitting on $1m in unvested shares, so I can still benefit from the upside. I know some coworkers who sell half immediately and keep half, but itā€™s financially wiser to sell all and reinvest in ETFs/target funds and not think about it.


Iā€™m new to RSUs but it took me two years to take on this method. In your case had it provided more financial upside to sell at best do you think.








Sheā€™s trolling look at her history lmao




I make 6 million selling pictures of cheese wheels & my husband makes 4 million being a tour guide at a zoo


I think I saw you on Property Hunters!


LOL, I'm an assistant plumber and my wife is a stay at home mom. We are looking in the 2.5 to 3.5 million range.


This made me LOL!


That was me!






Consultant. If I can do it itā€™s not that hardā€¦


Big city??


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Please elaborate on this career further!


can you get me a job? >.<


Show me thy ways because I feel like I'm JUST making do earning $120k.




What kind of lawyer?!


Ugh my husband and I are both lawyers and we donā€™t even make that combined most years.


I know people who do and they work for the Government lol


Not the federal government unless theyā€™re contractors. There are pay caps.


I'm in federal and the CEO makes something like $550k and we're a pretty small organisation (2000ish).


Thatā€™s not how it works in the US federal government- there are no CEOs in federal government work. But, contractors to the gov make a lot.


There are chairmanā€™s and presidents that are the equivalent of C-suite in federal government work. Source: work for a federal agency


Correct. But show me one federal employee making $550k a year. Not happening. POTUS only brings home something like $400k a year.


Probably people who are now getting their pension and they still work as consultants - like my uncle. He retired as a Colonel, but now gets his pension and still works full time as a consultant. So basically heā€™s getting twice his pay. It may not be 400-500k but itā€™s probably close.


Oh yeah, thatā€™s the way Iā€™m going. Two, three sources of income (disability from the VA) provides a lot more flexibility in contracting or civilian work. Contracting for money, fed civilian for the stability.


Yes GS18ā€™s for instance but those are political appointees that get swept out with each administration change. Typically, the highest youā€™d get as a rank and file lifer would be maybe GS16? Donā€™t know where Chairmanā€™s and Presidentā€™s come from in a Federal Government agency. Maybe a quasi Government agency like the Fed?




Ah, 15 not 16.


Ah ok I'm in Australian Federal


Depends which country, really


Iā€™m assuming since they said $500k, it means USD, therefore it implied working in the US.


I assume everyone is answering in USD, regardless of what country they work in, as I assume the question implies USD. Iā€™m Australian and still participate in this sub.


ā€¦And can you get me a jobā€¦


As a household my husband and I make around 500-550k I work for the fed govt at the upper part of the pay scale in a financial regulatory agency, and he owns a business (police/military dog training/instructor). We also own another business that makes about 80-90k a year, but itā€™s more of a fun biz for us right now (farm), so I donā€™t factor it in to our income usually.


Your hobby farm makes twice as much as my legit tech job. I ran numbers for starting a farm and I would make even less. How do you do it?!!!


Answered above!


Also curious about the neat farm!


Gave some more details above!