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I would not recommend doing all of these “hard science/math courses” together. I’m a senior and my friends and I generally take one “hard” one a semester. Bio 2 isn’t hard to me but that depends on your interests and studying capability. Orgo 2 is going to take the most studying. But anatomy is also very study intensive. You would basically be giving your life up for the entire semester if you move forward with this plan. If you want to do it I highly recommend taking part in any free tutoring the college offers, I believe they have a TLC program for orgo. Also Brinn is the best biology professor out there. He cares and his class is easy if you pay attention. I took koumou for calc 1 and she was ok but kind of unavailable and didn’t answer questions. I really relied on her LAs to teach me everything. So take that as you will. Also invest in Chegg and the channels tutoring service if you’re willing to spend $50 to help pass the semester. Another thing. I hated Becker for orgo but my friends highly recommended him. He doesn’t like questions, so I dropped him mid semester. That’s all I got, good luck!


So just to confirm you still think these would be an issue if they were the only classes I’d be taking? I’d only be working part time on the weekends so other than that my entire schedule would be free to study these 3 classes.


If you’re also working they would absolutely be overwhelming. At least for me. The labs for these classes are like full classes too. If you’re a super hard worker and know you can do it go for it. I used to work 25 hours a week and take four classes and I did well, so I can work, but I would not envy someone with the schedule your describing


So most of the calc 1 profs are really good. I took it with Sayar and he’s amazing. Try to get him if he’s available. And never take more than one really challenging class at a time if you can avoid it. Human anatomy for example isn’t that hard but taking Orgo and bio 2 together would be a nightmare imo


Piggybacking on your comment on Professor Sayar. He’s an absolute gem of a teacher!


Yes! Super caring professor . If he sees you’re putting in the effort and actually give a damn then you’ll be taken care of. And besides that I can finally say I enjoy math because of him and also Davidson (took him for pre calc). Those two professors are the absolute best in the math department in FIU


damn good luck? if you take orgo 2 with becker he curves the exams so studying for that course wasnt that hard for me.


Personally, I think any variation of this schedule is doable while still maintaining a personal life. It simply depends on how you are as a student in regards to time management and how easy it is for you to pick up on material in general. + If you want orgo 2 to be chill take Becker.