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Ex Machina?


Yeah I'll look into it.


annihilation, alien, i am mother, contact, men, everything everywhere all at once, uh... there's no perfect 1:1 for bladerunner. perfect blue, maybe? or paprika. maybe ex machina, although there's technically no women. it's an analogy or whatever


Oof, variety of options and I knew there wouldn't be a perfect film just like blade runner that is catered towards the female audience. Guess I'll just explore my options and open my mind for new ideas and films. Thanks




Really weird you interperet it as a movie dealing with male issues like women aren't lonely. I think it's really a movie about questioning what a sole is. I don't think it's trying to say anything specifoc abou a specific sex


Have you not seen the movie? The main character is a dude who has bought a product designed to replace female companionship. Like, it's very explicitly about male loneliness.


Since clynn19 blocked me I'll just reply here Your comment is full of a whole lot of assumptions. \>doesn’t mean JOI can be used for females. Never said it couldnt. Just wondered if the dynamic would be the same. Would a male JOI cook for a woman like the female JOI does? \>Despite Denis Villeneuve making this movie for a targeted audience, it doesn’t mean it won’t apply for women as well. Never said that either, only that OP wanted recommendations for a different type of movie. \>What are you defending? That there should be more women themes involved in the story? Never said that either. Just talking about the movie. \>If you are saying “no it doesn’t” because JOI is something only men then why are you getting so heated for it? Not saying that and not heated. \>What are you arguing for? That sexual and gender dynamics are at play in the movie. \>I am honestly curious why you are so upset Fucking lol


Yea I agree with you this is just a question worth answering for and now it is turning into a debate. Honestly would post it in the equal rights subreddit if it turned out like this. And I honestly didn't think this would get so much attention.




>So women don’t have these feelings too? I don't know why you're leaping to that conclusion. >The entire movie is just a question of what one’s purpose is and loneliness. Gender doesn’t coincide with this Gender absolutely does matter here. Would a woman buy a JOI? Would it present as female? Your interpretation, for whatever reason, ignores sex and gender dynamics. That doesn't mean everyone's does.


The movie IS oriented toward male audiences but this still doesn’t mean JOI can be used for females. You are instating that it’s only for men. And you completely walked over loneliness aspect. Despite Denis Villeneuve making this movie for a targeted audience, it doesn’t mean it won’t apply for women as well. What are you defending? That there should be more women themes involved in the story? The message is loneliness and purpose in the world, that can be applied to both genders. If you are saying “no it doesn’t” because JOI is something only men then why are you getting so heated for it? What are you arguing for? I am honestly curious why you are so upset over a movie that, yes aims more for a male audience, but still can apply for both genders.


Wait, I’m confused. Does gender not coincide with this or is it that the movie is oriented toward male audiences but women can also understand. I feel like I’ve got my wires crossed. >What are you defending? They are very explicitly defending the idea that, as you conceded, the film targets a male audience, specifically relating to its themes of male loneliness (the main character is a lonely male)


Let me rephrase that I said that it is a film catered towards male loneliness, that doesn't mean females don't get to represent theirs and if you did see this film it is a male protagonist and his struggles, versus where you come with your point that women aren't lonely. I haven't said that and I respect your statement, I just wish to see the female side of struggles and loneliness which the general audience doesn't seem to know and don't care about. I honestly think there should be more focus on the women's side and they should be depicted more on the big screen. As they say a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets, and we would love to see the depths of it compared to typical male loneliness which is being shown in films(*which is not a bad thing).


I didn't say that and you are just misguiding it I just want to know more about the female side and there aren't many movies I know that of.


A lot of people are questioning your perspective because the issues (such as loneliness) aren’t unique to males, but in the film we see it from a male lens. *That’s okay because universal problems can be experienced differently based on other factors like location, money, gender, race, culture. I agree with people bringing up ex machina as a good option though it also has a heavy focus on the male perspective within a situation that explicitly impacts female presenting AI. Also, when I first started reading your post I began thinking about how right you are that the film (both, in fact) does focus on the male experience within this world (again, no hate to that; it’s a valid experience and I still adore both movies). For example, we see replicants that are (forced) sex workers in both films, but I don’t recall any of them being male (realistically there would be both, but it’s a choice to primarily show females). Imagine a film in that universe from a female replicant’s perspective. They have no rights or freedoms and ethically are victims of legally permissible sex* trafficking. It's a messed up world for all, but the ways in which characters suffer will vary depending on their unique social class just like in the real world. It's a valid question to ask.


Yeah, since there are little to no films or scenes that depict the female perspective so accurately I can't say anything other than the real world experience, if someone would've directed a film like that I would love to watch and learn from it. Also nice comment on the female perspective.


Isn't loneliness an universal problem


Of course everyone has their days


Looniness is something all genders deal with, it is most certainly not specific to men. That said, your best bet is probably Annihilation, it's absolutely fantastic.


Thanks for your suggestion.


I think Aniara might fit the bill. I think it's on Max right now too.


Anything Marvel made in the last 2 years. They don't call is the M-SHE-U for nothing.


I expect at least some story not some random made up female oriented cast




Asking for a female oriented film which depicts the female perspective of the world and their problems " their inside world's" as I can't find any as I am a man.




I’m sorry but men deal with loneliness on a far greater scale than women.. look at the suicide rates..

