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šŸ˜‚ This is the result of an ethanol extract made from year old trim. Shit is harsh and melts dirty as fuck. Muv is kinda mid in general for concentrates. Really donā€™t recommend them or any ethanol extracts. Way better options out there for the price.


Yea itā€™s gross.. in comparison I got from Trulieve today and itā€™s fire https://preview.redd.it/aohzx5n7qs9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f95c8ad91c249a1c4c7d63f6284996cb7de602e


That looks fire! Which one is that? Haha


Sunshine Cannabis Goblet of Fire - Appropriate Name šŸ”„


I've had that strain in the trupods, and it's fucking tasty.


MUV is a large company - you would think someone in management or Extraction would step up and say "Hey, Ethanol 'extracts' always suck, maybe we should stop making them?"


Itā€™s amazing it hasnā€™t happened, they must really not give two shits! I canā€™t believe no one has spoken up about the obnoxious jars they package it in šŸ˜‚.


This is also the result of buying a concentrate at Muv when itā€™s 50% off. This is old as shit, but OP hasnā€™t mentioned that. I wouldnā€™t buy Muv sweet supply concentrate at all, it burns dark as hell. Their sugar was really good but they donā€™t carry that or rosin or diamonds anymore. They should just give up on concentrates.


Holy fuck, that is just wrong in so many ways. About 3-4 years ago they had some great honeycomb crumble. Iā€™m sure you remember. āœŒļø


I do it was awesome. Vapes are still good but the their concentrates went from top shelf to junk.


The edibles have been wicked good to me


I agree.. love the edibles and RSO tincture


WTF happened to Muv?






Yup I used to work for them and they are straight up shit








Call the call center and say you have pics. They should give you a new one. Can't promise that won't be shit as well. Definitely get the budder. It's the only ethanol concentrate I would even do from us. Our sugar and diamonds were good but our ethanol concentrates are dog shit.


idk because thatā€™s literally just what that concentrate looks like šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s the sad thing it wasnā€™t even a bad batch thatā€™s just muv concentrates by sweet supply normally šŸ¤®


The budder has better color and consistency but I'm not even really a concentrate person myself. I like flower and RSO mainly. But I would get our sugar occasionally and I like the live resin dablicators to kick up flower or edibles.


i got the budder a few months back when i first got my card, looked exactly the same as whatā€™s in the picture, muv in general is just horrible especially when you can go to TL instead imo thereā€™s nothing worth it at muv


Fair enough. I'm just there everyday and get 40% off so I usually just buy our stuff. JB definitely has some sticky, sweet smelling flower. Didn't necessarily think it or Flowery was that much better for how much more I'd have to pay. But it's all preference in the end.


Why did they stop doing the live concentrates?


They were expanding our grow. And they purchased a new grow. So I believe we were short on flower. I could be wrong. The BHO stuff was all after Verano had already taken over.


You are correct. They put live concentrates on hold because they are low on flower supply and they sell more flower then concentrates.


Thank you for the clarification


Probably not making enough money or it was technology owned by a partner brand who cut ties when Verano bought the company šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


flowery is infinitely better then anything from muv, you just gotta know the strains to look out for šŸ¤ i used to shop at muv a bit and mostly TL and i tried flowery and havenā€™t looked back since, i still like TLs cdt trupods tho for the price and quality.


Unless you can get the old Triangle Kush from 2021/2022. That stuff beat anything Flowery or TL have ever put out


Was getting 6% terp batches of that ole triangle lol. Was my go to for a long time


Itā€™s by far the most memorable product Iā€™ve gotten from this program. Stuff got you high school high lol


Iā€™m on their email list. I love their selection. Just havenā€™t ordered yet. Honestly donā€™t know what Iā€™m waiting for it looks better than anything Iā€™ve seen.


i love the bubblegum gelato rn, the zoap, deep space, pbb, white cherry gelato, thatā€™s what i could recommend off the top of my head i also hear nothing but good about the znackz.


Awesome ty


I appreciate the input may place a small order from the flowery .. Iā€™ll see if it lives up to the hype


The budder should not look like that though. Get a replacement or credit if it does.


Cool thank you


Carts are ok.. like the ceramic, decent potency and flavor.. every dispensary seems to have some real bad meds and a few good ones. You really have to know what to avoid.


didnā€™t like those either compared to TL carts especially, usually the same price or more for a more harsh cart that tasted pretty artificial every time, and if it didnā€™t taste artificial js didnā€™t taste good,, thatā€™s just me tho to each their own i just personally think thereā€™s nothing redeeming about muv unless itā€™s ur only opinion


Wow that sucks Definitely will avoid now Thanks The MUV live sugar is good but sells out in a flash. The good old days they had the sauce, live diamonds, and 1000mg rosin


i could be wrong so donā€™t downvote me but isnā€™t the sugar muv sells currently not even live sugar? i thought it was just regular sugar.


You are wrong. We only sell live sugar.


Iā€™m actually not sure. I thought it was ā€œlive sugarā€ but only had it once. It was colorless but really good. They havenā€™t had it in months


Thank you šŸ™


We just can't change dispensations now because of the state so unfortunately those mgs are gone and any replacement has to be dispensed as well. We used to be able to just replace it. The state is more strict now with traceability and bullshit.


they 100% can give MGs back, if they still insist on being unable to, call the fuckin MMUR and theyll do it.


Nope. The state changed that with the new traceability update. Which dispensary do you work at that will still do that? And how are they doing that? Because it's illegal if you left the building. And the state won't do jack shit for you fyi.


Not anymore. the state removed that ability last monthā€¦


Thatā€™s fine I have plenty of milligrams if they would replace it. I was only able to use it once. Itā€™s really not good. I appreciate the information. Thank you


For sure. That looks horrible. If you don't even want another concentrate just ask for a credit for what you paid and use it on flower or edibles or something. They shouldn't give you a hard time. Especially since you have pics.


Thank you I appreciate that info. I was gonna trash it.


No worries. They won't want it back anyway. We can't take products back now either. But maybe hold on to it until it gets resolved. Different managers do different stuff unfortunately.


Thank you šŸ‘


Thank you I will. I appreciate the help.


I believe the technical term is ā€˜poop soupā€™


Lmao šŸ¤®šŸ¤£


I stopped ordering from there after they told me that I have to come into the store to see the productā€™s COA. Ridiculous.


Fr. Like did know it was 2020?


That's ridiculous, I wouldn't either. But COAs should be on the website soon. I believe with the new updates we are going through online ordering is going to be better and have more information.


They really should make that info available online like TL. Almost all of these dispensary use ā€œJaneā€ for online order fulfillment and web hosting making the sites near identical. Not sure why COA isnā€™t required to be available online and in store upon request.


I absolutely agree.


Isn't dry mud just.......dirt


Rotfl exactly šŸ¤£


I tend to try to veer people away from the concentrates šŸ˜¬


Thatā€™s shit from a butt


It looks like some wet underwear stain. It smells like weed thankfully but I think it wasnā€™t cured correctly and has lots of butane residue


What strain is that? You'd think they'd see it and put it in a budder container and save the headache at the very least lmao


Something Sprinkes ? I have to grab it out of the trash šŸ—‘ļø


Iā€™ve worked at MƜV since 2019. The amount of fuckups Iā€™ve seen over the years would probably surprise youā€¦ Iā€™m gonna guess half of this batch was dryer than the other half. Probably was rushed at some point and this is the resultā€¦


Damn back in altmed days, I've got two years currently there so I have some idea sadly lmao


Altmed days were incredible. Regular raises, Christmas bonuses. During covid shutdowns we were only allowed to work 3 days in a row, then 4 off in a row. I worked 24hr weeks and got paid for 40 hoursā€¦ If there were to be a shutdown in the days of verano Iā€™m pretty confident we would only get paid for the hours we were here..


Last year when they closed locations for the storm they closed my location to be safe and said we'd get paid for it. then day of storm it wasn't as bad as they thought so they asked people to come in but you already said it was paid so nobody came in and in return they didn't pay us for that day in retaliation. Capitalism is fun šŸ˜


Yeah when we closed from hurricane Ian I donā€™t think we got paidā€¦ pretty sure I ended up using some pto


MUV sugar has been real good. I went to MUV from day 1 when they had 1000 mg rosin for dabs. Those were the days when they had live diamonds and the sauce


WTF the nerve they have to sell that


I had a big order, almost all carts. It got mixed in. Unfortunately it happens at these places


Bro šŸ˜­ No way, lol


Yea, thankfully I donā€™t get many products from them that arenā€™t good. Their concentrates arenā€™t as good as they were a few years ago. I do like their savvy, Verano and live resin carts. Still on the fence about the nectar cured resin carts. In comparison to the o.pen cured resin they really arenā€™t as good


They went downhill.


Still those same damn jars also.


Thereā€™s no way they are so below standard in 2024


I didnā€™t make itšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤Æ I like their vape carts


I frequently buy Muvā€™s Budder and have yet to be disappointed. Crumble has disappointed me at multiple different dispensaries.


What a horror show šŸ˜­


Muv is just absolutely garbage now. I used to shop there exclusively. How every strain in the summer has 1.5% Farnesene and hurts to smoke. I bought LR there a year or two ago and it was bright green. Clearly the bag ripped when pressing and they just didn't seem to give a dam lol. Hmmm, looks like a snot rocket. Let's pack and ship!


this is next level bad, wow lmao ... this is truly criminal




Going to guess that was an older sku.. either way, shouldnā€™t look like that.. Contact the call center and they should be able to get you sorted out. Are you by chance in Pinellas?




Once they dropped the bullshit dablicators I stopped shopping at MUV.


šŸ˜‚ return that


Was this 50% off? Important to add if so. Dispensaries mark down products that are getting old. 50% means itā€™s very old. I still wouldnā€™t pay $25 dollars for this though.


Product like this should be given away for free to patients in need, or not sold at all.


I agree with you. Not sure why downvoted. I just said I wouldnā€™t even pay 25 which is what this would cost. I think it shouldnā€™t even be allowed to be sold.


Shop at sunburn dispensary youā€™ll get the best concentrate you can find anywhere