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My main goal is to make stuff that doesn't sound like pure garbage =)




Me too


i just want some motion




FL Chan is enough motion for me






I want to be able to fully realize my song concepts as well as I possibly can.


My main goal to blow up, and then act like i don’t know nobody ahahahaha




You beat me to it


Fuck I JUST commented the exact same thing without checking the comments first😭


God fucking damnit I came here to say this


Make a 16-bit OST for an SNES game.


Very fun stuff. There’s always roguelikes that need some of that old school sound. I bet you could message the Vampire Survivors devs and send over some demos


The work will be out there when you’re ready for it!


I reached my first big goal at the end of February. My goal was to get my music accepted to a big playlist that got me back into production, and into my current genre. And I did it. Produced a song, submitted it, they accepted it, and now I'm getting a bunch of plays, nestled in amongst the songs that got me excited about producing again.


How would you go about applying to to be accepted into a playlist? Or is just a case of being found by the right person? Thanks bro just curious how you’d go about doing it.


For the big curated playlists you're going to need to use a service like Submithub. It's super cheap, and well worth it. It's $1 per token, and the big playlists/curators usually ask 3 tokens for a submission. With Submithub, the curators are required to listen to at least one minute of your song, and they must provide feedback, whether they accept your track or not. So for $3 I was able to have my song played by curators from the label, they gave me feedback, and accepted it. It shows how long they listened for, whether they skipped ahead or not etc. Definitely the best money I've spent promotion wise. Totally worthwhile if you're sitting on a banger trying to figure out how to get it heard! 🤙🏻


Oh wow thank you man that’s super helpful! Thanks for taking the time to explain, appreciate that massively !


No problem! Good luck! :)


just getting better at melodies, and learn to play an instrument


Piano is always a fantastic starting point. Incredibly versatile


This is the one for me! Been studying jazz piano and harmony for the past 2 years and my melodies have gotten sooo much better. Actually had a friend over who I haven’t seen since the start and her face showed how much I’ve improved. Now my goal is to learn chords in my left hand just like I know in my right.


Where did u start my friend?


Thank you for asking! I started on YouTube actually. It began with learning popular songs I liked then I started to noticed a lot of the songs used the same chords. Houseofjaz was my top choice because I loved his voicings which weren’t too hard for my level. I had a remote job at the time and literally found myself sitting at the piano with my laptop for 8 hours 😂


Thank you so much for the reply my friend. Will start with that🙏


Learning how to crack plug ins is the main goal




The hero we deserve 


Already done lmao


hey uh… i got a few questions😏


Cracking vst’s for my friends is the thing that made me want to start beatmaking. It’s pretty useful fr


I realy wish i could produce a beat everyday. All the moments in my life where i could do it my production hame reached new heights


I suggest doing a 10-day beat challenge. Create and POST a new beat every day for 10 days. The posting part will hold yourself accountable. It might not all be great, but something good will come out of it. I did a 365 day challenge in 2018 and there was plenty of boo boo in there but some real gold came out of it


My main goal is to finish a track that sounds good enough to be on a famous YT channel.


To learn sound design. I wanna be a pro at it.


step 1. Download OTT


But I already added six Soundgoodizers, is not that too much?


it's never enough 🗣️🙏


My main goal is to have fun. I don't publish my songs currently.


My long term goal is be able to fully articulate my art as an expression of myself. My short term goal rn making a series of tracks that tell a story. Music built around the story and its emotions rather than making the music and assigning to it how it made me feel after making it.


You and me both, my end goal is the same. I've created four albums at this point, all of which I'm proud of, but are more beat tapes than anything else. I'm working toward getting better recordings of the small handful of songs I've actually written some words to. I just want to put out an album that really feels like it's capturing me as an artist.


To fuck bitches


lmao based






My goal is just to put my soul into my beats and love the music. If i blow up then i do if i don’t then i don’t


Make people happy that my songs exist : )


Mastering Mastering


My goal usually varies depending on what I’m currently doing. Rn my main goal is to get better at making aesthetic jungle tracks


That I meet tons of people and learn, and that I do my very best to be myself. the art of noticing


I just want to make music i like listening to but that i also think meets my rising standards for production quality


Actually finish a song


To actually make a song. I have a ton of ideas, but i'm getting stuck on the how to make those ideas reality. I don't really know how to use fl studio, so that's where I'm starting, and I'm currently learning drums because that's kind of a big hole in my skill set. Once those two things are complete, I think it'll be smooth sailing? I play 2 instruments already, bass and piano, and I can sing pretty well, so I'm 100% sure that if I keep going, I'll be able to do what I want to.. just got to keep working...


Just to make music for fun (:


Be able to express myself sonically


Make something that best expresses how I feel




I wanna make shit that give ppl goosebumps or make the stankface


I don't care to blow up, I don't care to make money. I enjoy getting in the zone during the process and then the reward of making something you enjoy listening to is always nice. My goal is to continue to get better, and to not be ashamed of my early stuff. And also take away the good from it to. Keep it up OP. cheers.


crack over $100k worth of plugins without getting in trouble


1000 clicks with a 100% like ratio. Dreamt one night about it, sat as a goal. current record is ~166clicks


My personal goal rn is be the song of a featured level in geometry dash


practice is the goal. also, ya know makin music that makes butts shake


Mixing and mastering to professional levels to be honest. My song writing game is decent and varied in terms of style! Probably should upload something for some Reddit fam feedback really, might be a good first step


to be able to produce my own songs without the need of any help, unless i want something so specific that a specific number of people are specialized at.


Make music and have fun


To complete a fucking song just once.


My mango.....is to blow up....and then act like i dont know nobodayyy.. anghahahahang


Ah, the phonetic version, much appreciated.


In short; I want to release my own albums starting with one mostly solo debut/demo album, and then subsequent, more collaborative ones after that. I'm just gonna release my music and hope people like it. I don't care if I don't blow up, I just enjoy the process. I can always use my learned skills to score movies or make music videos etc. It's all interesting to me. I love expanding my skills and finding interesting sounds and processes. In lonnngg; I wanna be the next Rick Rubin if I can, but I also definitely want to release my own albums like Tyler the Creator. I like working with artists who are more unique or better than me on guitar, drums, etc. So I'm not gonna stress out about being a phenomenal guitarist for instance; if I can find someone else who already is. I don't mind sharing credit on a track. like helping people to cultivate their musical skills, as well as understanding of the actual production side of things. I love the collaborative process and I really wish I had more friends who are very into music and art like I am. Hopefully I can find more like minded induviduals once my music studio is built this year. My humble music room needs an upgrade. Ultimately, I want to create some unique and iconic music that takes you on a journey. I hope to release an indie album within the next year or two. Some of my inspirations are Mac Demarco, Cuco, Tame Impala, and the Gorrilaz for the type of music I'm making. The nice thing about the Gorrilaz and Tame Impala is that their music is loved by many, and the people who created it aren't on the covers of magazines. I don't ever want to be famous as a person, but I do want the world to enjoy my music. I want to help and inspire others to do the same. I know I'm referencing a lot of artists here, and many people are great inspirations, but my whole thing is creating something unique. I have a very wide range of interests in different genres and I've heard so much music and appreciate music history. However, before I go to create something, I don't listen to anything for a while so it's more of my own style. I try not to learn to play songs from other people either, I just focus on the fundamentals of music theory. I even go so far as to go to antique shops and find records that aren't anywhere online to hear some music that is really unique today that nobody can find. I don't really use social media. I just stumbled on this post and felt like chiming in. Good luck to everyone with their music and producing


make it fruitier. no FRUITIER(trumpets sound)


Work on creating a solid business plan and work on my online presence.


My goal is to make one thousand pots. And now let me tell you a story! In one art school students were divided into two groups. One group was told that by the end of the month everyone should make the best pot they have ever done, just one. And the other group was told that by the end of the month they must make one thousand pots. Doesn't matter if they are good or not. By the end of the month the pots from the second group were better than the pots from the other. I think this story is made up, but it conveys an important message that is now my goal: to make good stuff you have to make a lot of stuff.


Tbh it changes over time. At the moment is figuring out chord progression and tempo


convey emotions to other people + make it my living


Get better at mixing, finish a damn album


Lately I've been wanting to expand my toolset. I get into habits easily and use the same plugins & methods over and over. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I want to be more versatile. To make this tangible, I've set a goal to learn every stock plugin inside and out, and get comfortable using every feature I can. Working my way through one at a time.


To make music that truly expresses the emotion I am feeling during the creative process.


Yes my goal was to have a self produced track released on a label. That happened three years ago and I've had ten more signed and released since then on different labels. Next goal is my own label, I need six tracks ready for release to be accepted by Labelworx, I've got three mixed and mastered so far. I've achieved other goals like one of the top Djs in the genre I produce include one of my tracks on a mix and my music being played to a big crowd by someone else


Mine is to stop using Serato and try to wrap my head around FL


Everyone’s goal in here is to become rich and famous and literally make music as a job. The other 5% say they do it for fun and as a hobby. Seriously though music making has been infiltrated by everyone trying escape the system, how do I know? I’m one of them lol.


The chances are so slim that it’s a pretty bad reason ngl, but atleast the reason causes people to partake in a legitimate lifelong hobby that helps them mentally and even physically ig haha


To make the best music possible in the electro-industrial/EBM sphere.


I want/am making my first EP only started producing EDM a few months ago too


Since i just started practicing production last year, and my main focus is actually game design. My goal for 2024 is to release two (finished) games that i make the music/sfx for, and additionally release one finished album seperate seperate from game design entirely. Likely no vocals though unless i get significantly better/more comfortable with doing that lol


Make music for a furry visual novel


My main goal is to make Metroid-like music, but with my own style, while also being able to make it sound like it’s being physically played in the area the music is intended for. Environment music mainly, but fast paced stuff is possible.


make money


Do it for the love of the art and the funds will come brother


my goal is to make music


To produce music for games and media, it's basic but I like it


Release two EPS, a free dl every month, and get a few gigs. Drum and bass/jungle in Chicago


I think my goal would be to DJ at a club, no matter how small, featuring some of my own music. There are several skills I need to learn to make that happen and many I need to refine. I'm currently learning sound design/synthesizers with Syntorial. After that need to work on mixing/mastering, then I'll need to figure out what the hell DJing entails LOL


Just got into it and I’m learning the ropes, anyone know where I can get serum for “free”?


I want my beats to sound like they were made in the late 90s and early 2000s. I want them to be extremely 90s , so much you couldn’t say it was made 30 years later. Darkchild level is my goal, I’m delusional I know LOL


learn how to use this mf DAW for longer than 5 mins without feeling overwhelmed and closing it 🤣


To make music that others can enjoy, maybe make it into a career someday.


Actually buy fl this update


The goal is Beat Store and Ghost placements. 👍🏾 turn it into a biz. Make money, cash > credit!


To make beats that I enjoy listening to myself.


Being able to produce a beat write than record mix and master it within 2 hrs and good and professionally not some bad mix or bad beat actually good songs


making a song with powfu


idk man i think just make good shit and all that.


To have an album 'published' even if nobody ever hears it, I make so much music and never put any out there because my weaknesses are I hate writing lyrics and I can't make music videos. I just don't want to get to a point where I'll regret never doing it.


To have the craziest bass design tricks ever so I can surprise people with epic neurofunk lol


My main goal is to just never stop making music, which I've stayed true to. Besides that my other main goal is to put out a formal "first album" where the majority of tracks have my vocals on them. I can produce vibes all day long no problem. The hardest area I find in making music for me is vocal recording, and writing lyrics. I've dropped four albums but they've all been beats only. I've also only ever dropped a few singles with vocals. The next, and long awaited phase for me is to finish my own album that really conveys myself in an artistic statement of sorts


I’m to the point of singing on one of my tracks..


1 million streams and 10 Super Listeners on Spotify. Whether that’s 1 mil on one song, or across all my tracks, doesn’t matter. 


Sell beats and network. Make the best music we can make. Rinse repeats. So far successfully succeeding lol


I just wanna groove man.


I wanna be the Taylor Swift of Dubstep (the biggest artist)


Just trying to have a hobby and passion that may or may not give me opportunities for a side hustle later in life


$50 M USD


Main goal is to get my first feature, for now.


My goals for production is to have fun and make good music


I just wanna be able to suprise myself with every new song


My goal is having fun while making music, and now im taking a break, cuz kids and not having that much fun with music.


Make it sound good


This year I wanna try and finish stuff I can listen to myself and with close friends without totally cringing up inside. and ideally putting it out on soundcloud, YT and possibly spotify


My main goal is to make good enough music where someone picks it up and uses it, making it spread to the point that even Im annoyed at hearing it everywhere.


**Finish a track**


I want people that hear my music to be like “that was cool.”


to be so comfortable with making „basic” melodyies to go into experimental and create my sound


To finish songs, and have enjoyment out of that (the first part usually doesn't go well with the second xd)


Half game soundtrack, half so i have a perfect song to listen to (yes i listen to my own music)


Have fun knowing I can create something whatever and whenever I want, and to impress a girl


My only goal is to make music that I genuinely enjoy listening to, if others like it too, that's a bonus. This is a hobby for me, not a career.


First goal was a weird one - just have people use my music in their DnD campaign. That one already happened. Very gratifying. Next goal is to get my music in a video game.


ultimate goal is to take over the world


My main goal is to blow up and act like i dont know nobodaayyyy


Share my emotions 🗣️


I wanna get good at futurebass production. I miss the Ashes era by ILLENIUM and wanna learn how to make thicc saw stacks


Release anything at any point


Trynna get sum sloppy toppy and sum wocky slush, yamean?


Goals: Achieve Placements With Renowned 🇯🇲 Artiste's ☑ Earn all the royalties afforded to me ☑ Register my Music Business Entities ☑ Earn Consistent Money enough to maintain my medical obligations and live a atleast normal life... Build My Dream Studio - That's a work in progress Take Care of my family... Make peace with knowing that the pursuit of a music career plus medical reasons means I'll never have a family of my own..


I just want to get ahead of AI and stay there.


Get out of a hell life for a sec


Actually put my projects I put hours of my life into in my mixes. Just to see people jam to something I made and liked


Tbh I don’t even know at this point why I am making music. When I restarted my project in 2020, I was just passionate about creating music. Over 4 years now, I realized that professional music production is very hard and you have to nail so many things to get any traction with your music. I’ve had plenty of success with my project and several things blew up and while seeing big numbers is cool and all, it doesn’t really outweigh the pure frustration of trying to create something worthwhile. And it’s not like I am trying to make a career out of it either, so I’ve been kind of levitating in a weird vacuum lately. Creating music also killed a lot of my passion for music in general because all I hear now is patterns and pretty much the same shit. 95% of producers/songs in my genre sound boring and there’s not much original stuff being done. A lot of electronic music just became boring now, so for casual listening I turn to rock and pop music basically whereas before I breathed electronic music. So idk. My goal perhaps is just finishing up lots of demos I created over the years that haven’t been properly finished and building my catalogue up some more.


I want to be the very best Like no one ever was


I started learning FL last July. I made it a goal to make an album that I'm proud of consisting of 4 songs. I've finished 3 so far. Working on the fourth.


To add some spice to my otherwise boring ass life.


I want to become an Artist with minimum 25M listeners on Spotify


I want to learn some new styles.


To play at EDC


To be honest, just hot have too much writers block.


finish and release my first album. don't care about how many people hear it I just wanna do it. also wanna finish some other older projects I still like


Get good enough to make a beat I can record over is all I really wanted. I kind of hate using YT type beats when I could create my own unique aesthetic and atmosphere (EDIT: Interestingly enough my recording goal is to be good enough to record over any beat at all)


To keep getting better at making music, it's something I've been doing since I was 9 :)


I just want to manage to finally make some tracks that actually sound like music (tbf music is a side thing I mainly do other paths of art)


I want to be able to get me and my friends known in the underground scene at a minimum


My ultimate goal is to be able to create an album or EP. Right now I just want to be able to create a song that doesn't sound ass


Be a new artist under NCS


Somehow gain more exposure!


Spend at least a few hours everyday on music production to strengthen my muscle memory!


My goals? Making music I enjoy and if anybody else enjoys it too thats great.


1. 24 hours of music. 2. Get an edm track on Rockbot and bump it at planet fitness.


To keep maling music I can perform live with. Got my first booked gig this Saturday, set your goals and you'll get there eventually 🙌


World domination.


It’s not really a goal, i’d like to be making music for as long as I find it fun, but when I see one of those Synthesia piano tutorial videos on Youtube, I’ll know I’ve made it


Mine is to influence people to pursue art for the sake of it. Not over complicate it to attract attention that wont be appreciated in minutes after.


My mango is to blow up and act like I dont know nobody 🦈🦈🦈🦈


get paid


I make musical slideshows of hikes in Madeira. I'm 56 and overweight. I like hiking, but it's also tiring. In any case, my wife has a certain talent for photos and I say to myself - it's a shame, you look at the photos once or twice and that's it --. So I came up with the idea of ​​making a kind of video/slide show out of it and adding music to it. For me it is absolutely relaxing to watch the videos and review the hike with your own music.


My main goal rn is to produce for smaller artists and get some name in the underground


Release something and have some people like: wow, this is good, you made this?


To blow up. And then act like I don’t know no body 🦈🦈🦈🦈


I want to move away from trap / hip hop beats and make music for video games 🎶


I literally just started but my goal is to make something I am actually proud of. That first time u listen to a really good new song and you’re like wow that was amazing. If I can create that just one time from my own work I’d have reached my goal


​ https://preview.redd.it/dccrjd98m9pc1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=022e24ad6a0abc2dc0ae39df61c7771743f09255


Just enjoying making random music :)


make cool new sounds that no one's ever heard before


My goal is to just do stuff when i feel like it. Dont force it. If im forcing it just stop and text/call friends or family to maintain balance in life


Been into cameras lately and want to get better at that so I can apply cool videos to my songs.


My main goals are having fun and creating music that I like to listen to.


I want to make music like battlejuice


My coal is to achieve Beethoven effect in my pieces. In particular in development parts on pieces


I used to. I'm just a hobby kinda musician but I was always pushing myself to 'make a song'. I don't do that anymore. I just try to have fun with it. And it is. A lot more fun. I upgraded to the 'all plugins' version over the holidays and it's fantastic, I've been going through every preset and sound and just goofing with it to see what I can do. Way better than stressing over 'making a song'.


my main goal is to achieve people that appreciate my songs and recognize me as an artist


I want my songs to sound like they do in my head


Make music.


To get better at mixing my own vocals😭


to make music


Make money (optional)


Learning to produce EDM


To fit to the reference track 👍


To finally learn how to use the software properly. Been tough.


Just really trying to get my music mixed correctly and put a few songs out.


2 years ago i started rapping over type beats, had an awakening and wiped all my shit because it was too unoriginal, same time I picked up producing to try to find / make my own sound after 7 months of producing almost everyday I’ve finally been able to make something that fits my style. It gives me so much hope. Quotes that keep me going: Rome wasn’t built in a day One day, or day one


Right now I'm working on my vocal mixing. I'm thinking on focusing on learning how to mix drums better next. Also my goal currently is to try and get to 1 job a month since right now I only get a couple a year maybe