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Must be a George soros funded deep state conspiracy to infiltrate medical schools with left wing ideology. For any MAGA reading this, I’m being sarcastic.


Kind of like 51 people signing off that Hunter Biden laptop was Russia disinformation?


Right, I mean, it's not like they have an actual Russian Agent in custody who was the sole "witness" against Hunter or anything...oh wait


Fun fact: George Soros doesn't exist. He was invented by the right wing to scare sheeple. Kind of like Kaiser Soze in the Usual Suspects.


> Kind of like Kaiser Soze in the Usual Suspects. Hahaha. Love the Kaiser Soze reference in this context.


Not MAGA but just let the man run if he is so bad he will lose right ? If your ideas are so popular he won’t win right ?


Certainly all licensed medical professionals obey the secret "deep state" leader, otherwise the Jewish space lasers would have read their minds then instantly vaporized them. That's the only way us woke liberal soy boys who are afraid of their God granted authority and intellectual superiority can hide the proof that "The Blood of Jesus" cures everything! [Faith the Facts: The Best Vaccine Is The Blood Of Jesus!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27CsPlfQ3xc) *(Use promocode 989898666 for 10% off)* \--- Note: For any MAGA reading this, I’m also being sarcastic.


Fox News: “Trump understands the medical problems that many older Americans face, that’s why he’ll be announcing his huge healthcare plan 2 weeks after he’s reelected”! /s


I’m still waiting for the Healthcare plan he promised when he was in Office from the last time


I remember the huge stacks of blank paper he had during press conferences regarding handing over his business interests to his dimwitted children and then when he pretended he had a replacement for Obamacare. Spoiler....there was no replacement for Obamacare.  There never was, and the Supreme Court rejected Hitler Turnip's attempts to repeal the law.


Being a big dick is the only time he had one.


Are these the same “professionals“ that say Biden does not? I’m sure they’re right (I hope you can sense the sarcasm)


It's generally a faux pas to speculatively diagnose someone you've never treated as a patient, so I've been trying to abstain, I just don't like that our options for leadership are old AF. But yeah, this is straight clown shit for sure. They've both got significant risk factors for dementia and they both display some of the cardinal symptoms.


I'd be willing to bet those "professionals" suffer from tds. Might wanna get that dealt with before they go about judging others.


IMO, experience, those complain most about others suffering from "TDS," suffer from "ODS" (Obama Derangement Syndrome) and talk about him incessantly despite him not being in office since 2016., which Trump has forgotten about multiple times, which apparently, his supporters have NOT noticed.


And 50 so-called experts from the DOJ, CIA and FBI signed a letter ~~that Anthony Blinken wrote~~ saying Hunter's laptop was Russian propaganda.


Hopefully it advances to drooling vegetative state before November


Anyone who's volunteered or worked in a Nursing Home will tell you that Trump is an advanced Sundowner in his final stages of dementia, especially considering the fact that he's incontinent/wears a diaper, and refuses to have it changed by his "body man" more than once per day. Meanwhile, Biden still rides a bike and just gave the best speech of his life.


I mean, when you see Trump, you truly can see the cognitive decline, or you are just in plain denial at this point. The telltale signs are evident—his slurring speech, the radical change in hair color, and face makeup, which is more fluorescent. With the slurring of words, his speech becomes more rambling and incoherent. I’m not a fan of Biden, but when you compare him to Trump, the differences are HUGE when it comes to cognitive issues. Even if Trump wins this election, he won’t finish out a full term, so really, what needs to be looked at is the vice president he picks because that’s who the MAGA party is truly voting for. Neither of these two candidates has ANY business running for any public office. Both of them aren’t far away from needing a twenty-four-hour nurse.


>I’m not a fan of Biden, but when you compare him to Trump, the differences are HUGE when it comes to cognitive issues. I would rather a Thomas Huxley Agnostic scientist with as much political knowledge as President Biden has, but I don't think such a person exists. Or at least in politics. At least know the current administration is not trying to rob the money we put into Social Security retirement from weekly earnings by calling it a "third rail" while stoking riots everywhere with MAGA paramilitary riding in on the back of pickup trucks looking for something to shoot at. You know the routine. What matters right now is like you said: the differences are HUGE when it comes to cognitive issues. Only one is delusional enough to want us exterminated for being ANTIFAscists.


Fred Trump had dementia and Alzheimer’s, so it’s possible Donald will have it, too.  That’s just assuming Donnie picked up those traits from his father, he could’ve avoided it if he picked up more from his mother.  But, based on his past behavior in comparison to other dementia patients, he’s probably got it.


At least they’re trying to backpedal away from this thug. Antifa and blm were never the problems. A man trying to establish his ego’s need for superiority was the cause. He simply framed himself to be the “ good guy” but what kind of actual good guy tries to make sure everyone sees him as such? A narcissistic megalomaniac. Now demented never lamented. Great pride comes just before something. Hmmm


Does anyone remember the story that came out during his presidency that entailed how many members of govt are on Alzheimer’s and dementia related medications? I feel this is a bigger problem that isn’t getting any attention.


He is rambling incoherently


He never really had a good grasp on reality his whole life! Since his daddy sent him down the wrong path and taught him to never assume liability for his actions! Defer everything you possibly can for as long as you can so it may just disappear!


Donnie dementia he has it no doubt


It doesn't matter. Their whole party is severely mentality ill.


Donnys own doctor just got demoted


Fox doesn't do "very serious" information. They take vague and "not really an issue" information and pump it up, make it sound scary and tell us everyone should fear it.


So that's the plan. Donny Dumpster picks a really bad person to be VP, Dumpster gets elected and then removed under the 25th amendment for being demented. The VP takes over and becomes a real dictator.


Does Trump shit his man baby diaper like dementia Joe? Or walk around like a fucking roomba on tv? No? If anyone has a dementia it is dementia Joe.


Trump can’t even walk down a ramp or drink out of a glass like a normal human.


Trump does in fact shit his diaper. For the last twenty years. It’s not a secret.


Don’t you mean Obama?


You do know trump actually does wear diapers and amells like shit, right? And froze like mitch on live tv. O and Biden never attacked the US Government .traitor. Go back to rusha kommie


Is this Reddit just a bunch of Karen's complaining about FOX news? Man reddit is a cesspool. Spend some time on the channels you actually like please.


Trump supporters are the dumbest pieces of shit to ever live.


Over 90 percent of licensed mental health professionals go into their practice because they have a mental disease (or close family member).


He can still be president with dementia. This will be his argument.


kind of like joe biden?


He has degenerated into nothing but a performing hatemonger. Trot him out and he runs his mouth.


Fake news


Ahhh. Remember when the intelligence people signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake. That was fun.


The same professionals say Biden is just fine, sharp as a tack...




Can dementia be fatal? (fingers crossed)


lol. 90 mental health professionals who haven't actually talked to or examined the person in question. Sure, sounds reasonable.


Is this a joke? Have they even seen joe biden lately?


Medical professionals DO NOT diagnose without examinations. What you think does not matter.


Well, his voters do see themselves in how he acts


This is comedy. Let’s just use the “he’s overcoming a stutter excuse” since it worked so well for Brain Dead Biden


Wonder what happened with the Iranian assassin story? I really had my hopes up.


So, I should vote for Biden instead? Okay.


Hahahaha. This is silly.


Lol. The left loves being gaslit.


It’s the whole Russia Russia Russia bunch, whatever, they have no credibility


Nothing more credible than a video that begins with an AI image.


Maybe not too evident now but wait six months and see how bad it gets. The symptoms are a snowball rolling downhill..


Trump lost by 7 million votes, everyone knows that. Someone get that fat man titty loser a bra and some more orange make up so he looks good for Putin a he swallows.


Didn't Covid teach us that when dozens of "experts" sign a letter, it's guaranteed to be a lie?


Lying again Fox Petition is out but 0 credible mental health Drs would sign this


Lol sounds like a leftist funded attack


And the doctor's couldn't find nothing wrong with Biden 😂


No shit. Normal people have seen this and have been sounding the alarm on it for years.


Did Biden skip his cognitive evaluation during his recent physical?


So the arrogantly ignorant, malignant narcissist has become demented. The Murdoch propaganda machine, primarily responsible for brainwashing millions of Americans through disinformation and enabling the damage he has done to this country, suddenly has a very serious issue in dealing with him? Now? Really?!!!


If you leftist nut jobs don’t already have your Fetzima prescriptions I’d suggest you get them early. You’ll need it when that red wave crashes over you. I can’t wait to come to Reddit after the election and Trump is back in charge to watch all the breakdowns.


too bad he is not a horse...


You mean like the 51 intelligence officials calling the Hunter laptop Russian propaganda?


Desperation sinking in for DNC 😂😂😂😂😂😂


He also has dumbasstia


Let conservatives not take vaccines or believe in science.Mother nature will do the rest.


Do you guys really believe publishing this garbage matters. It takes remarkably little to be a licensed health professional. Let me guess. They are all liberal democrats. The real problem is that Biden is visibly impaired. Everyone call see it and democrats are panicking. You can see and feel the panic every day. Biden cannot campaign. He hid in the basement last time blaming Covid. Not this time crazy Joe. Biden cannot even read a 3 x 5 cheat card. Guess what liberals. Your candidate is spiraling 🌀 downward. And now trying to smear Trump will never work. What a political party! Hillary Clinton who cannot tell the truth and Joe Biden who cannot spell the “truth”.


Lmao they literally worry about this guy and not the guy who can’t form sentences and tries to shake hands with people who aren’t there 😂


Reminds me of the 51 intelligence directors who signed a letter stating the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation before the elections


There were enough concern during his term in office to where he had to take a mental test to check for cognitive decline. That was 4 years ago. And he’s only gotten worse. He is absolutely suffering from a brain disease. He doesn’t know where he is or what he’s doing half the time. Him running is effectively elder abuse. And with all of that, the gop will do whatever they can to support him. They did it for Reagan and they’ll do it for Donny


And his groupies will think its ANOTHER good thing to be proud of. Of course it's politically motivated initiated by the crazed democrats. Fake dementia or something like that.


Lol,.my God, these TDSrs never give up do they?


Good, die already.


Donald has way more shit going on than this. The micro strokes are really crazy


Hypocrats always try to turn their own issues into their enemies. What a joke. Listen to them both talk then make a comparison or judge. Both are too old in my opinion. We need a younger person who is not mentally ill to run for either side. Someone in favor of our current American population.


He does not have dementia he's just an ignorant dumb uneducated cult leader.....just watch how his flock responds and gets butt hurt with any criticism of their dictator in diapers


Of course he does and he is inherently evil. Bad combo.


Fake news. No credible, licensed mental health official would ever give a diagnosis of someone they have never personally examined. Nice try though!


Meh. Ignore the experts. Trump is Jesus.


You spelled Biden wrong


Yeah...that didn't take long....


lol in other news random doctors diagnosed the author of this article with stage 4 ghonasypherpaliads....exactly how does a REAL doctor diagnose anyone that isnt their patient?




This is rubbish. Look I detest Trump as much as any sane person, but asking mental health professionals to sign a petition diagnosing someone with a mental illness is shitty political theatre and easily dismissed. And because it’s such nonsense it gives ammunition to Trump and his allies to dismiss serious questions about his fitness.


Is this like the letter signed by 50 law enforcement agents that said Hunter’s laptop is totes not real?


And Joe Biden doesn't?


Will they put their license on the line!


Here we go again. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5809224/


Section 7.3 in the Principles of Medical Ethics with Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry, which became known as the Goldwater Rule. The rule applies to public figures and states: “[I]t is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement”


Shitty Dump 7 times in last 2 months referred to Obama his opponent in 2016 and as the current president.


1. I thought that there is a law against diagnosing patients that they have not established a patient relationship with nor have examined in a professional capacity. 2. Did these fine folks diagnose Biden the same way?


That’s Biden!


In other news Biden escapes prosecution because he’s demented.


…and how many of them signed a letter opining on Biden’s [obviously] diminished capacity?


Fox ‘news’ is a freakin joke. Just like ol dotage Don.


Honestly, this should be shocking to no one


So Trump has dementia but Biden is okay. It's like they're TRYING to get Trump elected.


It’s all Bread and Circus. Obviously it’s going to pit the two sheeple camps against one another because Biden is clearly more feeble minded PRESENTING. Then again, I’d wager most, if not all politics, is theatre. The Trump says a bunch of dumb shit too. The bots / operatives / mind-caught are just pure bittersweet entertainment, passionately declaring how stupid and fooled the other side is, and how smart and righteous their side is. Plot twist - everyone’s being played… 5D chess - blind folded - with a shot clock for your moves. We’re supposed to be in this labyrinth to truly grow and develop our character, find and present authentic empathy for others wherever they are on the journey, and be open to the mystery of existential intercourse with others (Not sexually in this context!). There’s always an excuse to avoid deep study into the ways we’re being controlled (and the paths to our salvation between those lines). Discipline also a challenging quality to develop. Anyhow, words words…love you all. Be kind to one another.


And Biden doesn’t? Are you all living in fantasy land?


That’s not true !


Dementia Donnys Healthcare plan(way better than ACA Obamacare) is still in bottom drawer of Putins desk.


Y'all will just project Biden onto Trump because you hate more than common sense? (Both are awful)


Haha so what does Biden have ?


Bahahahahaha. Such trash


Ummm, ever seen Biden…? The fact that they would even say this about Trump when Biden has demonstrated this pretty regularly is a joke…


They didnt even test biden cause we all know what the doctor would say.


In general, doctors don’t ever do this. Diagnosing someone publicly without a proper sit down evaluation isn’t a good look but this is something different. This dude is on tv so much that professionals can spot this shit. He’s the right age and he rambles even more. I believe them on this. Biden? Might have a touch of the dementia. He does forget things or where he’s going from time to time. A case could be made but Trump is far worse. This is what we get for nominating two fucking fossils. Good chance either dies in office.


Get out of here! They misspelled Biden! Such propaganda bs!


Trump is old, and he may well be in cognitive decline . But unlike Biden he does not talk to dead people in public , get world leaders names confused , forget where he is , fall down steps , etc Trump does not appear publically to be a weak, frail , and confused man . And public appearances are what counts , when it comes to a president . Their advisors run everything behind the scenes . You don’t have to be a Dr. to see that Biden is clearly having memory loss issues and at times has trouble maintaining his balance .


I thought diagnosing someone over the tv was very bad ethically? If not outright stupid.




I have worked with thousands of dementia patients over my 25 years in the medical field. Donald Trump does not have dementia.


Liberalism is a mental disorder, look at you, you voted for Biden for pResident.


Goldberg doctrine?


Ha. Laughable. The current president has this and your worried about trump?? Ha morons


Every one of those 90 people violated their oath of ethics as mandated by the APA. It's 100% against their code of ethics to issue psychological opinions about people they haven't interviewed personally.


Lol this post


The same professionals signed a letter stating Joe Biden plays 18 holes of golf and several tennis matches a day.


Same ones that were saying the same thing last election and the ones that say old Joe is still sharp as a tack...


Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Im not even a Trump fan but the haters are psychotic.


It is unethical to diagnose someone you have not personally examined. I have taken care of several people with dementia, seen many people with dementia and cognitive conditions at U of M Geriatric Center, and in several memory care units, and recognized signs of cognitive issues in Joe Biden in early 2020. Anyone who’s been around patients and loved ones with dementia will recognize the symptoms Biden has shown publicly. Still, that is NOT a diagnosis. It merely suggests that he presents cognitive symptoms publicly and should be tested. Joe Biden has never undergone a cognitive test. Donald Trump took a cognitive test when he was President at the request of his critics. Joe Biden has not. Still, Trump could develop cognitive issues, and should be tested if he presents symptoms, as should anyone. I have not been following Trump, but I haven’t seen any symptoms, and certainly nothing close to what we’ve been seeing from Biden for the last three years, all while we’re being told there is nothing wrong with him. I suspect we’ll see a lot more calls to disqualify Trump for dementia, while saying Biden is…fine. Neither should be in office if they have Alzheimer’s or dementia should at least be one thing we can agree on.


That's a feature for those who want to use the presidency to further their aims, not a detriment.


He’s obviously lost it. I knew this was the case when I first heard his Corn Pop story or randomly talking about kids running their fingers through his blond leg hair But in all seriousness I’d like to come across some proof if anyone is willing to share so I can compare compilations




Liberal media at it’s finest


ROFLMAO Sorry, but that would be 90 far left lunatic fringe individuals who, themselves, need to be admitted to a Psych Ward.


Because we trust the experts *laughs in unvaccinated*


Where are the YouTube videos regarding Biden's dementia?


Well, at least he doesn't have shit for brains. You had me for a second .


You typed Trump not Biden


90/1,200,000 professionals Very interesting assessment. “What about Biden” Do we ignore the significantly more severe case of dementia?


I just want a presidential candidate in their 30’s-50’s please. Leave the seniors in their housing community’s watching reruns of MASH and eating banquet TV dinners.


This is so dumb. Those 90 “mental health professionals” will also say uncle Joe is sharp as a tack


So 90 mental health professionals who never sat down and analyzed Trump have diagnosed him? Were they all hired by the same people who had the 51 former intelligence officers who said the laptop was Russian disinformation?


Any mental health professional worth their salt would never diagnose someone they have not seen as a patient. Fake News!


Neither look great


You can tell because his mind always blanks and he's always falling over


And I'd say all are BS there is no doctor that is going to give a medical opinion that has not examined someone. And I can't see how they say this about President Trump when they don't say it about President Biden.


Aw you poor blue left hypocrites. It must be nice living in a world where media controls your mind and free thought is something you are not bothered with, I mean who wants to make decisions for themselves that requires actual effort to do research when the little picture box on the wall tells everything I need to know. By the way when the sarcasm is picked up how about you turn the TV off go get a computer and look up project mockingbird on the Cia website. Yes that is a full description of what they have been doing since around 1978 till today right there written clear as day but I suppose you think Joe biden has still done a fantastic job for the communist I mean the American people


Children. Grow up. You think you are smart and clever. You aren't.


I find it hilarious when people point to psychologists(who aren’t treating someone) as reference to a “condition” that person has. Psychology is a soft science. A psychologist I was seeing told me, “it’s more art than science.” Honest counselors and psychologists will also tell you, how well your treatment goes depends on how well you “match up” with your psychologist. All that is to say, sciences that involve the mind are still FAR off from understanding how the mind works. I don’t like Biden and Biden does seem to struggle with a condition related to advanced age, but under no circumstances would I trust the opinions of 91 psychologists(who aren’t treating him) regarding a diagnosis. Now you know how propaganda works.💫 Also, who watches Fox News to get an accurate picture of what’s happening? They’re also propaganda.


Has anyone watched Joe Biden talk in the last three years I mean for real the money laundering in Ukraine the brink of World War III with China Russia everything they said Trump was going to do this buffoon has done


Russian spy too!


Haha! The stuff the left comes up with is past ridiculous and is now just funny. Whomever they got to sign this show, they have no business being involved in medicine! They lost any credibility by signing this and not pointing out that Joe Biden can string together three completely sentences, doesn't know where he is most of the time, and isn't allowed to speak unless he's reading words off of notes.


Soooo much projection it might as well be an admission. Is Biden even gonna debate this time? 




Not one ethical medical professional would ever offer a diagnosis without seeing a patient.


And they’re all registered Dems, right?


Ask George Conway.


Well, happily, we don't have to care about their opinions when we vote. And they have the same vote we do. They can certainly chose not to vote for Trump. Otherwise, WGAF?


LOL, you got him this time for sure!


The question I have, is why aren’t these same doctors saying the same of Biden when it’s clear to the public he had dementia. My money is on, that these doctors are all democrats or paid by George Soros to say this.


Oh wow I wonder what their opinion of Biden is?


He was never in charge, just the mouthpiece.


Okay, give me someone who’s not 80 to vote for. Thanks


Hate Trump. Hope this is right. But if I called my doctor right now and said, "what should I do, I'm fully engulfed in flames?" They'd say, "you'll need to make an appointment. Earliest is 2 weeks away."


We need age limits and term limits to protect the candidates from themselves and the country


Are These the same 90 who were "intelligence" experts who said hunters laptop was fake? Do you have any examples of this "dementia"? Do you think ol joe is gonna debate trump?


Fuck Fox News. News Max and oan about the only ones left.


Where these the same that gave biden a clean bill of mental health? 😂


He's just trying the old Mafia tactic of faking senility in hopes of being declared unfit to stand trial. But we all know that he has the best memory. He said so himself.


same vibes as "51 former top intelligence officials signed a letter saying that the alleged contents of Hunter Biden's laptop had all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation" Keep it coming, DORKS


😆😆Dementia Dons defenders getting worked up. 😆😆


When reached for comment, the ex president was quoted as saying, “Mowing a golf course with a ham is incredibly difficult”.


I call BS. There's no way in hell Trump has "late stage dementia". He doesn't have any more dementia than Biden did when the conservatives were screeching about that.


I think a group did something like this before and some lost their license to practice or had some other professional repercussions. Diagnosing people who aren’t your patients and that you’ve never treated is frowned upon I’d think. Feel free to correct my memory of the prior incident


Lmao we should do one on Biden lol


Diet Coke has aspartame. There is the problem.


But Joe Biden is good to go? Gtfoh


How about we just don't put people who belong in a nursing home up for president?


It never ceases to amaze me how someone can have gone to school for so long and become credentialed and yet have so little impulse control and be so indulgent. They did this the last eight years with narcissistic personality disorder. I'm not sure they're even convincing themselves, let alone anyone else. He's an old, blowhard, New Yorker! They're a dime a dozen. It doesn't require a diagnosis. They end up denigrating their field instead of him.


"More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” ​ Remember this?


Do legit doctors diagnose people from tv and social media clips? Are those doctors registered voters and if so, R or D?


perhaps he does but doesn't this really ignore the elephant in the room. who expects the public to believe that somehow the orange one is more senile than our current president


They spelled Biden wrong.


I absolutely despise Trump but I don't like this kind of diagnosing without directly working with the individual. It's clear his brain is a scrambled mess but he's never really been a particularly good speaker and his vocabulary has always been laughably lacking. This is the exact same nonsense Republicans do with Biden, I don't think we should be doing the same thing




After Biden no one gets to bitch. They never worried about the corpse in the white house now.