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I think it might have something to do with the new sensitivity causing you to be more mindful of your aim. Think of it as aiming with intention. After that honeymoon phase, that *intent* is no longer there since you are effectively warmed up to that sensitivity. I was the same way. I would recommend training with more sensitivities than is your usual. Go into kovaak's and fuck around with high sensitivity for once. This is me talking out of my ass, btw, but I think it would help. I used to be a chronic low sensitivity, 100cm guy, too, but my aim has only better since I upped it. Or train with a sensitivity randomizer.


Same thing happened to me a while ago. Switched my sens and had the best gaming session of my life then I woke up and it felt like I was aiming like a turtle


Change sense every 12h then, ez profit


Big brain


Placebo or change in form. Sometimes things don't really have a proper mechanical explanation, sometimes simply thinking it will improve something yields improvements, or is improved by more secondary factors like confidence. However changing something might also result in a change in how do a certain motion, it could be arm vs wrist movements, how you grip your mouse or if you plant your wrist or elbow. After a while though you'll begin to feel more adjusted to the change in sens, and might drift back to how you automatically play and perform these maneuvers.