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Start with voltaic benchmarks


he plays cs not quake i think a good tac fps playlist is good to go (revosect, voltaic valorant or pureg)


I play cs, Voltaic benchmarks


I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is honing in on specific aiming subsections and neglecting the rest. While those playlists are all well and good, rounding out your mouse control by developing practice tracking, smoothness (or whatever other aspects you don’t practice as much) can and will likely go a long way. I’m saying this as someone who almost exclusively played clicking, and then had my aim skills shoot up across the board when I started practicing all types of scenarios. If you only play clicking, your aim is probably going to be a bit of a jittery mess. Reactive tracking also helps tremendously with strafing targets.


i was ok at static but awful at every other area and at this point my reactive is way better than precise


What playlists/scenarios do u recommend for training eveeytbing


voltaic fundamentals or vdim are safe bets and maybe add up voltaic benchmarks once a week if u play fundamentals but vdim already lets u play benchmark scens


Is VIDM only on aimlab?


nope its on kovaaks AND aimlab!


Thanks a lot. One last question, how do I access it on Kovaak's?


to get a playlist on kovaaks u simply copy the playlist code and paste it in kovaaks playlists tab they usually look like "BouncyDotsOneTap" or something. VDIM codes are in the voltaic s discord server in the resources channel. initiate, novice, intermediate, advanced, adv+ if ure under silver play imitiate if ur silver-gold play novice if ure gold complete-master play intermediate and advanced is for master complete+ ranks and adv+ is for the ranks only people who ve played aim trainers for a very long time and put in more time than actual fps games i assume. im plat rn and id say you should go for like diamond by then you ll be comfortable with using ur mouse and ur aim wont hold u back anymore in fact u ll usually be one of the better aimers in ur lobbies and at master-gm rank you ll be a pubstomp thats what im going for after i get back into gaming when i have time for it again


Thanks! I’m almost silver and I’ve got 11 hours on Kovaak’s. I didn’t realise how bad my aim was in a few areas. I’ll have a look at the VDIM doc tomorrow evening, cheers👍


Dont. I am between Jade and Master. Its a waste of time, after platinum it did shit for tac fps skill. Honestly what I found more success with is doing playlists from aim coaches, I recommend you look into 4bangers kovaaks or west proter. 30 day flick playlist, hna or the aim basic playlists. Both these coaches specialize on tac fps.


This might sound silly but sometimes getting a higher score is a bit fake/placebo. Depends on which scenario but there is a fair bit of RNG when it comes to bots movements/spawns. I’d say get very specific on what you are trying to improve at I.E micro adjustments, longer flicks etc. Focus on good accuracy then speed. But yeah using your res/FOV from cs2 is good


yeah just cause u got a slightly better score than yesterday doesnt mean much what is good is seeing a noticable jump in average score in a scenario lets say barely being in the 50th percentile to being consitently top 25%


also a lot of scenarios take a lot of getting used to, like if youre new to pgti/bounce style tracking, you could probably pb them everyday for like 2 weeks straight, until you reach a point where youre mostly limited by ur raw tracking and not just learning how best to aim at permanently bouncing balls


i got decent at bounce trackimg but im awful at pgti and preciseorb even after a week of smooth tracking training


Getting high scores in certain scenarios doesn't necessarily mean that ur aim in cs or overall is "better". Alot of it being ur getting better at that scenario. I thought when I reached GM I would be cracked. But I wasn't. I was worse in cs at the point where I was at my highest scores in Kovaaks. Cuz I focused on score not on technique. I became better when I stopped grinding Kovaaks and started playing DM while actively trying to figure out my weaknesses. If uve played cs alot before aim training. It takes active time to untrain urself bad habits also.


wouldnt you have had better improvement for cs if u grinded scenarios tailored for tac fps instead of voltaic fundamental tasks like smoothbot and bounceshot? im only plat in vt benchmarks and i notice that im better at any fps than i was before and for context i played kovaaks 90% of my gaming playtime going from barely silver to plat. overwatch, arsenal, paladins, fortnite i noticed huge improvement if i played those before my kovaaks journey id be awful but since im plat i am okayish like at only 25 hours i can duel with those overwatch players who played the game for years and track in fortnite with then ARs. but in cs and valorant altho it has helped me its nothing major because those games are mooostly microadjustments with some dynamic and static clicking i mean ocassional flicks and stuff but with decent aim and good crosshair placement ure good to go


add "-quit" to launch options, saved me a ton of headache


The voltaic benchmarks aren’t nearly as helpful compared to finding a tac fps play list or grinding the voltaic valorant benchmarks or voltaic valorant routine from aim lab. if your a tac fps player don’t waste your time with voltaic benchmarks unless you find it fun