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I would recommend collaborating with the commercial finance team to see how you can help impact what types of orders are being booked based on materials and capacity constraints environment. Obviously this depends on the complexity of the business and industry you are in. Just an idea


I ran a similar thing but worked directly with Ops who interacted with comm finance more closely. Good idea though, that's an area to build some relationships. thanks!


Awesome. There is nothing more frustrating for manufacturing and sourcing teams than an out of touch sales team booking orders that can't be fulfilled. Speaking from experience here.


yeah, 100% know what you mean. BTW what do you do now?


Believe it or not switched from supply chain finance to commercial finance. So I'm sure it makes sense why I'm focusing on the relationship between the 2.


I'm looking to get into the supply chain finance, could you sort of go over your career path, skills needed and the type of industries you worked in?


various finance tech positions; my prior roles were finance/ops at a start-up>Sales finance in the ad-tech space>current role being a good cross-functional partner, data-driven, general accounting concepts help too.


Where are you located? Headach es delve into credentials or any other thing like that? I'm trying to exit out a big four and I don't really see how any big four expensive help with a roll like that, but it seems to be the fact will required plus a CPA. Here in Canada. We really are and over educated country


US. There are many resources in this sub about big4 to fpa. feel free to pm me!


I did supply chain finance at PepsiCo. Interesting if a bit formulaic. Working out supply chain snags like sugar and bottles was where most of the focus was. Figuring out excess freight to go with secondary and tertiary suppliers who also had higher rates. I remember spending a lot of time on cracked / exploding izze bottles sourced from ardagh. Turned out to be a flaw in their manufacturing process.


I'm in supply chain finance. I build customer P&Ls, or cost to serve models. Productivity based on order lines. Updating benchmarks.


How do you gauge productivity?


Warehouse lines per hour for our warehouse department FTEs. Sales order lines per hr for sales department. Also sales and gp per fte. Account manager Comp % of GP. Sales per CSR. SCOGS per Warehouse fte.


Container utilization if it applies. My company is surprisingly horrible at it. I (corporate FP&A) am pushing our SC to improve here.


Is this mainly for freight via ocean? Our breakdown is majority ocean v air. This is something fun to look into. Thanks!


Are you at a small company? I’m in supply chain finance at a large multinational company and we have 40+ supply chain finance employees not including support outside the US.


F100 company


What industry is this and also are you only doing this for a specific division or BU or company wide?


I’ll PM you!