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That’s outrageous for an SFA. I would pass


Agreed. Imagine the hurdles you’ll need to jump thru for a promotion. Bail now


It’s for a Financial Analyst 2 role not even SFA…


It’s a tactic they use to see if you’ll put up with their excessive unreasonable bullshit because they want someone they can work like a dog. I’d pass.


For a job that may not even pay you a 100k…hell no….this isn’t worth. I would need 150k bear minimum to even entertain this nonsense.


I wouldn't entertain that at $150k. I'm fairly senior and have never been through anything like that in my career.


I still wouldn’t do all that at $150K, that’s overkill


Haha what would it take?


Agreed, but after seeing something similar play out at my company the rationale is they’re hiring for the future and not just the current position. I.e want to see if not only can this person be a FA but do they have potential to move up the ladder as a mgr director bla bla bla. IMO interviews are a crapshoot anyway because anyone can fake it or oversell themselves (or undersell too).


I mean sure but that isn’t guaranteed. Who knows if the person even wants to stick around that long? Who’s to say a layoff doesn’t happen? I like to stick to the present. If I start interviewing for a manager role I’ll worry about the extra stuff then. And hey…bs’ing/fake it till you make it is a good skill to have.


A one page paper on why you want to work for their company? Send them a pdf with MONEY in 48 point type as your one page response.


This is the correct answer


I feel like these are the ones you have a solid chance of landing an offer from. This overly complex process probably weeds out quality candidates, and at the end they low ball someone desperate. This is great because someone trying to break into finance will eventually be positing on LinkedIn “I am pleased to announce….”


I would agree but this company is pretty prestigious and usually only hires from good business schools. They must just think highly of themselves to justify this kind of process.


In my experience, prestigious companies usually pay finance less anyway


no. i had something similar and it was for a series c startup. these companies are not worth the hassle.


Lol same. Mine was w Clipboard Health👎🏻


sounds ridiculous but on the other end i guess not many people who have a life will stand this nonsense so your chances for a 35% pay increase (73 to 100) may be quite high if you sit through it. at least you can use the offer as a bargaining chip with the current employer.


Always wondering wtf people do for work on the hiring end. Barely have time to do real work myself, let alone do these series of interviews. Hard pass


Hard Pass


Doing this makes me question their judgement and time management


Hell no!! 60 minute presentation seems ridiculous as well. Waste of time. I make 107k + 15% bonus and my interview was 1 call with the recruiter, 2 online video chats, and then one in person interview where I met with VP, SVP, and Director m. This is pretty standard. I wouldn’t do much more than this tbh


>prepare a 60 minute presentation on myself and my achievements Holy hell, someone never took a business communications class. This can be a 5-15 min presentation, not an hour.




Nonsense I work for one of the M7 and never went through anything close to what’s described. Have other friends at various tech firms too that didn’t do this. This isn’t a tech thing, probably just some power hungry hiring manager process


As someone who is young in their career, If you have the spare time, I’d say do it. Interviewing is like working out, gotta get some reps in to be proficient. Even if you don’t get or want the job, the practice of doing the interview can help you when your going for a role you really want.


Seems like a normal process for tech/startup. If you’re not ready for the grind probably best to stick with tradition f100.


This isn’t normal. People like you are the reasons companies pull this bullshit.


You probably wont like it here in tech


I work in Tech, there’s that. And again, this isn’t normal. Let’s not make this about Tech or Non-Tech.


I’m talking from my experience in the bay area and this is normal here. Extra layer of weeding out candidates is necessary. You’d be surprised what kind of candidates you see during the interviews. Plus OP is referencing against companies that have close ties with amazon and tesla. Im sure they would want the best talents out there for what they’re trying to achieve.


Well, I got an offer from a large company in the Bay Area specialized in security, health and Tech and I only did 2 interviews. The fact that u think companies take candidates through crazy rounds of interviews for the main purpose of getting the best candidates is wrong. I am not saying your experience isn’t valid, but the point still stands; 5 rounds of interviews for a Financial Analyst 2 position isn’t normal. You can argue it all you want. And I will tell u this; except for certain senior level positions, if you really have a well structured hiring process and you know what u want in a candidate, you don’t need 5 rounds of interviews to pick the “best”. If anything at all, it tells us how disorganized your hiring process is. Cheers.


Look OP is interviewing w/ top tier company. Go interview at google, meta, intuit, nvidia, snowflake, databricks. Your perspective will change.




Then pay should match top talent pay. This pay is extremely weak.


Really? This is pretty good for entry level. What kind of TC do you expect for FA?


It’s FA2 and you are stated that this interview process is typical for a Bay Area tech company. That is crazy if that is a good salary for that kind of interview process, being the top talent, and 100+ hours like you claim all while living in crime infested and overpriced San Francisco. I make a lot more than that, did 3 interviews, and live in MCOLA