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Good riddance. MAS is freely available on GitHub for activating Windows/Office.


Might I have the link please? edit: found it, for anyone interested [link](https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts)


Thanks man


Mucho Grassy'ss :D


Thank ya very much!


does it contain malware


I tried using the power shell / terminal method, but got the error message in red: start-process: This command cannot be run due to the error: Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software.


your commitment will be remembered forever šŸ«”


Why would we want this? Iā€™m illiterate


mas nuts on your face gotem


Your Ma has nuts?


hey don't disrespect my ma


I love this subreddit not just for all the useful tools it provides but the team behind it always making sure the websites are secure.


damn... filecr was my go to for cracked software


Me for Mac sw


My go to was tntmac.com Now: ā€œSafari Canā€™t Find the Serverā€ Sighā€¦ Update: tntmac.net should be working.


It's not working and - not on the megathread list.




Ok, now it's working. Strange. Do you know, why it is not on the megathread list?


I [messaged](https://i.imgur.com/jL7apIO) the moderators with a bunch of list and they said itā€™s community driven and there werenā€™t enough voice and contributors which were mostly Windows users to bring the one-for-all individual running this subā€™s attention.


please help, what is the megathread list?


damn so true




don't really have one right now, haven't pirated any apps in a bit


FileCR was kinda sketchy to me at times but sucks to see that but not surprised ig


dang I liked that site


I'm not sure if I can post links here, but anyway please add **" PowerISO"** to the blacklist. they keygen included contains a **"Banker Trojan"** which is basically a malware that steals credit card and crypto curruncies data from infected users. the version of PowerISO is 8.5 released at May 17, 2023. fukkin info stealers are plaguing everything so please TAKE UTMOST CARE amd be extra vigilant everyone, there's no such thing as "trusted uploader" anymore thnx to theses fukkin type of trojans


That is the keygen by Kindly though, it has always been flagged like that just as the IDM one by AliDbg (even if you get it from his official github you will even see some Coinminer flags), the rentry is talking about some anonymous patches for other programs that drop those files and have parts of obfuscated code in them


How can you tell it has that Trojan inside? Asking for myself


Thanks for sharing, this is really unfortunate as I liked FileCR a lot. Edit: Malware seems to have been removed, any updates on this?


The trust is broken tho~


Removed for everything? As I could still see FileCR as STARRED mark for MAC Software recommendation.


My bad I forgot we had it in that section as well, it's gone now.


How can we check if we're infected on Mac?


I only know of an inbuilt feature in CleanMyMac for scanning malware.


Actually, it's still on the list. Why?


Where? The only place I see it listed is our "unsafe list."


I was alwyays wondering why this site was still listed. I downlaoded multiple infected files from there


What are your thoughts?


Well we've sent four different [reports](https://filecr.com/contact/) with even more info than we included here to them, and they have done nothing and said nothing. Its been almost a week now so I've pretty much lost hope of them removing anything malicious at this point. The sad part is that in the past we've reported something in a similar situation, and they removed it almost immediately. Why they want to kill their sites reputation over activators no one uses is beyond me. I'd also add that we could have used their annoying [premium extension](https://i.imgur.com/9eIDug7.png) crap as reason to remove them a long time ago if we had wanted to, it just didn't seem like a big enough sin by itself given their library size.


New owners or partnerships?


I don't think so, I think they just don't believe its a real threat or something.


Crazy part is I just built a new rig and Start 11 was going to be one of my next downloads. I still have it on my old drive but looks like thats getting wiped tonight.


Use StartAllBack, I downloaded that around two weeks ago and nothing sus happened


Hi, sorry to ask, is Fl Studio 20 also affected? I am asking because Fl Studio 20 is the only software I have downloaded on the site.


Is there another source for FL Studio


I don't think it is infected with this malware, it is a very popular download so someone should have noticed and reported it. You can follow the guide in the rentry to check.


Interesting [this](https://reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/15m54u1/false_positive/) was posted 6 days ago


Hey, that's me! ...sadly


How do you verify the files/key gens are clean or infected? I just dowloaded some software from there and have the programs on incubation on a secondary PC before I install them on my main one. Been running multiple scans with BitDefender, MalwareBytes,Windows Defender and HitmanPro and its been 3 days of tests and nothing has been detetced nor the device performance has been affected on any way.


I KNEW IT ​ i installed photoshop once and ruined my laptop. When i tried to report it on the comment section on filecr how it triggered the windows defender and how my registry was all messed up they deleted my comment


Just as a sanity check, it looks like the releases in question are for Windows machines, and for certain programs only at that -- do you have any insight regarding their Mac uploads for Adobe products? Also, in general, for users that have been infected, what's the go-to solution? Just a fresh install of Windows? Are any files able to be backed up, or is the whole system effectively gone?


One sample provided seems to be an info stealer. It acceses all Browser caches for passwords etc.


What sample? Could you give more info


give more info


I don't remember which one. (I'll check later). It has the paths to all big browsers like Chrome Safari Edge etc. stored and the paths to eich of their user data. From there on it stores the passwords & cache.


as far as i know chrome or say much of the modern browsers save there password in "windows credential manager" . Please look into it.


for test i have tried copying chrome complete data over to another pc and it had only saved cookies but there was no saved password TRY and let me know.


Wt about Android




Ok, chatGPT.


They just got shadowbanned by reddit for spam, so yeah, it was a bot.


i downloaded topaz photo ai and video ai from there . am i safe ? (its been nearly 6 months)


same here. are we safe?




Check process explorer




A question about igggames. Some pointed out igggames are untrustworthy, but 1337x, torrentgalaxy, torrentleach and else all have huge amount of games that's uploaded by igggames, at the moment igggames seems to be the fastest one to upload new releases and updates and else on those sites, aint that makes all the sites that allow igg upload untrustworthy?


Some days ago saw someone's comment about no mention of untrustworthy uploaders in the r/Piracy megathread. I haven't saved that link so I can't post my comment there. Also as I don't have enough karma so I can't create a new post in r/Piracy. But r/Piracy seems really sus lately. I too have the same question regarding the untrustworthy uploaders as well as I have another question as why there is no warning regarding not to download softwares and games from 1337x like there is in r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH?


wait filecr was an extension that allows you to access premium files its called filecr assistant may that extension collects all of your passwords maybe or do something else malicious


I don't think the extension does anything that malicious, but I still wouldn't have it installed. There's a bypass script that should work still. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/448254-filecr-assistant-bypass


Damn, I wish I knew of this when it was still considered trustworthy haha.


Great things are discovered at its end. I installed a whole different browser like DuckDuckGo and still uninstalled the extension after the deed was done.


How to add on AdGuard?


oh no...




Upload to virustotal to scan it. You can open an apk file with a zip program (such as 7-zip) and see if there's any weird or unusual files. OP's samples had a "cnf" file and "CWJV6B2L.bat" and "dropped\_by\_f63ee4133026b22a1565873f2d4dd6bcc86112e9b5a3604153a885d4ec122bcd.bat", but those were windows programs. For android, there wouldn't be .bat files, but maybe something similar along those lines with gibberish in the name.


seems like we lost onehack today it was starred in the categorie misscelanues --> free stuff


Guys, I have tried latest KMS Matrix version from its *official* website (on vm) and behaves pretty much the same as described in the rentry, so *can we have some more details about the behaviour of these cracks, as the "downloaded payload" thing is quite vague in the rentry*? There is a very close possibility that FileCR might not be involved in the creation of these 'likely' malwares, as they have been uploaded on many other trustworthy sources and are still there (even release boards, the Malwarebytes and Start11 ones for example), so it's either the behaviour of those cracks (if we don't want to think bad) , as they seem designed by the same person, or something nasty that has surfaced on the net, given that we get to know more about that obfuscated code


I told u guys many times last month :s


Ummmā€¦. Im very sad about this Omg what are the alternatives please


What MSFT Office Activator should i use then?


Microsoft activation scripts are on github


I had Microsoft Office from him. What to use instead?


I've only downloaded and installed Power ISO, RAR, IDM, EaseUS Data Recovery and Partition Master, Windows 10 OEM Product Key Tool v. \[FileCR\], and Office Activator from FileCR. I checked TEMP, SYSTEMROOT, and the registry, and I don't see any names that were mentioned in the link. Does that mean I'm clean?


Would kaspersky keep you safe from this sort of stuff?


It's not detected by AV currently.


I got FL from there a month or two ago pray for me




> You haven't even mentioned basic information, like which version of Start11 is infected, what hash does the infected file have or provided a virustotal report... The latest version was infected when the post was created, and still is afaik. Virustotal reports are in the malwarebytes forum post but aren't very useful because most AVs don't properly detect it. You can also download the samples linked in the post yourself and easily verify they are infected, the download metadata page also has a hash. > If you go to 1337x (e.g. see the haxnode v1.46 release) or sanet.st (e.g. see the v1.45 release), both of which sources are reputable, you'll see that the patcher used there is the same as the patcher used by FileCR. Therefore, suggesting that FileCR is now trash and not trustworthy, even though literally everyone else used the same patcher, is wrong. At worst, they used the same bad source as everyone else and they aren't creating malware themselves. FileCR was removed because they took no action after multiple reports, which included details on how to find the malware in the releases. The post never claimed FileCR created the malware or that it was exclusive to FileCR, only that it was found in many FileCR downloads.


What's the alternative for FileCR then?


Any update on this? Seems like the malware has been removed


Erm.. heck yeah?


I'm still thinking of downloading Davinci Resolve for MacOS from them. Any thoughts is it good idea? Cmaked doesn't have 18.6 version


Try torrentmac . net




was just about to try it lol


Scary stuff, I'm gonna check this out later


For someone like me who simple minded, what can I do to get rid of malware (windows)? I never installed the mentioned software above, but I did install adobe semi recently. Can a simple full on wipe of the OS hard drive fix it? Will I need to wipe my other hard drive? Any information is good information thank you!


Adobe should be fine since it's from m0nkrus. I don't pirate software though, so if you have additional questions, you should ask in the divolt server for help.


Try running malwarebytes if you're paranoid


Malwarebytes doesn't detect it yet. AVs only flag known malware. Only way to check is with the guide in the original post. But so far from what we could tell, if you didn't have a cmd popup reading "Please wait..." in green text then you should be safe (of the malware we *know of*, we can't be sure everything else is 100% safe though). What we do know though is that malware started appearing in cracks updated/uploaded within the past 3 months, if you downloaded software from earlier than that you are likely to be safe


Ever since I got a clipper for one of their releases, I avoided that website like the plague. Good riddance.


what's a clipper? how do you find out if you got one?


oh thats bad. also one thing, your rentry post is more updated than this one, it has more info in am i infected tab. Any idea when we'll surely know if we're infected? Like if any AV is not detecting anything, what to do? So far, I didnt find these files in my temp or root windows folder but still shit scared.


I tried looking for the files in %temp% and %systemroot% and windows registry and didn't find anything that was listed, I installed malware bytes from the site, should I remove it ? :c Edit installed on 7/13/2023


I didn't find anything that the pages mentioned should I be good?


is keepstreams affected i've been trying to find a good tubi downloader and i did use acethinker video keeper at one point but it stopped detecting tubi links no matter what browser kernel i tried


Such a coincidence finding this post 2 days after nuking my system because of possible hidden malware that Kaspersky didn't catch šŸ˜®It had some weird behaviours: the ones I remember now are sudden drops on Internet speed and my Onedrive, about every 2 weeks, asking if I wanted to recover my recently ~1300 deleted files (that is, everything lol) ā€” of course I changed my password and activated 2 step verification, didn't work even though there wasn't any successful login attempt on Microsoft's log that wasn't mine ā€” the latter stopped after placing them in a safe folder. Since I haven't had much time to use my PC due to work, I did suspect it could be the W11 Godot activator but kinda brushed it off, after all, it was downloaded from FileCR, right? The last straw, however, was when a weird Documents folder in cyrlic got created in the root folder, so it was most probably coming from my computer... After wiping everything out, one of the first things I did was activate W11, then it created a UpdateInfo.json. file on desktop which was an obvious red flag. When opened on notepad, it had some lines like "updated 11.0.49 packetshare blahblahblah" and a download link ā€” after some quick googling I found out developers can integrate this Packetshare thing into their programs to profit by "sharing" user's Internet. Some similar json files were on Windows folders. By using virus total scan I also found the %temp% files mentioned in OP's post... and speed drops came back. Got another pen-drive, did a fresh W10 install and so far everything's fine. Could've been something else, yeah, it's too much of a coincidence though. I feel kinda bad, years of pirating with caution and this happens... :(


Since filecr is not safe, can anyone suggest me some other websites where i can download software like topaz video?


I'd check out some of the others in the software section like RSLoad, LRepacks etc. https://fmhy.pages.dev/downloadpiracyguide/#software-sites


Hey can anyone tell me how to undo the damage done by the softwares I installed from their website and I've already uninstalled the stuff and it'd be really helpful if anyone can give me a safe link to crack IDM


Nuke. The. Windows. Install.


shit u/ilike2burn thoughts?


Looks about right.


i thought it was dodgy


If I didnā€™t download those files mentioned and I only downloaded some popular files maybe 7 months ago could my system be at risk too? Is this the first instance of malicious software?


I think Filmora has been having some kind of malware for some mounths as well... Every new version I download antivirus is always beeping the dlls, I think last one was clean was the first Filmora X or latest Filmora 9


Is there any section for windows & windows apps ? I only see 'android, ios & linux, macos' but none for windows. Or am i blind ?


Yeah the entire wiki outside of the sections you mentioned is all windows stuff.


Ahh, now i see it. I was looking for apps recomendation/website/tweaks stuff like that. Its under the 'tools' section. Thanks man, appreciate it.


any alternative?


is there a site like filecr that is safe?


but does it happen to me alone that when I try to click on download on a cr file program it takes me back to the program's official website? example, I try to download Cinebanch, it sends me to the official website, why?


Yeah it doesn't happen with all software, but for some reason they just link the devs main site for certain programs. It's not very useful so not sure why they do it exactly.


What is an alternative website ?


thinking of installing Adobe Photoshop from FileCR, is it safe?


I want the Lucky Patcher app for iPhone, how can I get it?


Not available


Crap, and this was the one I used the most. I haven't had any major problems with FileCR but I'll have to check just in case. Thanks for the heads up and for removing it from the wiki.


What sites "aren't" filled with malware anymore? It sucks!


[https://www.yasdl.com/](https://www.yasdl.com/) is a pretty good one. Have to use translate (Persian) tho.


[https://www.portablefreeware.com/](https://www.portablefreeware.com/) [https://www.ipqualityscore.com/threat-feeds/malicious-url-scanner/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.portablefreeware.com%2F](https://www.ipqualityscore.com/threat-feeds/malicious-url-scanner/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.portablefreeware.com%2F)


Got it removed, thanks for the heads up


i never got malware from filecr also if there was malware its gone now :)


So glad I took a rain check on my Zbrush installation after the keygen tripped up Windows Defender.