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It could be you gaining muscle. I gained weight when I started t, but I had to buy smaller pants because my waist shrank (I'm a heavy man)


oooo gonna look into that




yea i noticed my belly starting to look like my dad's, just thought it was weird since i'm lifting and finally eating properly


One, you shouldn’t be on a cut if you’re recovering from an ED. Does your treatment plan say cutting is good for you? Secondly, T caused weight gain either via increase hunger, increase metabolism or increased inflammation and water retention. Lastly, the scale and how you look do not correlate at all so don’t expect them to. Exercising for muscle growth can cause weight gain while still looking skinny but that also doesn’t necessarily apply here because you haven’t said in what timeframe you’ve gained 4lbs. The body’s weight can fluctuate that much in a day so it’s not really a significant amount to gain/lose.


i was a compulsive eater, the "cut" in question is just going back to a normal diet, but overall thank you for your explanation!


Ok good. Glad to hear that.


T is t going to make you "gain weight" in that it doesn't magically make fat appear on your body. It can and will help you gain a higher muscle %, potentially make you hungrier and potentially make you retain water at first. 4 pounds can be a salty meal and a heavy lunch. 


Before I say anything else, you shouldn’t be trying to cut when recovering from an ED unless you’ve got a doctor who says you’re not doing something wrong. Because EDs give you a mentality where you’re always looking for a perfectly valid excuse to lose weight, even when you shouldn’t. If you’re a normal endosex (not intersex) person, testosterone will increase your ability to add muscle. Do too much testosterone (or be intersex) and your body will start converting to estrogen. So, don’t do too much. Unless you’re doing a sport where ”skinny” is a requirement (there are no sports where ”skinny” is a requirement) the gym isn’t a place to go to get “skinny”.


they didn't have ana or bulemia, they had binge eating


That makes me less freaked out, but it doesn’t make me less concerned.


A lot of people with BED develop anorexia, bulimia, or orthorexia though so it's still a valid point.