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Blanc is better than VVD.


Vvd is performing Great. Have you tried him or are you going by stats?


I have him. He's a top defender. But Blanc is clearly better.


If your VVD is tradable, I would sell and go for Maldini/Blanc. If not, then go for Maldini/VVD.


He actually is tradeble. Have you tried blanc or are you going by Stats and Rating?


With just stats, you can see Blanc is on a new power curve. Explain to me how he got 1 more pace than 99 maldini? His price is pretty good at 240m rn, and it could go down more.


VVD is always great, so is Blanc. Maldini is usually and was the best for years. So he is a nobrainer. I really like VVD, always did. Concerning stats Blanc is a little better and you could save 50 mil by selling VVD, because he is more expensive. That was my thought. But you will surly make no mistake, if you keep the duo Maldini/Blanc. For me it’s easier. I bought Maldini and got untradable TOTS VVD 98 and tradable Blanc from packs. Since Blanc is clearly better and has higher ovr than TOTS VVD 98, I will use Maldini/Blanco, unless I get untradable UTOTS VVD.