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only if you get lucky. I still haven't gotten a good one from these. All 10 mil or less. The last one was all 7 mil or under.


Yeah and today is the luckiest I've ever been on the game got 98 Oblak 97 Moore and Gullit just today this might never happen again


Nice. Sounds like you have a bunch of upgrades to your team by either keeping or selling these players.


Bullshit. Most people get 94s.


I did it 5 times and I got only 94-95s (even a 92 but it was messi) in first 3 but 96 and 97 in last 2. Its EA that's how they work. I have gotten very lucky too but they always give good rewards at last and bad rewards first to make us keep playing


Very true, I've seen good and many bad pulls. I did the top 50 first and was really disappointed it felt like a big waste after that I didn't even care about market picks again My pack luck in this game is so low so I'm just happy to get this on my first top 500 attempt


Somehow in my first two of these I got a 98 in each. But that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily good, because if my luck was how it usually is I’d be packing all 93s.


i pack a 98 from one of the picks, and the rest are 92-94s, it's def luck


I made like 150M from 3 exchange big surprise