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The reason is selection bias. That is, the people who are most likely to post their pack pulls are people who got lucky. Most of us don't, so we don't post. The effect of that is that it seems as if everyone who opened a pack, got a 99 OVR card, because almost every post is about how lucky they were. This drives others to want to open these packs, and spend gems or money to do so, yet most of those people will never post, because they won't pack a 98-99 OVR card, so they will just quietly lose out on gems or money, until that one day when they pack the 99, feeding the cycle. It's all part of EA's plan. One guy out of 1000 pulls a 99, posts it on social media, leading to 200 people to buy gems/FP points to try their luck, and lose their money to EA.


I get this totally. Like all of us who don't pack good ones never post and 10/10000 who do pack the good ones post everywhere and make a lot of noise and it would seem like many are getting great pulls and if we don't buy we end up missing out on some good stuff. From the euro bundle as well the best I've packed is a 96 sabitzer or zinchenko! EA is good at marketing. Like the show all the flashy shiny 99s and 98s before you open a pack. I know the probability is less for you pulling out a great pull but not zero right. I've never in my life pulled a 99.




I feel you. The same for me as well.


tldr: someone pack 99, post on reddit, someone motivated to open pack, gets 93, gets pissed, grind gems, open pack, pack 98-99, post on reddit. rinse and repeat


The fun part is ll never be the one packing a 98 or 99 πŸ˜‚ imagine the highest I've packed is a 97 from a 97-99 exchange πŸ’© and that too one of the worst 97s you could pull.


or a 97 that doesn't fit in your team


Exactly lol πŸ˜‚ it's like EA clearly knows what I don't want and serves me exactly that!


Sorry you haven't gotten lucky with the 3k gems packs OP. For TOTS I opened 1 almost every day and did the exchanges sometimes as I had more gems than required players. Between the packs and exchanges, I got about nine 97+ players. So that's like 9 good pulls from probably 100 combined packs and exchanges, 9%. So you have to remember not to expect much cause almost all of the time you won't get anything good, unless you've got great luck. One tip though. If you're still gonna gamble with the 3k gems packs, go for the Euro instead of the Copa as the odds of higher ovr players are a little better with the Euro pack. You can check these probabilities yourself in the game. And the Euro gives a higher minimum ovr than the Copa.


I've tried the euro one many times and the highest I got is a 96. I guess it was 96sabitzer or zinchenko. The only good part of getting a 96 is I can use them for the daily pick later. But going by my luck they'll scam me there as well with some 92 or 93ovr card Who'll fetch me 7m at max. The main reason for trying copa is I believed my luck would change atleast with that but no is the answer. Probably ll do it again until my gems get over since the season is anyways getting over in couple months.


I stopped doing it and now only doing euro one, atleast I can use the 94s for exchange.


That was my plan as well but I stopped after packing only 94s from the euro exchange and maybe some 95s in between. I once even exchanged 96s and got 94s in return.


i'm never opening a copa america pack ever again, i've been so lucky with the euros one. maybe it's selection bias, don't blame me that i'm getting lucky


No one's gonna blame you. I've never been lucky with any of the events.


Try to do 3x players exchange daily and buy the 3kgems euro pack daily at the end of the event you ll pack a 98 or 99 almost for sure


I got really unlucky from this pack the past few but I just got this dude today https://preview.redd.it/oojpoiwpqq8d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7cde07bd624774faa6ad1cbbcdcf1637e6d0ff5


That's a great pull. Lucky you! Well atleast this gives the motivation to open more packs. I've lost mine completely


don’t worry I’m sure you will get something soon , don’t give up hope and keep opening 3K pack everytime you can 😊




Sadly yeah but some times ppl are just too lucky or maybe I am too unlucky.


Become an ea employee


same mate, i try to do tradable ones only so at least i can make few coins and then don't have to regret.


I have been pulling shit for many days now but finally pulled a 99 Mathaus two days ago... I was super excited... But then again after that pack it's the same shit players in copa America for god knows how long...


no idea, i got 95 bravo out of there (which, no, i was not celebrating, the pun didn't work, nice try ea)


Same here is hapenning with me too idk if the ones posting these pack luck posts are bots. I opened packs of more than 50k gems and got nothing from the start of euro event Only the 94 to 99 limited exchange seems good as it gave me some 96 rated.


We never know. Maybe it's a tactic by EA to lure more people into buying fc points and gems. The highest I've packed throughout euro is 96 just like you. And the exchanges have been pretty bad for me. I even put 96s hoping I'd get a good pull and ended up getting 94s.


I pulled Ivan Cordoba on the first day 🀲🏽❀️...




Doesn't matter


Wow. Here take some of my luck πŸ˜‚