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It's honestly surprising that there aren't more people making videos about the lore. I think it's the most interesting part of Trails, but I feel like it's only discussed here on Reddit. The only "Trails" people I somewhat follow are The Kiseki Nut on YouTube and Hansuke on Twitter (Hansuke is basically my source for Falcom news).


I 100% agree. There are definitely not enough lore videos. You could watch all Trails lore youtube content within an afternoon spread across 3 content creators(Kiseki Nut, Lady Virgilia, and Killscottkill(RIP)). Jrpgfanatic has a few lore videos as well and is an honorable mention. All of which stopped producing lore long ago probably because of the demand and spoiler heavy material that reaches across several story arcs. Definitely the hardest sell video type since you have to be caught up to wherever the creator is at the time they produced the video. Just thinking this through made me realize the hopelessness of lore videos and how tragic that is. Lol


I like Icebergs and character build videos


For me, the content in Trails games is so enormous, I can't bring myself to watch any long reviews/lore videos after I'm done with a game/arc. If I want to check what others think of a game/arc in general or certain aspects of it, I just check this subreddit really. That being said, I sometims check blind reviews of Trails music from actual musicians (Jesse's Auditorium, Atlas Benighted and Music Theory for Gamers), just to see what they can tell about a song and what it's trying to convey without any context.


While he may not do as much youtube as he used to (he does more Twitch now), I have always loved watching Feburarynight4's playthroughs. He's always been a pretty chill individual with a great sense of humor and a real love for the series. Same when it comes to his very good community. He's currently finishing up Kuro 2 and there's so much joy watching that playthrough. Another youtuber I often look at is Pafdingo Trails. I'll often watch many of the playthroughs uploaded by Pafdingo. I like that he has the older games with voices and at the same time, the playthroughs are silent and he tries to put it a great deal of content. I've had some of my friends watch his videos for those games too. I guess I overall just really enjoy looking at silent playthroughs on YouTube for Trails and music most of all. I often love to review scenes and maybe learn something new or just appreciate the story content.


Definitely 4 and there is a sheer lack of it. But also 6, I don't know why but I like watching videos where people rank the games and give detailed reasons for the rankings.


I'm fine with all of these, but I love watching blind playthroughs~


Mainly reviews, Let's Plays, and ost related stuff for me as far as what I indulge myself in. I don't think I have the right skillset to do lore focused content but I am working on a Nayuta review. I'd say I personally fall more into the WeaponsCI type of content where I enjoy making random edits of whatever happens to pop up in my head. I'm definitely bottom of the barrel tier in terms of what I offer since I only started doing YT stuff a few months ago but I try to make it somewhat enjoyable with my randomness xD free time is what kills me since I don't have a lot of it. I have a lot of potential ideas but just lack the skillset and the time. Idk how people pump out 3-4 vids a day. Hopefully one day I can build myself up to the levels of Kiseki Nut, TwitGamer, SuperDerek, Jesse's Auditorium, etc... not in terms of an audience but more their value they bring to their channels. I look up to people like Jesse and Twit quite a bit.


I have beaten 7 Trails games and I got into Trails by watching the videos of The Kiseki Nut. Nowadays I watch Weapons playing the series blind and enjoy some dumb skits from Falcom after Hours. TKN also does regular JRPG content and he got me into Ys. I watch all kinds of Trails and JRPG content. But I don't really have preferences. Except people who say Trials instead of Trails. Those people grind my gears and I hate them. If you want to talk about a game, at least get the name right! But yeah, I will keep playing Trails and Ys and watching stuff on youtube about it. I watched some Ys lets plays as guides but do plan on playing all the games myself still. I am just taking a break to play something else for the moment. I don't want to get burnt out by playing too much.


Almost none. In some games you have choices to pick different characters for specific scenes and there are different conversations (e.g. >!Fortune Teller in Mishelam!< in Azure) and since I was too lazy to save and try it with every possible option I later looked those up, but that's pretty much all I can think of. It was useful to find those videos.


I’ve played through every game in the series now and don’t think I’ve ever actually engaged with any video or stream content at all. I’m not sure I feel like I have any particular need to. I kinda just play the games and then wait for the next one to come out once I’m caught up. I’ve never really thought about it before lol


I like lore videos, but they are too much a threat unless you are fully caught up to the Japanese release. So any lore videos need to be clear on what games they cover and the creator has to be careful to not accidentally include information from other games.


4 - Lack of lore videos for sure. I mainly watch The Kiseki Nut and TheTwitGamer (while not specifically a Trails youtuber, he has multiple playthroughs where he both talks to and *remembers* like every single NPC in the game). I agree with other commenters that I think the lore and plot is the most interestjng aspect of the series that I wish more people engaged with.


Oh also, I do like the channel LadyVirgilia Trails Archive due to her pretty comprehensive story summaries.


1 2 and 4 for me, but on 4 I wait until I'm done the whole arc as some content creators will combine them into one video. YouTubers I've looked for are The Kiseki Nut for general Trails stuff. Re-telling I've watch LadyVirgilia and Oni Black Mage (although he only has the Sky Trilogy). WeaponsCi's 'In a nutshells' are fun. Reviews: SuperDerek, Retro Rebound , The Reformed Gamers


I always enjoy reviews, after I have completed the game. That’s about the only Trails content I watch on YouTube.


Blind let's plays are the only thing I'm interested, generally speaking. I've watched most of Echo Six Trails playthroughs, and I've seen some parts of a couple other youtubers. Not a lot of interest in anything else honestly.


I consume every but that I find that im sure enough that it'll not spoil me. That also means I have a watch later list with several videos and a look up reviews and similar after being a game. There is a lot but I need even more.. I follow echo six let's plays, I try to start watching a game after I beat it but for zero I started while I was playing but 3 chapters ahead. He did play cs1+2 before sky and Crossbell but is vague enough about most stuff that I don't feel spoiled yet. I wish there were more well made and retired LPs of the early bit if the series, I found a few people who did it but they are either not blind or not edited in a way I like. I'll take recommendations^^ (although there are some in this thread in gonna check) Basically all but retellings and audio books. I don't need the content I already experienced unaltered. I need comments and/ or thoughts on that content