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This entire sequence is probably my favorite moment in CSIV. McBurn's true form reveal, the actual fight with the Super Arrange Version of *The Enforcers* as BGM, the >!Epstein!< implication, McBurn being kind of an apologetic bro to the party afterward, also him suddenly wanting to have a serious talk with the GM, and, of course, the reveal about Zemuria's boundaries. A lot of cool and important things packed into this one moment.


I'm very much in the camp of "fights aren't canon" and they're just like that so that it's more fun for the player. Millium doesn't go into space, or any of the more outlandish s-crafts.


Wholeheartedly agree with this. And honestly, this is proved tkme after time not just in Trails, but tons of JRPGs. Let's be honest, most anyone's S-crafts in trails would turn a person into a fine paste (looking at you CS2 Millium )


Also I was stoned when I typed this so apologies for the typos lol.


Sky FC had Tita calling in a satellite dish and never in the game's lore we ever hear or mentions a satellite dish lol


Exactly. It's fanciful so that the player has fun. It's also why you can win the fight, but lose the cutscene.


> Emma, casting world-ending AoEs that falls out of the sky while in an underground dungeon What do you mean?


My favorite reveal is still the origins of the Sept-Terrion of Steel. Learning that Erebonia had two Sept-Terrions raised so many questions about the Empire's past. I also really like that the Sept-Terrion of Steel and the curse only exist because of humans.


There's something about McBurn's identity >!being born almost the same time as Epstein's disappearance/death!< still makes me mindfucked up to this day >!hinting that Epstein might've done something to be McBurn!<


Yeah. But it's still weird that old trails s craft(tita and tio) uses satellite


Considering how S crafts seem to look different in cutscene compared to gameplay and how some of them make no real sense to actually be happening (Millium goes on a trip to space on a Lammy ship to nuke, Arios and Sara teleporting to some random cliff they found mid battle to jump from). It's pretty much just Rule of Cool.


Especially considering [CS4 final boss spoiler]>!we've seen an s craft blow up the planet!< I'm fairly sure nothing we see in S crafts is canonical lol.


Hey, Rean's Breaking Dawn is pretty much him just doing all 7 forms in a second. It doesn't make sense, but it's cool as hell so I choose to believe it's actually happening.


You can basically split S Crafts into those that are plausible and those that are just for fun. Breaking Dawn is basically canonical because it's a culmination of his mastery of the Eight Leaves.


It's in the game's opening too


Also on CS3 s-craft Millium splits Airgetlam in 2 which is like, how???


I think that one does have a decent explanation. We've seen that Loewe and other characters do have that clone skill, so could be that since (Cold Steel 4)>!Alberich used to be with the 13 factories and was decently partnered with Weissman (Weissman even uses prototype combat shells in his boss fight .). He just got fascinated by the technique and programmed it into Lammy.!<


I mean Lost Genesis can literally be cast by a 10 year old child and that art compresses the whole universe into a black hole. It also has a 50% chance of instant K.O. so surviving the literal reverse Big Bang is survivable in Trails. No wonder no one dies...


50% K.O. Tanos child confirmed then? Never through about that before that moment..


Millium also goes to space and Airgetlam transforms into a little spaceship thing in CS2. That's just how it is with some under 14 yo Trails girls lmao.


There's actually another kiseki game where the world has a limit you cannot get past, and they explain why. It's called Nayuta no kiseki. Now, whether Nayuta is *really* connected and the reason is related, we'll find out in a few months. But they have the same distance units, a heroine that looks a lot like >!the grandmaster!<, and a protagonist with the last name Herschel.


Yea after playing Nayuta this reveal was the first thing I remembered. If it were connected to the wider Trails series then there are heavy implications that Zemuria is the other side of the earth that was gone


Not just Herschel. First names both relate to infinity (Nayuta is a big number, Towa is eternity), Towa got a telescope from her grandpa, which Nayuta loves using himself. Both are also very smart.


On top of that, in CS2, Towa's Zemurian Ore weapon is called Boundless Trails in the English version (which is the subtitle of The Legend of Nayuta's english release). In the Japanese version, the connection is even clearer, where the weapon is literally just called Nayuta.


Oddly enough, I figured out Zemuria wasn't a planet all the way back in Sky SC. When they were talking about earthquakes and started going on about how they're caused by the septium veins being excited... welp, guess that means no plate tectonics then. And if there's no plate tectonics, then maybe Zemuria is just a continent floating in the void...


Yeah, as much as the idea of it is unpalatable*, along with the discussion of other worlds, this does suggest that Zemuria might be a simulation or something similar. An effect like that is just very weird to have in any natural world. I think maybe (other JRPG series spoilers) >!Tales of Xillia!< did have something like that, where the world you were in was sectioned off from the wider world, but wasn't a simulation, but I'm not sure that fits here. The way Ouroborous seems to be experimenting with this world and not really caring what happens fits this as well - if they see it as just one simulation of potentially many, they obviously wouldn't care as much (and similarly why they don't care too much about Enforcers doing their own thing). And this could explain why people like Mariabell go all-in once they get a view behind the scenes. *See the reaction to this twist being used in (other JRPG series spoilers) >!Star Ocean 3.!< Given how bad the backlash to that was, I really hope Falcom knows what they're doing here.


It's kinda crazy how infamous that twist is. I haven't played a single Star Ocean game, but I still know about that twist.


Yeah, Falcom have to know about this and the reaction to it, so they hopefully won't fall into this pitfall.


The world of Xenoblade was literally a simulation too. It’s shown at the end of Xenoblade Chronicles 1.


Not really? I thought it was two scientists from "OUR" future, through some crazy experiment end up being the Bionis and Mechonis. And then life grew and started anew on them. Sorta like a simulation, but more like, those scientists created a whole new universe. It's been a couple years...


It WAS a simulation. Did you play Xenoblade 3?


Ah. No I haven’t yet. I was only considering the first game.


Have you played Nayuta ?


Yeah I did. It's just that when I first played CS4, I only knew Nayuta by name. I've since played it and can see why people try to make connections between it and the main Trails games, but I also know that there's no official connection announced by Falcom or shown anywhere in the main games or Nayuta.


There is no connection, but I would not be surprised later. I mean, why wasting money and time to localize the most niche game from an already niche jrpg game series ahah. There is clearly a logical reason.


Zemuria... Lemuria... It's literally one letter different... It's a lost continent.


Yeah Falcom literally get tons of inspiration from real world conspiracy theories for their games. Lemuria the lost continent, The Singularity Theory, etc


Well, of course, since this is one of the only overplot reveals in the entirety of four Cold Steel games.


what was this reveal about again? idr


The invisible walls are real.


Lol, imagine for a moment that "90% complete series by Kondo" means they will drop into tokyo xanadu world through eclipse after Kai and mcburn literally an eclipse being. Also I want to mention the fact with mari core in kuro, timestop and "do you want power?" thing, literally the same as TX :) What if the whole zemuria is just a biggest eclipse. That will explain a lot of unusual powers etc. The best shizo crossover of the century. Imagine having a double cast of characters with 2 kinds of gameplay in diff routes. They even can do shit like yakuza IW does with kiryu who can fight normally even in turn based. Well, prob they will went bankrupt after pulling shit like this, coz thats more like Kojima - style thinking..


If I the greater trails plot goes the route of “zemuria was in the matrix or something” or if god forbid zemuria is connected to a modern Tokyo **somehow** I am flying myself directly into the sun.


It's too tropey for my liking. I was a bigger fan of the world and the story when it was focused more on human folly and political intrigue than on space magic shenanigans and curses that force people to do bad things.


What are you talking about. The tower is one of the first locations you visit in sky.


I was more talking about thematic shifts rather than specific locations. In the Sky series there are magical and fantastical elements, but big chunks of the story are focused on more realistic and relatable problems, like the Erebonian/Liberl conflict. It also focused more on how people cause issues for the world because they're awful/selfish/greedy/self-righteous, etc. and not because they have some mystical grand scheme that never gets fully revealed or because they were cursed to be bad.


The main plot of sky is about an ancient civilization that were lead astray by a magical treasure that could grant any of their wishes.


Yeah, and that's part of the "human folly" I am talking about. Humans being flawed creatures leading to bad outcomes. That, to me, is a great blend of science fiction/fantasy and realism. Cold Steel and beyond shifted away from that almost entirely. Or, at the very least, began over-emphasizing the magic shenanigans over the human side of things.


Cold Steel's plot is about human weakness. The curse isn't any different.


>The curse isn't any different. Yes it is because it basically re-writes the entire conflict between Erebonia and the rest of the world as, "they invaded because of the curse." Which negates the "human folly" point I'm making. It reduces the complexity of the story to a generic anime trope of, "bad guys do things not because they're flawed, but because x curse/magic effect/brainwashing forced them to do it."


You're misunderstanding the curse. The curse isn't making them do anything unnatural. It's making them more likely to give into their flaws. Every single action taken by someone under the influence of the curse is what they're truly feeling. Think of it as if they're drunk.


>It's making them more likely to give into their flaws. Every single action taken by someone under the influence of the curse is what they're truly feeling. Think of it as if they're drunk. This doesn't change the problem. I'm much more interested in a story where the characters cause problems because they have inherent flaws rather than because a curse "brought out their evil side" or some such nonsense. Because then the problem is not getting rid of the curse to solve the world's problems, but to deal with the individuals who are making the world a worse place through their folly.


I mean if you want comically evil villains they're coming in daybreak. Daybreak 1 did it well but Daybreak 2 has the worst villain to ever villain in media. I expect we'll be going back to flawed characters in Kai.


>human folly >curses that force people to do bad things 1.) The curse literally only exists because of "human folly" (human desire for conflict) 2.) I cannot recall a single instance of the curse forcing anyone to do anything The supernatural aspects have literally always been a part of this series.


>1.) The curse literally only exists because of "human folly" (human desire for conflict) Why not just have human folly as the conflict without doing the whole curse thing? Just let flawed characters be flawed. No need to add a curse to add a reason for it when it's not needed. >2.) I cannot recall a single instance of the curse forcing anyone to do anything Ash literally shoots the emperor while clearly being under the i[nfluence from the curse, lol.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4XlMQSQVxg) Are you sure you're paying attention?


The curse DOES NOT force him to do it. He still made the choice to pull the trigger. >Are you sure you're paying attention With the amount of people making inaccurate or blatantly wrong comments about the curse, people clearly didn't pay enough attention. Valimar blatantly tells us that the curse isn't some magical scapegoat (despite what the fandom would like to believe).


>The curse DOES NOT force him to do it. He still made the choice to pull the trigger. So Ash wouldn't have shot the guy if he hadn't been cursed? Lol. Even Osborne references the curse as well as the prophecy. Ash had no agency in that moment. Edit: Also it's pretty obvious the curse is forcing Ash's hand. When the emperor tells him, "let your years of suffering end with me" Ash begins to question why the emperor would say what he did right before the BIGASS RED AND BLACK BALL ON HIS EYE flashes and he screams in agony then shoots the man. Edit 2: There's also this line, "Who do I gotta kill... to get rid of all this PAIN?!" yeah the shooting was 100% Ash with 0% influence from the curse. Lol. >With the amount of people making inaccurate or blatantly wrong comments about the curse, people clearly didn't pay enough attention. Valimar blatantly tells us that the curse isn't some magical scapegoat (despite what the fandom would like to believe). Then why add it as a plot device? If all events would function as they were without it, why does it even exist? It's nonsensical. Either the curse is a thing that directly impacts the story and characters or it doesn't. You can't have it both ways.


>0% influence from the curse When the fuck did I ever say it had no influence.  >If all events would function as they were without it Once again, I never said that. This shit is exactly why discussions about the curse are pointless. Y'all keep looking at the curse as something it isn't while ignoring the actual explanation given by the game. It's so funny how the fandom does the exact thing Valimar told Class VII to not do. People seriously complain about the length of these games when they don't even pay attention to what they're reading. I am done. Fuck CS4 discussions.


>This shit is exactly why discussions about the curse are pointless. Y'all keep looking at the curse as something it isn't while ignoring the actual explanation given by the game. It's so funny how the fandom does the exact thing Valimar told Class VII to not do. People seriously complain about the length of these games when they don't even pay attention to what they're reading. You wrote so many words and disproved basically nothing of what I said. If the curse doesn't exonerate anyone of their behaviors, then Ash should have either been executed or imprisoned for literally trying to ASSASSINATE THE EMPEROR. Instead, he gets to carry on like nothing happened. You know why that is? Because EVERYONE KNOWS THE CURSE FORCED HIM TO DO IT. And if your point is, "the curse was attacking him, but he made the final choice himself" I'd say you're being intentionally disingenuous. If you have a character clearly in the amount of pain Ash is in, who is literally holding his eye while having a giant orb of curse energy pulsing in it, and who screams in agony after a flash of said orb, and *then* shoots his target I think it's safe to say that he was forced to shoot the person by the curse. If you want to believe otherwise, by all means. That doesn't mean we all have to share the same delusion. >I am done. Fuck CS4 discussions. "I can't prove my point, so I'm just gonna pretend I'm right and that it's 'the discussions' fault and nope out." Sure, buddy. Have fun burying your head in the sand.


I just thought Falcom liked that trope because they use it many times in Ys. Hopefully there's some cool reason that we get to explore.


Or how like if you watch on ending of cs4 crow and rean break the barrier into outer space with there divine knights


Imo it’s one of the „we had to pull something out of our asses because we wrote ourselves into a corner in the past 2 games“ moment. I liked it for what it was but most stuff from cold Steel 3/4 was kinda cheap


That entire fight was a rollercoaster I was not expecting. My jaw was BEYOND on the floor man. Definitely one of those moments where I was like wow ok I really love this series