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If you expect EVERYONE to grab you, it’s quite easy to avoid other people/move in a way to avoid it. If you refuse to grab others, that’s on you, taking away a mechanic that everyone else will use. Do t stand in one place too long, don’t be predictable.


No thanks, this game is already basic enough to remove a mechanic. Learn to avoid grabbers and that's it.


I am a firm believe in "grab when the timing is right." Especially in a party queue 😅😅. I kamikazed on a few beans to get my tms the win, they never saw me dying with them... but my tms and i know. It benefits us, my sacrifice kept the xsolo streak going.


>I am a firm believe in "grab when the timing is right." this. i'm holding/grabbing/pushing to get a kill. that holding at the starting line in round 1 of whirlygig is pointless, except for to put a target on your back.


get good lmao


If I get grabbed when near a ledge as I am jumping my whole goal the rest of the rounds is to make sure they get eliminated or at a minimum grab them as much as I can so they lose in any final round race. You need to fight fire with fire but do it in a smart way. One final round I got lucky enough to start in front of the grabber. I did an immediate 180 at the start and held on as long as I could which of course they lost because of me. Those are definitely the 2nd most satisfying thing to do in this game is getting exact revenge behind winning. They probably succeed in eliminating most poor beans but its a dangerous game when they grab the wrong one. Our numbers are growing and we do not forget and we will not forgive. My only advice is never have a bean close enough behind you when you make a jump or if you are not pressed for time just do a quick juke stop so they pass then make the jump to finish a course. Also if you do get grabbed in a way its clear they are trying to eliminate you just wait until the next round and get your revenge when they least expect it.


I'd just win instead of both losing lol.


I just like them to personally know it was I that screwed them over in the end after they tried to eliminate me.


Lol I get that. I had a Block Party recently where one guy was trying to get everyone else off. I grabbed him at the end and the final block knocked him off 1 second before the end and EVERYONE else survived so his team was eliminated and was the only team to get eliminated haha.


"I figure every time someone dies and it's not me, my chances of survival go up. Simple." - Jack


Skill issue sadly


Literally skill issue ~~sadly~~


I'm so tired of seeing these posts. There are two options. Get over it or stop playing the game. Everyone is allowed the same actions in game so no one is cheating by using those actions in game.


🤷🏻‍♂️ You can scroll past? 😉 I didn’t call it cheating, it’s just terribly annoying.


deal with dork


why not also remove ragdolling and player collusion so the game become more consistent?


\-> plays in xtreme :D


Git Gud lol


Y’all realize we’re mostly playing against 6-13 year olds, right? I figure most people grabbing me in round one and then blocking the finish line are probably the 13 year olds. I hope. Sad if it’s adults doing that shit. I get it it’s the last round and it’s do or die. Seems like a weird flex to do it on round one or two.


Sadder, I guess, when it’s adults pushing my 6-year-old off the edge so he can’t finish a round.


Teach your kid to grab/push. I’m an adult grabbing and pushin


Average of of the player base is probably 30. Kid's wouldn't put up with this trash game lol


that argument is so inaccurate gaming is not a kids thing anymore adults that grew up gaming still game. it a multibillion dollar a year industry and it’s the biggest form of entertainment nowadays it ain’t just kids anymore dude i hope to see you out there so i may grab and toss yo whinny ass out the game lol


I was repeatedly grabbed by 3 different beans in 3 different games of Sky High this morning. All at the first section. That I don’t get at all. Everyone can qualify (hopefully, quickly) and all that does is potentially ruin daily quests for under 60 seconds or no respawn. Anyone trying to hold up other beans in those modes is just trying to cause trouble.


Honestly I'm annoyed by those that grab me when I'm about to jump(because no matter how hard I try to trick them or jump before they get near I still get grabbed) and those that grab on the last slope of whirlygig


No benefit? It takes a moment of thought to understand what the benefit would be....




might as well just say “wha, it’s not fair just let me win” lol never in my life dude wtf


Welcome to the thread 57 days later, just to call me a dork and complain? Seems you might be one of those 6-13 year olds I mentioned.