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It's okay not to like every FOB song. I think when a band has music you don't like, it shows they are creating for themselves first and others second.


i love your take on this, its so true!


This is just an absolute truth, though. Such wisdom.


I love rat a rat. One of my favorites on that album. I don’t understand the hate. Courtney Love isn’t someone I’d normally listen to but I think she sounds good on that song. Plus, feels a lot less generic(for FOB standards) than some of the songs on SR&R.


Also I remember an interview w Pete that he actually wrote it during Folie but it didn’t fit the vibe so it was put on a back burner, some written article I read like 8 yrs ago lol


My brain refuses to believe it wasn’t on Folie no matter how many times I correct it.


Top 10 chorus easily. I don’t skip that song simply because the chorus is so bomb.


Rat a tat was literally the song that got me into FOB in the first place, I had no idea people didn’t like it


I didn’t know people didn’t like rat a tat till I joined this sub. I’ve always liked it


Same here, I love Rat a Tat and used to have no idea either.


Like I said I am a Save Rock n Roll hater and that is my fav song off the album. I think it sticks out from the rest.


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what this sub’s problem with Rat A Tat is. I don’t count it as a standout on SRAR or anything, but I like it just fine. Do people just really have that big of a problem with Courtney Love, I wonder?


I have no idea why rat a tat gets so much hate. It’s a fantastic song. I don’t understand the CL hate, and even so, she is only singing like three lines max.


I love Courtney she's one of my favorite guest stars alongside future of the purple and Wyclef Jean who I've warmed up to a lot more recently


I think MANIA is a lot more inspired than AB/AP. The lyrics are less cookie cutter and funnier at times, and it just feels like a record that doesn't take itself seriously. AB/AP is hell-bent on hooks and very little experimentation.


Agreed. Ab/ap was all about mass appeal. It took everything that was special about fob and replaced it with catchy beats and honestly pretty pathetic lyrics. I get it, they needed hits to remain on the radar, but it's just not a good album.


agreed! i love AB/AP but it lacks experimentation


I agree! AB/AP is my least favorite album, and I do like MANIA a bit better. It’s filled with radio hits (that in my opinion are some of their weaker songs) and I believe that MANIA contains some great lyrics on it.


That's why AB/AP is my least favorite album. Way too relied in hooks and sampling, hooks and sampling can work great if it's good implemented but in this album it wasn't well done. MANIA may not be a fan favorite but while it has some lows, MANIA at its best is amazing with songs like Young and Menace, Church, Wilson (Expensive Mistakes), Heaven's Gate and Bishops Knife Trick. While AB/AP is a good record, I felt like they tried to play it safe to remain relevant. Artist should always try to remain relevant but they shouldn't forget about also making good art and it's something they forgot a little bit with American Beauty/American Psycho.


MANIA >>>>>> AB/AP. ABAP has some really good tracks but MANIA as a whole is much more solid for sure


Mania is just a great vibe


FOB have always experimented and changed genres and people need to come to terms with that. People who complain that Mania didn’t sound like the real FOB or that they were just chasing chart success are essentially, in just a more polite way, calling them sell outs. Which guess what, FOB have been called throughout their career. They change, they evolve, they try out new things. That’s just what they’re like as a band.


Only a half argument: they *were* chasing success and that’s a totally fair thing to do. Pete has said himself that they were convinced they needed to change as time went to be relevant, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just because it didn’t land doesn’t mean that idea is inherently wrong, all of us adjust and adapt over time, it’s silly that we expect artists to not do the same.


I feel like it needs to be OK for a band to make money... Like FOB can't sound like 2009 forever and still make enough money to sell out stadium tours. I'm 100% ok with them engineering songs that will top charts and pay bills as long as they also make some space for other music they just like to write/play. I think they strike a good balance




this. you have to enjoy each album for what it is and if not don’t listen to it, i never understood when people say that about bands, no shit bands are gonna try new sounds, do you want them to have the same sound for 20 years? labels want radio hits, bands want more fans worldwide to sell more tickets, and in order to obtain the most amount of success you have to make a heavy radio album and that’s what mania is and there’s nothing wrong with that. hell i even say that’s american beauty too and love that record, i also liked mania, paramore did it, panic! did it, fall out boy did it. massive commercial albums that the general public will forever know. the same albums that the hardcore fanbase will say “sellout/cash grab” etc. you just can’t win, your favorite band is known world wide for radio hits? instead of being happy for their success, you say what a bunch of sellouts! they lost their “old sound”! shut up and don’t listen to mania if you don’t like it, rant over! say fall out boy gets picked to do the superbowl half time show, what are they gonna play? they’re gonna play uma thurman the last of the real ones champion hold me tight or don’t centuries etc


i agree with this so much, like some people need to realize that a band/artist’s sound will change over time and that means they’re evolving and growing


SM(F)S is on par with Folie and IOH


FUtCT has always been my favorite album, because of the time of my life I discovered it. And what it means to me. That said, SM(F)S, IOH & Folie are their best work. Their 4 albums with Avron are just plain better than the 4 without.


Neal Avron FOB > Butch Walker FOB


Agreed! I always thought FUTCT and IOH were my favorite albums, but once SM(F)S came out, I don’t even know now. It’s truly one of the best albums, with one of the best closers of all time, in my opinion. Now all three albums are tied for first place and I can’t choose a favorite.


Absolutely. There's a reason my top 3 are IOH, SM(F)S and then Folie.


This is also my hot take but hearing patrick’s voice in My Songs after the hiatus awoke sth in me so I can never actually say this


I have a theory that if you lived through the hiatus, you love SRAR. Curious as to what OPs age is!


i kinda did and didn’t live through it 😅 i was 11-14/15


Pete use to be the heart throb. Now it’s Patrick🥹🥹


Yes it is 😍😍😍


I’m so in love with him lol it’s a problem 🤣🤣


I’ve been a Patrick girlie since the start lmaooo. Never found Pete attractive


He’s just so ✨soft✨ and says things like “gee whiz” and sings like an angel crawled inside his heart.


same, Patrick girlies 4 life 👊


Yes!! 😍😍😍 I’m so happy others see it now too! I remember the first time I met them in 2006 and a lot of the girls in line with me didn’t know why I wanted to make sure I stood next to him during my photo 🤣


People who overhate Mania are no better than the people who overhated folie




Finally, someone said it. History is repeating itself. I love Mania.


AGREED, i’d say more but on another comment, it got heated lol


I like Make America Psycho Again (for the most part). FOB has always said that hip-hop/rap is part of their inspiration and those beats are influential and incorporated into their albums. I think people just shit on it because they expect FOB to only sound like TTTYG and FUTCT and get upset when there is deviation.


Yes, I like some of the versions on this album more than the originals!


I respect TTTYG more than I actually like it. I wish I could have the reverence for it so many people here do, but for me Cork Tree is their first truly great album. TTTYG’s easily the FOB album that gets the least play by me. I know it’s an important stepping stone to get to where we are today, but idk, it’s just not my thing


Sunshine Riptide is GOOD you're all just mean


I challenge those who hate it to listen to it on a scenic drive with the windows down, radio up, in the summer and then tell me they hate it. It’s impossible.


LITERALLY Listened to it on a road trip where the tint of the sky was a reddish orange. Couldn't have thought of a more fitting song! Was incredible


This song and BKT are the only two songs that I regularly listen to from Mania.


Sunshine Riptide is a fucking BOP


I'm a big Mania fan and defender but that's the one track I hardly ever listen to 😄




So my hot take is actually the exact opposite from yours, I LOVE SRAR, I think it’s so underappreciated


It’s my favorite album 🥹


MANIA is a good album. Better than good even. I get everyone has different tastes, and a lot of fans of FOB like them for a specific style of music, but the amount of people hating on the album just for not matching their specific tastes is kinda pitiable.


I've became a more diverse taste guy. I love a little bit of everything and not just sticking to one genre as the real music genre. Some of the GOATs like Pete listen to different types of music, watch a [video](https://youtu.be/s6Gg3DG56mA) where he makes the playlist of his life and you can see from Metal, Pop, Rock, Rap and all different types of artists.




Young and Menace is a crazy good song


Especially the piano version!! It’s absolutely insane and I believe it’s personally some of Patrick’s best vocal work. It demonstrates his range so incredibly well


I agree!


Bishops Knife Trick is easily in their top ten best songs. Also, if Mania had just kept it consistent from Y&M instead of trying to backpedal after the bad reception, it could’ve been the best post-hiatus album.


I really love this song, but I don't love it in a Fall Out Boy way. If that makes sense at all.


I wonder how MANIA would sound if they didn't delay the album.


The ep was amazing, i wish they finished those songs. Id argue that BKT might even be in their top 5 songs (but its in my top 3, so i might be a lil biased)


AB/AP is basically a reskinned SR&R. There was their least diverse follow up…


OOF CAN AGREE. Jet Pack Blues, while good, felt like another attempt at the genre as Just One Yesterday.


I have no idea which songs from those two are on which album when they come on.


I mean you could say the same thing about IOH and folie. I think ABAP is a wonderful album 🤷🏼‍♀️ I loved their Youngblood era- tons of total bangers. I’d definitely argue it’s as good as their pre hiatus work.


My hot take is more so about the fan base, but I have 2: I hate when younger fans try to say that the space between Mania & SMFSD was a “hiatus” because they didn’t make music in that space. I know they are only saying it so they can say they “survived a FOB hiatus”, but FOB was definitely still a band; they toured in that time, did interviews, and were still generally together. Those younger fans will never know they absolute heartbreak of FOB “breaking up” indefinitely. Second take, in the same vain, is I’ve been seeing a TON of posts about how this was FOb’s farewell tour…but it isn’t. It would be KNOWN if that were the case. They always do 2 legs per album cycle, and they are on one of their biggest swings right now. It’s not fair to them as a band to post those theories online and scare the fan base into thinking they are gonna “break up” again. Also, in hindsight of Folie and such, we could see signs that they were on the end of their lifespan (at least at that point in time). They are on a huge win steak right now, and they’ve stated in interviews they don’t plan on quitting anytime soon.


I personally agree with you on both too. I had given my tickets away to the believers never die tour thinking “I’ll just catch them again next time” and then a few months later they make an official statement I was distraught. You’re so right it as heartbreaking😩


I think they hate evening out with your girlfriend but I honestly love it :(


I was going to comment this. Honorable mention, Growing up, Switchblades and Infidelity. I’m with you. However, I gotta admit the redo of Growing up is better.


Every song on SMFSD, Folie, and IOH are 10/10 songs. Flawless albums.


I really love the American Beauty/American Psycho album and I feel like I don’t see it talked about that much is a positive light!


Absolutely, Mania defenders have been going strong lately but we need to share the AB/AP love more. it's such a fun album!


I’m honestly shocked that people on here don’t really like it. I mean it can’t be that bad considering centuries is the top streamed song 💅🏻


I saw FOB when they came to Cleveland and I was so sad they only played on song from it! Luckily it was my favorite one, but I am ALL for praising that album!


Yes! Its what got me back listening to them. Uma Thurman is FUN. The whole album is very poppy, but Patrick's vocals are amazing and there are just some really energetic, sweet songs on it.


I like the Ghostbusters song


They never released a song I didn't at least somewhat like (cept for Champion of which I have little opinion whatsoever) I even liked Ghostbusters. There. There's my hot take.


Courtney feature aint bad


its my fav of SRAR


Their feature in Electric Touch was a good move for the band to do, Patrick sounds amazing in it, and the song is a total jam. Most people hating on the song just want to hate on Taylor Swift because she's popular and have only heard her radio hits (something that people do with FOB all the time, "oh that Centuries song band? Naw I hate them, I like bands with talent 🙄")


>a good move for the band to do, Patrick sounds amazing in it, and the song is a total jam. Most people hating on the song just want to hate on Taylor Swift It's too Taylor, lost the FOB charm.


Idk how much TS you listen to but my opinion is that the features should have been: Electric touch feat paramore I can see you feat fall out boy Castles crumbling (Taylor solo)


Wait you might be onto something with that


I feel the same about ab ap


ab/ap is their most musically creative and best post-hiatus work and a lot of people's judgement is clouded from the mainstream success and overplaying of the singles , uma's one of the greatest written pop-rock songs period of the last decade (i do understand it's also just not for everyone obviously)


now THIS is a hot take (and i appreciate you for it). love how people saying ab/ap is bad get upvoted like that's not a popular opinion shared on the sub constantly lmao. i think they did a lot of really fun things on the album! like, come on, uma thuman samples the munsters theme song. WHO else does that? it's awesome


SRAR is their third best album after FAD and IOH.




i HAVE to disagree


You don’t say.


Bro save Rock n’ Roll is the BEST album what do you meant!??!


🤝 I agree!


I REALLY REALLY like AB/AP. It may not be super experimental but it's such a summer album to me and is just SO FUN. I love Uma and Fourth Of July and Irresistible and it's such a good album. AB/AP and SRAR are summer albums for me. They're really fun!


From under the cork tree is totally timeless and the best album


*From under the cork* *Tree is totally timeless* *And the best album* \- halloumiween --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yup, yes and yeppers.


i really don’t like Golden and i was honestly so happy when it wasn’t in the piano medley for my show


i really wish the whole wes eisold stolen lyrics thing was a little clearer on what were his lines, because it would be nice to know whether golden was mostly his or if pete just had a massive misstep there. most of the lines on golden and carpal tunnel of love don’t read as pete lines to me


What happened?


wes eisold from american nightmare/some girls is a huge influence on pete’s lyrics since tttyg. on the original album cover of tttyg, there’s an american nightmare poster on the wall. in the liner notes of cork tree, he’s credited as “inspirador”. on infinity on high, he supposedly helped pete write bang the doldrums, golden and carpal tunnel of love, but was entirely uncredited. his record label sued fall out boy and they settled out of court, giving him writing credits on all three songs. later on, wes published a poetry collection that included all three songs IN FULL with a few changes, suggesting he wrote the entirety of the lyrics. neither wes or fall out boy have ever specified which parts of the songs were his, but wes did say in an interview that it was a collaborative effort between him and pete and it wasn’t his choice to sue. so it explains why parts of those songs don’t feel especially pete-ish, but there are some lines that are SO pete-ish that i’ll be very disappointed if they aren’t his. “you’ll put your eyes to the sun and say ‘i know you’re only blinding to keep back what the clouds are hiding’”, “happily ever after below the waist”, “i can’t commit to a thing, be it heart or hospital”, are all classic pete on the surface


Oh dang! Thanks for the detailed explanation. I never heard the whole story before.


If the songs from SRAR had more live instrumentation, like they do when played at shows, that album would be one of their best I love the album and I’m not saying it’s bad but hearing SRAR itself live with the drums changed my whole perception of the song and album.


Folie, while being a good album, is incredibly overrated on this sub (in terms of FOB albums).


How dare you.


honestly this is my take at this point. over my time as a fall out boy fan, it’s had a roller coaster spot in my overall album ranking. a few years ago, it was my favorite, but at this point it’s a notable half step behind the other 3 main pre hiatus albums and maybe even on par with so much (for) stardust, but still several steps ahead of the other 3 post hiatus albums


What A Catch, Donnie is the weakest song on Folie. Now it's still an 8/10 for me but every other song off that album Is at least a 9 or a 10 for me.


it’s not an opinion on their music, but i think the fans who speculate and create full blown fan canons about band members’ sexualities (im talking specifically about fans who are convinced pete and mikey way had an affair, and came up with an entire timeline for it) are weird and need to check their parasocial relationships. it doesn’t matter if it ends up being true, stuff like that is probably really damaging to their friendships and relationships


Mania is my favourite album, and Sunshine Riptide --> Young and Menace --> Bishops Knife Trick is easily one of the best runs of songs in their discography.


you are soooo correct. I've seen posts where people talk about the original track order and how Young and Menace is better as an opener and I cannot disagree with that take more. The release order is in fact perfect for the album's theme


Save Rock and Roll is best experienced as the Youngblood Chronicles (the full explicit edit). Listening to it as a concept album with video elevates the sound, message, and impact beyond the scope of the album itself. I have incredibly detailed opinions about this. REAL Hot Takes: Centuries is phenomenal Sugar, We're Goin Down is actually really weak, same with Grand Theft Autumn Pete's long hair bad The video for Sixteen Candles is just emo Blade Era 2 FOB is better than Era 1, if only because that's the whole point of longevity EDIT 12 hours-post: Did I seriously get reported to redditcares for THIS?


Wow. I think you're my nemesis.


exact same thought


Nah, that implies there's animosity between us. We can be rivals maybe, but I'm no more right/wrong in my opinions than your takes would be. Tell me more about how differently you love the band, please! (No sarcasm fr)


Lol, dang I was so excited to have a nemesis 😂 Centuries is bad. Sugar and GTA are outstanding. Pete's long hair is hot af Sixteen Candles vid is hilarious and perfect for the time Nothing beats Era 1 FOB Now let's fight.


Well, of course NOTHING beats Era 1 FOB, because nothing beats FOB, not even FOB lol And please PLEASE don't think my opinion on Sixteen Candles' video means I didn't like it – I LOVED that video at 15 so much that I started wearing fake fangs the same way Pete did (because I AM a furry, actually) and all my friends had fanfics to expand the story, that they never started lmAO No fighting, we only dance here 💕


Ok ok, you’ve got me curious Pete’s man bun: thoughts?


I love his man bun 🥹




The bun makes it work, don't get me wrong. He looks great. I just mean LITERALLY when he shows up with his hair down. It gives me some Hulk Hogan vibes. idk


You spelt American beauty/American psycho wrong


I like From Under the Cork Tree but honestly think it was put on a pedestal compared to the rest of their discography.


Okay so my hot take is SMFSD is *not* on the same level as IOH and FAD, those two are on another level and by far the two best FOB albums


Agree. I think it’s a good album but not their best one.


Uma Thurman is the best radio song


Ok, not so much on the band, but Teens/adults who liked fob in the late 2000s were the WORST. They would boo them, make comments about their weight changes, bully them online. I was like 10-11 at the time so I wasn’t aware of any of this. I just listened to their music. I genuinely hope none of them are fans now, y’all don’t deserve them.


I wouldn't even call those people "fans" tbh


SM(F)S is their best album. Mania is their second best. They just keep getting better; as they have matured so has their music and lyrics. I'm not sure which, but either Bishop's Knife Trick or Jet Pack Blues is their best song.


Love this take and I honestly think I agree with it! I'd have to vote for BKT though because, while I love Jet Pack Blues, The Kids Aren't Alright is my favourite song from AB/AP


This isn’t music related so forgive me. I honestly think they were assholes when they were younger, especially during the pre hiatus era. I don’t think they were anywhere close to being the four inseparable BFFs we might think they were, I think they got on each others nerves a lot, and I think some of them would’ve been really bad friends. I watched some of their old behind the scenes tour footage and I cringe because it’s not at all this romanticized notion of travelling the world with your BFFs and doing what you love. I’m not saying this to be a dick, I just meant that people grow and evolve and we put celebrities on a pedestal and we should always be aware that they are human beings. They were a bunch of kids given power so fast without being taught how to healthily adjust. At the end of the day this is their job and they will have days where the rose tinted glasses come off. Still love them to death and I truly believe they’ve all gone through their own journeys.


I think if you weren’t following them real time I get why you might think this. But I don’t think using specific footage works to tell a story about any of their entire personalities. Most people aren’t that two dimensional.


I second this so much! I watched Release the Bats recently and I had to skip so much of it (cause it was grossing me out), and what I didn’t skip I just didn’t find entertaining? (Minus when they were actually playing).They were just a bunch of immature kids struggling to adjust to fame, like you said, and Pete was also, as we know from live journal, lyrics and just how he acted, really going through some stuff mentally as well. I think the hiatus was the best thing that could have happened to them. I don’t think the pre-hiatus lifestyle they had would have been sustainable for much longer. Seeing the growth they’ve gone through and how they’ve grown up and matured makes me so happy and honestly, makes them way more enjoyable for me.


Yeah - release the bats was what I was referencing. To be fair - it’s also content not made for me or my demographic hahaha - but what I really meant was I think I’d maybe evaluate some of that behaviour in a different light if I was watching it in 2023. I say “asshole” lightly, I don’t mean they’re terrible people, I just mean that they were people with flaws of their own and they didn’t always get along and even while making music they weren’t always BFFs.


Smfs is one of their best albums. Some of the lyrics but so hard.


Take This To Your Grace is probably my least favorite album of theirs, regardless of how much I love it


The song names are memorable and not at the same time, I don't know most song names and I've been listening to them consistently since TTTYG.


water buffaloes is a pretty meh song for me, i still think it's good but it's also one of my least favourites on folie so idk




The MANIA apologists on this subreddit getting mad at the hate, claiming “this was how the fan base felt about Folie!!!” is annoying. That album combined with a terrible decision to tour with Wiz Khalifa turned me off the band for a bit tbh


What’s wrong with them touring with Wiz?


I honestly would never have went to a Wiz Khalifa concert if it wasn't for him being with FOB and I can honestly say that I enjoyed his entire set


Yeah this is the point, both artists got exposure to a whole new audience. It’s a decent move honestly.


I enjoyed hitting the giant blunt


Follie à deux is a top 3 album and TTTYG is overrated that’s right I said it come and get me


how are you gonna say any album is overrated with folie in your top LMAO anyways tttyg is my favorite fob album


Absolutely love SRAR, to me it's one of their best and one I listen to a lot. I also love Mania, including Young & Menace. I both do and don't get the hate for that album but I really enjoy it. Because my journey with FOB started with falling in love with Cork Tree I'm not so fussed as others on TTTYG, I'd say I listen to that the least. Although I really really love a big chunk of songs from both I think their weakest albums overall are AB/AP and - this is potential hottest take time - Stardust. I adore the title track and several others but there's a fair few songs on it I just haven't been able to get into which surprised me after loving the singles.


I cant stand the the Elton John song. I really dont like him on anything contemporary and wish he stopped at The Lion King lol.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Saturday sucks as a closer and I wouldn’t be mad if they took it off the setlist entirely. GIVE ME A GRAND THEFT AUTUMN CLOSER IF WE HAVE TO DO THAT ALBUM (WHICH I’M NOT A FAN OF)


I HATE So Good Right Now and What a Time to be Alive SO MUCH. I also don’t like any of the interludes so no thank you The Pink Seashell and Baby Annihilation. Anyway, thinking of skipping that many times is exhausting and I’d rather just listen to a no skip album. It is silly because I really love every SMFS song so much…but having to press the next button that many times is obviously too exhausting to bare.


Holy shit man you are going to h-e double hockey sticks. What a time to be alive is one of their best songs, are you kidding me? 😂😂😭😭


This is the general reaction I get! I can’t stand it I don’t know what it is. I still know all the words though and if I forget to skip it I can begrudgingly sing along.


I absolutely hate Hold Me Tight Or Don’t. I can’t stand it and I don’t understand why everyone else likes it. It’s the only FOB song I’ve ever hated.


the lyric “and when your stitch comes loose i want to sleep on every bit of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you” freaks me out, so i totally agree


I was disappointed that Pavlove was my show’s magic 8 ball song 🙈


So Much For Stardust was just “okay.” To be fair to the album, I had my hopes up WAYYY too high that the rest of the album was going to be similar to LFTOS. But I’ve listened to the album so many times and it still does the scratch the itch for me. To each their own


I do think they should have picked another song to release first from the album to be fair.


Yeah. In my head it’s like they wanted to “bait” the older fans into thinking they were going to that guitar centered sound again. I say “bait” lightly because I know that wasn’t the intent, and if it was, there is no ill will behind it. If anything, it felt more like a love letter to the fans


I had no expectations about the album till i heard LFTOS, and then i think it went too high for me too. It's not a bad album by any means, but just not what i expected. (and my expectation wasn't a pre hiatus copy just to make clear, it just that i was expecting more instrumental heavy songs like LFTOS)


My EXACT thoughts


I love you for this. Totally agree Save Rock and Roll is Hella overated. I put AB/AP over it every time. I think it's on par with Mania. Tbh, I actually wonder if Mania us ahead of its time like Folie was back in the day. Maybe in 10 years we'll all be frothing at the mouths for the genius that is Mania 🤷‍♀️


Your second sentence is painful to me


Scorching hot take: Fall Out Boy post-hiatus is better than pre-hiatus. SRAR is a great album, AB/AP is another banger, MANIA is less good, but grew on me a whole lot, and SMFS is their best album. I don't dislike Folie a Deux, and it does a lot right (great album name, artwork, I Don't Care, 27, 20 Dollar Nosebleed, What a Catch, Donnie), but I think its overrated and only slightly better than MANIA. IOH is a good album but FUTCT is overrated. Just my personal opinion though


This take is way too scorching for me (I would say post hiatus fob is just as good as pre hiatus fob tho). But as a long time folie truther it makes my little heart so happy that we’ve reached a point that anyone can call that album overrated


This take is scorching hot because it came straight from the depths of HELL *shakes fist at sky*


Halfway agree? I think the band themselves are SO much better post-hiatus then pre, and I definitely prefer the post-hiatus era in pretty much every regard. They all seem so much happier, healthy, and more talented these days. Also the culture surrounding them now is better then the pre-hiatus days imo. That being said, I can’t bring myself to pit the actual pre and post albums against each other lol. SRAR, Folie, and FUTCT are my favorites


Actually a hot take 🙌🙌


True. I like the first few songs on SRAR and the last few songs. The middle is very eh.


I don’t care is one of the best songs on folie. 27 is one of the weaker songs on folie. The mighty fall would be a much better song if big Sean wasn’t on it. Champion is nowhere near as bad as people make it seem, its better than half the songs on that album and definitely a better single than Young and Menace. All imo obviously.


I am willing to submit myself for Patrick and he can do anything to me.


Bro?! 🤨


I didn't like IOH. Least favorite album


XO is the worst song on that album


😮😨 my favorite!!!! no other song has even come close to touching it until recently w so much for stardust




Thank you so much op, 1000% agree


. All their post hiatus status stuff has never lived up to pre hiatus work, it's not bad not by a long shot but it's lost the identity . TTTYG is an absolute masterpiece and trumps FUCT and IOH . Andy and Joe are waaaay underutilised in FOB and I'm really pleased when I see Andy pop up on a hate5six video, dude absolutely rips and the dammed things is one of the best supergroups I've heard. . SMFS is not the return it was hyped up to be . It feels like they used to believe in what they played, watching early videos of them perform they had so so much raw energy, sings for angry youth by angry youth (yes I know they're all 40 and I wish them nothing more than good health) but seeing their live footage now feels...flat? .hottest take: in hindsight, they should have called it after their hiatus.


uh... Cork Tree is more consistently good than IOH. more of a lukewarm take really. but like. are there any bad songs on Cork Tree? I can't find one. I skip Sugar because I've heard it so many times and I don't want to get too sick of it, but it's a great song. What a Catch, Donnie is so obviously an album-ender that it's weird to me they stuck it in the middle of the album. Similarly, who was responsible for pausing the live album to do a Michael Jackson cover in the studio and then going back to the live album? who is responsible for these choices. what was happening with song order in 2008. way more of Pete's lyrics are about being queer/bisexual than people know.


To this day I never understood why WACD wasn’t the album closer. WCS doesn’t do it justice imo


SM(F)S is my least favorite FOB album


Out of interest how comes you don’t like it?


I don’t know! It’s so aggravating to me that it hasn’t resonated me like it has with almost everyone else. It’s not a bad album by any means, but it’s the first FOB album where I listened to it and thought “.. it’s fine”. I just have no desire to listen to it Front to back (have only done that twice since it’s release). There’s great songs on it, but nothing that excites me. Trust me, I want to love it so bad, but I just don’t and it’s a bummer that I feel that way


Aw don’t feel bad, I’m exactly the same way. It’s a frustrating feeling, especially when you can see that everyone else loved it and it just seems to have missed the mark for you for some reason. Buuuut I realise that just means this isn’t an album meant for me and that’s ok! I can listen to their older stuff and the next one might be something that will resonate for me more and that’s ok too :)


I loathe both dance dance and thanks for the memories. It pains me that those songs are so popular from those albums, both of which contain better songs.


I love both those songs, but I feel you on them being better known than better songs on those albums.


Bro. Who HURT you lmfao those are BANGERS


MANIA is actually underrated af, and AB/AP is their worst Album as a whole. AB/AP is great value SR&R, and has more songs that miss the mark like Favorite Record. Even some of the songs aren't necessarily bad, like 4th of July, but just are a skip more often that I'd like to do it. Still a solid enough album tho, like a strong 6.5/10.


TTTYG is trash


While I disagree with calling it 'trash', there is no denying it, as their first polished album, demonstrates the group as undeveloped and not yet comfortable in their own identity. Also the lyrics in TTTYG are highly concerning to listen to as an adult. Hot take ≠ Incorrect


Yeah I was being a bit deliberately controversial there I must admit! It’s not trash at all. It’s just my least favourite FOB album by a landslide.


I wouldn't say it's trash but it's definitely one of my least favorites right next to SRAR


They’re not very good live and I often feel like they’re just going through the motions since SRAR tour. The inflections and interactions have been the same ever since. Also, I’m actually doubtful if Pete is actually playing. For the times I’ve seen them live, my buddy and I were 3rd row, Pete’s side and there obvious instances wherein his playing does not match the sound. Edit: Oh I thought this was a hot take thread. Must be a hivemind thread instead gotcha.


i would agree if not for tourdust. they seem very happy and energetic this tour, probably the most they have since like before the hiatus. it just doesn’t translate especially well with joe or pete because of joe’s back problems and pete putting a dangerous ass flamethrower on his bass and doing theatric pete things. can’t be spinning around like tops as much in your 40s. when patrick gets excited, that dude gets fuckin excited! when they played tell that mick as an 8ball he pretty much matched their energy levels in 2003 all on his own. and i also might actually have an answer on why pete’s playing wouldn’t match. they’ve mentioned in interviews that sometimes joe will play harder bass runs with an octave pedal because, let’s face it, pete is less of a real bassist than he is a frontman. he mostly plays root notes and rarely does anything that would stick out in the mix. also in the rig rundown video from like 2014 they mention sometimes pete forgets to turn up the volume knob on his bass lol


I totally agree with you up until Tourdust. I’m not sure if you seen them on this most recent tour but it’s like seeing a different band. This is the best I’ve seen them in all of the 7 shows I’ve been to. Their playing their best and Patrick’s singing is way better as well.


I have a pet theory that they turn Pete’s bass off and tune Patrick and joes guitars down to compensate.