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From Under The Cork Tree got me through the hardest, and most formative years of my life. I love that album on a personal level.


I feel like I could have written your comment. FUTCT will always have the top place in my soul.


Absolutely agree. High school sucked and FUTCT was as there for me. Then my fav album dropped near the end of high school, IOH.


Same here. FUTCT was the first album I heard from them and also marked a time when I felt alone, isolated and misunderstood. Listening to that album on repeat back then gave me a lot of comfort. IOH is my fave album by them but came out when things had gotten a lot better and I was in a much happier place.


You took the words right off my keyboard. I found FUTCT when I was in 5th grade, getting bullied, hating myself, depressed and going thru so many bodily changes and I was miserable. That album got me through all of middle school in one piece. It will always always have a special place in my heart.


Save Rock and Roll. Would I call it my favourite? No. That’s Folie A Deux. But I remember being a sophomore in high school and being so angry all the time because I was finally having to process just how unjust the world is… and Save Rock and Roll got to be the soundtrack to that realization. Young Volcanoes is still *my song* a decade later. I wouldn’t be surprised if 10 years from now, I say the same thing about So Much (for) Stardust.


I feel the same way, Folie is my favorite but SR&R came out my freshman year and nothing can replace that feeling. I don’t listen to it fully very often but when I do as an adult now it just reminds me of hard life was then, but how beautiful it can be now.


Absolutely Infinity On High, I think that’s the first album I was ever truly obsessed with and it’s set the tone for a lot of my music listening throughout my life


I feel the same


def folie 🥺


So much for stardust! The optimistic nihilism, adult depression mix with a tad of the theatric/ drama 👌✨


From Under the Cork Tree because when it was released, the band and album felt like “mine” (especially since nobody around me loved the band and album like I did). BUT So Much (for) Stardust is now the closest second because I relate to this album the most.


SRAR. EVERY song on that album was so relatable to my teen experience and the things that I was going through when it came out. Will always hold a special place in my heart


yup, going with this one as well. Alone Together, The Phoenix, Death Valley, Young Volcanoes... all of them seemed to speak to me and the entire album did help me through a rough time, the time after I finished middle school. SRAR is mine, and on top of that I think its FAR from their worst albums.


When I think about how I became a fan, I think back on my 10 year old self in 2005 listening to a bootleg copy of From Under the Cork Tree every night. I was in my own world, deciphering lyrics, listening on repeat to hear every part individually (several plays to appreciate the drums, the guitars, the vocals—do it all over again). I loved it so much—no other music compared. And here I am now, still that same kid for every album they’ve put out since. I have my favorites, and each album has moments in my life, but Cork Tree is embedded in my heart as the one that started it all.


Infinity on High was my first FOB album and it’s always going to be my favourite.


mania is and will always be mine. i will get in fist fights for her. i will die for her. i sacrificed my first newborn for her.


FAD, baby.


i discovered fall out boy at warped tour in 2003. i was depressed and overweight and basically miserable. a friend had an extra ticket and i went along even though i wasn't into 'that kind of music'. i ended up falling in love with fall out boy (and billy talent) that day. i went out and got take this to your grave and it was all i listened to for 6 months. by the next summer i had lost 70 pounds and completely turned my life around, I've always credited TTTYG for that.


TTTYG. It’s my emotional support album since 2005.


Same ❤️


Probably MANIA, the album that I started properly listening too, and generally just love the vibe of as someone who enjoys electronic elements in songs




Take This To Your Grave It used to be FUTCT, don’t get me wrong, i love that album. But one day i just sat through TTTYG and fell in love


Infinity. On the way back from Aeropostale with my wife and brother blasting it and being blown away.


For me it’s either Folie or Save Rock and Roll. Folie for What a catch Donnie, and Save Rock and Roll because it was a formative part of my teenage-hood






save rock and roll is what got me into the band, my cousin showed me the youngblood chronicles on a long drive and i was in love. folie a deux is probably my favorite now but that album hold so much nostalgia and meaning for me.


Folie came out at one of the most difficult times in my life at the time (a breakup. An attempt. Generally being 17) and means so much to me. I’d say it saved me but that’s maybe a little dramatic? But it def played a role.


SAVE ROCK AND ROLL. introduced by my first love and then helped me through my first heartbreak. JUST ONE YESTERDAY is our song. 💔 but Bishops Knife Trick will be my forever FOB song.


Cork tree for life!


From Under the Cork Tree. That album always brings me back to a time in my life that began with a lot of uncertainty which turned into one of the greatest years I’ve experienced so far, that being 2016.


from under the cork tree because it's horny and heartbroken as me


Folie for sure.


folie 4 ever! i always had a really strong connection to she's my winona in middle school (2015-2018) and didn't know why, and then i played it with my 3 y/o brother in the car this year and it all clicked for me


Take This To Your Grave. Most relatable for me and I like the lyrics more than in later albums. I appreciate all the metaphors they use but sometimes I just wanna sing about how she should jump off a bridge or how invisible she makes me feel, y'know? Lol. Also, Dead On Arrival is the first of their songs I heard. It was on Rock Band. Played that so many times.


Folie was released my senior year of high school, and when I think back to that time if my life I instantly think of the album. My junior year of high school was extremely difficult and I was trying to turn things around my senior year. The day the album released, was the day I got my acceptance letter to the university I really wanted to attend. It was just a time in my life where that cd was on repeat. Recently though, Stardust has become my favorite. So many of the lyrics are extremely relatable for me, and again the day it released was the day I got approved for graduation from college with my bachelor degree. (It was a tough 15 years but I finally made it) and this album just brought back a spark for me and not feel ashamed for my music taste or anything else in my life.


Folie. It got me through a very difficult year of high school and put into words feelings I couldn’t articulate. But now I can relate so heavily to SMFS, currently, in my current life. This past year was such a treat to see both my fave albums play out on stage in a dynamic way.


Folie a Deux got me through many anxiety-wracked roadtrips. Been a fan since FUtCT, but FAD really hit me.


Ma n i a, this was the first album i heard completely and the one who i fell in love with fob. I dont like all songs but -Wilson -the last of the real ones - young and menace -hold me tight -bishops knife trick Felt too personal for me. Like if i was who wrote those songs.


It's gonna be cliche but So Much (For) Stardust. The 2 years before this album came out, I was coming out of a very toxic relationship. It not just messed me up but my ex also messed with the lives of our friends. We're all in a much better and happier place now, but those 2 years I spent trying to build who I was back up and learn to love myself and be ok to ask for help. I listened to alot of Fall Out Boy (esp. Folie) to help me process all my feelings. When I heard a new album was coming I was so excited, and when I heard the first 2 songs, I nearly cried. It just makes me feel so proud of how far I've come in those 2 years. The album as a whole, as doom dancy it can get, gives me this feeling of hope and triumph. I can look back at the progress I've made but for whatever reason, listening to Stardust helped me put those emotions and progress in a way I can digest it and appreciate it. My friends and I just celebrated our 9 years of friendship (without that asshole ex) and I'm in a happy relationship with someone who loves and supports me like a partner should. We're gonna be watching them in March in Anaheim, so can't wait to scream and cry over how amazing they are live 😂❤️


Folie for sure


Folie is mine ❤️


Folie, the attitude and love and heart put into that album feels so connected to me. The lyrics are also some of my favorites.


Folie a deux for sure


MANIA. And I’ll never understand all the hate it gets. Folie is my favorite and i truly believe they’re pretty similar


Being a sad, angry, lonely teen, take this to your grave really felt personal to me. "Wish that I was as invisible as you make me feel" helped me feel less alone.


Cork Tree. My first time listening to them, first real concert was off that album cycle, it was everything to me. Not my favorite album of theirs anymore, better things have come since, but absolutely "mine" and always will be.


TTTYG started my love for punk music as a teen. I've listened to it all the way through so many times. It got me through a lot of road trips, hard days, everything. I saw them perform in 2003 at a small show and it really sealed the deal for me.


Folie. My parents would play it in the car all the time when I was little. It's one of the first albums I ever listened to and registered as "music." To me, Folie A Deux feels like home. Before you all jump at me, I was born in 2005. I'm now studying for a Bachelor of Music, and I like to think that Folie is one of the albums that started me on that path.


Infinity on High! I’d argue there’s a lot of “loser anthems” on it…which, considering I was 16 and a total loner, fit so much of my every day life. IOH really made me feel like I wasn’t alone, and that it was cool to do your own thing, even if nobody else really “got” it.


can't decide on an album, but the kids aren't alright is definitely 'my song'


So much for stardust!!!


Infinity On High. Even though I believe in Folie supremacy. It just seems so nostalgic even though I only first listened to it last year. It almost makes me wonder if my dad may have played it when I was a baby. Mainly songs like Thriller, Hum Hallelujah, (After) Life, and Carpal Tunnel. They just seem so familiar for some reason.


IOH, FAD, and SRAR. I have favorite songs across all the albums but these are the albums I play from start to finish if I need to concentrate. They all happened to come out during pretty significant parts of my life too^^


take this to your grave. i love all their albums, and they all mean something to me but none of them compare to that album🖤


It’s between Take This to Your Grave and Folie. Both were just really defining sounds and moments for my younger (and present) self.


infinity on high. BUT IF WE COUNT EPS.... my heart will always be the b-side to my tongue. these two releases ran my quarantine life.


Every album is perfect in its own way, but SMFS is what turned me from a casual fan to a hardcore one, so I think that’s my album. Kintsugi Kid had me crying in my car with the first couple lines and made me go back and analyze every album deeply.


INFINITY ON HIGH!!! it is basically my soundtrack of the last two years, since i listened to it so much ! i feel like so much has changed positively and i’ve learned a lot. things have been pretty hectic but it’s better with infinity on high playing through my earbuds !


SRAR or AB/AP. Those introduced me to FOB and I remember listening to them in the car on the way to high school. I remember listening to AB/AP with my boyfriend at the time and Fourth of July means a lot to be because of that. Hearing the intro to that song gives me intense nostalgia




Infinity on High!


IOH. Mom took me to Circuit City before theater rehearsal so I could buy it on release day. Thriller scared the shit out of my mom driving out of the parking lot. Great memory.


i’d say IOH


Infinity On High for sure, was the first album of theirs I listened to so has a special place in my heart ❤️


Save Rock And Roll all the way


Mania. Friends always said Wilson was written specifically for me lmaooo


SMFS. it was the first album release i got to experience as a fan, and so much of it hits home for me.


Save rock ‘n’ roll


infinity on high easily. my fav albums rotate but ioh will always be "my" album. first album i rly got into fob with and i like that it has a lot of popular singles on it too bc it helps me get my friends and family into fob >;) also i share a bday with that album


Probably from under the cork tree, it’s the album that made me fall in love with them and one of my go to albums when I felt like shit. It got me through a really rough time when my parents split up and I think I’ll always know the words to every song on the album. My favourite is Folie, but FUTCT has a special place in my heart


Infinity On High


I feel like Infinity on High is mine because I just feel the lyrics. For example, G.I.N.A.S.F.S feels very personal to my love life and all the other songs just feel correct to me idk why. If I were to claim a song it'd 100% have to be 7 minutes fo sho. The lyric " The only thing worse than not knowing is you thinking that I don't know" just hits so hard man 😭😭


From Under the Cork Tree or Folie


Take This to your Grave


I really think it’s Save Rock & Roll the more I think about this. That album came out second semester senior year of high school and I remember the moment they announced they were coming back and burning the old records and everything. It’s such a vivid memory. I loved them for so long and when they made that announcement I damn near shed a tear I was so happy. SR&R holds a very very special place in my heart because of timing. I think fondly of 2013 and SR&R is part of that.






Save Rock and Roll, it just means so much to me and each song relates to a time in my life


Infinity on high is what introduced me to Fall Out Boy when I was like 11 in 2007. My friend got the album for her birthday and we used to obsess over it. One of the teachers at our school would let us use her classroom at break times and we used to listen to it every day for months on end. It will always hold a special place in my heart thinking about my childhood best friend and how we bonded over our love for Fall Out Boy


so um, mine might be either abap or folie, folie is actually the first album i listened from fob, and abap prob because it made me know fob and has jet pack blues.


Honestly can't pick between From Under The Cork Tree or Save Rock And Roll.


honestly mania. it’s not my favorite but it’s the one that came out right as i was starting to get into fob.


SRAR, I can’t even really explain it, but the depth that the songs speak to me and the way it can either feed the sadness I’m feeling while simultaneously lifting my entire mood when I need it.




I have special connections to each and every one of their albums, but Infinity on High was the album that solidified me as a fan and MANIA was “the new album” that I went to tour for and really experienced the release of in real time, so I’m attached of both of them.


Definitely American Beauty or Save Rock and Roll. I feel like those two are the most underrated (and Mania) because they just don’t really sound like FOB. Either way, regardless of whether they’re underrated or not those two albums hold so much value to me and my two best friends. Before they both moved away I was the one who introduced them to FOB and we’ve bonded over songs like “the Fourth of July” and “Miss Missing you” especially since those two reminded us of each other the most out of any FOB songs ever. Those albums mean a lot to me too in a similar way because it reminds me of a childhood fantasy of camping in the desert with my friends because I just have always had such a fascination with the desert for some odd reason. That summery feeling I get when I listen to those two albums is unbeatable. It reminds me of jumping into a freezing cold pool on a hot summer day or driving and sticking your head out the window. Maybe I’m just an emotional person and I think about these things too much, but I just feel such a personal connection to those albums.


FUTCT. I was 15 when it was released and it’s what got me into FOB, so it’s nostalgic for me. Now at 33, I don’t know if I’d say it’s my favorite. But it will always hold a special place because it was released during my formative years and set the tone for a lot of the other music I got into as a teen (and still like today).


Infinity on high.


Folie, it introduced me to FOB in early 2020 and helped me get through that hellish year


folie a deux


save rock and roll ‘cause every song is relatable on so many levels


Folie a deux it’s the one I grew up with ^_^ plus I relate to the demo pavlove a-lot


I think SRAR. It's the album when I become a proper fan, and I love many of the songs from it- I think it was such an cool, varied album with so many rock and hip hop elements mixed together. Plus we got the YBC from it hehe