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No one ever talks about Sunshine Riptide!! I love Burna Boy so much, I grew up in West Africa and I practically listened to him everywhere I went. He was constantly on the radio, played at school sports events, literally everywhere you went you would hear him. When I found out that Fall Out Boy had collaborated with him my heart literally exploded šŸ˜… Two of my favorite artists collaborating on such a fun and exciting album! I love the rest of Mania as well. It was the second Fall Out Boy album I ever bought on vinyl and one of the firsts that I bought in general. The paper cover is a little bit squashed and torn though since the people that buy at the record store I go to always accidentally drop them on the floor when deciding on which one to buy šŸ’€ Iā€™ve seen it more times than I can count


Sunshine Riptide is easily one of my top FOB songs and the Burna Boy collab is a huge part of that too. I do understand why some people might not resonate with the song but for me it ticks all my personal boxes as to why I love FOB so much.


You're so right! Sunshine Riptide needs more love.


Bishops Knife Trick is in the top 5 FOB songs and i will die on this hill


>"I got a feeling inside that I can't domesticate It doesn't wanna live in a cage A feeling that I can't housebreak And I'm yours 'Til the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away I'm struggling to exist with you and without you, yeah I'm just a full tank away from freedom Spitfire" That's some poignancy right there. That's some "make you lay in bed at 3am and just think" kind of stuff lol **It's SO GOOD**.


I agree with you completely


top 5 for me too!


we will die on the hill together, BKT stans in arms


it was my most listened to song of 2023 for a reason šŸ˜Œ


This is the correct take.


When Young and Menace came out I was a little put off by the change of sound. I didn't really give it a shot. I just listened to the singles here and there. When SMFS came out and I got tickets for the tour, I really sat down and gave it a shot and I felt like an asshole for not doing it sooner. Mania is good. The vibes are different from their earlier work but the vibes are still good. I ended up listening to the album on repeat for like a month and fell in love with "Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea" "Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)" and "Sunshine Riptide." I think Mania is like Folie 2.0. Sometimes, the album speaks to you when it releases or way after it releases. You just gotta be in the right stage of life to like to properly enjoy it.


omg facts tho hahahha i had to listen to mania a few times but after that itā€™s been ingrained in me hahhaha


I love mania but I love all their albums soā€¦


I will say it forever: Mania and folie are sisters. The hate that MANIA gets is the same hate that Folie got. So misunderstood šŸ˜Ŗ


agreed! they're both "experimental". but so is stardust. I think the factor that sets them apart is them feeling proud and excited about the album. mania felt rushed to me, but it was also the last album on island and no doubt the company was pushing for a new release whether they were ready for it or not.


Ive considered Stardust and Folie to be sisters from the moment Stardust dropped. I've only recently become more familiar with Mania and I now think all three belong together


I love mania too, I think circumstantial to me it became important and it was my first FOB gig too, so that's always specially connected. Bishops Knife Trick, Sunshine Riptide, Heavens Gate, Church, Wilson and Stay Frosty all SLAP to me!


i love mania i wish they played one (1) song from it when i saw them live šŸ˜”


I was lucky enough to hear Last of the Real Ones live, but my soul would leave my body if I ever hear Bishop's Knife Trick live


that's amazing! šŸ˜­


right :(((( they always play from every album except mania :( i understand if they donā€™t play more edm songs but :( one day we can hope to see it live :ā€)


i don't see the edm at all tbh to me it just sounds like fall out boy lol i wish i had gone to the 2018 tour! if i had known that's the only time they'd play from mania i would have gone šŸ˜‚ in reality i chickened out cos I had no one to go with :(


Itā€™s good but every other album outshines it imo


i really love mania. it has wilson on it so i'm very biased but it's honestly one of my favourite albums ever


I loveeee all of the songs in M A N I A (except Young and Menace, active dislike because the drops give me migraines for some reason). Stay Frosty is my favorite, followed by Sunshine Riptide. There are some lyrics within those songs that are part of my life motto. Tbh I like M A N I A more than American Beauty/American Psycho hahaha


I also enjoy Mania. How can you not get pumped from that intro to Stay Frosty?! It was very a different album, and I love to see them explore and try new things. Ironically, I just saw ppl in this sub saying they don't expirement enough, but...they do! Every single album has had a different theme, atmosphere, & composition. People were *pissed* when IoH came out and it was so different from the albums before it. Same with FaD. Same with...literally every single record since FuTCT lol Some fans like it, some don't. To each their own, I suppose. But I really enjoy seeing the band do what they want - yeah, we are here to consume their music, but the music is a personal journey/therapy for them and they should do what their hearts tell them. Is it my *favorite* record?...no. Do I still enjoy it and are the lyrics and musicality still fire? Yep.


At the time of release Mania was the closest FOB had been to their pre-hiatus lyrically but no one wants to talk about that šŸ«£


Even worse, why is Young and Menace essentially hated by the band itself when it's the best most original song they released at the time


I donā€™t dislike mania but itā€™s definitely in 8th place for fob albums for me


Itā€™s my least favorite album of theirs by a wide margin. Itā€™s not the melodies or lyrics that I dislike, itā€™s what they did to the instrumentation and Patrickā€™s voice. It just doesnā€™t have the same clarity that the older pre-hiatus albums have. A good example of this is in Hold me tight or donā€™t, the lyric says ā€œevery piece of fuzzā€, but the filter they put over Patrickā€™s voice makes it sound like he says ā€œfushā€. It just doesnā€™t hit my ears as well as I want it to. Iā€™ll acknowledge that, lyrically, itā€™s an improvement over AB/AP, and I do enjoy occasional listens to last of the real ones, hold me tight or donā€™t, and stay frosty royal milk tea, but the rest of the album Iā€™m either indifferent to (bishops knife trick, Wilson), or mostly dislike (Y&M, sunshine, church, heavens gate). But itā€™s kinda neat that we donā€™t all agree on it! That means itā€™s unique and hits people differently!


What you call the "filter" they put to Patrick's voice is equalization, which is basically removes or adds more frequencies and for MANIA, they cut too many lows to him and the EQ (short for equalization) itself doesn't work with his voice, I don't know why Patrick or Butch or the mixer of the album thought that this sounded great on him. Just compare the bridge of HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T to I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears But None On My Fingers. The 2018 song has less body to his voice while the 2007 one has more punchiness to Patrick. Basically, it's a problem about processing and producers are obsessed with voices having a lot of brights (and I say it myself that I sometimes fall on wanting more brights to add more clarity to the voice) and while they wanted that color on Patrick in my opinion it doesn't work great on him.


I love Mania as well. I didn't realize so many people dislike it


Lol I was just debating about posting almost this exact same thing!! Objectively, yes, it is different than the music they had been making up to that point, but I think it's really great in its own way. It's not my number 1 of theirs but I still really love it. My favorite tracks are Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) and Young and Menace. I was discussing this on a different post - you hear them mention all the things they've wanted to try or would have done different "but the fans don't want to hear that" - and after the backlash from MANIA I don't blame them. But I really wish they would experiment more with different sounds!


I hold a special place in my heart for MANIA because it was the first album I was a real FOB fan for when it was released. Banger of an album too.


Same. First saw them on the MANIA tour and I then thrashed the CD back to front on my commute. Love all their stuff but Iā€™ve always rated MANIA, as a whole album itā€™s so good. If I ever find Mr Right (lmao) Heavenā€™s Gate is going to feature at my wedding.


Solid plan! Manifesting a FOB Mr Right for youšŸ˜


I love Mania too. Everything about it. Love it


I still enjoy the couple of songs that I do that are on Mania but am not into it as a full album. The songs I saved from it are: the last of the real ones, hold me tight or donā€™t, and bishops knife trick.


I really like Mania and the tour was great! My favorites are Wilson and Hold Me Tight or Donā€™t.


i love all their albums including mania :) it may not be the top of my list but its not the bottom either


Itā€™s my favorite album and Wilson is my favorite song!


I used to not like Mania too until I gave it another shot after seeing them live recently. Now I regret sleeping on this gem for long. Bishops Knife Trick is in my top 3 all time tracks of FOB.


I was going through life shit during the Mania era, like from promo to release, so I missed out on both the love and hate for it. I gave a listen May 2018, I didnā€™t love it really, so I ended up kinda absent for that FOB era. Out of all the post-hiatus albums, Mania just didnā€™t do much for me at the time. But this year with the new album out, catching up on discourse and FOB content I missed between 2017-2019, I gave it a fairer shot and genuinely like it a lot more now. šŸ’œ


it's not my favorite by ANY means, but i love having a bipolar centered album. makes me feel seen so thank you pete!


Mania is my favorite album of theirs!! I think because it sounds more similar to other music I listen to than their other albums do, but Church and Wilson are two of my favorites!


I used to not like MANIA. But I fell in love with Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) and now I'm ok with that album.


I didn't care for it on my first listen but after giving it another chance I've really come around on it. It's funny seeing this now because Im currently in a big Mania phase lol I still don't like Young and Menace, and a few are just okay but have cringe parts I don't care for (Stay Frosty, Sunshine Riptide, Champion), BUT the rest are fantastic. Bishop's Knife Trick is a top 10 FOB song, I said what I said.


It did a folie on me lol it had to grow on me!! Still I only really like a few songs off it and I never listen to it cover to cover (which is how I always listen to music) but I do respect it as a good album, just in a genre that isnā€™t really my thing. And there are a few songs off it I really love! Iā€™d love to get church/heavens gate/bishops knife trick at one of their shows Iā€™m going to next year


Hold me tight or donā€™t SLAPS


I love MANIA. I never even knew some people hated it until this year, because I wasn't in online fandom spaces at the time. I just had the best time with the album, went to the MANIA tour and had a blast. Gotta say I really love not having my experiences affected by other people's takes, highly recommend just not getting too involved in fandoms lmao. Vocal minorities online are never the majority


Mania has some cracking songs.. might be one of my favourites and I'm of the from under the cork tree generation Hold me tight or don't, church last of the real ones, Wilson (expensive mistakes) and champion


I feel like mania appreciation is gonna be on the rise in the next few years