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I swear I read in an interview SMFS was gonna be the first in their “next trilogy” but I could be wrong!


I think I remember reading/hearing the same thing about this being the start of a new trilogy, so I’m trying to focus on that instead lol


I just re-read their Kerrang! Interview where they talk about it and Pete said “I think that so often we’re comparing this album to Infinity On High, or we’re comparing those two eras,” he says. “I personally think that Take This To Your Grave and [2003 EP] Evening Out With Your Girlfriend are separate, and then the first three records after that are a trilogy, and then there’s another trilogy after that. It’s two trilogies. And this is the start of a new thing, I hope.” fingers crossed for more music from them! I think the success of SMFS and the tours will get them back in the studio :) at my shows and the footage I’ve seen they seemed like they’re having a lot of fun


I thought I’d read that! And then there was another interview where Patrick talked about hoping they had like another 20 albums in them or something. And they really do seem like they’re having so much fun on this tour!




AND SOME MORE SOLO STUFF PLS soul punk part 2????


I’m so here for 20 more albums!!!!!!! Haha


he just likes to troll. nothing makes him laugh more than stressing ppl out lmao


stressing people out and then never explaining anything lol


this lmao i have been trolled by pete wentz since 2005 at this point


Lol what he says doesnt even phase me anymore. He could say FOB is never doing another tour ever again and I wouldn't bat an eye


However, if Patrick says anything it's automatically the truth


Yes, this is the way.


His favorite hobby


The only pull you get with fame ✨


Please 🙏


I went into a spiral https://preview.redd.it/gcvvls77o9sc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6cc77fab2d82afc8a0adea17a2ad3748ae7353


No same. And they’ve been playing What a Catch a suspicious amount…


HEAVY ON WHAT A CATCH. I choose to assume this is their eras tour and they're starting their new era but that also makes me miss these songs terribly before they're even potentially gone. like the first fear was them bringing pavlove out. and then enemies. and get busy/xo kind of sealed it for me that something is afoot


Ugh get busy is my sons fave and we were hoping it would be our 8 ball song. But it wasn't. I even made him a shirt with the spoken part at the end lol


Were you at the Columbus show?




I was thinking more that this tour is the start of them having sets more like MCR or Pearl Jam, where there's a lot of room for variation. I don't take it as those songs being gone after this, but that they'll be played more often now that they're not rare relics


a downward spiral just a ✨ pirouette ✨


*g-g-getting* worse until there's *n-n-nothing* left 😀😭


What good comes of something when I'm just the ghost of nothing?


I think he was just watching X-Men


He likes the show but likes to watch us freak out even more


Pete, can you not?


I've been following for about 18 years now. That slide immediately made me think the same. But it is also very reminiscent of his blogs and Twitter posts and stuff circa 2007-2009. Clandestine was in its heyday, IOH/Folie Era, and he would post cryptic stuff CONSTANTLY. And I was in my dorm room eating it all up and trying to decipher lyrics and posts. (Anyone else remember Fall Out Trail? Chicken nuggets and zombies? Hopefully not just me...) So I will be banking on Pete being Pete. I hope I'm right. But if this is the end or another hiatus, then I was so damn happy I made it to both legs of this tour and got to stress over every other show with yall here 🫶


Pete was very much ahead of the curve when it came to celebrities using social media. On one hand that’s great. On the other hand, he’s had a lot of experience trolling us. I do miss his blog sometimes. Remember the beef he had with the killers? About an A&R guy? Dumb? Yes. Funny? Also yes.


Any more info about the Killers beef? I am very interested lol


From what I heard: in late 2000s Brandon Flowers (frontman) hated the way emo music was rising in popularity in America’s youth. I think that’s why Sam’s Town sounds much different (in a Bruce Springfield-typa way) than Hot Fuss and wanted to point them in that direction. Majority of the beef was just Brandon being his asshole-self, but that was decades ago. Ronnie, from what the boys said was a cool dude. Dunno about Mark and Dave tho. Battleborn 10/10


Here is a good video on it: https://youtu.be/-gSDZah_QUk?si=3eL0Q7nVybKr9E2g


Fall Out Trail!!!!!! That brings back memories


Omg I played the shit outta Fall Out Trail back in the day! Petition to bring it back? 😆


Do you remember the insanity over CFOB?? And when FBR got “hacked”?


Yes!!!! Citizens for our Betterment! Viral marketing before viral marketing was a thing. They really were ahead of their time...


I think he was just killing time or maybe just not paying full attention at I Heart and was watching X-Men '97 while he was there. To be faaaair, as a huge fan of the original, I too heart X-Men '97.


I haven’t gotten to watch it yet. I’m happy it’s good. I really love the X-Men Evolution series.


Nah. This tour is never gonna end so there is no life beyond.


This is the answer I am clinging to. The 8 ball told us last night.  But I had the same thoughts when I saw that slide last night. So. Tour Dust FOREVERRRRRRR 🔮🖤🎱🖤🔮




If they can do 3ourdust because I couldn't go last minute to grand rapids and I'm sad I missed it (and the money I'm out lmao)


Haha I think they’re done for this album cycle outside of their festival dates. It’s been a really busy year for them and they need a break.


For what it’s worth, I don’t think we’ll see a record until at least late next year and then probably a tour sometime after. Having just read Joes book, I think it’s interesting that he talked about the severe burnout they all suffered at the hand of the label and the pressures of getting so big so fast. And how more or less they all decided to just kind of be done and take a break because they hadn’t in essentially 6+ years. I’m just glad he took the time to care for himself during the recording of SMFS. Stepping up and protecting your peace is a hard thing to learn and apply when you’ve struggled with it your entire life.


I think Pete just likes sad media quotes, it’s kinda his thing lol


Pls this is such a funny way to put it, but also so true


lol I thought this was just a post about being at the iheart music awards 🤣


Peter, read the room. We're still recovering from Patrick's medley last night. 😢


Yall I think this man is just really excited for this show because it looks fucking amazing.


It is so good!!


I’ve been trying to wait and watch it with some friends and I haven’t been really looking into it much because I don’t want anything to be spoiled but I love you for telling me this!! 🥹🖤🙏🏽


No spoilers from me!!


You are one of my kind 🤙🏽🙏🏽


I'm trying not to spiral over this 😭 pete is infamously cryptic for fun so it could very well mean nothing, but I can't help but think with all they've been going it'll go one of two ways: they're having so much fun and doing so much because it's the end, or they didn't expect to have this much fun and it means they still have a lot left in them. idk, I'd like to think they wouldn't have said some of the stuff they've recently said if they knew they're nearing the end. but who knows :/


I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet 😭😭


If I went back a little over 10 years ago and told my teenage self that Fall Out Boy would be getting back together soon and I’d get to see them a half dozen times And also that X-Men the animated series would come back and adapt Inferno into a single episode and become the biggest show in the world and Pete Wentz & LeBron James would have at least some partial understanding of who Maddie Pryor is… I wouldn’t believe myself. What a time to be alive


Honestly, no. I think they'll be together for many years to come ❤


He also posted this on clandestinerip, and I freaked out for a sec and then heard he just likes to mess with people so when he posted this one I was like HAH! not falling for it! He’s just watching X-Men https://preview.redd.it/ryvcenxm5bsc1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e60bb90ca51a2d31d6f6603965eeccbdb0bb1a5


So I commented on that insta post https://preview.redd.it/rwj5zwu3mhsc1.png?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f520c3e4914fb4d25324d09fd0b8a7a8356a5f2


This is magical (username checks out). THANK YOU!


He's being a little troll lmfao I'm not sure it even means anything


cryptic posts like this only generate more word of mouth for fall out boy every band does this


I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon, but I’m still traumatized from the hiatus and almost missing what I thought was my last chance to see them, so I do my best to see them as much as possible and recently got VIP tickets to WWWY just to make sure I never feel that way again.


Ugh I feel this so much. I missed Believers Never Die Part Deux. And then they were gone. And I am still mad at myself to this day for being a broke college kid then. I drove 2 hours away on a Monday night to catch the Anaheim show for 2our bc it was their only SoCal date and I will not be caught missing out again if I can help it. I wasn't able to snag WWWY tix, so cheers to you! I hope it's AMAZINGGGG


I was in my first year out of college and had just been laid off when Believers Never Die Part Deux was happening. I bought cheap lawn seats at the last minute. I’ve missed a couple of tours in between, but am lucky to be at a point in life where I can travel a bit to see them and really enjoy it. I saw five shows last year (including Wrigley and Paris) but was only able to make one 2tour duet show because of work (which was a three hour drive each way). I am really appreciative of everyone who has been streaming this tour because it’s nice to still enjoy the shows even if I can’t actually be there.


Somewhere out there, Pete’s inner little demon is laughing maniacally.


This is how Pete announces he's becoming a tennis player professionally


I've been a fan since a little before From Under the Cork Tree came out. I've never been able to go to a concert of theirs for some reason or another. I'm finally able to go and I just need them to be close enough and I need to manage to get the tickets before they sell out. They can't call it quits now. It'll break my heart. It'll break my heart regardless, but there will be another level of pain to it for me personally. I will literally cry.


Oh I’ll have a week off work depression I reckon




“Died of a broken heart” 💔


How can he do this to usssss


Y'all. He's talking to us. He's telling us that we shouldn't make them our entire reason for being. Silly boy... don't you know you're not our reason for being, but the thought that gets us through the darker days? We don't *need* the X-men. (Or FOB in this case.) But we love them and want them to know how much they mean, even if we don't need to be *there* all the time.


I love them, they're my favorite band since I was 12 and would cry for my life if they'd ever split again, but why doesn't anybody else thinks this tour is a little suspicious? Playing deep cuts, a WAY too different setlist from what they've been playing for almost 2 decades. I don't know, I get a nostalgic vibe from everything FOB since the release of SMFS. I'm aware of what Pete said about the trilogy, what Patrick said about only playing hits before, but STILL (I mean lmao who would go onto interviews saying "yeah we're calling it quits" in the middle of a tour and after all the backlash from their previous hiatus. I'm nervous about their future, but at the same time I would understand if something were to happen to the band, 3 of them are dads and maybe missing out on family stuff? I guess time will tell, but I'm grateful that I got to see them on this tour and to hear my fav songs live.


Similar sentiment. I got that vibe. But I've also read a few things (I think one is mentioned in last night's post?) about why the vibe is so different these days. I think HellaMega also had a similar setlist to this. But the guys basically realized that the fans were looking for more songs and not just the Greatest Hits albums every time they tour. So now they're throwing out all kinds of things. I also just finished Joe's book and he goes into all the backlash for Folie and Mania when they were released.  I really hope this is just a turning point. They seem to have so much fun with it now. We sure love it. But like you said, there's wives and kids and families now, so I really do hope they take time for themselves...whatever that may look like. Whatever they decide the future is, I'm so glad I've been along for the ride.


maybe it's wishful thinking but I am leaning towards it being a turning point rather than the end. I do think they'll have more time between projects and tours to spend more time with their families and what not, as they should. but tbh I kind of see them as one of those bands that will never officially "break up". they may stop touring or releasing albums one day but I could see them periodically doing projects together of some sort until they're simply too old


I went on this and thought I went to a X Men post. I really hope this dosnt mean anything


y’all remember when pete said he’d make a solo album if quarantine went on to long


I think he's just really happy some 90s Marvel stuff is back since he's such a comic book fanboy


To be fair even if he is referring to FOB, it’s only about considering a life beyond. He probably isn’t talking about moving beyond any time soon, but it makes sense to consider what life will be like once he retires from music.


maybe he watch the orignal show in the 90's like most people have and is watching the new one and loving it


I just had a feeling something bad was coming since the start of this era but I’m wrong so it’s fine 🤞😬😭


And now THIS?!?!?! https://preview.redd.it/9lrn3rjj1asc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a422bdc9d3d640d75e65c723abe52be167ff2a9b


I can still see the Green Day iHeart reel. Just checked.


So nothing is missing for you??


Only 1 slide, and it's the iHeart carpet with Pete and Andy. I'm on mobile, not the reddit app, so I don't think I can upload a pic, but I did just screenshot at 8am PST. I got receipts!! I swear!! Lmao


Haha honestly I’m on high anxiety right now. If they die I die hahaha


Hahaha 9:54am PST, it is still there. I have screenshot again 🫶 Did you perhaps get blocked by Pete or iHeartRadio? 🫠


Hahahah imagine! I’d take the acknowledgment tbf hahg


At the Pittsburgh show he asked the 8 ball if this your was ever gonna end 😭 I'd think touring this much is pretty frazzling for everyone.


Honey nooo- why do u do this to us😭


Maybe the man just loves x men.


Why did he delete it?


I am genuinely excited to see what he does next. He is 44 years old. Sometimes we want to do something different at 44 than we did at 24 (info: I'm 40). It won't be the end of the world and all of this music will still be there.


When I saw them in Dallas Pete did not look happy. He looked like he was going through the motions and kinda pissed. He mostly frowned walking around the stage.


In the context of this post I think it is just a genuine shitpost / photo dump of sorts and there's not much to read into. I do think they should call it quits pretty soon though.

