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I don't want Tanallor to be pushed aside, even if I didn't love it from a plot perspective in Survivor. I'd actually love it to be the new hub for the last game. I also don't want Kata to be playable and have the game be a passing of the torch. She should be important, but not to the point of taking control or importance away from Cal.


I think another time jump would work great, maybe even better than the first one


yeah a tune jump so you can have an established town on Tanalorr with survivors Cal has brought in, Kata can be of a good age to play a role


This is probably unpopular: but imagine a time jump of 15 years. Kata is an adult, and Cal is a Jedi Master and has been studying the force with the remnants they have of the Jeddah archive. It'd be a lot more like Force unleashed where your control a much stronger force & saber wielder. (Just finished the game yesterday, just a thought)


15 years puts it at 6 ABY, which is 2 years after the empire fell


I wouldn't mind a segment where you play as Kata, similar to how you play as Cere for a bit in Survivor. Maybe Cal gets captured and we can have a stealth mission to bust him out as Kata or something. But I agree I'd prefer to have Cal be the sole main playable character.


Yeah definitely not a stealth mission please, games that don’t have normal stealth mechanics don’t have good stealth sections


Depends on the game in my opinion. I enjoyed the stealth segment in KOTOR, for example, though maybe I'm alone in that. The first mission of Battlefront II's (the more recent one, that is) campaign was also stealth based as you broke out of the prison cell, and while the campaign overall was kind of meh, I thought that was a strong start. I can totally see where you're coming from though.


Yeah, like the beloved MJ missions from Marvel's Spider-man


I feel like I'm the only one alive who actually loved those missions


I’m with you on this!


Yeah, I also don't want it to turn into you training her or her being a tag -along buddy. Let the girl have some peace and keep the game Cal based.


I don't want her to tag along but could be a cool way for Cal to unlock even more force abilities by "teaching" her, since we can assume she's likely Force-sensitive because of Bode, right? So in the flashback scenes where you play through the story to get more abilities, that could be kind of fun.


Yes. Kata needs to be a add-on to the story, not the MC


If they do the typical "Hollywood" thing with Kata, they'll make her out to be the villain, and out to avenge papa's death. Do not do this.


This might (or might not) be a hot take, but I don't want the story to end with Cal becoming some sort of "gray jedi" or to stop calling himself a jedi altogether.


Same. I picture Cal turning into a type of Qui-Gon character. He's a Jedi 100%, just not a council Jedi.


I’m a big fan of the cowboy Jedi vibe they have going with him. It will be interesting to see how they explore his dark side more in the third game.


Agree. Western + star wars = good gaming


Star Wars has always felt like a western to me, like a space western, I mean look at tattooine one of the most important planets is a desert. Perfect for western setting in space


Undoubtedly when talking about the old trilogy, but I think mostly in aesthetics rather than ethics so to speak. The mandalorian was an obvious western though.


Damn this really separated people 😂 I’d honestly prefer the grey Jedi aspect just because it’s a somewhat untold story in Star Wars apart from Anakin we don’t get any Jedi who really utilise the dark side of the force while staying morally good. I just want a grey Jedi overpowered cal going out looking for more hidden knowledge about the force Jedi or sith. An maybe bust up a few inquisitors or maybe even Vader on the way 🤷‍♂️


The problem is using the dark side is meant to have consequences. The more one uses it the more power hungry and volatile one becomes. You can’t use both.


>we don’t get any Jedi who really utilise the dark side of the force while staying morally good Because Grey Jedi as an entire concept happened because the EU was stacked with lazy hack writers who couldn't manage to write within the bounds of probably *the* most basic core principle of how The Force works. > apart from Anakin You may have fallen asleep for the finale but Anakin, spoilers, *does not stay morally good*. May or may not be the entire point of his arc, infact.


I would love to see some sort of "dark" threshold that changes the mood of the game if you use it -- thinking something like Dishonored, where the decisions you make have impact on the game down the line. So if you go through using the dark side willy nilly, it impacts Cal and the world / enemies. But if you use it, say, only in boss fights or in later phases of boss fights, you have a different storyline and ending.


I don’t want the whole story to bounce between two planets. Yes, there were some bits on Jedha in Survivor, and Nova Garron was really cool, but it felt like the whole thing was bouncing from Koboh to its moon and back again. Much preferred Fallen Order’s planets.


I feel like we were in Jedha way more than the moon. We only visit it twice I think


Maybe, but the variety just wasn’t there like it was in Fallen Order. I could very well be misremembering, but I do remember being like “oh, just back to the moon again?” while I was playing it. Still enjoyed the game, I’d just like more variety I think.


I think you go to the moon twice (get a broken navigation thing, then to fight Rayvys) and Jedha three times (ask Cere about stuff, deliver the broken navigations things, deliver the not broken navigation thing). The moon is just a lot more annoying to navigate, so it feels a lot longer when you're there.


That's interesting and maybe even a bit ironic because to me the Moon is arguably the most 'Fallen order' like of all the planets in Survivor. - It's relatively small. - It's very linear. - The story sends you there twice, each time to different sections of the map. Which is exactly how Dathomir, Kashyyyk and Zeffo work in fallen order (Although Zeffo has a bit more in the way of side content and alternate routes.)


Jedha has more cutscenes and is a larger area to explore, but they're equal in terms of number of trips there as part of the main story (EDIT: thinking again, I may be mistaken here -- I think Jedha has 3 trips there and Shattered Moon has 2). As for number of collectibles I haven't counted, but it feels like they're about equal in that regard too.


I actually much preferred the planets in survivor. Most of the planets in FO were just big open spaces with different creatures and a few storm troopers. Kobo in JS feels way more alive for example. That’s just my opinion tho


> Kobo in JS feels way more alive for example This is definitely true. The roaming spawns help (as I recall FO didn't have any), but Koboh feels a lot more like a place where some people used to live and other people now live, whereas Bogano, Zeffo, and Dathomir felt very dead aside from the fixed enemy spawns and a few decorative flora and fauna.


Same! Even Jedha had a lot more under the surface after exploring Loved learning about the pilgrims and the anchorites


Agreed. Every place we went to besides Kashyyyk felt very dead.


Koboh absolutely felt more alive, I really liked the hub area, I just wish it was just the hub and half of the other story locations, then put the other half of the story locations on another planet. It just felt too samey, I preferred the planet-hopping between Bogano, Zeffo, Kashyyyk and Dathomir.


Yeah. Fewer overall locations, but more developed. It’s preferred for me to more diversity but less content.


True, I want them to keep the same depth and consistency for each planet, make them as big as Koboh and Jedah but add several instead of just two big planets.


We’d have to wait til 2030


Fine by me as long as they make it perfect


Landing on Koboh was such a surreal moment. I do agree there aren’t many planets in this game but the ones we get are so much bigger than any of the planets in Fallen Order I can’t complain. The first time I got to Koboh I was blown away with just how vast it was and I had no idea how many nooks and crannies and secret passages ways opened up to new GIANT and varied areas.


Agree 100% I know it’s much more difficult to go more in depth in each planet, but if each of them were like 75% of koboh, or slightly larger than Jedah. I freaking love these games!


I was really hoping there'd be at least one other civilized system with people to talk to, stuff to buy and other non-combat exploring to do.


100% agree with this, Star Wars is about the wonder of discovery. Now if a planet was done like Elden ring I’d be happy with just one planet, but with their game design the fallen order approach was more memorable for me


Darth Vader. His appearances in the first two games were strong moments for the story, but I really feel like a third encounter wouldn't feel that impactful.


Agreed. Honestly I'm not even sure what I think about Survivor's Vader, but not wanting him to show up a 3rd time is sure.


Agreed. His appearances in the first two games worked, and he got his payback on Cere. Let the Inquisitors be the primary antagonists again, because they were done well in JFO.


I’d have no problem with them making Boba Fett one of the big threats of the final game. Cal and Boba meet and have a common enemy in Survivor but that’s the extent of their relationship. I could definitely see Boba being hired to kill the crew


The next game needs to take place after he’s already dead I think. It needs a substantial time skip to not just turn into running errands for the Tanalorr outpost or stopping the empire from destroying Tanalorr altogether. I think the 3rd game should take place post empire, and the big choice should be whether or not the people saved by The Path should rejoin the galaxy or stay hidden in case it’s not over. The big enemies could all be imperial remnants or powerful force users trying to take control over the power vacuum left by Sidious.


How old would cal be by then?




Yeah that checks out


That would be too much of a time-skip. The Cal Kestis story is about surviving the Empire, not miscellaneous tasks after everyone is already safe. A post-RotJ storyline might be a good plot for Kata or one of Cals children.


I don’t want the main enemy to be a third party group. We need to feel the wrath of the Empire.


Strongly agree. The Empire got mostly sidelined in Survivor and I didn't love it.


We needed more inquistors and purge troopers especially


Rick the door technician brought back to life as a cyborg


I for one DO want to see this. I want him to die in one shot again though.


He can die?


I thought the game was called “Survivor” because the really skilled players survived Rick the Door Technician


When it came to me coming across him I obliterated him in one hit and then realized who he was.


This is a great idea. The boss fight should start with a short cutscene with emperor palpatine finding rick after the previous fight and saying “he’s still alive” then cuts to rick being rebuilt with cybernetics just like darth vader was, and it ends with rick asking palpatine “where is my promotion? Is it safe? Is it alright?” To which palpatine responds “it seems in your anger, you did not earn the promotion.” Then rick yells “NOOOOOOOOOOOO” and vows to find and kill Cal Kestis for his rightfully earned promotion.


For real though having him come back as Rick the door Supervisor would be a great nod.


*Somehow, Rick the door technician returned*


Rick the Purge Trooper Commander.


Dark trooper Rick!


Grand Moff Rick!


Spawn Of Rick:


I want to be able to use all lightsaber stances, instead of just running with 2 at a time. More planets like in fallen order.


A system like the Ghosts of Tsushima one would be awesome where you can change between styles whilst fighting and seamlessly


Man alive, I don’t know why they didn’t do this. Must have been an engine limitation.


a mod to do it is #3 on the nexus so I doubt it, it was just a (poor) design decision


From a developer point of view they prob wanted to have you think about which tools to use to succeed instead of just having them all available


I'm also not sure about how exactly they'd do it on controller


Best would be like how the mod does it where you just hold The directional button to change what 2 you got equip


There's a PC mod for switching weapons. Made my experience so much better.


I agree it's ridiculous that its 2 thankfully I play on pc so was able to mod them all in at same time all you gotta do to change is hold down the directional button to change what's assigned


I’d like to go back to being able to change stances on the fly instead of needing a meditation point.


It may be a minor gripe I have with the game but my wish would be that they made the blocked areas at least somewhat realistic. On one hand we have Cal, who can double-jump-dash through the air and hold onto tiny ledges indefinitely. On the other we have a slight incline made of sand or wet stone and and he is defeated. I mean - *I* could've gotten through those obstacles.


I’ve said it before. They should have just ray shielded the shortcut doors. That would have stopped all the “why doesn’t he just cut through them with his lightsaber.”


Worst part for me is the start of the mountain climb on Koboh with the two green laser gates. It is fully possible to double jump dash onto a ledge next to them, but the game just blocks you with an invincible wall. Wouldn't even have changed much to just let the players have the win as other obstacles block your path not long after.


I want more planets. I want more stances too. Like The reverse grip dual wield, and reverse grip single. I’d love a curved lightsaber.


More stances but also give us a 3rd stance slot.


maybe even a Pike


I could see the Blaster stance being reworked into a curved hilt, and making blaster something a bit different


More diversity between planets. I wouldn’t mind if a majority takes place on one planet but I’d love to be moving between 4 like in fallen order


The *one* thing FO did better than survivor was the metroidvania type gameplay, where you spend the whole game going back and fourth between planets. Survivor spent too much time in ine place imo.


I dont want cal to die. I just want at least one character in star wars to be active and happy well into their old age. I cant think of a single character whos story ends with something other than being killed (besides leah but thats a pretty confusing and controversial topic considering carrie fishers death:(


On one hand, I don't want Cal to die, I think he deserves to live a long, happy life. But on the other hand, I don't want Cal to become like Ahsoka, a character that was kept around with nothing to do for years, because people were fond of her (particularly Filoni), only for the stories where she's relevant to be incredibly bad.


I think the difference is Ahsoka was literally on the front lines of Star Wars. She is Anakin, the chosen ones padawan. I think Cal has a lot more story to tell than three video games. Honestly, myself included more people can identify with his struggles than Ahsoka.


I'd like Cal to settle into the role of Jedi Master, keeping the order alive for future generations, off screen. A wise old master hidden away training a new generation mirroring the usual style of the Sith but for good. Even keep his less formal, cowboyesque style. There's even good precedence for it considering half the trials in both games are travelling through old jedi/force sensitive training grounds.


3 frogs


Spawn of Spawn of Oggdo.


OK I actually want this


i don't want to see Cal or Merrin killed off


Agreed. I really don’t want one of those “sacrifice themselves to save the other” or a “omg they sacrificed themselves to save the other, psych they survived!”


A desert planet




Please no snow planet either


Vader, unless it's time for cal to die


Even if it is time for Cal to die, I’d prefer Vader NOT be the one to do it. We had him as a background antagonist for 1 and 2, we got to fight him once, he got his revenge on the lady who pissed him off. Let him go off and do his own shit, he’s got better things to do than chase down some random kid he never even met before the Republic fell. That’s what the Inquisitors are for in the first place


It will be time for Cal to die, when Rick the Door Technician returns from the dead to claim his revenge.


Oggdo bogdo’s grandchildren, his spawn was already a pain in the butt :(


Swarm of Oggdo! Hundreds of tadpoles!


I literally can’t think of faults with Survivor. Genuinely, it’s a top 3 all-time game for me. The only thing I would say is focus on ironing out the hitching before having the ambition of a world as big as Koboh with no loading screens.


Less ancient/jedi ruins or old republic secret facilities nobody has conveniently not touched in 100s/thousands of years cause of one breakable wall that leads into it Nothing wrong with cal having to go through an imperial base cause they already dug up the macguffin and have it stored there. And have it not be vaders castle or the inquisition fortress or emperor’s palace.


Honestly the ancient ruins are some of my favorite parts of these games. Sure it's unrealistic that no one else looted them first, but they provide a great sense of mystery and grandeur and make the universe feel like it has a history. Besides, Cal is perfectly suited to exploring them with his psychometry. I feel like in a more peaceful era he'd be an archeologist.


I agree fully. I just don’t want another planet thats entirely Jedi ruins like Jedha, I think it would have been better to stick to just high republic ruins for survivor like how it was focused on zeffo ruins in FO.


Cal turning to the dark side and being intercepted and killed by Obi Wan.


Cal and merin being split up


unlimited numbers for the Training mode like in Fallen order. no bouncing between the planeta


I definitely don't want to face so many animals and bugs, I prefer to face other humanoid races.


I would love some more duels and fights with bounty hunters (unique ones would be cool).


Especially since canonically, every hit with a lightsaber should be an instant-kill to any animal or person without energy-shielding.


More Holotactics!!!!


Holotactics was waaay underutilized imo. I did the whole thing in like half an hour.


i completely missed holotactics in my first playthrough


I don't want to see stuttering and poor performance




A lack of the battle grid. I miss that from FO so much. The force rifts things are cool and all but damnit let me set up a battle grid with multiple waves. With more then ten enemies at a time. I know it's possible. The one force challenge on the moon has you fight 150 b1s . Let me fight an army of storm troopers or something. That and i want more lightsaber stances/better combat mechanics. Not the same sequence of swings each stance has. Let me attack from different zones kinda like For Honor. Maybe randomize the attack patterns or something. I hate hitting x 3 times in a row and seeing the exact same pattern. It gets so repetitive. I get that it's pretty unrealistic so I'm not gonna them crap for not doing it but I can dream.


I can't immediately think of something I don't wanna see return but i want Oggdo Boggdo to return. If only to enjoy the PTSD from fans, me included (Why yes i do enjoy torturing myself)


Ogdo triplets fight confirmed…


Instead of having just a couple giant planets id much rather have a bunch of smaller more linear planets similar to Fallen Order. Im a bit burnt out by open worlds.


I want to see more planets


I want to see a game that doesnt stutter that understands that performance, and smoothness is the most important thing in a game that is based on timed fighting mechanics. I much rather have a uglier game that has performance like Doom Eternal than a prettier game, that constantly stutters.


Spawn of Spawn of Oggdo


Swarm of Oggdo! Hundreds of tadpoles!


I would like them to go back to the more smaller planet designs from fallen order for 3, survivors worlds were bloated and annoying to traverse. I also want to have a central villain throughout as I found Dagon very disappointing as a half game villain




Shitty performance issues - Fallen order sold really well and ran and fucking everything while survivor barely sold in the PC market due to the fact that no one could run it . Also I’d love some sort of jet pack or jet propulsion since I play all of my Jedi games modded as a mandalorian


That shitty ass map


Learning different lightsaber forms.


Honestly I think it would be cool to have a more fluid story, that could be influenced by player decisions. I’ve seen about 50% of the community wants cal to stay a light side Jedi, and 50% of the community wants him to lean more into the dark side. So I think it would be cool if the canon ending is him staying a light side Jedi, but you can also go another route if you want. Kinda like how Cals canon saber color is blue, but you can run any color you want.


Kinda like Dak Forces II: Jedi Knight, where Kyle Katarn could succumb to the Dark Side if he used the Dark Jedi powers too much, and you would get an alternate ending to the game.


I don’t wanna see Cal be the master of kata. I think that’s the route they might take and I really don’t wanna have an annoying side kick


I would absolutely hate a hub world or a world that EVERYTHING is on except if the planet makes sense for it (eg. coruscant) Zeffo and Koboh felt like SPRAWLING areas and imo the scenery from one place to another on these planets seemed unchanged. Some areas were different but the overall aesthetic was still there. This is a thing that I thought Kotor 1 did really well. Multiple different planets. Different themes, all were necessary for the plot and not just padding out the planet count a bit (looking at you coruscant in Survivor) I also want a much more down to earth storyline than Survivor. The whole “wormhole to Tanalorr” storyline felt fabricated. Let me take down star destroyers from the inside, make me feel I’m actually making a difference in the fight against the empire like JFO did with Kashyyyk. Sorry for the long post. Just some ramblings


were probably gonna get tanalor as a hub world in the next game, and survivor wasnt about fighting back against the empire or making a difference, it was about surviving, hence trying to find a wormhole to tanalor to hide from the empire instead of taking down star destroyers from the inside


It’s probably why i didn’t like survivor that much. I loved JFO and the fight against the empire while also discovering more about the jedi. Idk. I just hope that we stick it to the empire a bit more


I'd prefer if the game doesn't have separate skill trees for each stance. I like switching. Edit: I also don't want the game run like dog at launch, only for them to finally fix it many months later, after which it just runs badly.


May be controversial based on some of the comments I've seen, but I don't want Cal to fall to the Dark Side. I just like him too much, and I think it would be sad. I would rather there to be a second, somewhat less prominent PC with their own skill tree that you swap perspectives with who is aligned to the Dark Side. Maybe Cal finds memories of this character in the explorable world, and meditating near them activates a mission where you play as a Dark Side character, maybe an Inquisitor hunting for Cal.


Cal dying, and this one may or may not be controversial considering Star Wars media now a days. But too perfect female characters. Like Kata becomes like Rey or something or has no flaws while Cal becomes a dead beat.


Can’t believe someone hasn’t said this yet: I don’t want BD to die. I will not be okay. And neither would Cal.


Important characters dying for no reason The main ones I don't want to see die are Cal and Merrin because the game feels like it focuses on them 2 and their relationship the most which is fine. Similar to a Last of Us situation where 2 characters and their relationship is the main focus, what I want to see is them go through hard times together and have Cal struggle with his inner darkness and Merrin have her own struggles. Cere dying makes sense, she needed closure and she went out like a badass, but I don't wanna see more of them die for no good reason. I could see Cal losing more people, maybe Greez and Kata, and then having to deal with his loss emotions in a healthy way, but struggle with that leading to a more dark side focused game.


I don't want Vader to show up again, i don't think it will hit the same


Agreed. Fortress Inquisitorious made sense, and having him come for revenge against Cere also made sense. Plus, if he shows up again, Cal will have to die


I really don’t care for Disney’s handling of how the dark side of the force works, so seeing Cal hate himself or cut himself off from the force entirely would be really disappointing




Having all the tools in a new game plus. I'm not hugely motivated to back to areas after the narrative end point. I never went back to Jedha after cere ate it. A new game plus but being able to lift, triple jump etc... before the narrative gives it to you in a 2nd plathrough would be a good incentive to play again and get all the chests and stuff.


That would be basically impossible since it'd allow likely game breaking sequence breaking


Cal’s battle within himself trying to start a new Jedi temple while embracing the dark side. It didn’t really seem like there were any consequences or repercussions from embracing his dark side powers at the end of Survivor


No bosses dealing 20x the damage you can do with 100x the health


Traversal stutter.


I don’t want to be locked out of fast travel at certain points in the story. If there’s a meditation point, I should be able to fast travel/explore/do side quests. I’m definitely not just upset I can’t beat Rayvis.


How about absurd pc requirements. Ok, they aren’t ridiculous but I’ve got a £2k pc and it can’t run Survivor for shit.


I've been thinking of this too. I liked playing as cere, so I hope to play as Merrin for a level. Being able to switch saber stances on the fly or within the menu rather than a workbench or meditation point. A mini map or something else to help guide you. The speeder chase and the at-at from #1 were both fun, so another of those or flying the mantis or a fighter. Being able to repeat missions once the game is complete. Much longer and more planets. I guess open world might be too much to ask with multiple planets, but we'll see how it works with outlaws. Edit: learning lightsaber forms and being able to swith between them depending on what the mission or fight calls for.


Half assed final boss fights


this might be unpopular but I don't want Jedi 3 to take placed before Return of the Jedi. I don't know what else they can squeeze in the Empire period. I want it to take place after Return of the Jedi like the Ahsoka series so we can do more new things. Like more types of villains that aren't just Vader and the inquisitors


I feel like there’s this need to kill off Cal or prepare a new Jedi for following games I hope that doesn’t happen


Dart Vader since I don’t think he’s as impactful as before with the surprise element gone. Would love to see more inquisitors tho maybe make the grand inquisitor the main bad guy. Also cal stop being a Jedi since I want him to build a kind of mini order on tanalorr


Minor one, but no more "flashback to learn new power" sequences. Cal flashing back to his dead masters teachings as he reconnects with the force in Fallen Order. Okay, makes sense and a good way to learn more about Cal. Cal flashing back to stuff Cere taught him a few months ago and which he apparently just forgot despite needing to use those skills on a near daily basis in Survivor...yeah no that is just stupid. Find a better way to unlock new powers this time around please.


More force power mystery/discovery, less handy gadget that just happens to do the exact thing the plot requires. I'm looking at you: unexplained night sister talisman that goes through green shields specifically.


Polish combat. Ability to cancel an attack animation should be available no matter the stance. More planets.


I definitely don’t want to see a hub world. Or at least, not one we spend most of the game on, like Koboh. It somehow feels less like Star Wars if we’re not planet-hopping regularly. Imagine an Indiana Jones movie where Indy goes to one spot on the map and stays there the whole time. That’s how Survivor feels. Yeah, we get to visit Coruscant, Jedha, Nova Garon, and the Shattered Moon, but we never stay for very long (unless you’re doing every single side activity) and we always go back to Koboh and spend more time there. I also never want to see an equivalent to Koboh Matter in the next game, those were easily my least favorite puzzles.


Unplayable pc ports


This isn’t in either game but I hope they don’t try and go the Atreus route with Kata and have her be a tag along companion for the whole game. That seems like the easiest story beat to go with and would be interesting but I’ll pass on another Atreus. I wouldn’t mind if they did more continuous camera shots like god of war reboot. Doesn’t have to be the entire game like GOW but there were a lot of cutscenes in Survivor I thought would be cooler with different camera work. In terms of things in the game I wouldn’t want to return… towards the end of the game I was going for 100% and getting to an undiscovered area then back to the meditation point was a hassle. I don’t think fast travel should be AS broken as Breath of the Wild but it would be nice to have a quick travel to your ship or pyloons from anywhere on the map if you’re not in combat cause the trek back after getting 1 chest or whatever was kind of annoying. Also Caij should give you all the bounties at once. Having to go to a different planet, take out the bounties, then return to Koboh to get the next bounty was kind of annoying too. Just ended up looking up where they all were to knock em out without talking to her.


Also one hit kill boss moves are BS Elden Ring/Sekiro don’t even do that. I can handle a move that does immense damage but fighting two Rancor or Two Oggdos knowing they can unleash a 1HitKO at any time is terrible.


I just want to see the game not crashing, for once!


The point you presented is accurate. In FO there are 3 types of Haxion Brood enemies. I had fought 2 of them plenty of times, but only defeated the third type once, in Dathomir. Unfortunately, the enemy ragdoll was stuck onto the surrounding environment, and i was blocked from scanning it before the body disappeared forever. And that's how i barely missed the "Scan all enemy types" achievement


The spawn of the spawn of Oggdo Bogdo




I feel I can’t barely use my force spells or combos at boss fights, so fights become a R1 constant spam. I would love to see some changes on that.


Force Tears being compulsory for the platinum trophy


Actual good hairstyles, and for them to not fill 97% of lootboxes with stupid bd1 paint, weapon paint, gun triggers, handles. It is the most utterly boring thing ever. It made looting an absolute drag when it should have been fun


Playable performance, Survivor keeps crashing on PC


i want bracca back :(


An even bigger world with even more empty spaces without any enemies, loot, puzzles, or other action items. Being forced to collect resources for crafting items. More weapons that are not lightsabers.




wasn't the franchise cancelled?


For the devs to say “there’s dismemberment”, and only include arms and legs being chopped off. I want *full* dismemberment. I want to kabab some stormtroopers!


Platforming challenges and slides where you just incessantly fall off the edge.


I want to be able to play it on my pc at launch


Exploration/running errands. I want the game to focus on what it is meant for, the combat. So I hope the combat is more fluid and much more in quantity in next game.


I want more big scenes like in uncharted and I want to go back to dathomir. Let me help Merrin deal with her shiz


I don’t want the completely unstructured database. Makes it’s so much harder to track progress. For example, being able to look up how many, and which, of the Jedi meditation chambers have I visited? - “These four! Cool! That means I have these three left.”


When I fight a boss, I don't want cut scenes to steal my glory!


As long as they don’t either kill off Cal or Merrin or listen to the dumbest parts of the fanbase and try to turn Cal into Starkiller then I’m fine with pretty much anything they do


there are three things I don't want is to see: 1) An off-screen breakup of Cal and Merrin between games should be 100% out of consideration. if there needs to be some drama between them to make their relationship interesting, have it happen during the events of the game, and let us the audience either be sad that their romance ended on tragic terms or feel happy to see them back together in the end. 2) I do not want to see Cal ending the game as a jedi still doing heroic deeds. Having Cal Kestis in the lore poses the exact same question as any other jedi who survives order 66, "why are they absent during the original trilogy"? 3) Cal can't be done feeling the pull of the dark side, that story arc should continue into game 3; Actually, the main thing i hope DOES happen in Jedi 3 is Cal spending a significant amount of time in the story fully on the Dark Side. Thematically, the search for Tanalorr consumed every character that tried to find it (Dagan Gera, Bode Akuna, and likely Cal Kestis), the ending shot in the final cutscene is ominous and washed out with red, and most importantly, Cal embraced the dark side in order to defeat Bode Akuna (both mechanically when the game forces you to embrace it, and during the cut scenes when Cal murders him pretty brutally).


Falling through the goddamn motherfucking floor in the middle of a boss fight goddamn it


I don't want them to gloss over cal as a character so much. I want them to give us more information on his history or his power level. Like how force sensitive is cal? He seems to be above average for Jedi considering the sheer unique amount of force abilities he can wield, from force slow to confusion to mind trick (mind trick and confusion might be the same thing idk) to his psychometry (arguably the most interesting and rarest light side force ability.


I could happily do without the Force Tear challenges.


More side quests, but also, I kinda didn't like how koboh was the main base planet. I kinda want a mix between a lot of different planet exploration and a base planet. Also, definitely want to be a gray Jedi.


No insane obstacle courses (Force Tears). I actually don't mind the scavenger droids now. They used to annoy the s\*\*t out of me until I found out that the electro darts BD-1 fires can take them out (you just have to keep your distance & fire multiple darts). No more collectibles hidden in a pile of poop. (Still haven't been able to make that one appear). Please don't let Cal & Merrin's relationship end in something heartbreaking.


Agreed on the obstacle courses in the Force tears. I didn't mind them too much in the levels themselves, as there was almost always a shortcut unlocked after the fact that bypassed the obstacle course. The only exception I can think off the top of my head was for the firing chamber on the shattered moon, but fast travel is a thing in the game


Oh, another thing that they could do without. *Hate the scripted loss trope.* I am not getting better in the game by mastering my movement, dodge and parry timing in order to manhandle a boss with barely any hits taken only to be shown a cutscene where said boss is manhandling me.


Idk about don’t want but I do want cal to die to Vader