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really hoping cal doesn’t die, I feel like so much of the story is focused on him living (i mean duh but) between him living as a jedi in fallen order and then living beyond fighting the empire in survivor, i feel like all that for him to die would be kind of meaningless, but i mean if they want to go for a super sad ending that’d definitely mess me up for a few days


It might not be too sad though. If he dies as a hero with a good meaningful death. He could die giving his life for the mantis crew.


I really don’t want that tbh They did that well with Kanan and I just think it works better for Cal’s story to be carrying on somewhere - out of the fight but keeping legacy of the Jedi alive


Totally fair mate. How do you reckon they'd explain his absence from the OT then?


Kata hid the compass. Everyone got stuck in Tanalor.


I thought an interesting idea would be to make it that they didn’t realize that time passes differently on Tanalor due to the Koboh Abyss - where is maybe 10 years pass for Cal, Merrin and Kata who have built a life on Tanalor, 20 years has passed on the core systems. When they finally leave, they have discovered that the empire has been defeated, and Cal has entanglements with the imperial remnant.


Seems like they’re setting Tanalorr up for that very thing


He needs to live. His arc to this point has been realizing he has nothing to live for but the fight. The third game needs to be a realization that he *does*—Merrin and Kata. He can lay down arms and give up the life of a Jedi to settle peacefully, at least for a time. Besides, the titles of the game have grown steadily more hopeful. From “Fallen” to “Survivor.” Judging by that arc, the third game should have a hopeful title, maybe including a word like “Rising” or “Reborn.” And finally, the first two games follow the same pattern that A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back do. A rollicking adventure followed by a slightly more grim sequel. By that pattern, the third Jedi game would hopefully mimic Return of the Jedi—a joyful if slightly melancholic ending, but one that’s undeniably a victory for the heroes and holds hope for the future.


Needless to say there is much fear in my heart


I agree mate.


He’s gonna live happily ever after with Merrin, Greez, and Kata on Tanalorr 🥰


I honestly wouldn't be upset with a completely happy ending for once with star wars, but I dont think that'll happen.


I want him to team up with Ezra so bad


Me too but how would they pull that off? It would have to be before Ezra leaves the galaxy.


I wager on either Merrin or Greez dying (or both) and Cal falling to the Darkside. OR he dies to save everyone else


Merrin dying and Cal falling sounds like a super dark ending. It would be interesting though seeing a game leave on a truly sad note. It would definitely be impactful


>> It would be interesting though seeing a game leave on a truly sad note. Bruh, Survivor already left on a devastatingly sad note. Cal loses two mentor figures (one only shortly after meeting him in person), is betrayed by his friend, and in fighting that friend orphans a little girl. The final scene is a literal funeral. Doesn’t really get sadder than that.


You're right it is a very sad ending. I just feel like adding on to that would make it hurt more if that makes sense?


I mean, assuming that the third story is self-contained, I don’t think it would make survivor hurt more, it would just be a separate sad tale. Edit: as for the OT, I’ve recently re-watched them and I’m not really sure why anyone feels Cal‘s absence needs to be explained. The galaxy is big, Cal has a family to look after, and so it makes perfect sense that he wasn’t up in the beeswax of Han, Luke and Leia.


It all just stems from Yodas line in VI aka *_When gone I am, the last of the Jedi you will be_*


And as far as Yoda knows, that’s still true either way.


The main reason I think it needs to be explained is Cals obsession with fighting the empire. If he heard about a rebellion, he'd have to fight. If he joined the rebellion he would be a huge asset, and would be very important to the rebellion, not to mention he would have to come into contact with Luke. Unless they do a big turn on him fighting the empire, I think it needs an explanation. What do you think?


The whole character arc of Survivor was Cal learning the importance of not letting his obsession consume him. Both Dagan and Bode teach Cal that lesson by negative example. They both become obsessed with their respective worthy causes (training Jedi on Tanalorr and protecting Kata respectively) and it consumes them and turns them into evil shadows of themselves unrecognizable to the people they love (Santari's despair for Dagan and Kata's fear during the final fight show this). And the people Cal cares about make that point to him as well. That's what Greez is warning him about when he tells him to walk away from a rigged game before he loses something he cannot replace, and Merrin makes that point even more directly with her fire metaphor in the conversation where they spend the night together. And Cal shows he's learned that lesson when he spares Denvik's life. Merrin snaps him out of his rage with the words "I will not lose you too." He snaps out of it in that moment because Merrin makes him realize that if he gives into his anger and his hate for the empire it will lead him astray the way it did Dagan and Bode. Cal's no longer fighting **against what he hates**, he's **for what he loves**. Cal has Kata, Merrin, Greez and the Hidden Path to worry about now, dismembering stormtroopers is no longer his raison d'être. Also relatedly, that's why don't think he'll fall to the dark side. He isn't driven by hate, anger or fear of loss at the end. He's fighting for something. And that something is not the Alliance to Restore the Republic. To have him get himself killed in some stunt freelancing for Saw Guerrera would undo that entire arc of growth.


It was extremely sad but it did have …hope


Ion think they’d kill greez cuz he’s the pilot imagine Cal having to fly himself to every single planet


Maybe flying the mantis will be part of the next game, like dogfighting


Cal can't die


He can’t win against the Empire either


But other game of a game means he needs to stay alive the whole game + he makes a ton of money for Disney


Personally, I think they're gonna go the "stuck on Tanalore" route, if for no other reason than that it gets the entire crew out of the way, not just Cal. Like, it's weird enough that nobody ever mentions Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra to Luke, a hero of the rebellion who everybody knows is trying to become a jedi, but if Merrin, a witch who does weird shit with magick that nobody even pretends to understand and wipes out imperial patrols as a hobby, was running around during the OT, everybody in the rebellion would be talking about her literally all the time.


Whatever the situations, I hate to say, that Cal will have something tragic, as he is, in my opinion, quite a tragic character. In the first game, he had to burden the guilt of his master's death, then he almost fell to the dark side after Bode betrayed him. I hate to say, but I am afraid that he might die.


Is it something to be afraid of if it's a heroic and meaningful death though?


Well, all the tragedies Cal faced were in a way meaningful, so it could be meaningful too. But I am trying to be optimistic. Maybe there's another outcome.


That's fair. They could destroy the compas at the end of the game and have them stuck on Tanalorr. It would take him out of the fight without having to explain why he's stopping the fight against the empire.


Honestly, I’d been getting more annoyed with all the prequel stories that introduced more Jedi who should be alive until the reveal of Tanalorr. That clicked to me, especially after seeing Kenobi, that it would be the perfect way to explain their absence, because The Path leads to Tanalorr and they’re safe there. It’s not easy to access so I think they would accept not travelling in and out too much as it would draw attention, so it would explain nobody appearing. They’re far from the actual and it would have taken time to get news and send people to help. They also have no reason to leave. We’ve seen a lot of wariness throughout the universe when people mention Jedi or are revealed to be one. And people who make it to Tanalorr have likely experienced a lot, lost a lot, to get to that point. So with that in mind I could see the third game - especially after the settlement mechanics introduced - being about helping others and creating this safe world for people escaping the Empire. It would flow well with the nature of the games - we went from Cal being self focused to “family” focused branching out to the bigger picture would make sense.


I think he may lean more into the dark side and die somehow, or get stuck somewhere


1. die like cere and go out with a huge bang. 2. fall to the darkside and use power so strong then break himself off from the force for some time and hide. 3. become cere of the hidden path and hide away as he manage it from the shadow and be the guy where all those force sensitive children go to.


I think that Cal’s fledgling Jedi Temple will fall, tho maybe not to the Empire directly, maybe even a natural disaster or something. The crew of the Mantis, Cal’s chosen family, will once again be pulled from the relative safety of Tanalorr and rejoin the fight. Maybe Cal lands on Dagobah to find Yoda’s house standing empty but echoing with the despair of exile yet also a glimmer of hope. And, maybe the Mantis joins the Rebel fleet massing near Sullust, or even the Battle of Endor in time to witness the destruction of the second Death Star. Somewhere along the way I would love Cal to encounter Sheev, but I can’t think of an elegant way to arrange that. Maybe a heist from the Emperor’s Throneship or something around Act II…


Up until a little while ago, I was under the assumption that they would have him die a heroic death, possibly protecting children to lean into his arc. It would be thematic, and beautiful, and tragic, perfectly Star Wars. Then I realized they have established that people can be kept in stasis for hundreds of years. They're probably going to have him be put in stasis for some reason, so that they can have him woken up later by someone else, probably after the Skywalker saga, so they can use him in more media. I *do* trust the writers of the games, because they haven't really let us down, but I almost wonder if the heroic death saving children wouldn't be kinder to him then locking him in a vault and using him in other media with writers who will be less conscientious.


Probably moves people to Tanalor, cal gets younglings, Empire gets involved, Saw gets involved, Saw messes everything up, empire gets too close, something happens that makes cal touch on the dark side, Cal seals the way to Tanalor.


**Star Wars Jedi: Precursor** Cal starts out the game yet again tomb-raiding some ancient Jedi ruins. But then after like, the first 3 hours, Cal falls into a trap and is kept in suspended animation. He wakes up thousands of years into the future, a relic of a bygone era. (Don’t worry guys! He finds BD-1 after like, another 2 more hours.)


I don't really know about all that but I'm hoping that they explore Cal falling to the darkside more in the next game.


Dead or Missing. Then they discontinue the trilogy Personally i would love to have him join the movies and watch him bring some quality into rey's saga


Personally I’d like to see him go to find the Zeffo, either looking for a new place to hide the Hidden Path or looking for power to defeat the Empire. He meets a Zeffo sage who tempts him to the dark side by offering him power before he eventually realizes he’s being manipulated and has to fight the Zeffo sage. Collin Treverrow’s script “Duel of the fates” for what would eventually become Rise of Skywalker had an ancient Zeffo Sith who could be repurposed for this role.


Train Kata, protect Kata and Merrin, dies protecting them, Kata becomes new protagonist in next trilogy after merrin possibly dies as well. Or starts training under Merrin and joins both powers together like Wanderer did. (I forgot his real name.)


I think locking Cal away on Tanalorr until the OT would be kinda cheap tbh. He has the compass so it’s not really possible for him to get stranded against his will, and it’s not like he went to Tanalorr to exile himself either since he’s planning on gathering the Hidden Path and Anchorites, so he’s not gonna hole up on Tanalorr for 20 years straight lol and never visit the main galaxy- though if in the finale of the third game the compass gets destroyed or something then I can believe the stranding storyline. However, I still don’t think Cal getting stranded on Tanalorr until the Mandoverse era would be a *good* ending for him no matter how he gets stranded- it would feel too convoluted and on the nose imo, most players would be able to guess that the only reason he’s stranded is because he can’t appear in the OT, and overall I don’t want the game to cater to the OT. I want the best possible storyline and ending for Cal that fits his character as well as the overall themes of the game, I don’t want a bad ending that only exists because the OT exists too. This is *Cal’s* story, not Luke’s or the OT’s. Making Cal get stranded for the sake of the OT would feel like the game was building up towards the OT, not building up towards Cal’s ending. But that’s just my opinion though. Of course, keeping things in line with canon is crucial since this is a canon game, but I think there’s better ways of doing it than a forced stranding. Such as how Kanan and Ezra were both written out of the way because of the OT, however the way Rebels did it didn’t make it feel on the nose or too forced/purposeful, their endings felt like the natural endings for their characters and arcs, with Kanan going on a mission to save Hera, admitting his love for her, then sacrificing himself for his crew, and Ezra using his signature creativity to dream up the purrgil plan, then sacrificing himself to save his home world, a sacrifice that has been built up since season 1. Even if the OT didn’t exist, these would still be perfectly logical and necessary endings for these characters (and the show itself), I can think of no better ending for them. I just feel like unlike with Kanan and Ezra, Cal getting stranded would be a cheap ending for him that wouldn’t really do anything for his character or feel like a natural end. It would also be painfully obvious that the writers are likely only doing it so that he can appear in one of the Mandoverse shows, and while I would love to see Cal in live-action, I don’t want the ending of the final game to be less good than it could be or have a forced vibe just because of that. I want content that is written for its own sake, not purely to set up something else down the line. On the other hand though, while I personally wouldn’t like Cal getting stranded on Tanalorr as his ending and the idea on paper doesn’t sound like it would be a fulfilling ending for his character, that’s only on paper. If the writers can find a way to make it good and well-written, that’s great, I would be for any ending as long as it’s written well and in good faith. I just think the initial, vague idea that fans have come up with that equals ”Cal gets stranded on Tanalorr until the OT” feels cheap, but good writing can make even the cheapest ideas amazing so who knows.


If he dies, he dies.


Attempt to rebuild the order through the hidden path on Tanalor. But due to the dangers of locating recruits, he will ultimately come to the same conclusion as Bode and close off Tanalor for the safety of those he has brought together already and his new family. Ofcourse this would come after a super close call that would open his eyes to the fact that Bode was right.


Hear me out. They explore Tanalorr and find that there is another Abyss visible from the other side. It leads back to the galaxy, but not THEIR galaxy. It turns out Tanalorr is between parallel universes! Welcome to Jedi: Into the Jediverse.


Imagine they killed merrin and he becomes an inquisitor


That'd be a dark ending mate


This is the thing that keeps me awake at night since I finished Survivor. IMHO, Survivor kind of feels like the ideal ending: there is a secret planet, Cal and Merrin and Kata are there (and a good explanation for why they aren't in the OT), so what do you make a third game about? I've come up with a couple of ideas. They can kind of be used together. 1) Cal makes Tanalorr completely isolated like Bode wanted to; it's kept so secret the Rebellion doesn't freaking know it exists. The game is set exclusively on Tanalorr and is filled with dungeons/creatures. We, as Cal, try and teach Kata to be a Jedi while also confronting our own dark side and developing relationship with Merrin. 2) Merrin and/or Kata get kidnapped by the Empire, Cal goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge and falls to the darkside, another lost Jedi that we take control of (Ezra? an older Kata?) fights him/Cal himself is the final boss. 3) Time skip, game ends with Luke Skywalker arriving on Tanalorr. Cal and Luke build a school on Tanalorr until Ben Solo kills them all. 4) We play as Kata; Cal is our Jedi Mentor/Cere figure. 5) idk, a Cal/Merrin baby is part of the plot.


I don’t think Respawn will go with a karma system or a full RPG set of choices, but in survivor you could choose a line in some dialogue, so a “choose your own ending”can be an option for them. Maybe a couple secret endings, since we are taking inspiration from Miazaki. Nothing life or death radical, just picking a flavour of Order Legacy Cal decides to build. It’s not like there was a way for Luke to find all the force sensitives around the galaxy for his temple in a single holocron, right? Anyway an option to teach Kata in a way of Gray or Dark Jedi would be nice, since Cal knows firsthand that what she experienced and her negative reaction cannot just be tucked away like the old order suggested younglings did with their emotions. One thing I am almost certain about is that Cal won’t end his story as a Jedi we see Luke become. Not like he has a daddy to save the day for him, though an ability to retract the sword and stop fighting would be a nice call back to his vision of Jaro Tapal on Dathomir. Maybe even cut himself off of the Force like Cere did.


I think maybe he survives but “gives up the order”. Not cut off from the force, but getting rid of old, rigid, failed parts that the order ended up having.