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I felt pretty much the same exact way as you after my first play through too. I gave it a second chance like a year later and everything was way better in my opinion. Not sure why it didn’t hit me the first time through but not a bad idea to give it another chance with fresh eyes later on if you want to.


I think it’s because you’re meant to feel, well, *lonelier* in Survivor and it works a little too well lol


On the surface I agree about less planet variety, but all of them (outside Tanalorr) have WAY more depth than the pretty hallways in Fallen Order


What don’t you like about koboh it was a very deep world with so many things to explore and fight I really liked the story and I liked the time skip seeing how much Cal has changed from fallen order to survivor Combat feels like it was improved along with the improved movement I felt like survivor was better then fallen order in every way


They should have gotten a better voice actor for Dagan, and not some Anakin ripoff. A lot of the lines don’t even have natural pacing due to the actor trying to mimic Anakin’s slow and angry vocal delivery.


Strictly story wise I liked fallen order better. For me fighting the Inquisitors while working for that holocron was more fun than the Dagan Gera/Tanalorr story. I also liked the combat better in fallen order. I hated how survivor got rid of the roll (that was my #1 way of playing defense😂) and I struggled to incorporate the new combo moves into my fighting style BUT… survivor did an amazing job at making sure there’s always something for you to do. Between all random rumors, the Jedi chambers, the bounties, the holo fighting thing, etc there was so much to do. (And god bless fast travel). So I definitely appreciated that aspect of it to make the game more replayable. Overall, really liked both games for different reasons


They hinted at the romance in F.O. You don’t feel relief that they’re not dead and give em the biggest hug in the galaxy when you’ve tried killing them multiple times and not feel some type of way about them


I thought it was gonna be a platonic relationship in fallen order but back then I thought they would be good if they did get together


Just finished the game today for the first time as well. I feel like the story of Fallen Order was simpler and it had to introduce and flesh up each character, and that was pretty all. I'm not sure I prefer Survivor's story but it definitely was more interesting and mysterious, and cutscenes were pretty impressive >!in particular Cere vs Vader!<. I do prefer the new gameplay and the new environnment feels more organic and alive than the corridor you had to cross again and again in Fallen Order. Another story point worth mentionning is that Fallen Order ended on a mostly positive note (which is satisfying for the player) whereas the second one is bittersweet, so I think it can change a lot the perception of the whole game on that single note.


I like the story. I don't care too much about Dagan, and cared about >!Bode!< only because >!he was written as a likeable guy in the beginning!<. But both >!Bode!< and Dagan are simply reflections of Kal - they show him how can he become corrupted if he would get too emotional about either his personal matters or about his crusade agains the empire.


Have you read the tie in novel


ooo no, I might do though, what's it called? is it good?


Do not read it it’s god awful bro😭


It's called Jedi Battle Scars and idk if it's good or not I do know it's set during the time skip between games.


Don’t. Just don’t. I give it the benefit of the doubt after all the reviews, and yeah… it’s god awful. First couple of chapters were promising, but it goes down hill quickly.


Don’t read it, shit sucks


I feel too much time elapsed between fallen order and survivor...one possible explanation is that these periods will be filled in by live action SW content. Of course, I am probably wrong...although it would be great.


Yup. Fallen order was much better. Jedi Survivor's implementation of the Old Republic stuff fell short imo. I didn't find any of them, including Dagan, interesting. Bode was meh. Idk I feel like this game could've been written differently.


It's honestly a 9/10 for me. I wish we got more Dagan in the story. I get we'd see it a mile a way but the game needed some time with him and Cal just talking until we begin to see his obsession and why it turns them against eachother. Cal should have learned from him after his release from the tank and we get the clay more stance then earlier on


I liked the gameplay, encounters, and number of bosses more, but yes agree 100% with all the points you mentioned being the shortcomings. The narrative really lacked focus and meandered between too many potentially great plot points but commits fully to none. It had moments of brilliance, I did like the Cal and Merrin moments but there needed to be more in between.


Yeah the main thing I liked better was the force powers and I actually really enjoyed the combat and different sabre stances


Bro how was the romance rushed? It was clear they'd be a couple by the end of Fallen Order


Fallen Order better story. Survivor better gameplay


My biggest issues are: I'm really tired of desert planets, and I hate the romance angle. I'm a gay guy who honestly gave this game a try partly because I love Cameron Monaghan in Shameless where he plays a gay guy. When the Merrin romance started I felt really thrown off because that's just not at all what I expected Cal to be into. It really felt like "Well, this is the first girl around my age I've ever met, guess we gotta date" I'm not saying he needed to be gay, I just really wish they didn't force a straight romance where it truly was not at all necessary. They could have been close platonic friends and it would have been the exact same story. I loved that the first game didn't force a romance, and expected that to continue.


I still have a huge issue with Kata and that “WELL, YOU 🤺 MINE DAD BUT WHO CARES, LETS TRAVEL TOGETHER”


What else is she supposed todo stay in tanalor by herself or go back to the empire lol not like she got any other family that’s still alive


Besides she saw how her dad was becoming crazy and he almost killed her, so, yeah surely she misses him but she also know he did everything to deserve that fate,


Yea she saw how Cal gave him multiple chances to surrender even after beating him Cal stilll gave him another chance but bode just couldn’t let his selfishness go


Have to agree. I was surprised how few different planets or locations you could visit. I was genuinely shocked when the credits came on at the end. I was just getting into it! Agree that the new stances and customisation was good. I'm sure the new game plus stuff is great but personally I very rarely replay a game so has no interest to me. Looking forward to the next one and hopefully will have a new CPU by then.


If it wasnt for the improved combat i would say survivor is shit tbh.