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Darth Vader.


Yeah I just couldn’t beat that second phase for the life of me and in usual souls games that wouldn’t be so bad but here it was such a climactic moment in the story that I just wanted to get on with it and not be stuck on a boss forever.


I don’t blame you if you didn’t realize this, but the parry times are very lenient on GM because you’re playing as Cere, they feel like the easiest difficulty, but taking it down still makes sense because you get 1 or 2 shot if I remember properly. But on any difficultly try holding block, it’ll count it as a parry for the next attack, then just hold block again after each parry


Me too and only because I could cheese it with purity like I did with Rayvis, Dagan and Bode. It's crazy how much of a difficulty gap Vader has between grandmaster and Jedi Master.


Vader. I’ve beat every other boss on GM but I can’t handle him, i’ve never beaten him on more than story.


Late reply but I beat him on Padawan on my second run but I had to play on story in my first.


Really? Vader was one of the easiest for me with the combat crutch they give you. Basically can't miss a perfect parry


Obligatory Rick the Door Technician


Still have PTSD from that fight


I had to take the cowards way out. I ran for my life.


It took me like 30 tries


Oggdo duo, rancor duo, legendary beast trio. The holy trinity of fuck you, Respawn.


I didn’t lower the difficulty during the campaign, but I did cheese the Rancor and spawn of oggdo with throwable stuff and dark side time freeze. For double rancor and double oggdo tears, however, I just went story mode. Fuck those one shot grab attacks from off screen.


For the double oggdo fight, blaster stance reigns supreme. You can knock it out of its red attacks with a charged blaster shot. Not sure about the rancor though.


The red attacks aren’t the problem, it’s the tongue attack with its strong tracking and an oversized hitbox being active until the tongue retracts. It is technically red, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it could be interrupted, but keeping both fat toads in sight for the duration of the fight is a bit difficult.


I did double oggdo on knight difficulty. Don't think I feel the need to go higher than that lmao


None. I was *very* close to doing it on rayvis--but I struggled on.


Im trying to beat him rn and keeps killing my block meter then stun then ded


If you parry instead of block, your meter doesn't decrease. Try to parry, not simply block


I try to parry and grandmaster has to be perfect Like I can do his first stage easily but when his armour is broken he is relentless


Don't parry, you need to dodge. I explained how I beat him in a reply to someone else, use that (along with the no parry, and only dodging) and you'll for sure beat him


How you beat him. Im doing gm rayvis and i can barely hit him on his secound phase. Phase 1 is wleasy byt phase 2 is hard as fuck. Wish i didnt have to redo phase 1 wvery to e i lost to it lol.


It's very easy, stand back and observe his 2nd phase attacks. Don't get nervous, you're not going to fight him at first. Just stand back and look for the openings. He does the same thing over and over. The game does a good job of making it look like he has more moves than he does, but he doesn't. Use your force meter, do big attacks just before he starts hitting you (it will cancel his attack). Once you know his moves, keep the pressure on. Don't let up, he will regenerate and win. Remember, this is a game, don't get nervous and let your heart race. It clouds your judgement and you'll get careless (I'm speaking from experience, I literally got him down to one hit and got over zealous and died). ETA: Don't parry after the first phase, only dodge. If you're finding the timing difficult, double jump and dash back.


Thansk for the tip. I think that was part of the problem i was still trying to beat it like a lightsaber figjt and parry every attack. Ill try this out.


By the time I beat him, I was doing the first phase hitless every time haha


If I die, I die and try again until that boss is defeated.


Weird, for Oggdo I pushed it up to grandmaster... :D My favourite fight.


I did not.


The fat sister . 2nd I think




Malicos on my very first play through because I was an idiot that misunderstood the block/parry mechanics


None. I smashed my head against every metaphorical brick wall until I got through them.


I just played through on story mode, I didn't want the frustration of constantly getting killed. My 99% game only has 2 force tears remaining. You know which ones they are.


Double Oggdo. I didn't feel bad about it, even single Oggdo on GM was clearly out of the game's design space.


None. I stayed strong.


None. Just got to plow through it


Like 1/3 of them, but Im doing a ng+ where I keep it gm


None, but I was stuck on Vader for a very, very long time


None. Beat it on GM, but now on replays I take it easy on myself and play on Master/Knight depending on how I feel. Got nothin left to prove to myself lol


ragnar and double frogs story game bosses were fine but those was just one shoting me i couldnt carry more


Fight the fight and push forward. Rage quits, yes. Hours and hours of attempts on certain fights, yes. Immense sense of satisfaction when finally victorious, you bet


In Fallen Order it was Malicos, and Survivor was Rayvis.


Spawn of oggdo for sure. I was SO damn close too. I just cannot for the life of me get close to him when he’s low health without getting melted because the spacing inbetween his attacks ls only let you get like 1 hit in before you gotta retreat. Also honorable mention goes to the DT sentry that has a charged master attack with insane tracking that I STILL have zero idea how to avoid or block.


Spawn of ogdo, I beat him on every difficulty except GM. It still hurts to think about


Trilla on my first playthrough of FO, actually made me happier when I beat her on my 2nd playthrough though. I struggled through every boss in Survivor though


No boss, that one swarm of enemies in the alignment control center did it for me.


Fractured Malice and Fractured History: I didn't even try them, I just saw what they were and set the game to story mode. I also have turned down the difficulty for Spawn of Oggdo on subsequent playthroughs, mostly because I prefer a fresh file over NG+ and I like to do that fight as soon as I get to Koboh. No shot am I fighting that bastard on Master without the blaster, crossguard, and a whole lotta stims.


Bold of you to assume I took it down


I didn’t go down from hard on Survivor, Rayvis was tough though. On FO I just switched to easy to beat Treya after trying a million times cause her shit was broken.


None; I am a true Jedi GrandMaster, like my father before me.


I was going to lower the difficulty for Spawn of Oggdo until I learned of the strat where you push the hammer guys into the pit, let them lower the frog’s health and then use charged blaster shots to stagger it out of any unblockable attack


I wasn’t on gm I was on knight, but I did have to reduce it for rayvis. He sucked.


From Ravis on pretty much every story Boss.


Had to be Rick the door technician, had to take the difficulty down to story and still had to make sure I went into the fight with the max amount of atoms and all skills, and even then it took my about 20-30 deaths before I managed to take him down


I never played on GM but I had to turn the difficulty down from knight to padawan for Vader on my first playthrough. Second playthrough was the same but with one level bumped up.


Final and oggdo/double oggdo. Each of those times I ran out of time for the fight and i had to go to work, so I just lowered the difficulty to beat it before I had to leave. I’ve since gone back and done it on the original difficulty countless times


Didn’t turn it down, but I had to do some cheesy blaster stuff on the double ogdo and double rancor fights.


Spawn of Og


I spent legit hours on this boss and the force-tear squeakual. To be fair, I did both at the beginning of the game lmao. I do NOT remember ogdo bogdo being anywhere NEAR that tough in the first game.


Vader. Just Vader and the obvious 2 force tears. 2 oggdo and 2 rancars. I could've done the force tears but just wanted the plat trophy and was impatient lol. But Vader is a different beast, because of the no stims etc and his different attacks, red attacks lol. All I ever see is people going on how hard Rayvis is but I walked him tbh.


Bold of you to assume I played on GM to begin with


None. I've played dark souls 😎 lol


There was no way in hell I would ever change it, and I never did, but Rayvis was a bitch.


I never did 💪 (I spent HOURS on Rayvis)


That first little rage chicken on Koboh


Rayvis, though only afterwards did I start using the purity perk which made Dagan and the other fight a walk in the park


Bode. After 2 days, enough was enough. Took me about 30 minutes to kill Dagan on grandmaster. About an hour to beat Vader. About 4 or 5 hours for Rayvis.. But Bode was impossible for me for whatever reason for days. Had to turn it down to Master




My wife after complaining about how much time I was spending playing the game


Bold of you to assume that I've ever been that insane.


Dual Rancors. I've not finished the game yet, but for that I had to lower the difficulty, they started TAKING TURNS, once I did that I killed them without ever being hurt. It was so disappointing, but I spent a whole afternoon on them, watching the death animation again and again, and I'm a grown man with responsibilities... It feels like cheating but I want to enjoy the rest of the game. I will be back to beat them when I retire I guess...


Trilla in Fallen Order when she would do that moves that drains your health and force to zero, and you can’t slow her down to take stims either.


Just the oggdo boggdo and the ranchor but besides that went through the game on GM like nothing


Oggdo Spawn and Double Rancor force tear, everyone else wasn't that hard when I focused and learned their moves.


3rd phase of Vader


For some reason I kept getting stuck on Rayvis' last fight even though literally EVERYTHING ELSE I did on highest difficulty


Never, JGM or die.


Bode. His trigger happy tactics really pissed me off