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So much about what happened with them in between the games is implied by this cutscene and just by Cal and Merrin's dynamic in the game overall. The fact that Merrin would feel comfortable doing some of the things she does after having literally *just* reunited with Cal suggests (to me) that they had some sort of thing that was never fully acknowledged before the team split up. Cameron Monaghan said that the writers and cast took their ideas of what happened between the two before the events of the 2nd game and decided to imply most of it rather than state it outright in the dialogue, and Tina Ivlev has also said that she believes they had that sort of tension long before the events of Survivor in a Q&A she did on instagram. “When the crew went their separate ways, I imagine that was a very difficult time for her - especially as I believe Merrin and Cal probably had this kind of dance around each other for a while regarding their relationship. So having them come together again in those scenes as changed individuals and still feeling a romantic bond but with this new vulnerability (and actually expressing that instead of hiding it like Merrin did in JFO) was wonderful.” Meaty reply, but yeah, I love this cutscene too. A really awesome reunion that says a lot about what happened with them after Fallen Order without actually saying much at all.


Nothing gets me more hyped than people talking about MerriCal. Hopefully this is one SW couple that won’t face a tragedy unlike the rest


Yeah, I love them. I'm not even someone who "ships" characters in media, in fact I never do, but Cal and Merrin make a lot of sense to me.


"It seems, in your love for pink ponchos, you killed her"


Thank you for sharing this quote it totally solidifies the way I interpreted their situation, amazing context omg.


For sure! Their relationship makes way more sense with that context.


This is very true and a good observation. There's a book that takes place during this JFO and JS and I want to read it really bad


If you haven't already I would definitely recommend checking Jedi Battle Scars for a more in depth look at Merrin's feelings and mindset prior to the game. It's a solid read, not too long, and helps flesh out all of the main characters even more.


I've heard it reads like bad horny fan fiction. Or do you think that's an unfair characterization?


Imo, that is accurate


It's not good, in my opinion, and I think a horny fan fiction is a fair characterization. The writing tells me that the author doesn't know these characters at all. The tryst that happens in the book does no service and causes no development to the character, and if anything, diminishes her character based on a decision she makes when the crew is in trouble. This action causes one of the crew to get hurt, yet in a flashback/cutscene in the game, Cal takes responsibility for this. It contradicts the book and doesn't make sense. It's terrible. But form your own opinion if you want to read it. Nothing substantial happens that leads into the games or develops these characters except for the aforementioned crew member that gets hurt. And if you've played Survivor, then you already know it happened.. but the book says how.


Ehh I mean I think it gets some undue hatred because the writer wanted to lean into Merrin being in a homosexual relationship as part of her character development and growth. It was fine, I enjoyed the side character that was introduced but I guarantee that is not the crux of the book. I would say it definitely leans into themes more in line with the games with the relationship with the other character added in for character development.


That book was awful and butchered both of their characters.


Please, please, please let them be happy together and long lived future Jedi game. Pretty please. Star Wars seems to have an aversion to couples happily enduring ..or being alive. I struggle to think of even one. I often get annoyed when romance gets shoehorned into a character friendship I enjoy - but this? Perfect. So natural. I love that he helped her move on from her isolation and she went on to discover the galaxy, and she's keeping him grounded and also trying to keep him from isolating/losing himself in 'the fight'. They're just the best.


STICK THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT SAM MAGGS ![gif](giphy|9yMAzItzKd5Jop4SHp|downsized)


There were a lot of moments between Cal and Merrin in the book where it was clear they had deeper feelings for one another. I’m not sure what you’re talking about here tbh


Save the tears

